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CHAIRMAN of the Enmore/Hope Interim Management Committee, Mr. Jainath Bhikhari yesterday took representatives from several media houses on an observation tour of the sprawling and history-rich East Coast Demerara village, as he sought to dispel certain grossly distorted statements by a few villagers affiliated to the Alliance For Change (AFC) political party, and which appeared recently in some sections of the media. 

Amid a sometimes confrontational exchange with a few villagers who were by Jaibharat Persaud, a district representative of the AFC, the IMC chairman sought to explain the inner workings of the body to the media and to a few concerned residents.
The Chairman expressed concerns that operatives of the AFC may be trying to send the wrong message to the public and, by extension, may be instigating residents to act contrary to the norms of law.
Bhikhari accused Persaud (who was present at yesterday’s meeting) of being the mastermind behind the whole debacle via another media house, while challenging the AFC representative to provide proof of discontentment with the current IMC’s management of the Enmore/Hope IMC.
Bhikhari added that Persuad wants the IMC to be dissolved even without providing any tangible reason why the current management should go. He stressed that some political cronies are bent on having the committee removed even if it has to be done undemocratically.
During the sometimes stormy exchange of words amongst attendees, the AFC representative told media operatives that if the IMC Chairman does not resign, there would be β€œa bloodbath in Enmore”.

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Albert Bhai,


That comment was not warranted but in some moments of heated political differences people say foolish things.


I personally do not see this as a big issue. Guyana has bigger political issues to deal with when compared to this minor outburst. It would have been a different matter if this was said at a political meeting to promote hate.


We are building a new Guyana and we should not be overly sensitive.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The villagers and by extension the Guyana Populace should condemns those agents of the AFC in the strongest possible terms.

 The PPP are the known participants in blood baths.  Are they not the ones who organized the Phantoms to murder those they think were a threat to their power?They murdered many and that is an undeniable fact. Pretending this powerless man ranting against injustice means we have a party organizing violence is sheer, disgusting propaganda by agents of the state.


Here they are removing village councils and in the manner of the Stalinist regime of the old soviet union implanting their own cronies. The right of every individual is to resist tyranny and sometimes change does not occur without resistance even to the point of death. The reasons a man give for living are good enough reasons as well for dying. Do you know if this gentleman intend to stand like the Enmore martyrs to the point of letting his own blood flow?


But you propagandist decides to take this to your usual level of defamation and embracing your supposed victimization as a tool. Well, the PPP are thieves, they are robbing us blind and they are ruining any chances we will ever have of seeing a democratic society. That is on every level grounds for resistance.


However, the AFC is about change through building connective tissues across our competing political pluralities. It is for building fences against the imposition of cronyism, racism, nepotism and patronage...all of which are foundational elements of the Present PPP.


We have been lucky to this point that indeed we have not had a blood bath. If the PPP continues in the autocratic thieving manner that marginalizes one half of our population what do you think will result? Have you idiots ever read anything on what happens to society as ours?


Stacey-Ann Wilson, "Politics of Identity in Small Plural Societies: Guyana, the Fiji Islands, and Trinidad and Tobago" addresses this very fact. I suggest you read it. That is only one of many accounting for the eventual decay of societies as ours where a racist majority on slim margins co opts all power.



this man outburst should let he ppp know how fed up the people is with all the thiefing that they doing thank god is a indian man say it and not a black man or else the ppp supporters on this site will have a field day.every day more and more indian people is speaking up about the ppp couription.this will be they last term in government.


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