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You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If you two a s s holes (Bgurd and Yuji) have nothing to add to the discussion why don't you both shut your f-in pie holes, you're making this site rather scummy with your daily asinine posts.

Seeing that you're both such ignorant a s s holes and quite gay, you should both get together and bugger each other maybe you'd both feel much happier and" fulfilled"


Originally Posted by cain:

If you two a s s holes (Bgurd and Yuji) have nothing to add to the discussion why don't you both shut your f-in pie holes, you're making this site rather scummy with your daily asinine posts.

Seeing that you're both such ignorant a s s holes and quite gay, you should both get together and bugger each other maybe you'd both feel much happier and" fulfilled"


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

That boy Trevor is a known AFC supporter. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

That boy Trevor is a known AFC supporter. 

The Poonais are very staunch PPP supporters. Lawyer Black (Poonai) laid the foundation. Joey went to jail here for fraud. Yugi, they live near to you in Brampton.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

That boy Trevor is a known AFC supporter. 

The Poonais are very staunch PPP supporters. Lawyer Black (Poonai) laid the foundation. Joey went to jail here for fraud. Yugi, they live near to you in Brampton.



I live in Vaughan. You are always mistaking me for someone else. 


Trevor is the "Black Sheep" of the Poonia Family. He is from 68 Village. His dad had a rice mill and was a staunch anti Burnham Lawyer.  Trevor declared in the past that he was an AFC supporter but that boy is a troubled soul. He might not be telling the truth.


Listen, he deserves to be in jail for stealing.


I honestly do not know very many people from Brampton.  But I do know your circle of friends including Victor, he is now retired and is a very respectable man who does not involve himself with politics.


I am not party of any political party but have an intense hate for the PNC since I witnessed the suffering of Indo Guyanese under the PNC dictatorship. We do not see eye to eye and that is fine but we stood shoulder to shoulder in fighting for free and fair elections in Guyana.


Now let us get back to politics.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

That boy Trevor is a known AFC supporter. 

The Poonais are very staunch PPP supporters. Lawyer Black (Poonai) laid the foundation. Joey went to jail here for fraud. Yugi, they live near to you in Brampton.



I live in Vaughan. You are always mistaking me for someone else. 


Trevor is the "Black Sheep" of the Poonia Family. He is from 68 Village. His dad had a rice mill and was a staunch anti Burnham Lawyer.  Trevor declared in the past that he was an AFC supporter but that boy is a troubled soul. He might not be telling the truth.


Listen, he deserves to be in jail for stealing.


I honestly do not know very many people from Brampton.  But I do know your circle of friends including Victor, he is now retired and is a very respectable man who does not involve himself with politics.


I am not party of any political party but have an intense hate for the PNC since I witnessed the suffering of Indo Guyanese under the PNC dictatorship. We do not see eye to eye and that is fine but we stood shoulder to shoulder in fighting for free and fair elections in Guyana.


Now let us get back to politics.




Brazzy is the bagman for the PPP. Why don't you address the Ali Baba and the thieves in the PPP?

Are you far from Chowbay?


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You have to give the afc/pnc machine an A+ for creativity. They have explored the gamut of fund raising opportunities. But this takes the cake:

Man allegedly sold stolen bulls for Eid sacrificePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Jeune Bailey Vankeric  
Monday, 21 October 2013 23:13

A man of Lot 121 Number 68 Village, Corentyne, who is accused of stealing four bulls and selling them for Eid sacrifice, appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court recently and was put on $75,000 bail.

Trevor Poonai pleaded not guilty to stealing the bulls branded AFR 10 and valued $350,000, property of Rohan Singh, a rice farmer. The court was told that the rice farmer is also the owner of a hundred and eighty head of cattle, including two dark spotted bulls, a dark brown one, and another that is cream coloured. Between September 23 and October 7, checks were made for the animals and they were seen; but on October 15 the bulls went missing. As a result checks were made at various places, but the virtual complainant (VC) came up empty-handed. However, in light of the Islamic holiday last week, the VC knew that persons would purchase animals for slaughter. Consequently, he went to the Number 74 Village Masjid where one bull was tied, waiting to be slaughtered. The missing bulls were identified by its owner, who said that the animals were allegedly bought from the defendant. The matter has been transferred to the Number 51 Magistrate’s Court for hearing on October 30.

That boy Trevor is a known AFC supporter. 

The Poonais are very staunch PPP supporters. Lawyer Black (Poonai) laid the foundation. Joey went to jail here for fraud. Yugi, they live near to you in Brampton.



I live in Vaughan. You are always mistaking me for someone else. 


Trevor is the "Black Sheep" of the Poonia Family. He is from 68 Village. His dad had a rice mill and was a staunch anti Burnham Lawyer.  Trevor declared in the past that he was an AFC supporter but that boy is a troubled soul. He might not be telling the truth.


Listen, he deserves to be in jail for stealing.


I honestly do not know very many people from Brampton.  But I do know your circle of friends including Victor, he is now retired and is a very respectable man who does not involve himself with politics.


I am not party of any political party but have an intense hate for the PNC since I witnessed the suffering of Indo Guyanese under the PNC dictatorship. We do not see eye to eye and that is fine but we stood shoulder to shoulder in fighting for free and fair elections in Guyana.


Now let us get back to politics.




Brazzy is the bagman for the PPP. Why don't you address the Ali Baba and the thieves in the PPP?

Are you far from Chowbay?





I have never defended corruption. I believe that those who commit theft will be punished, it is the simple Law of Karma. I do not live in Guyana but will until the last day of my breath fight to see that the PNC never gets into office again.


The AFC had a lot of goodwill shown towards them and made major blunders. I personally supported the International Team ABC's America British and Canada position that Guyana was better off with the current political line up but the AFC sided with the PNC and they lost the goodwill shown towards them. They failed to remain independent of the PNC. Granger played them like a fiddle.


I do not support the AFC as much as you do not support the PPP and that is fine with me. I still remember the good old days when the ACG would hire buses and we would hold our protests in Ottawa in the cold fighting for free and fair elections in Guyana. I do miss Sat, he was such a great leader and had a great sense of humour.


Next election, I will post some pictures of what I took in Ottawa during the protests for free and fair elections in Guyana. Many do not know that at the last protest, Minister Joe Clark met with the ACG to kickstart the process for free and fair election in Guyana. That was major achievement. 


Now let us get back to politics. 



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?


Mitwah, As I stated before, those who commit theft will be punished. It is the simple Law of Karma. Cheddi Jagan used to say that we must not throw out the Baby with the bath water. I always believe what Cheddi Jagan said, except the socialist ideology.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?

Wait! You and yuji know each other ? The Rev always wondered why the 2 of you were always so kind and gracious to each other.



Rev Bhai


We used to fight side by side for free and fair elections in Guyana. Now we are fighting each other. Just differences of political views. Mitwah is a good person, just misguided. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?


Mitwah, As I stated before, those who commit theft will be punished. It is the simple Law of Karma. Cheddi Jagan used to say that we must not throw out the Baby with the bath water. I always believe what Cheddi Jagan said. 

The party is not the same. It has been hijacked and the grassroot supporters are not recognized. The last congress was not democratic. Sat was killed and Jagdeo protected his killers.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?

Wait! You and yuji know each other ? The Rev always wondered why the 2 of you were always so kind and gracious to each other.



Rev Bhai


We used to fight side by side for free and fair elections in Guyana. Now we are fighting each other. Just differences of political views. Mitwah is a good person, just misguided. 

The PPP promised the AFC local elections for their support on the Amelia falls. So how am I misguided?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?


Mitwah, As I stated before, those who commit theft will be punished. It is the simple Law of Karma. Cheddi Jagan used to say that we must not throw out the Baby with the bath water. I always believe what Cheddi Jagan said. 

The party is not the same. It has been hijacked and the grassroot supporters are not recognized. The last congress was not democratic. Sat was killed and Jagdeo protected his killers.

Every political party has it share of problems. The AFC is no different.

I would agree that the grassroots must be more involved. This cost the PPP the last election.


I still support the PPP and changes are happening. You support the AFC and they are in deep trouble. Let us see what the voters think at the next election.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?

Wait! You and yuji know each other ? The Rev always wondered why the 2 of you were always so kind and gracious to each other.



Rev Bhai


We used to fight side by side for free and fair elections in Guyana. Now we are fighting each other. Just differences of political views. Mitwah is a good person, just misguided. 

The PPP promised the AFC local elections for their support on the Amelia falls. So how am I misguided?

Local Elections are long overdue and must be held. Credit is given where credit is due.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22 Bhai, your silence on the PPP corruption is deafening?


Mitwah, As I stated before, those who commit theft will be punished. It is the simple Law of Karma. Cheddi Jagan used to say that we must not throw out the Baby with the bath water. I always believe what Cheddi Jagan said. 

The party is not the same. It has been hijacked and the grassroot supporters are not recognized. The last congress was not democratic. Sat was killed and Jagdeo protected his killers.

Every political party has it share of problems. The AFC is no different.

I would agree that the grassroots must be more involved. This cost the PPP the last election.


I still support the PPP and changes are happening. You support the AFC and they are in deep trouble. Let us see what the voters think at the next election.

The PPP is in panic mode. The Canecutters are turning away from them. This speaks volumes of their support base. While we may not support the PNC, there are many new voters who grew up during the PPP reign and they may not relate to the PNC experience. And for the academics, where are the jobs for our graduates? The demographics have changed since 2011.


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