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Former Member

Audit Office to seek criminal charges over non-cooperation at City Hall

2nd forensic audit

…as PAC hauls M&CC over coals for lack of records

On a day when the Treasurer of the Georgetown municipality was absent owing to a “doctor’s visit” and the accounting officer who was present had no answers, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hauled the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) over the proverbial coals for the collective failure to account for monies.

Auditor General Deodat Sharma

But with even Communities Ministry Permanent Secretary Emil McGarrell complaining of lack of cooperation from City Hall, Auditor General Deodat Sharma revealed that another audit would be carried out at the municipality. He made it clear that approaches would be made to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Chambers this time around, if the intransigence continued.
“Normally, in the regulations of the audit act it says that when I finish a forensic audit I can send it to the DPP for advice. The Public Accounts Committee was disappointed with the type of information we’re getting. Even the PS says he can’t get the cooperation in terms of the relevant information that he needs,” Sharma told Guyana Times afterwards.
The DPP is usually called in when advice on criminal charges is being sought. In the case of City Hall, this will be done if non-cooperation over the supply of records continues.
The PAC met in the National Assembly on Monday, when McGarrell and accounting officers from various municipalities were made to give account for some $401 million in capital subventions.
There are nine municipalities and 62 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs). The Audit Office of Guyana had found that as at December 31, 2016, $396.5 million was expended. From the start, City Hall’s financial status, how it spent almost $175 million and its failure to submit documentation dating from 2005 posed a challenge to the PAC.
PAC Chairman Irfaan Ali questioned McGarrell on whether he had come with copies of meetings pertaining to the City Council’s financial statements, documents previously promised by the Georgetown municipality’s treasurer. McGarrell had not walked with such and he revealed that the Treasurer, Ron McAlmont, had been unable to attend because of a doctor’s appointment.
When asked by committee member Juan Edghill whether there was anyone else who could supply that information, the Permanent Secretary indicated that only the Deputy Treasurer was available. Edghill then ordered McGarrell to send someone to fetch the Deputy Treasurer from City Hall, as it was within walking distance.
“On our last appearance, the Ministry’s internal auditors would have made several attempts to meet with the Treasurer to have this prepared and submitted. They were written and even up to our appearance today, it was indicated that this information had to be provided,” McGarrell explained to the Committee, when asked what efforts he had made to get the minutes.
But when he appeared, City Hall’s Deputy Treasurer John Douglas was no wiser when it came to the city’s finances. Douglas admitted that he was not present at the PAC hearings last year, but that he was aware of the documents that were supposed to be provided. Even though he was aware, however, he had not come with the documents.

He made promises to supply the requested paperwork by today (Tuesday). In view of the lack of information, Douglas had to be asked by the Committee what he was actually privy to as the Deputy Treasurer.

City Hall
Last year, the AG’s attempts to conduct an audit were stymied by documents not being provided. According to Sharma at the time, there were a number of gaps that remained unfilled in the investigation.
He had noted that as a result of these missing and sometimes even damaged documents, there would be a number of pages in the final report that would carry disclaimers. This is all despite City Hall being the ones who wrote to the Auditor General’s Office requesting an audit.
It was at one time reported that during the final phase of the audit, the probe was stalled due to this lack of cooperation. Things had reportedly reached a point necessitating a letter to be sent to Town Clerk Royston King, over the undue delays being caused by City Hall officials not making the necessary documents available for the auditors.
There have been persistent calls for City Hall to be fully audited. Back in 2015, the Georgetown M&CC had received two grants under the Communities Ministry’s Capital Programme for the “Georgetown Restoration Programme”, in addition to the “Emergency Solid Waste Management of Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill”.
Each multimillion-dollar grant was based on Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between the Communities Ministry’s Permanent Secretary and the capital city’s Town Clerk. According to the Auditor General’s 2015 Report, there were several “discrepancies” in the way the allotted money was spent during the year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

I know Happo,he used to visit the store where i was working.

kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

warrior posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

I lived the life, that was called perks of the business, Burnham was doing it, all the Blacks in authority was doing it, so this Indian jump on one foot just like the rest.

Django posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

I know Happo,he used to visit the store where i was working.

They called him Happo because he had polio and walked with a limp.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

I know Happo,he used to visit the store where i was working.

They called him Happo because he had polio and walked with a limp.


kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP, My sources tell me that those days of PNC bullying are back in full swing.

Only PNC card is acceptable, AFC party card is expired. Show the card get a job.

PNC card gets you a good job and AFC card gets people toilet cleaning jobs. Django is an excellent example.


The heading of the thread should be sanctioned for misleading the readers. Rephrasing the heading can be liable to the site administrators.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

The heading of the thread should be sanctioned for misleading the readers. Rephrasing the heading can be liable to the site administrators.

Django was given hell for doing the same and here this weasel probably gonna get away with it.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP, My sources tell me that those days of PNC bullying are back in full swing.

Only PNC card is acceptable, AFC party card is expired. Show the card get a job.

PNC card gets you a good job and AFC card gets people toilet cleaning jobs. Django is an excellent example.


You are constantly exposing your antiman behavior,the unbecoming habit of calling out posters and plastering with the untruths are irritating.

For the record Django never wanted nor had a government job,although the opportunities were there since at the age of 15yrs.I have chosen a different path to earn a living.I have nothing against who chose government jobs.

Stick to the topic,leave posters names and the untruths out of the conversation.Perhaps there may be consequences for you irrational behavior from the administration of GNI.

kp posted:
warrior posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

I lived the life, that was called perks of the business, Burnham was doing it, all the Blacks in authority was doing it, so this Indian jump on one foot just like the rest.

So then, what did the PNC do to you to make you hate them in an irrational way?  

Because others were doing wrong, you just jumped on board and followed suit.  You know what’s right and what’s wrong, and you chose the convenient wrong.  Then where does your moral compass lie?

People are so hypocritical!

kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

Now I know who you are what happen to you. My cousin use to serve use to serve you guys the PNC shirtjack special - dhall puri and duck curry lace with duck shit....

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
warrior posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

I lived the life, that was called perks of the business, Burnham was doing it, all the Blacks in authority was doing it, so this Indian jump on one foot just like the rest.

So then, what did the PNC do to you to make you hate them in an irrational way?  

Because others were doing wrong, you just jumped on board and followed suit.  You know what’s right and what’s wrong, and you chose the convenient wrong.  Then where does your moral compass lie?

People are so hypocritical!

I was fortunate to have a job like I said the environment  was highly political, the majority of people were blacks if not a PNC card holder I was neither, I had to tow the line and play their game while I was  an active member of the Pyo in my village. For your enjoyment  I was eventually  unmasked as a PPP and was given 24 hours to quit my job which I did.

sachin_05 posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

Now I know who you are what happen to you. My cousin use to serve use to serve you guys the PNC shirtjack special - dhall puri and duck curry lace with duck shit....

I know your cousin,she used to serve a lot more than we asked for in the back room. Please give her my regards. 

kp posted:
sachin_05 posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

Now I know who you are what happen to you. My cousin use to serve use to serve you guys the PNC shirtjack special - dhall puri and duck curry lace with duck shit....

I know your cousin,she used to serve a lot more than we asked for in the back room. Please give her my regards. 

KP = King of Perverts. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP, My sources tell me that those days of PNC bullying are back in full swing.

Only PNC card is acceptable, AFC party card is expired. Show the card get a job.

PNC card gets you a good job and AFC card gets people toilet cleaning jobs. Django is an excellent example.


You are constantly exposing your antiman behavior,the unbecoming habit of calling out posters and plastering with the untruths are irritating.

For the record Django never wanted nor had a government job,although the opportunities were there since at the age of 15yrs.I have chosen a different path to earn a living.I have nothing against who chose government jobs.

Stick to the topic,leave posters names and the untruths out of the conversation.Perhaps there may be consequences for you irrational behavior from the administration of GNI.

I don't know why Admin is allowing this prick to antagonize posters. His sole purpose is to make enemies and get you to react angrily and get you banned. 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP, My sources tell me that those days of PNC bullying are back in full swing.

Only PNC card is acceptable, AFC party card is expired. Show the card get a job.

PNC card gets you a good job and AFC card gets people toilet cleaning jobs. Django is an excellent example.


You are constantly exposing your antiman behavior,the unbecoming habit of calling out posters and plastering with the untruths are irritating.

For the record Django never wanted nor had a government job,although the opportunities were there since at the age of 15yrs.I have chosen a different path to earn a living.I have nothing against who chose government jobs.

Stick to the topic,leave posters names and the untruths out of the conversation.Perhaps there may be consequences for you irrational behavior from the administration of GNI.

I don't know why Admin is allowing this prick to antagonize posters. His sole purpose is to make enemies and get you to react angrily and get you banned. 

Admin let you do it for so many years and no one complained.  At least he is not nasty and disrespectful to women with the intention of driving off this site.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP, My sources tell me that those days of PNC bullying are back in full swing.

Only PNC card is acceptable, AFC party card is expired. Show the card get a job.

PNC card gets you a good job and AFC card gets people toilet cleaning jobs. Django is an excellent example.


You are constantly exposing your antiman behavior,the unbecoming habit of calling out posters and plastering with the untruths are irritating.

For the record Django never wanted nor had a government job,although the opportunities were there since at the age of 15yrs.I have chosen a different path to earn a living.I have nothing against who chose government jobs.

Stick to the topic,leave posters names and the untruths out of the conversation.Perhaps there may be consequences for you irrational behavior from the administration of GNI.

I don't know why Admin is allowing this prick to antagonize posters. His sole purpose is to make enemies and get you to react angrily and get you banned. 

Admin let you do it for so many years and no one complained.  At least he is not nasty and disrespectful to women with the intention of driving off this site.

Show me where I have been disrespectful to women with the intention of driving off this site.   

kp posted:
warrior posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

I lived the life, that was called perks of the business, Burnham was doing it, all the Blacks in authority was doing it, so this Indian jump on one foot just like the rest.

you need to get off this site and stop criticize anyone you have no shame in admitting you was a low life, man if you was in power u will thief the garbage  

sachin_05 posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

Now I know who you are what happen to you. My cousin use to serve use to serve you guys the PNC shirtjack special - dhall puri and duck curry lace with duck shit....

he is a piece of shit


Baseman posted:
kp posted:
warrior posted:
kp posted:

I worked at the City Engineer's Dept, it is the most political place to have a job and a place where the engineers abuse of powers. There was one engineer, Lloyd Alleyne [Happo}, him and I would go for lunch almost everyday at a different restaurant ,we would eat and drink and don't pay a dime, I asked him why he is not paying, he said he can shut them down in a minute, when I offered to pay he said no. But the owners would treat us very kindly and give the best, I guess out of fear.  I was one of the few Indians working there other than engineers Maitland, and John Pardasi.

you is a lair hungry belly if you think it was wrong why you keep going for free lunch you have no honor or pride 

I lived the life, that was called perks of the business, Burnham was doing it, all the Blacks in authority was doing it, so this Indian jump on one foot just like the rest.

So then, what did the PNC do to you to make you hate them in an irrational way?  

Because others were doing wrong, you just jumped on board and followed suit.  You know what’s right and what’s wrong, and you chose the convenient wrong.  Then where does your moral compass lie?

People are so hypocritical!

Amazing what you eventually find out about people. These are the same ones who are quick to point a finger. This is why we are where we are now. My father was the only Indo in his department and he never let that compromise his morals. If he wanted something, he paid for it and this isn't hearsay. I spent a lot of time travelling around with him after exams and during the holidays so I've seen it.  

kp posted:

Warrior you were the jackass that built .fowl pens for sex. Another lonely ass that goes back to Guyana to get service. 

you already sell your soul your honor yourself respect you wan coolie dog when every body was fighting the pnc you eating free lunch  

warrior posted:
kp posted:

Warrior you were the jackass that built .fowl pens for sex. Another lonely ass that goes back to Guyana to get service. 

you already sell your soul your honor yourself respect you wan coolie dog when every body was fighting the pnc you eating free lunch  

When I was working to earn a living people like you  were choking and robbing  the poor.

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