Let sunshine prevail on the Skeldon Factory deal
Read by Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC Presidential Candidate, AFC Chairman
Since the last AFC statement about a potential surreptitious deal concerning the management of the Skeldon Factory, there has been a deafening silence by GuySuCo and the Minister of Agriculture.
The AFC is well aware, however, of continuing negotiations behind closed doors for a management contract between the favoured Surendra Engineering Co. and of the Agriculture Minister on behalf of GuySuCo. The Minister recently made it quite clear that GuySuCo was without capacity to run the affairs of the problem-plagued factory.
Guyana's sugar sector, the AFC repeats, does not need either Surendra Engineering nor CNTIC to be evaluated as prospective managers. Rather, what is needed is a full-scale public inquiry to discover the credentials of these companies, and how they became fit and proper candidates for the contracts they won here in Guyana worth approx $200 m (US). Neither of the factories they built here has been optimally operational to this day. Moreover, as regards Surendra, all past and present contracts awarded to it be they in Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya should be brought to light, Additionally, questions must be asked about whether it is genuinely an Indian company suffering the scrutiny of the law of India, or a hollow company out of Dubai before any completed contract is sealed.
The AFC, having done its homework in contacting certain sugar factory engineers, has come by information that major companies which are very reputable and experienced in sugar out from India, did proffer detailed proposals which were not even acknowledged by the Minister of Agriculture, nor the Chairman of GuySuCo nor the CEO. One such company builds, owns and manages hundreds of sugar factories in India and is capable of procuring financing from the Government of India for the entire exercise.
Another such company, with headquarters in England and with base in India, made a proposal to send at its own costs experts to carry out a diagnostic study and to thereafter submit a preliminary report for GuySuCo's consideration. Surely such an offer of 'try before you buy" ought not to have been refused by GuySuCo. Yet it was not even acknowledged!
The AFC feels that something fishy is afoot and that a deal is about to be made which a number of officials at Guysuco, inclusive of the Minister, do not want sunshine to fall upon. Such sunshine may reveal them as rather ugly.
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