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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What is that shit floating around in dere gold smith baboo? ow is de low breeds.......oh well....very appropriate.

Your time will be better spent looking for a job rather than living off of taxpayers' sweat.


Skelly, the welfare bum Redux spends all day on GNI and lives like a pest off taxpayers.


No company wants to hire a loser.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What is that shit floating around in dere gold smith baboo? ow is de low breeds.......oh well....very appropriate.

Your time will be better spent looking for a job rather than living off of taxpayers' sweat.


Skelly, the welfare bum Redux spends all day on GNI and lives like a pest off taxpayers.


No company wants to hire a loser.

No company wants to hire an unskilled dumb jackass who is on welfare.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What is that shit floating around in dere gold smith baboo? ow is de low breeds.......oh well....very appropriate.

Your time will be better spent looking for a job rather than living off of taxpayers' sweat.


Skelly, the welfare bum Redux spends all day on GNI and lives like a pest off taxpayers.


No company wants to hire a loser.

No company wants to hire an unskilled dumb jackass who is on welfare.


AFC attracts these types.


PPP got Nuff Thiefman ....

Look at PPP Record.....

Here is Anil....he admit he thief money.

Here is Kwame....he like Bugga lil boy like Julius,


Here is Kellawan, Benn, Joe Hamilton,Robert Persaud, Webster, Ashni, Prya, Brassington, Gail,  Norman McClean, Manniram,  Ramsammy, Rohee & Ramotar..... all good fu nothing....

the Auditor General confirm they are all thieving......

and De Ombadsman prove they are corrupted...


Who will vote for the PPP with these people around.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard bolted from a Bruk Up AFC party.


Rammo put lash pun dem.


Dem quiet like a church mouse.


Berbicans are waiting with cutlass and rotten eggs when the AFC shows up.





AFC gat plenty comedians.


AFC attracts comedians.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard bolted from a Bruk Up AFC party.


Rammo put lash pun dem.


Dem quiet like a church mouse.


Berbicans are waiting with cutlass and rotten eggs when the AFC shows up.





AFC gat plenty comedians.


AFC attracts comedians.

Plenty ah dem on GNI


Ramotar’s presidency has brought nothing but continued corruption – Greenidge

November 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

By Kiana Wilburg   A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge is of the firm belief that the

APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge

APNU’s Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge

findings of the latest Latin American Public Opinion (LAPOP) Project, some of which reflect a nose-dive in the approval rating for President Donald Ramotar, are in keeping with the observations of ordinary Guyanese. Greenidge said that the apparent lack of trust in the government which the report reflects is as a result of the capricious behaviour of the PPP Government, its problematic wages policy, poor public sector investment and widespread corruption. Greenidge opined that President Donald Ramotar’s Presidency has brought nothing but “disgrace and continued corruption.” LAPOP, which is controlled by Vanderbilt University in the United States and has conducted similar studies for over 30 years, revealed that the trust of Guyana’s citizens in the Parliament had decreased, and also found that less than 10 percent of the populace agreed with Ramotar’s decision to suspend the Parliament. The APNU politician on this note said that “the public will inevitably regard the government’s political process as flawed because Ramotar has a minority in the Parliament and behaves as though he has a majority and can do as he pleases”. He sternly criticized Ramotar’s policies which he said reflects “arrogance and political stupidity.” Additionally, the project noted that there were some fluctuations in the popularity and approval level for the President for the period during 2006, but held steady in 2012. The scale however dipped after 2012, which reflected a decline. The study was done just two months after the Head of State took office. In providing his perspective on why there was a decline, reputable researchers Daniel Montalvo, Elizabeth Zechmeister and Mitchell Seligson said that “normal popularity erosion” might be the cause, since most newly-elected presidents’ face this after the honeymoon period is over. “Nonetheless, this decrease could also be due to more structural factors, such as popular perception of economic performance,

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

citizens sensing that the government may not be able to successfully negotiate agreements with opposition members in the parliament, or a broader public perception of a government inability to satisfy citizen demands,” the report said. Greenidge in this regard, opined that Ramotar’s honeymoon period ran out a long time ago and what helped it to get there is the obvious lack of imagination in his Presidency. The APNU Parliamentarian said that Ramotar’s Presidency has brought nothing new to the table except “minority rule, brazen frauds, inconceivable scales of wickedness and treachery”. He said that the projects being considered, under Ramotar’s term in office, have all been set up by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo and his administration, for PPP hacks and Jagdeo’s friends. Greenidge asserted that when urgent and definitive action is called for to ensure the betterment of the people, “the government suddenly plays possum. They operate as though they are in a wonderland and refuse to do anything that promotes the livelihood of citizens. They suddenly get, dumb, blind and deaf.” The Opposition member reminded of the government’s inaction with regard to timely cleaning of drains to stop flooding, action against corruption, prosecution of criminals for blatant and dangerous crimes such as murder and money laundering, solving a legislative problem so that an illegally imposed tax is removed to avoid having to pay large fines to a Caribbean company, and reviewing tax policy to ease the burden on the poor. In the latter case, Greenidge, who is also Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, said that the President made a promise on this, namely the VAT and NIS reform, but nothing has been done. “Instead, the government’s obsession is to try endlessly to silence the electorate, block the Opposition at all cost, and hinder the Legislature so that more damning breaches of the Constitution can take place. This government is obsessed with making the people dumb and sightless, it wants to do everything in its power to have modern day slaves”. “He (Ramotar) just sits tight and abuses the electorate whose support he needs. The Presidency is ineffectual and the public is going to penalize the PPP for thatâ€Ķ The Presidency is in the hands of Ramotar, but his strings are pulled by the Jagdeo cronies!” Greenidge emphasised. Also of significance is that the LAPOP said that while statistics show that Guyana’s economy seems to be flourishing, citizens believe that the economy worsened in 2014. Greenidge also agreed with the “gut feeling” of the electorate. He opined that the so-called “experts” who are writing about the great growth in Guyana have confused new buildings and more four-wheel drive vehicles on the road to mean greater prosperity. “Many people who have bought house lots under various Government programmes have found that the $1M house lots, for example, have been eventually seized by the banks because incomes are not enough to service such large mortgages. “Many of the existing properties in central Georgetown and Demerara stand unoccupied and derelict, even as we experience unprecedented growth. Of course part of the growth is illusory and merely the result of the Ministry of Finance’s game of rebasing the Gross Domestic Product. However, one must note that the apparent contradiction in manipulated figures and the reality is the result of exceptionally rapid growing income disparities,” the former Finance Minister asserted. Further, the LAPOP also said that trust in the Parliament decreased between 2012 and 2104. Specifically, the report said that trust in Parliament slid from 59.6 percent in 2012 to 46.3 percent in 2014. ”Thus, we find that the current political upheaval in Guyana goes hand-in-hand with broad and increasing citizen dissatisfaction with Guyanese political institutions and what they are delivering”, the report said. Greenidge said that this finding is not surprising. He opined that citizens see a problem that originated in the Parliament, but it is not being fixed by the Parliament. He said this is because the Presidency is able to have its own way or to block change where it cannot, hence deadlock and costly confrontations result. The Opposition Parliamentarian also highlighted a part of the report which he believes the government should pay rapt attention to. The report, he said, showed that less than 10 percent of the electorate believed that the prorogation of the Parliament, as the country faces difficult times, is a justifiable move. LAPOP said, “Thus, we conclude by noting that there is little reason to believe that the Guyanese public is likely to take recent events as a palliative to their brewing dissatisfaction”. Greenidge said that the PPP government would be wise to pay attention to the inference of the LAPOP statements and how it signals to its inevitable demise.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Look how mature politicians are making a deal while Chammars Moses and Ramjattan are plotting to destroy and cripple Guyana:








Yuji Bhai, Disappointment and frustration are their worst enemies. Glucoma and senility have taken a toll on these dudes.




The PPP is headed to it's biggest majority. The very few AFC supporters who are left better start buying rope.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What is that shit floating around in dere gold smith baboo? ow is de low breeds.......oh well....very appropriate.

Your time will be better spent looking for a job rather than living off of taxpayers' sweat.

At least he is not living off drugs money like you.


AFC losing ground in Berbice

November 27, 2014 By GuyanaTimes


– supporters concerned over “coziness” with APNU


Scores of Alliance for Change (AFC) supporters in Regions Five (Mahaica-Berbice) and Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) have expressed great uneasiness and concern over the ‘cozy’ relationship between their party and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) with many saying they feel betrayed and duped.

A large portion of the current AFC members interviewed by Guyana Times in the two administrative regions were former supporters of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) party.

They said that it is unfortunate that the AFC is moving closer to forming a pre-election coalition with the APNU which is essentially the same People’s National Congress (PNC).


Others could not believe that the AFC was misusing the votes they had cast at the last elections to join an alliance with the main Opposition party which continues to support the dictatorial and hardliner economic and social policies of the Burnham and Hoyte regime.

Mark David told this publication that the party has not lived up to his expectations. He said, “they have joined with the Opposition and have not supported our votes.”

Fifty-two-year-old Parbattie Rampersaud appeared very frustrated when she was interviewed by this newspaper.

“I made a bad choice. I should have never voted for Moses or Ramayya. They let me down with all of the stupidness taking place in the AFC and at Parliament. I want development not confusion. They can’t come back to our village, so they sending different people to calm us down”, she remarked.

Another resident of Region Five, Mark Samaroo, a labourer, explained that he is disappointed with the decisions taken by his party leaders, Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamootoo.


“We never voted for them to support the PNC or APNU. They promised they were different and would force the PPP/C to give us better wages. They promised to support things that would see us not having to struggle every day, but they fool we up real good”, he stated.

A large portion of other residents interviewed explained that they are still waiting to see the game plan being followed by the AFC. For the most part, they are disappointed with the posture of their leaders.

“The AFC did a number on us and now we feel foolish. I made all my family members vote for them. Not again. They not a vote from us and lots of neigbours at Whim, Tain and Port Mourant feel so”, the man said.

AFC’s denial

When contacted, AFC’s Central Executive Member Rohan Jaggiswar denied that his party was losing ground in the Berbice area. He insisted that people were still very much few up with the two larger parties that have parliamentary seats.

He denied that there was any collaboration between the AFC and APNU. “The AFC will not join the APNU at the poll. If we win, we will form a broad based government”, he remarked.

Jaggiswar made this comment even though his fellow Executives in Georgetown have announced their decision to join the APNU’s broad coalition and fight what they referred to as the “dictatorial rule in Guyana”.

The Geogetown-based executives have also joined the APNU’s platform to vent their frustration against the President’s decision to prorogue Parliament as opposed to doing so independently.

There have also been several high-level meetings between the two parties aimed at forming a strong front to unseat the PPP/C while the APNU continues to appeal to the AFC to consider a permanent coalition.

Despite this, Jaggiswar says the AFC is using a strategy but is not in partnership with APNU. “Sometimes you have to use political tactics for strategic objectives”, he explained.

PPP/C confident

But PPP/C Parliamentarian and Executive Member in Berbice, Fizal Jaffarally confirmed that several persons who either did not vote for his party out of frustration or crossed the floor to the AFC are returning in their numbers.

He admitted that the PPP/C had lost a small amount of votes to the AFC because of the populace’s dissatisfaction with certain developments.

“Because of the propaganda peddled by the AFC they were able to mislead a number of PPP/C supporters who fell for the trap, particularly in the sugar belt area”, he said.

Jaffarally opined that the PPP/C has learnt its lesson, and is leaving no stone unturned in its effort to regain lost ground.

According to him, there are about four party political meetings held daily in Region Six.

“Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in Region Six more that once every week to hold meetings and the President is in the region almost every week to meet with people”, he related.

He noted that many of the meetings are being held with persons who may have voted for the AFC at the last elections.

“The indication that we are getting is that persons now have a change of heart. People have expressed regret. People have said they are disappointed with the AFC. They thought that it was an independent political party. This is mainly because they are now seeing the connection and the collaboration between the AFC and the APNU particularly when it comes to issues of the national assembly”, he opined.

Meanwhile, Region Six Chairman David Armogan, in an invited comment on the issue, said the PPP/C party had commenced a process to repair its grassroots support since 2011.

He said there are regular meetings throughout the region. “Especially in the sugar belt areas like Tain, Port Mourant and Canje. What our supporters are now saying is that the AFC had made empty promises to them like the promise of a 20 per cent wage increase.”

Armogan added that, “They are sorry now because they were all empty promises made by the AFC before the last election. Some of them are saying that they did not expect that the AFC would have teamed up with the APNU”.

He said more work was also being done in Opposition support areas and strongholds.

The PPP/C has constantly said the missteps and confusion in the AFC as well as its betrayal of Guyanese at the last elections will result in it regaining its majority in the National Assembly.


Originally Posted by yuji22:



Berbicians will run these rascals out. These shameless dawgs in the AFC are a bunch of Losers.


Their Massive Protest attracted seven Protesters. Ha Ha !


They are a crooked lot according to their own Region 6 councillor.



Bai Yuji, don't talk hard, dem AFC bais around. AFC gaan fuh goat channa.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Berbicians will run these rascals out. These shameless dawgs in the AFC are a bunch of Losers.


Their Massive Protest attracted seven Protesters. Ha Ha !


They are a crooked lot according to their own Region 6 councillor.



Bai Yuji, don't talk hard, dem AFC bais around. AFC gaan fuh goat channa.

GNI is a luxury for these PNC/AFC goons-they sleep, wake and collect welfare hereâ€Ķ

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Berbicians will run these rascals out. These shameless dawgs in the AFC are a bunch of Losers.


Their Massive Protest attracted seven Protesters. Ha Ha !


They are a crooked lot according to their own Region 6 councillor.



Bai Yuji, don't talk hard, dem AFC bais around. AFC gaan fuh goat channa.

GNI is a luxury for these PNC/AFC goons-they sleep, wake and collect welfare hereâ€Ķ

Where is Haas_man Sase? Is he visiting the food shelves dressed in his suit and tie?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Berbicians will run these rascals out. These shameless dawgs in the AFC are a bunch of Losers.


Their Massive Protest attracted seven Protesters. Ha Ha !


They are a crooked lot according to their own Region 6 councillor.



Bai Yuji, don't talk hard, dem AFC bais around. AFC gaan fuh goat channa.

GNI is a luxury for these PNC/AFC goons-they sleep, wake and collect welfare hereâ€Ķ

Where is Haas_man Sase? Is he visiting the food shelves dressed in his suit and tie?

He likes the flour shelvesâ€Ķ it true one time he stole a free sample of gold medal flour?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC  Chammars were destined for failure.


Guyana's Chammars:




Is that why we are in such trouble, since 16 percent of our people are chamars, lohars, pilllars etc? I agree with these fellows when they call you a moron. If that is your  conclusion you are even a little south of a moron

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Look how mature politicians are making a deal while Chammars Moses and Ramjattan are plotting to destroy and cripple Guyana:








Yuji Bhai, Disappointment and frustration are their worst enemies. Glucoma and senility have taken a toll on these dudes.

Only you and that idiot above thinks Granger will tie bundle with that crooked cartel! Granger might as well jump off the jetty at a neap tide and swim out to the Atlantic to die. At least that would be on his terms.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP is mounting an offensive in Region 6 to tell people that the AFC is in viryual coalition with the PNC. obviously intending to create panic.


When I tell you that the AFC needs to mount an offensive to educate the people about what it is doing, and not just bottom house meetings, unless the plan to get to 100% of the bottom houses, you call me a racist.


Given that there are still serious misgivings about the PNC in these PPP strongholds it is easy to create panic.  The AFC wafting loftily in the skies thinking that it is entitled to votes because (di PPP baad) might be in for a shock if confused voters drift back to the PPP (thinking that they are the least of the two evils) or simply not vote.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP is mounting an offensive in Region 6 to tell people that the AFC is in viryual coalition with the PNC. obviously intending to create panic.


When I tell you that the AFC needs to mount an offensive to educate the people about what it is doing, and not just bottom house meetings, unless the plan to get to 100% of the bottom houses, you call me a racist.


Given that there are still serious misgivings about the PNC in these PPP strongholds it is easy to create panic.  The AFC wafting loftily in the skies thinking that it is entitled to votes because (di PPP baad) might be in for a shock if confused voters drift back to the PPP (thinking that they are the least of the two evils) or simply not vote.


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