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Mr. Ramjettan of the AFC should be meticulous in his approach towards the budget our economy would suffer the worst fate should we accept these proposals. Since reducing government spending would mean fewer money being pumped into the economy, while lowering VAT would also mean less revenue collected by government to , therefore, increasing wages would be almost impossible if we were to reduced government revenue and cut government spending at the same time.


If the AFC agenda is to target the government then AFC’s agenda is to hurt the people of Guyana. I believe that the AFC is being too unrealistic and is on course to deceive the people.


I would love to be THe Commissioner of The Public Service Restructuring. I would use technology to improve effeciency, Control and accountability. This would enable me to make a certain # of jobs unnecessary. Implement strict Policies with regards productivity, effeciency, punctuality and discipline in the Public Service. In a few years when we dont have to spend as much of Technology we will be able to gradually increase Salaries and Benefits. 


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