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AFC's Nigel Hughes sent to address mostly Afro gathering at APNU rally while Moses & Ramjattan stayed away

(Eyewitness)Some people are shameless…people like Moses Nagamootoo and Ramjattan, for instance. These wankers were in the PPP/C for decades…Nagamootoo claims he clocked in 50 years!! Sounds about right, since he’s in his late 70s, no?? But the problem is, NOT ONCE in all those decades of mobilising and campaigning for the PPP/C did they even MENTION that the latter party PLAYED the race card. Much less EXPLOITED it! Now if exploiting racial divisions was the PPP/C’s schtick, for Nagamootoo and Ramjattan to have risen so high in the PPP/C hierarchy (they were in the HIGHEST decision making body, the Ex-Co), they must’ve done more than their fair share of race-baiting, no?? Have they ever confessed to such sins?? Apart from giving them some moral grounds for criticising the PPP/C now, it would be good for their souls. And from where this Eyewitness sits, the souls of these two wankers are in dire need of salving. Not “saving”…they’re beyond redemption.


But it’s rather rich for the dyspeptic duo from Berbice to talk about the PPP/C playing “race politics”. That’s a classic case of smearing their doo-doo on the PPP/C’s collective bamzee. Let’s look at the public record of the AFC and race recently. They claim as an article of faith, they’re a “multiracial” party. In Guyana this means representing Indian, African, Amerindian, Mixed and miscellaneous Guyanese, no?? Well, not if you go by Nagamootoo and Ramjattan’s ACTIONS rather than their words. The AFC’s African-dominated parliamentary partner, APNU – which supported the AFC’s No-Confidence Motion down the line – had a prorogation protest at Square of the Revolution. Rather than attending, they sent their AFRICAN Executives. Why?? They didn’t want to send the “wrong message” to their supporters in Berbice!!!


What message?? That they’re sharing the stage with APNU, the party they’ve been working with for the last two years in Parliament!! Why can they work with APNU behind closed doors and not out in the open?? The only reason is RACE!! As this Eyewitness has said before, they’re treating African Guyanese like they have “Kuh-Kuh-Beh”… And they have the balls to say they’re not racist?? What the AFC’s doing is playing to the worst prejudices and stereotypes of Guyanese. What kind of leadership is this?? The only way to overcome such prejudices is for real leaders to move beyond the cold calculus of picking up a few racist votes and show the Guyanese people that they’ll stand for principles.



Principles?? Sadly, that’s a word not found in the vocabulary of the AFC’s Nagamootoo and Ramjattan.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattan already SELECT Moses a his preferred presidential candidate. The Chairman of the (AFC) Nigel Hughes endorsed Moses. AFC is equally a dictator as the PNC. There is no room for an election process.


AFC send Nigel Hughes on PNC platform to get Afro-Guyanese votes while he and Ramjattan were hiding form the Indians that voted for them. Yall see where AFC is heading? 


Those are just two example of AFC Action Plan to thief chicken off PNC mouth. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan already SELECT Moses a his preferred presidential candidate. The Chairman of the (AFC) Nigel Hughes endorsed Moses. AFC is equally a dictator as the PNC. There is no room for an election process.


AFC send Nigel Hughes on PNC platform to get Afro-Guyanese votes while he and Ramjattan were hiding form the Indians that voted for them. Yall see where AFC is heading? 


Those are just two example of AFC Action Plan to thief chicken off PNC mouth. 

when you was a boy you was a racist you is a full grown snake and still a racist go to show some snake never change their skin 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan already SELECT Moses a his preferred presidential candidate. The Chairman of the (AFC) Nigel Hughes endorsed Moses. AFC is equally a dictator as the PNC. There is no room for an election process.


AFC send Nigel Hughes on PNC platform to get Afro-Guyanese votes while he and Ramjattan were hiding form the Indians that voted for them. Yall see where AFC is heading? 


Those are just two example of AFC Action Plan to thief chicken off PNC mouth. 

when you was a boy you was a racist you is a full grown snake and still a racist go to show some snake never change their skin 

Write some sense; not nonsense.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan already SELECT Moses a his preferred presidential candidate. The Chairman of the (AFC) Nigel Hughes endorsed Moses. AFC is equally a dictator as the PNC. There is no room for an election process.


AFC send Nigel Hughes on PNC platform to get Afro-Guyanese votes while he and Ramjattan were hiding form the Indians that voted for them. Yall see where AFC is heading? 


Those are just two example of AFC Action Plan to thief chicken off PNC mouth. 

when you was a boy you was a racist you is a full grown snake and still a racist go to show some snake never change their skin 

Write some sense; not nonsense.

Shelly do everybady a favor and tek yuh own advice. Charity begins at home.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One can't expect a better response from "mitwah" he's out of constructive criticisms so he resorted to posting sh*t.

Sadly this IS TRUE of Mitwah, when there are so many constructive things that he can say.


1.  The PPP screams that Nagamootoo said nothing about the PPPs racist behavior when he was there.  So they admit that there was something for Nagamootoo to talk about.  Note that they didn't DENY that this behavior occurred.


2. Nagamootoo is speaking to Indians and yet tells Indians that the PPP is racist.  That doesn't look like race baiting.  Now if Granger or Hughes said the samething to black audiences then one can argue that they are pandering to the ethnic paranoia of Afro Guyanese.  But Nagamootoo is telling INDIANS that the INDIAN party is racist!  So where is the race pandering in that.



Now the PPP frauds can jump up and down but increasingly blacks AND Indians share the same perspective on the problems which they face in Guyana, and the SAME DISGUST at the blatant corruption of the mainly Indo elite which supports the PPP.


Granger can now walk about without fear in PPP strongholds, something that Hoyte and Corbin would have never been so bold to do.  And every time Indians see Indians having a respectful conversation with Granger, and Granger listening to them, then he looks less like a monster.  Does that translate into support for him.  NO.  But it certainly allows them to care less about what happens to the PPP if they vote AFC or stay home.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

send Nigel Hughes on PNC platform to get Afro-Guyanese votes



The AFC has been campaigning in PPP strongholds and have been attracting decent sized crowds.  Interesting that in these small PPP dominated communities many Indians fear assault if they are seen at an AFC meeting.


Its interesting how the more things change the more they stay the same.


Under Burnham he tolerated the PPP and focused his venom against the WPA. Why?  Because he knew that his base would never support the PPP, nor would the PPPs base ever support him. What angered him with the WPA is that they have blacks a choice, so he victimized blacks seen to support the WPA.


34 years later and the AFC is earning the same rage from the PPP that the WPA had from the PNC.  The AFC gives Indians an alternate party to support, and is a threat.  Indians in PPP strongholds, seen to be supporting them are victimized, as indeed even the Indocentric Ravi Dev was in 2001 when PPP goons attacked his home and threatened his family.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Indo-Guyanese section of the A.F.C reject to share the platform with Granger at the square of the revolution. Their noticeable absence, speak volumes...

You have stop listening to yourself with your head that far up your poop chute.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Indo-Guyanese section of the A.F.C reject to share the platform with Granger at the square of the revolution. Their noticeable absence, speak volumes...

Gerhard, the AFC, Moses, Errol and everyone will embrace APNU.


You smell that? dat is the smell of decaying PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One has no choice than to have pity on "mitwah's" soul, he's often out of constructive criticisms, and  resort to posting shit.

Councie, we all know that's what you are.


Councie gon stop postin soon, they gonna take away he laptop fo try an sell it pon kiijiji to make some money, dem boys doan have much coming in,plane kinda grounded...dat is what Iman heard.


One figures the A.F.C goons are out of constructive criticisms, its no secret the political gathering often refer to a the A.F.C is a "dead meat".


soon HM_Redux, Cain, Mitwah and others may follow Gerhard and sase, by walking the plank.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One figures the A.F.C goons are out of constructive criticisms, its no secret the political gathering often refer to a the A.F.C is a "dead meat".


soon HM_Redux, Cain, Mitwah and others may follow Gerhard and sase, by walking the plank.

Make some sense nutcase. I just wasted 3 seconds reading that sh.itty post

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

One figures the A.F.C goons are out of constructive criticisms, its no secret the political gathering often refer to a the A.F.C is a "dead meat".


soon HM_Redux, Cain, Mitwah and others may follow Gerhard and sase, by walking the plank.

Make some sense nutcase. I just wasted 3 seconds reading that sh.itty post

wtf, you actually read his shit? I sometimes do but mostly I just reply to him, he writes lies usually so why bother read?


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