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AFC Press Conference

Date: March 7, 2012
For Immediate Release to all Media Houses

Valerie Garrido-LoweAFC extends Phagwah greeting to all Guyanese

Read by Valerie Garrido-Lowe

Tomorrow (Thursday 8 March 2012), Hindus all across the world will celebrate Phagwah. In Guyana, many non-Hindus will join in the celebrations. In the streets and in the temples we will shower each other with brilliant colours and water. We will eat and laugh together. Such is the power of religion to transcend and bridge racial and cultural barriers and all factors that seek to separate us.


Phagwah, or Holi is a time for thanksgiving, deep reflection and new beginnings. Hindus will give thanks for all the blessings they received over the past year. As they reflect on the past year, they will need to identify the evil forces that influence them and in so doing commit to a future where they pursue a virtuous living, one where they live in peace and harmony with all mankind and with the environment.


The Alliance For Change believes that these are values that all Guyanese can embrace. As a nation, Hindus and non-Hindus we have a lot to be thankful for – no natural disasters, no wars and generally our people co-exist peacefully.

As we celebrate Holi on Thursday, let us renew our commitment to peace and harmony. In the words of our National Pledge, “… to love my fellow citizens and to dedicate my energies towards the happiness and prosperity of Guyana.”

May the message of Phagwah reside eternally in our hearts and in our nation. Happy Holi to our Hindu brothers and sisters and to all Guyana!



Cathy HughesAFC invites all to get real on help for women

Read by Cathy Hughes

Guyana will join the rest of the word in observing International Women’s Day. The UN theme for this year is, “Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty”.

Guyana, over the years, has produced many women of great strength and fortitude of character; Viola Burnham, Janet Jagan, Sheila Holder and many others whose names are forever engraved in the annals of our history. Madam Justice Desiree Bernard who continues to serve in the legal fraternity, young Nicollette Fernandes whose discipline has propelled her onto the international sports stage and countless others who are doing this country proud. The Alliance For Change salutes you!


To the thousands of other women, those who till the soil, who sell in our markets, who teach our children, attend our sick and give of their all to take care of their families, you are heroes to us.


The AFC recognises the struggle of rural women and those in the urban areas trying to make ends meet, the single women trying to provide for children abandoned by fathers, the impoverished families trying to survive on minimum wages and those who have no assurance of an income at the end of the week or month. You are the unsung heroes of this country and the AFC lauds you for the strength you continue to demonstrate daily.


This year as we observe International Women’s Day, the Alliance For Change calls on all the leaders to examine the true position and conditions of the majority of our women and to act immediately to help them. At a recent caucus on women it was highlighted that one in every three women was molested at some time in her life. This is an astonishing revelation and does not speak well to the way our women are protected.


Every day in the newspapers we read stories of women who were physically abused, more often than not it would have been at the hands of their spouse or partner. Many have lost their lives and many of these were young women still in their productive years. This country cannot afford to have our women killed/ disabled at the rate it is happening.


Whether it is sexual molestation, assault, verbal or physical abuse or any other form of exploitation of our women we as leaders have a responsibility to ensure that mechanisms are in place to protect our women. It is not enough to say that we have some of the more progressive legislation. Legislation without action is worthless. Our women need safeguards that will ensure they have the wherewithal to exit abusive relationships or exploitative situations.


In this regard, the AFC is advocating that the 2012 National Budget includes allocations for establishment of more shelters and safe-houses for abused women where they can go to escape abuse and which will accommodate them and their children. The AFC also demands that the budget include special tax benefits for single women with school age children. Further, as we outlined in our action plan, we feel that the time has come to establish a fund to provide financial assistance to women who are ready to take the bold step to leave an abusive relationship but who will need financial support during the period of transition.


These are measures that will directly impact the ability of women in difficult circumstances to turn their situations around. The AFC will also use its seven seats in the National Assembly to pursue other tax reforms that will ease the burden of all women and all families. In addition, the Party will pursue engagements with commercial banks to establish micro financing opportunities for women and other vulnerable groups and to review collateral requirements which can exclude women from qualifying for loans.


While as a country we have made some progress in addressing the needs and conditions of women, there is still a lot more work to be done. It is time to stop taking about what in society is negatively affecting our women. It is time to act. The AFC therefore extends an invitation to all the Members of Parliament especially the women, Government and all other leaders and civil society to join us as today we pledge to take decisive action to help all women lead a full, safe and productive life.




Moses V. NagamootooPeople’s interest must be reflected in 2012 National Budget

Read by Moses Nagamootoo


The Alliance For Change has put together a team of financial experts and Members of Parliament to carefully scrutinise the 2012 National Budget when it is presented. It will be their task to go through with a fine-toothed comb to make sure that the allocations reflect the interest of the people.


The AFC expects that the budget when it is presented will provide some measures to ease the financial hardships so many Guyanese are experiencing. Specifically, the AFC team will look for a rising of the personal income tax threshold, adjustment to the income tax and a reduction of Value Added Tax. In its Action Plan the AFC had put forward a tax threshold of $50,000 and income tax lowered to 25% and VAT lowered to 12%. The AFC will look to see what the government is offering in these areas.


Additionally, the team will be paying close attention to budgetary measures that will directly address security and crime reduction; job creation especially for young people; the delivery of health care especially in the hinterland areas, education, especially for school drop-outs and tertiary level education and; allocations for women in difficult circumstances.


Parallel to its scrutiny of budgetary allocations, the AFC will maintain an oversight role to ensure that allocations once disbursed are utilised for the intended provision and that there is no siphoning off of tax payers money through shady deals and contracts.


(Quote)Parallel to its scrutiny of budgetary allocations, the AFC will maintain an oversight role to ensure that allocations once disbursed are utilised for the intended provision and that there is no siphoning off of tax payers money through shady deals and contracts. (Quote)


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