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AFC prepared to let nation suffer if it does not get its way - Mustapha


Written by, Monday, 20 May 2013 22:11,Source


THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will continue to fight against this attempt to destroy the economic livelihood of our people.


PPP/C officials, from left, are Mr. Irfaan Ali, Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha, Mr. Juan Edghill and Mr. Kellawan Lall at yesterday’s press conference at Freedom House

This is according to its Executive Secretary, Zulfikar Mustapha, who yesterday told reporters the party is deeply concerned at the anti-nationalistic stance by the Alliance For Change (AFC) “which has clearly indicated that it is prepared to let the entire nation suffer, if it does not get its way.”

This, he said, is the reality with “even their staunchest of supporters” now coming to grips with it based on that party’s latest position on the amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism bill.

“We have heard both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) indicating how important this amendment is in their decision to send it to a special select committee, what we have not heard from them are any tangible suggestions on what they would like to have included in this amendment.”

Mustapha said this position by the combined Opposition confirms what the ruling party has been outlining all along and that the only aim of the Opposition is to stall the bill past the deadline so that the nation can be blacklisted internationally and “our people, particularly the business sector, suffer.”

Referring to the Opposition’s position as a plan of destabilising the country, Mustapha said the AFC/APNU combined is attempting to weaken the economy.
He called it a “diabolical plot, more so since our nation has been experiencing unprecedented economic growth for the past seven years and this is projected to increase.”

The PPP/C official drew reference to a recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that projects Guyana to record the 2nd highest economic growth rate for 2014 in South America.

“Their dramatic budget cut of over $30B or some 27 per cent of our 2013 national budget is a clear example of their agenda to stall economic growth,” Mustapha said.

He asked: “Who suffers if our economy begins to shrink? Who suffers if our businesses begin to downsize or close up all-together? Who suffers if our revenue base begins to decrease and Government cannot afford to pay wages and salary increases or even maintain current increases?

Who suffers if Government cannot maintain its massive social sector programmes in health, education, water, housing and pension? Who suffers if Government cannot afford to assist farmers and construct critical infrastructure?

According to Mustapha, it is ultimately the populace that will suffer and “it will not matter who they voted for or who they support or what they look like.”

He said that “It is this bleak future that the PPP is fighting relentlessly to stave off and the time has come for us, in a united voice, to let the Opposition know that they should put the interest of the nation and our people first rather than any narrow political agenda.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Counce need to tek a shower,

tidy up  and Fresh up eee self


AFC prepared to let 

Ramotar & Jagdeo suffer

if it does not get its way.....

Good move by AFC -

Last edited by Former Member

Am I expecting too much from the Minister of Finance?

May 21, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


I am shocked at the irony of our erstwhile Minister of Finance accusing the AFC of being shamelessly irresponsible in demanding, among other things, the appointment of a Public Procurement Commission in return for supporting the Anti-Money Laundering Bill.
I am shocked because as Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh should be at the forefront in demanding transparency, accountability and financial propriety. What message is he sending by opposing the appointment of the Commission? Dr. Singh should have been demanding of his Govt. that the Commission be appointed. It is in his and the people’s interest for there to be less corruption.
Or am I expecting too much from the Minister of Finance?
Chandradat Mattai  (Jnr)

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us be fair now, it is not only the AFC but also the APNU/PNC. However notable is that the AFC comprises of PPP rejects so the animosity is triple fold.

AFC continues to progress deeper in the uncomfortable hole.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us be fair now, it is not only the AFC but also the APNU/PNC. However notable is that the AFC comprises of PPP rejects so the animosity is triple fold.

AFC continues to progress deeper in the uncomfortable hole.

Mitwa.....Look how AFC got them bad....

Both of them got to "Cock up & Scratch"

Aya soak down in some Diesel.....and scratch de match....

Da gon be the end of 2 Crab Louse Carriers.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us be fair now, it is not only the AFC but also the APNU/PNC. However notable is that the AFC comprises of PPP rejects so the animosity is triple fold.

AFC continues to progress deeper in the uncomfortable hole.

Mitwa.....Look how AFC got them bad....

Both of them got to "Cock up & Scratch"

Aya soak down in some Diesel.....and scratch de match....

Da gon be the end of 2 Crab Louse Carriers.

One in diapers and the other in a duffle bag.


“We have heard both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) indicating how important this amendment is in their decision to send it to a special select committee, what we have not heard from them are any tangible suggestions on what they would like to have included in this amendment.”

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Let us be fair now, it is not only the AFC but also the APNU/PNC. However notable is that the AFC comprises of PPP rejects so the animosity is triple fold.

These PPP rejects you speak of are the ones with morals, that's the reason they are considered rejects. They don't take bribes, they don't stick their family in cushy jobs, they don't tief the county's money, they believe in fairness, if this is what it takes to be a reject, consider me one.

AFC Councilor rebuffs party shenanigans …says Ramjattan bluffing on readiness for snap electionsPDFPrintE-mail
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 23:12

“THE budget cuts are unconscionable and unconstitutional and the fact that the modus operandi of the ‘unholy alliance’ is to make our country ungovernable so that the duly elected PPP/C Government is forced to relinquish office, resulting in us being catapulted into the black holes era.’



AFC Executive Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan

This is the view held by none other than Haseef Yusuf, an Alliance for Change (AFC) senior member who also hold the post of regional councilor in the Region 6 district for the party.
Yusuf, this past week said that the joint opposition A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the AFC have stepped up the ‘ungovernable accelerator.’
According to the AFC Councilor, the two parties that constitute the largest bloc in the National Assembly have moved from ‘scissoring’ projects, vitally important for national development to blocking a bill “which is so vital for our local and international trade and livelihoods.”
He was referring to recent moves to stymie the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism amendments.
“They are wickedly bent on their ungovernable campaign started by the PNC…They want Guyanese to cease to benefit from international trade which is so vital for national development, that without it the wheels of industry will come to a grinding halt; also, our international image will be tarnished just like countries that are promoting and funding terrorism.”
Yusuf, in a letter which was published in this newspaper on Monday, says the APNU/AFC combination has now refused to support amendments and has been making a host of ridiculous excuses to ensure that the impending deadline to pass the said Bill can be missed.
“As expected,” he posits that the AFC has gone a step further and are now resorting to “political blackmail.”
The AFC Councilor says that his party can find no fault with the vitally important Bill except that a six-week time span is not enough to evaluate a couple of pages.
“But they then dropped the bombshell - they want to force the President to assent to two bills which includes the Former Presidents (Facilities and Other Benefits) Bill.”
In seeking to point out what he has termed an anomaly, Yusuf said “the Bill that they have inadequate time to study can be passed if those two bills are assented to…There will then be no time constraint.”
According to the AFC Councilor, the government has supplied valid reasons why the President cannot assent to those Bills, but the billion-dollar ‘cutting’ question is: have the AFC given any valid reason why they refused to support the Anti-Money and Countering the Financing Bill?
“Is this not the ‘lil boy’ attitude of the Opposition that has now characterised the supreme law- making body of this land?”
He questioned how can the development of an entire nation be held hostage just because a few ‘big boys’ in the AFC have a fixation on Jagdeo’s pension entitlement?
According to the AFC Councilor, “Our people need to understand fully the negative effects that the refusal to pass this important Bill - the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Bill, will have on our country.”
He sought to remind that Guyana is a signatory to many treaties that make it clear that such a piece of legislation should be implemented in order for those treaties to be of any substance.
“Therefore, if Guyana does not pass such a Bill, then it will renege on those treaties…This will cause our country to be blacklisted.”
As a result of being blacklisted, the AFC Councilor reminds that there “there will be no financial support from financial institutions and their bilateral partners…It will be difficult to negotiate loans from these entities”.
He says too that as a result of being blacklisted, the movement of money in and out of Guyana will be intensely scrutinised since many restrictions, terms and conditions will be put in place to ensure that such monies are not from drugs and they are not used for the funding of terrorism.
Money transfers, he said, will also become more costly and time consuming, “our relatives abroad sending money to us, will have to go through numerous time consuming procedures and restrictions and this will send the cost up substantially - they will spend more time and money to do a simple MoneyGram transaction.”
Yusuf is adamant that the negative effects of not passing this amendment to the law Bill are enough to systematically erase all the economic progress that our country has made in the past 20 years.
“These effects together with the illegal budget cuts spearheaded by the AFC (Alliance For Cuts) are enough to make this country ungovernable and to once again plunge this nation into poverty, hunger and lawlessness.”
He asks, “will the good people of this nation stand idly and allow this to happen?”
The AFC Councilor has since publicly indicated that he is not intended to stand idly by in the face of the moves by his party and said too that “from responses of numerous AFC members and supporters, they will not.”
He said the party supporters, “in their wildest dreams (or nightmares) did not envisage such irrational and spiteful attitudes from the AFC leaders or that the AFC will aid and abet the PNC in their quest to make this nation ungovernable.”
The Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, according to the party councilor, “cannot bluff this nation by saying that the party is ready for a snap election.
“With the current state of affairs, the AFC will not survive such an event…If this is the AFC’s ‘swan song,’ then let it sing on happily, It is not too late to indeed make the right turn – the AFC’s campaign mantra,” reminded Yusuf.

According to the AFC Councilor, “Our people need to understand fully the negative effects that the refusal to pass this important Bill - the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Bill, will have on our country.”
He sought to remind that Guyana is a signatory to many treaties that make it clear that such a piece of legislation should be implemented in order for those treaties to be of any substance.
“Therefore, if Guyana does not pass such a Bill, then it will renege on those treaties…This will cause our country to be blacklisted.”
As a result of being blacklisted, the AFC Councilor reminds that there “there will be no financial support from financial institutions and their bilateral partners…It will be difficult to negotiate loans from these entities”.


Someone is SN seh : APNU and the AFC should hold tight and not cooperate with this government. When the two bills were sent to the President for assent, he claimed it never reached his office, now this, do not hold no talks with these people unless the bills which are both in the best interest of Guyana is assented to. How could you the opposition engage these people on passing a law on money laundering, when they shamelessly refuse to assent to a bill making them accountable to the Guyanese tax payers?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Th bills proposed by the joint opposition are both unconstitutional, the current administration would never accent to any legislation that is unconstitutional!

Ramotar lied.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
AFC Councilor rebuffs party shenanigans …says Ramjattan bluffing on readiness for snap electionsPDFPrintE-mail
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 23:12

Yusuf, this past week said that the joint opposition A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the AFC have stepped up the ‘ungovernable accelerator.’

According to the AFC Councilor, the two parties that constitute the largest bloc in the National Assembly have moved from ‘scissoring’ projects, vitally important for national development to blocking a bill “which is so vital for our local and international trade and livelihoods.”


Interesting statement and developments.


the AFC should  write to the CFT ahead of the May 27 plenary session in Nicaragua outlining reasons for voting down the bill and place the PPP/C regime's dalliance on the matter in the context of pervasive corruption in government.




The AFC needs to stop playing partisan politics with the livelihood of the Guyanese populace, its clear to see that political gathering termed the AFC, is a bunch of super ego-centric individuals would would stop at anything just to attract a ray of limelight


President appeal to Parliamentarians to re – engage discussions on Anti Money Laundering Bill


In a message to Parliament this afternoon, Wednesday May 22, President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar appealed to members of Parliament to re – engage in discussions at the special select committee so that the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing for Terrorism Bill is brought to Parliament.


The message was read by Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds.


“I am appealing to all members to put Guyana first despite what differences we may have…I am calling on all parliamentary political parties and committee members to do all that is possible to complete its reviews of the Bill and return to the House expeditiously,” President Ramotar said.


The President pointed out that other countries in the Caricom Region have experienced challenges in meeting the recommendations established in the Caribbean Financial Action task Force [CFATF].


However, according to the President, those countries were able to rise to the occasion to protect its national interest, and the Bill was passed. As such, he called on the parliamentarians to do the same.


“I am calling on all Members of Parliament to do all that is possible to re – engage at the Parliamentary Special Select Committee to bring the Bill back to the House on May 24 or the latest May 28…”


Begging the opposition majority parliament will not bear fruit. Remember during the time that the PPP was majority; they never paid any attention to the concerns of the opposition. Now why should the opposition care?


Cockeye Ramjattan and bruckdown Granger with one foot in the grave will have their last hurrah on this one.


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