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AFC Poverty Eradication Plan

Moreover, about half of the population of the workforce is not gainfully employed

The AFC will:
1. put the poorest to work again by creating 5,000 jobs in the first year in office in the landscaping/public cleaning industry, thus raising their productivity levels of
the poor and unemployed;

2. Establish a youth brigade of unemployed youths who will be offered a stipend to learn a skill on the job by helping to build house once a month in each of the 10 regions for 120 eligible family that has to pay only 5% of the cost either in material, labour or cash with
a view to expanding this program once the quality of implementation is assessed;

3. Restructure the NIS to offer unemployment vouchers of $10,000 per month for a maximum of 3 months with no further benefit within a calendar year once the beneficiary is willing to learn a skill and actively seek employment;

4. Award 1 community project (road, school, health hut, etc) in each of the 10 regions per month for 120 eligible depressed communities to a Contractor from that Administrative Region to create new employment in each of the 10 Administrative Regions;

5. Increase Pensions to $11,000 per month from the first month in office from the current level of $7,500;

6. Increase social assistance to the disabled, domestically abused, orphaned children and socially unable to $10,000 per month from the first month in office;

7. Provide 1 kg of free rice to all those on the Pension and Social Assistance Register once they purchase a small Hinterland food hamper which will include all the produced from the Amerindian Missions at a discounted

8. Offer a grant of $2 million each to 10 different NGOs on a tendered basis to work in the 10 different Administrative Regions on work such as working with domestically abused women, orphaned children, fire victims, suicide, alcoholism, youth delinquency issues to supplement the State programs in these areas,
women job creation;

9. Offer a one-off grant of $50,000 to eligible single mothers and/or youths under 30 with can be supplemented with a micro credit loan of up to $250,000 from a Commercial Bank or the State Development Bank to start a business. Ten of these entrepreneurs per year (one per Administrative Region) will be offered
work space free of cost in one of the 10 Regional Entrepreneur Parks/Building which an AFC Government will build to help small scale entrepreneur house their production/service facility.

10. Free mobile adult education for persons over 21 who cannot read and write in basics Reading, Writing,
Spelling, Maths and other basic functional literacy
skills. Education shall come to your street and dams.

11. An Amerindian Development Fund. A Women
Development Fund and a Youth Development Fund
will be established to support effor ts that are required
to develop and enhance the quality of life in eligible
Amerindian communities, eligible Single Mothers and
eligible Youths under 30 years.

12. Build a new orphanage to be managed by an eligible

Replies sorted oldest to newest

youth brigade of unemployed youths who will be offered a stipend to learn a skill on the job by helping to build house once a month in each of the 10 regions for 120 eligible family

youth brigade of unemployed youths who will be offered a stipend to learn a skill on the job by helping to build house once a month in each of the 10 regions for 120 eligible family
Restructure the NIS to offer unemployment vouchers of $10,000 per month for a maximum of 3 months with no further benefit within a calendar year once the beneficiary is willing to learn a skill and actively seek employment

youth brigade of unemployed youths who will be offered a stipend to learn a skill on the job by helping to build house once a month in each of the 10 regions for 120 eligible family
Award 1 community project (road, school, health hut, etc) in each of the 10 regions per month for 120 eligible depressed communities to a Contractor from that Administrative Region to create new employment in each of the 10 Administrative Regions

Award 1 community project (road, school, health hut, etc) in each of the 10 regions per month for 120 eligible depressed communities to a Contractor from that Administrative Region to create new employment in each of the 10 Administrative Regions
Originally Posted by Mahen:

AFC poverty reduction program still relevant 12 months after.


Why the PPP head suh hard!

Correct, but you cannot incite riots, mayhem and destruction to property and life and expect investor confidence to spur the type of growth needed to create jobs.  Look how you scared Bosai by inciting the incident in Linden.  This is not the way to go.

Originally Posted by Sase Singh:

 But why can't we get the leaders to sit down and talk on the key issues like poverty alleviation?


Right now in Guyana, the politicians(PPP/PNC/AFC) are a stumbling block to progress and prosperity.


Thankfully, Guyanese entrepreneurs, businessmen and the private sector are action oriented---they believe in Guyana---they see opportunity in Guyana---and they are making things happen.


While Ramotar, Ramjattan, Granger and Co. are yelling and screaming at each other---the Guyanese business people along with foreign investors are moving forward.





Originally Posted by warrior:

rev what you mean is these business is living in a tax free state.the ppp government should get these guys to pay their tax,and that include the right amount of import tax




Businesses all over the world will always concoct ways to circumvent or evade paying taxes.


But when all is said and done---it's the private sector that creates jobs---not governments--not politicians.


Having said that---taxes must be paid.




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