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Date: February 29, 2012

For Immediate Release to all Media Houses



France Ambassador to Caricom meets AFC - Read by Moses Nagamootoo


France’s Ambassador to Caricom H.E Joel Godeau met with Alliance For Change Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo on Monday, February 27, 2012 in Georgetown.


Talks centred on Guyana-France-EU relations and the need to deepen cooperation among these states.


The French Ambassador who is based in Cayenne, French Guiana said, he paid great interest in the outcome of the Guyana 2011 Elections.


Nagamootoo in return informed the French Ambassador of the AFC’s campaign for clean and accountable governance and the Party’s commitment to fight all forms of corruption.


Nagamootoo also took the opportunity to express AFC’s commitment to national unity and cooperation through dialogue. He assured Ambassador Godeau that the AFC will examine the need for a Guyana consulate in Cayenne and support France's interest in an observer role within Caricom taking into consideration the importance of France's -Caribbean departments and states.



AFC will not be lenient with corrupt officials - Read by Khemraj Ramjattan


The Alliance For Change is urging its colleagues in the Parliament to see the Tenth Parliament as an opportunity to advance good governance and stamp out corruption. This comes as the Party reviews the latest Auditor General’s Report and compares it with previous Reports.


In its analysis of the AG’s Report, the AFC notes that once again the Auditor General has identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of non-accountability that contravene financial management practices. This has been the case of many Reports before. Yet, even though these infractions continue to be identified many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for. This state of affairs must not continue.


The AFC has already indicated its zero tolerance on corruption and now reiterates its position. Let this be a message to those corrupt officials who continue to engage in shady transactions and who fail to enact proper accounting measures, the AFC will not be lenient with you.


The people of this country are expecting their leaders in the Parliament to tackle corruption head-on by providing iron-clad legislation and using its power to call officials to account and more! The National Assembly and more so the Public Accounts Committee of the Assembly have critical roles to play in ensuring taxpayers money is not siphoned off into deep pockets.


The people, through their vote, have given the Assembly the strength it needs to fight financial corruption and the Tenth Parliament would be failing in its duty to the people if it allows the discrepancies identified by the Auditor General to go uncorrected.


The Alliance For Change sees it as the Party’s solemn duty to the people to act against corrupt officials. This is the duty also of all the members of the National Assembly. If new conventions have to be written and new precedents set, then so be it. The people voted for a new dispensation, one that gives them confidence in the system. The people are the masters, MPs the servants. As servants of the people we must deliver what our masters have mandated us to do.



AFC endorses OAS Observer Mission Report - Read by Khemraj Ramjattan


The Alliance For Change (AFC) thanks the OAS Electoral Observer Mission to the Guyana General and Regional Elections 2011, for its verbal Report. The Report is concise, factual, debunks any claim of rigging by the opposition and more importantly, provides a number of recommendations for improving the conduct of elections in Guyana.


The AFC notes, that in the Report, the OAS Observer Mission made a point of addressing a number of issues which the AFC has been speaking about for sometime now, including; campaign financing, the use of state resources for electoral purposes and the unequal conditions for electoral competition; the need to include enforcement mechanisms in the Code of Conduct for Political Parties; government monopoly of radio, and; access to the state owned television station.


Of particular concern to the AFC, is the OAS Mission report that, “in the tabulation and processing of the polls several incidents (were observed) which demonstrated the lack of application of uniform procedures, including:

  1. The OAS teams stationed at the tabulation center in Georgetown observed at least two envelopes containing statements of poll being delivered by an unaccredited and unescorted individual.
  2. On at least two occasions, statements of poll bypassed the system whereby the Commissioners examined them and were instead delivered directly to the manual tabulation process.
  3. On November 29th, for about half an hour the reception procedure was reversed by the GECOM Chairman to institute the direct delivery of statements of poll to the manual tabulation process, prior to their verification by Commissioners.
  4. Prior to the declaration of results, the IT department was unable to finish processing all of the statements of poll, and 307 were not in the digital tabulation center’s system half an hour before the originally scheduled declaration of results. While the declaration of results is legally based on the information provided to the Chief Electoral Officer by the Returning Officers, corroborating the manual tally with that of the IT department prior to the declaration of results could have helped lend credibility to the process.”


These observations of the OAS Mission are a clear indication that GECOM must undergo reform if the people of Guyana are to have any confidence in the system. 

The Report clearly points to the need to reform GECOM prior to the holding of Local Government Elections and it must therefore be treated with top-most priority. The AFC has made this point at the level of the tripartite talks with the government and APNU.

The AFC fully endorses the recommendations of the OAS Observation Mission and to this end the Party will bring to the National Assembly a Motion calling for the reform of GECOM. In light of the OAS Report, the AFC anticipates that it will get the full support of the House.



Border residents feel closer to Brazil - Read by Mark Crawford, AFC Region 8 Chairman


The Alliance For Change is calling on the Government and more so the Minister of Amerindian Affairs to look into the concerns of Amerindian residents at the border villages. The AFC has been informed through our Regional representatives that, due to neglect over many years, our Amerindian brothers and sisters are forced to look to foreign governments for assistance.


While this is not dissimilar to what is happening on the coastal belt, the AFC understands that the residents of these villages are forced to access even the most basic of services from neighbouring Brazil, because the Guyana Government failed to provide for the residents. As a result, many of the residents now carry Brazilian Identification cards.


Dr. Cheddi Jagan, the father of the PPP often said, “Guyana is too rich to be so poor.” Yet, after more than twenty years of PPP government, our first people are forced to look to a neighbouring government for food, clothing, kitchen utensils, hammocks and farming tools.


It is time for the government to abandon idle rhetoric and public posturing and get down to really addressing the welfare of hinterland residents.


The AFC anticipates that the 2012 National Budget will make provisions to alleviate the suffering of the Amerindian peoples. The Party will pay close scrutiny to all allocations for Amerindian development to ensure that it is spent on the areas for which it was voted and to ensure that there is value for money in the execution of projects within these areas.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

"The AFC has already indicated its zero tolerance on corruption and now reiterates its position. Let this be a message to those corrupt officials who continue to engage in shady transactions and who fail to enact proper accounting measures, the AFC will not be lenient with you..." Khemraj Ramjattan



The Rev has been very critical of the AFC and its leaders, but I will give credit where it's rightfully due. I fully support the AFC in its goal to expose and prosecute the corrupt and criminal elements in the government.






In its analysis of the AG’s Report, the AFC notes that once again the Auditor General has identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of non-accountability that contravene financial management practices. This has been the case of many Reports before. Yet, even though these infractions continue to be identified many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for. This state of affairs must not continue.


Zero tolerance for corruption. Go get em AFC!



AFC urges MPs to tackle corruption head-on

The Alliance For Change, in noting that the latest Auditor General’s Report has again identified a number of financial discrepancies and instances of unaccountability, is urging Members of Parliament to take a zero tolerance approach to corruption.

The AFC in a release yesterday pointed out that the National Assembly and more so its Public Accounts Committee have critical roles to play in ensuring taxpayers money is not siphoned off into deep pockets. The party noted that while many previous AG reports have identified the contravention of financial management practices, these infractions continue as many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures.

According to the AFC, it seems that these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers whose money is not being properly accounted for and this state of affairs must not continue, the party asserted.

And underscoring that the AFC has already indicated its zero tolerance on corruption, the party declared, “Let this be a message to those corrupt officials who continue to engage in shady transactions and who fail to enact proper accounting measures,” as “the AFC will not be lenient with you.”

The people, through their vote, have given the Assembly the strength it needs to fight financial corruption and the Tenth Parliament would be failing in its duty to the people if it allows the discrepancies identified by the Auditor General to go uncorrected, the AFC declared.

Moreover, the party said it considers it its solemn duty to the people to act against corrupt officials and this is the duty also of all the members of the National Assembly, even if new conventions have to be written and new precedents set.

The people of this country, the AFC added, are expecting their leaders in the Parliament to tackle corruption head-on by providing iron-clad legislation and using its power to call officials to account.


Brassington’s resignation no ‘get out of jail free’ card



“We would like him to be subpoenaed before Parliamentary Committee” – Ramjattan

“We feel that (Winston) Brassington knows everything…A to Z about all the transactions,” said Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, as he sounded a warning that the controversial figure could be subpoenaed to appear before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee.


Ramjattan said that the AFC will pursue this course of action even as reports surface that Brassington intends to resign as Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Ltd. (NICIL) and take up a top position with a private consultancy.

According to Ramjattan, even with the likely resignation, the AFC is determined to see an investigation at the level of the Economic Sector Committee into everything that NICIL has done over a five-year period. “We would like him to be subpoenaed before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee … we have very big concerns, because we now realize what NICIL has done is in breach of a lot of the laws and financial regulations and here the big man himself (Brassington) is resigning.”

AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan


Brassington, Ramjattan speculated, was the “Chief Architect of them (breaches)” and he must be there to answer relevant questions. Ramjattan told media operatives that “I rather suspect that desertion from NICIL now, does not mean that he can’t be held accountable or at least provide information for an investigation.”

The AFC Chairman highlighted his suspicion that the move by Brassington to resign at this juncture could perhaps be a move which means that he cannot be subpoenaed, but “I am interpreting the regulation somewhat differently, that he can be! So if you all feel that he is going to get away from scrutiny, we feel that we can drag him in before that Committee, or at least we can have whoever his successor will be or those other officials, so that NICIL can at least be in a position to be scrutinised very thoroughly.”

Only recently the operations of NICIL under the Bharrat Jagdeo-led administration were blasted by former Finance Minister and Executive Member of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Carl Greenidge, who categorically asserted that NICIL was never meant to be a ‘slush fund’ for the Government.

Greenidge, in a recent interview, questioned operations of NICIL, particularly the fact that the money it has under its control is not being transferred to the nation’s coffers in the form of the Consolidated Fund. As such, Greenidge revealed that APNU will be looking to ensure that agencies such as NICIL, which is semi-autonomous, come under parliamentary scrutiny and further, have the monies turned over to the Consolidated Fund at regular intervals.

Greenidge further stated that one individual whom the partnership will be paying particular attention to, as it relates to his involvement in numerous transactions is Brassington, someone who is closely linked to Jagdeo. Greenidge explained that when NICIL was established, it was during a time in Guyana’s history when the country had completed a number of privatisation arrangements, and the entity was supposed to have managed the assets that remained, such as the 20 per cent shares owned in the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company.

NICIL is tasked with receiving the dividends payable to the Guyana Government. According to the entity’s website, “NICIL was incorporated as a company under the Companies Act Chapter 89:01 on the 18th July, 1990, but did not begin to function as a Company until the appointment and assumption of duty of the Executive Director on the 15th July, 1991. The primary objectives of the company were that of subscribing for, taking or otherwise acquiring and holding the Government shares, stocks, debentures or other securities of any company, co-operatives societies or body corporate.


Controversial NICIL boss, Winston Brassington


This meant that all Government shareholdings in public corporations and companies, including those falling under the Public Corporations Secretariat and the Co-operative Finance Administration Institutions, were to be transferred to NICIL.

Effective January 1, 2002, a Management Co-operation Agreement was signed, appointing the Privatisation Unit (PU) as exclusive manager of NICIL. It was agreed that the collecting and accounting of privatisation proceeds, rents, dividends and other income of the combined entity will be done in the name of NICIL. It was also agreed that all costs/expenses of the combined entity (PU/NICIL) will be regarded as costs of NICIL.


Warrior QUOTE: The AFC IS doing they job,

its good to seerev agree with me that the ppp crime family have to go to jail.





My friend the Problem with the Rev is he think ee speaks for Donald Ramotar or the PPP ......

and he try to convince us the the PPP own the Berbicians and the Indian votes in Guyana......

and Under Ramotar and Jagdeo de PPP is an All INDIAN ONLY PARTY......

and the PPP is not a Multi-ethnic Party.


Both Sam Hinds and Roger Luncheon say Rev is a phony three dollar bill.

Sam & Roger examine eee good...both side.



Then when Rev is cornered on the Bareface Thiefing.....

he say .....

"Ow Bhai give them at least 2 more years before you Jail them na".......

In 2 year yall can Jail Bharat, Robert, Irfan, Brassie and Mannie......

no problem...... but Rev beging fuh hold all charges fuh 2 year 


If yuh lock them up now....De Duck term gon end before eee 9 month Max.


The Problem with de other soup drinkers, they cant imagine the day is comming when De Entire Crooked Cabal will be in Jail.


Nehru, Rama, De Ole Enginer are all dem Loyal ole soupie-PPP boys(former mice) who have grown into Rats.  And we know all animals belong to the Zoo......

Jagabat was seting up a comfortable place for all these So-call Toothless Tigers who lost their Stripes and today $hiting dem skin like Ramu, Dem_Guy, Nee-ru and all those Useless Farts who now shitting themself up.


Baa-Rat was thinking he would Join them later if the survive and are still around when he is out of Jail ........

de only problem is De AFC would not release de money fuh "De Nehru Zoo".......

and this really hurting de duck......he was looking at his retirement too.


But De Rev and BG_See thru de plan..........

and them bhai know soon De Duck will be forced to ship all them PNC Thugs and Animals to the Zoo Al-But from Monkey Mountain, Dolphin La Mumba, Pee Cock-man Manni,  House of Isreal Hamilton,  Jungle man Bynoe, Nascimento de Kabaka Election Rigger, Norman McClean de GDF Ballot Box Thief......and even Hammie De Mayor fuh Life.


Fuh some reason De Rev and BG_See frighten both De Jail and De Zoo....

them giving Cock-eyed support to the AFC's war on crime and corruption. 



No leniency for corrupt officials says Ramjattan



In recognition of the fact that the Office of the Auditor General has yet again identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of unaccountability that contravene financial management practices, the Alliance for Change (AFC) is urging its colleagues in Parliament to seize the opportunity to advance good governance and stamp out corruption.


According to the party’s Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, in its analysis of the AG’s Report, the AFC has observed that the revelations are not dissimilar from many previous Reports. “…even though these infractions continue to be identified, many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices,” Ramjattan noted. This development, he noted, is not only an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office but also contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for and therefore it must not be allowed to continue.

The AFC has already indicated its zero tolerance on corruption and now reiterates its position, Ramjattan said, even as he asserted that the party is not prepared to be lenient with those who practice corruption. “Let this be a message to those corrupt officials who continue to engage in shady transactions and who fail to enact proper accounting measures, the AFC will not be lenient with you. The people of this country are expecting their leaders in the Parliament to tackle corruption head-on by providing iron-clad legislation and using its power to call officials to account and more!” As a result, Ramjattan noted that the National Assembly, and moreso the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly, have critical roles to play in ensuring taxpayers money is not siphoned off into deep pockets.

He further pointed out that the people, through their votes, have given the National Assembly the strength it needs to fight financial corruption and the Tenth Parliament would be failing in its duty to the people if it allows the discrepancies identified by the Auditor General to go uncorrected.  He added that the AFC sees it as the Party’s solemn duty to the people to act against corrupt officials, stressing that such actions are in fact the duty of all the members of the National Assembly. “If new conventions have to be written and new precedents set, then so be it. The people voted for a new dispensation, one that gives them confidence in the system. The people are the masters, MPs the servants. As servants of the people we must deliver what our masters have mandated us to do.”


AFC anticipates parliamentary support for motion to Reform GECOM



Recent revelations issued by the Organisation of American States (OAS) Electoral Observer Mission to the Guyana General and Regional Elections has led to the Alliance for Change (AFC) calling for a reform of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).


AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan

The OAS in a recent report revealed a number of concerns that have not been limited to the fact that envelopes containing Statements of Poll were delivered by an unaccredited and unescorted individual, and according to Chairman of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, the party is confident that it will be able to get the full support of the House to address electoral reform in light of the OAS report.  He amplified the need “to have some confidence in the system, otherwise, we are perennially going to be in trouble simply because we are suspicious of the system.”

This, he said, is probably one of the biggest problems with Guyana and once there is suspicion, even without foundation, “there will be huge problems…there will be trouble in the sense that there might be problems due to uneducated officials, who simply did not realise they had to do certain procedures. It happens in every democracy but we feel that all of those happenings there must be attempts to correct them and reform what the OAS in its set of recommendations is stating in that, there are things to reform…”

In highlighting the OAS recommendation that there is need for reformation and adherence, Ramjattan, speaking at his party’s weekly press briefing on Wednesday, disclosed that “the AFC has made this point at the level of the tripartite talks with the Government and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). The AFC fully endorses the recommendations of the OAS Observation Mission, and to this end, the Party will bring to the National Assembly a Motion calling for the Reform of GECOM.”  APNU, according to Ramjattan, has indicated that it will support such a motion.

Based on the revelations of the OAS, there has been no evidence to support rigging of the 2011 General Elections on the part of the opposition. However, there are some issues of concern among them, the fact that in the tabulation and processing of the polls, several incidents were observed, which demonstrated the lack of application of uniformed procedures.

A verbal report issued by the OAS outlines that OAS teams stationed at the tabulation center in Georgetown observed at least two envelopes containing Statements of Poll being delivered by an unaccredited and unescorted individual. In addition, it was noted that on at least two occasions, Statements of Poll bypassed the system, whereby the Commissioners examined them and they were instead delivered directly to the manual tabulation process.

Further, the OAS revealed that one day after the November 28, 2011 elections, for about half an hour, the reception procedure was reversed by the GECOM Chairman to institute the direct delivery of Statements of Poll to the manual tabulation process, prior to their verification by Commissioners. Prior to the declaration of results, the IT Department was unable to finish processing all of the Statements of Poll, and 307 were not in the digital tabulation center’s system half an hour before the originally scheduled declaration of results. “While the declaration of results is legally based on the information provided to the Chief Electoral Officer by the Returning Officers, corroborating the manual tally with that of the Information Technology Department prior to the declaration of results could have helped lend credibility to the process,” the OAS noted.

These observations of the OAS Mission, according to Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, are a clear indication that GECOM must undergo reform if the people of Guyana are to have any confidence in the system. The Report clearly points to the need to reform GECOM prior to the holding of Local Government Elections and it must therefore be treated with top-most priority. “The AFC has made this point at the level of the tripartite talks with the government and APNU, (and) the AFC fully endorses the recommendations of the OAS Observation Mission. To this end, the Party will bring to the National Assembly a Motion calling for the reform of GECOM. In light of the OAS Report, the AFC anticipates that it will get the full support of the House.”


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