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Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - they were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
What??? You out of your mind Bro. First, you too SHAME to show the crowd and second, when the PPP has a public Meeting in Enterprise , 250 people does take a break to piss while thousands listening to their Leaders.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - there were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
Originally posted by Nehru:
What??? You out of your mind Bro. First, you too SHAME to show the crowd and second, when the PPP has a public Meeting in Enterprise , 250 people does take a break to piss while thousands listening to their Leaders.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - there were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
Keep laughing Nehru. I stand by what I said.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
What??? You out of your mind Bro. First, you too SHAME to show the crowd and second, when the PPP has a public Meeting in Enterprise , 250 people does take a break to piss while thousands listening to their Leaders.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - there were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
Keep laughing Nehru. I stand by what I said.

bai GR, don't even respond, its give the motivation required. You are in GT making a diference, not hybernating in NY drinking rum and spewing swill.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
What??? You out of your mind Bro. First, you too SHAME to show the crowd and second, when the PPP has a public Meeting in Enterprise , 250 people does take a break to piss while thousands listening to their Leaders.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - there were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
Keep laughing Nehru. I stand by what I said.
the thousand might have turn up but there was black out and the indians know if they leave the house they will get rob dont blame them the police might help rob them
HEHEHE Now I man gun Laff Till he belly bussup. yippie yippie
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
What??? You out of your mind Bro. First, you too SHAME to show the crowd and second, when the PPP has a public Meeting in Enterprise , 250 people does take a break to piss while thousands listening to their Leaders.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - there were spread on two sides, this is why you saw me looking side to side, and it was too dark for the camera to pick up. And to the best of knowledge no other party than PPP has ever held meetings of that size in Enterprise.
Keep laughing Nehru. I stand by what I said.
the thousand might have turn up but there was black out and the indians know if they leave the house they will get rob dont blame them the police might help rob them
Originally posted by bird:
250 people does take a break to piss

On one another Remember PPP piss poor party.

Well done Gerhard and Team - Sister Punalall and others.

You are breaking away on the walls of oppression in GT, block by block. You dismantled 250 blocks yesterday. Keep tapping away brother.

Well done.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - .

That is why I keep on telling you to show pics of the crowds. Most people think that you are a Baby Party and the PPP and PNC remind them of this daily.

Your job is to prove that you have support......then maybe you will actually GET support based on an assessment that maybe the AFC will improve on its 2006 performance.

I dont know Enterprise and the neighboring villages. Is 250 a fair sized crowd? Maybe many are just coming out of "fassness". Does this amount display scant interest in listening to you if surrounding areas have thousands of regsitered voters?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - .

That is why I keep on telling you to show pics of the crowds. Most people think that yiu are a Baby Party and the PPP and PNC remind them of this daily.

Your job is to prove that you have support......then maybe you will actuallyb GET support based on an assessment that maybe teh AFC will improve on its 2006 performance.

I dont know Enterprise and the neighboring villages. Is 250 a fair sized crowd? Maybe many are just coming out of "fassness". Does this amount display scant interest in listening to yiou if surrounding areas have thousands of regsitered voters?

Caribe all very valid arguments.

Let me clarify.

Enterprise is a treasured sugar village of the PPP, no political party other than the DLM and the WPA could have held meetings there.

Secondly, the PPP thugs were dissuading the people from coming to the meeting with threats.

Thus if 250 people overcame the threat that is a lot since the real amount listening from their windows would be double that.

If the PNC/APNU go to Enterprise them people will tie a donkey at the meeting place.

This is commendable for the AFC. Congrats.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Nehru:
POOR Gerhard talking to himself again. yippie yippie yippie
lol Laugh all you want. Fact is we had over 250 persons there - .

That is why I keep on telling you to show pics of the crowds. Most people think that yiu are a Baby Party and the PPP and PNC remind them of this daily.

Your job is to prove that you have support......then maybe you will actuallyb GET support based on an assessment that maybe teh AFC will improve on its 2006 performance.

I dont know Enterprise and the neighboring villages. Is 250 a fair sized crowd? Maybe many are just coming out of "fassness". Does this amount display scant interest in listening to yiou if surrounding areas have thousands of regsitered voters?
"Fassness" doesn't apply to PPP or PNC strongholds. They make it very clear when they don't want other parties to hold meetings there. You ought to know that caribj.

You also ought to know that victimisation is very real in Guyana. We therefore did not want to go flashing our cameras at the crowd. Where we were did not have street lights for us to get general crowd shots. There was a street exactly opposite where we were speaking as well, with vehicles passing from time to time, and so there was no crowd in front, but to the sides instead.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
"Fassness" doesn't apply to PPP or PNC strongholds. They make it very clear when they don't want other parties to hold meetings there. You ought to know that caribj.

You also ought to know that victimisation is very real in Guyana.

If people fear victimization then they will not vote for you. Paranoia will suggest that ballots will be checked and revenge taken against "traitors who split the vote". This is why in Gtwn in the 1970s voter turnouts were low. They couldnt vote PNC. They dared not vote against it. This is exactly why you have to display strength.

If they feel you have no chances of winning, or at least becoming a strong pwoer broker then why risk one's fortunes for a Baby Party? This is a big reason why the PPP has made some inroads into parts of the black middle class. This is what a weakened PNC has accomplished.

Remember how many used to show up to WPA meetings? Now remind me how many votes they got in 1992? Make especial note of how well the PNC did even though there was widespread dissatisfaction against them a scant few years before. There were many "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn in 1985.

Hopefully in addition to "educating" Guyanese you have real ways of determining what your hard core support is and where its from. If they dont vote then the PPP benefits.
If people fear victimization then they will not vote for you. Paranoia will suggest that ballots will be checked and revenge taken against "traitors who split the vote". This is why in Gtwn in the 1970s voter turnouts were low. They couldn’t vote PNC. They dared not vote against it. This is exactly why you have to display strength.

Absolute rubbish. The facts there was a low turnout in 2006 since the youth were not willing to come off the fence – they did not like what they saw in the PNC and PPP and the AFC was 6 months old. The AFC is now 6 years old and has its own youth movement which is working among this group.

We have to stop pontificating without evidence. Let us be patient – 9 weeks to go to E-day and let us see if the AFC strategy works, why attack it and the test has not been written.

If they feel you have no chances of winning, or at least becoming a strong power broker then why risk one's fortunes for a Baby Party? This is a big reason why the PPP has made some inroads into parts of the black middle class. This is what a weakened PNC has accomplished.

I object to your unfair categorization of the AFC. The AFC is the first political party in Guyana and the Caribbean that has won regional seats in all the region. All 10 Region, not even Peter Diguar achieved that. When the PPP contested election in the past they shied away from Region 8 (Potaro). So rest yourself with all this assumption.

THE AFC IS NO BABY PARTY. You will be shocked out of your boots with the results. Yes the PPP is a formidable opponent and the APNU is dead on arrival but we are in this game to WIN. Why is APNU dead on arrival - Hammie Green, Robby Corbins and all these dinosaurs from our past life of rigging. Ruppie Rupnarine can’t save them, he just does not jive with the under 35 crowd who make up 25% of the voting population.

Remember how many used to show up to WPA meetings? Now remind me how many votes they got in 1992? Make especial note of how well the PNC did even though there was widespread dissatisfaction against them a scant few years before. There were many "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn in 1985.

Carib, I am amazed at you. 1992 was Cheddi Jagan elections, even solid PNC people voted for him. Even DLM, WPA, URP, TUF supporters had to pay respect to this man who was cheated not defeated in the period between 1968 – 1985. You are mixing orange with apples.

Hopefully in addition to "educating" Guyanese you have real ways of determining what your hard core support is and where its from. If they dont vote then the PPP benefits.

The only way to feasible way understand your support is to do a poll but even that is not accurate. Our leaders in the field walk and talk to thousands of people and they all say they fed up with the PPP and are ready to try a change. We have to believe them, we have to trust them.

Listen, we are prepared to do our grass roots work, share our KEY, walk the villages and street of the towns and talk to the people on the issues, hold the public meeting, educate the people on how to put the X next to the KEY and then wait on the results.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
If people fear victimization then they will not vote for you. Paranoia will suggest that ballots will be checked and revenge taken against "traitors who split the vote". This is why in Gtwn in the 1970s voter turnouts were low. They couldn’t vote PNC. They dared not vote against it. This is exactly why you have to display strength.

Absolute rubbish. The facts there was a low turnout in 2006 since the youth were not willing to come off the fence – they did not like what they saw in the PNC and PPP and the AFC was 6 months old. The AFC is now 6 years old and has its own youth movement which is working among this group.

We have to stop pontificating without evidence. Let us be patient – 9 weeks to go to E-day and let us see if the AFC strategy works, why attack it and the test has not been written.

If they feel you have no chances of winning, or at least becoming a strong power broker then why risk one's fortunes for a Baby Party? This is a big reason why the PPP has made some inroads into parts of the black middle class. This is what a weakened PNC has accomplished.

I object to your unfair categorization of the AFC. The AFC is the first political party in Guyana and the Caribbean that has won regional seats in all the region. All 10 Region, not even Peter Diguar achieved that. When the PPP contested election in the past they shied away from Region 8 (Potaro). So rest yourself with all this assumption.

THE AFC IS NO BABY PARTY. You will be shocked out of your boots with the results. Yes the PPP is a formidable opponent and the APNU is dead on arrival but we are in this game to WIN. Why is APNU dead on arrival - Hammie Green, Robby Corbins and all these dinosaurs from our past life of rigging. Ruppie Rupnarine can’t save them, he just does not jive with the under 35 crowd who make up 25% of the voting population.

Remember how many used to show up to WPA meetings? Now remind me how many votes they got in 1992? Make especial note of how well the PNC did even though there was widespread dissatisfaction against them a scant few years before. There were many "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn in 1985.

Carib, I am amazed at you. 1992 was Cheddi Jagan elections, even solid PNC people voted for him. Even DLM, WPA, URP, TUF supporters had to pay respect to this man who was cheated not defeated in the period between 1968 – 1985. You are mixing orange with apples.

Hopefully in addition to "educating" Guyanese you have real ways of determining what your hard core support is and where its from. If they dont vote then the PPP benefits.

The only way to feasible way understand your support is to do a poll but even that is not accurate. Our leaders in the field walk and talk to thousands of people and they all say they fed up with the PPP and are ready to try a change. We have to believe them, we have to trust them.

Listen, we are prepared to do our grass roots work, share our KEY, walk the villages and street of the towns and talk to the people on the issues, hold the public meeting, educate the people on how to put the X next to the KEY and then wait on the results.

Sase thanks for a wonderful reply to the pontificator. He is upset that APNU is DOA. He was saying similiar things in the last election. Certatinly it's imperative that AFC get the people out to vote.

AFC must press on. Labor omnia vincit. AFC! Big Grin cheers flag
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Gmoney and his band of rejects have no chance of winning or gaining any seats in the upcoming elections. He invoke the name of that traitor Jagan claiming to grow up at his feet. Maybe if he mention that he is friends with Jagdeo who brought the people prosperity, they will vote for AFC. ahahahah

Do you dream this shyte you moron?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
If people fear victimization then they will not vote for you. Paranoia will suggest that ballots will be checked and revenge taken against "traitors who split the vote". This is why in Gtwn in the 1970s voter turnouts were low. They couldn’t vote PNC. They dared not vote against it. This is exactly why you have to display strength.

Absolute rubbish. The facts there was a low turnout in 2006 since the youth were not willing to come off the fence – they did not like what they saw in the PNC and PPP and the AFC was 6 months old. The AFC is now 6 years old and has its own youth movement which is working among this group.

We have to stop pontificating without evidence. Let us be patient – 9 weeks to go to E-day and let us see if the AFC strategy works, why attack it and the test has not been written.

If they feel you have no chances of winning, or at least becoming a strong power broker then why risk one's fortunes for a Baby Party? This is a big reason why the PPP has made some inroads into parts of the black middle class. This is what a weakened PNC has accomplished.

I object to your unfair categorization of the AFC. The AFC is the first political party in Guyana and the Caribbean that has won regional seats in all the region. All 10 Region, not even Peter Diguar achieved that. When the PPP contested election in the past they shied away from Region 8 (Potaro). So rest yourself with all this assumption.

THE AFC IS NO BABY PARTY. You will be shocked out of your boots with the results. Yes the PPP is a formidable opponent and the APNU is dead on arrival but we are in this game to WIN. Why is APNU dead on arrival - Hammie Green, Robby Corbins and all these dinosaurs from our past life of rigging. Ruppie Rupnarine can’t save them, he just does not jive with the under 35 crowd who make up 25% of the voting population.

Remember how many used to show up to WPA meetings? Now remind me how many votes they got in 1992? Make especial note of how well the PNC did even though there was widespread dissatisfaction against them a scant few years before. There were many "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn in 1985.

Carib, I am amazed at you. 1992 was Cheddi Jagan elections, even solid PNC people voted for him. Even DLM, WPA, URP, TUF supporters had to pay respect to this man who was cheated not defeated in the period between 1968 – 1985. You are mixing orange with apples.

Hopefully in addition to "educating" Guyanese you have real ways of determining what your hard core support is and where its from. If they dont vote then the PPP benefits.

The only way to feasible way understand your support is to do a poll but even that is not accurate. Our leaders in the field walk and talk to thousands of people and they all say they fed up with the PPP and are ready to try a change. We have to believe them, we have to trust them.

Listen, we are prepared to do our grass roots work, share our KEY, walk the villages and street of the towns and talk to the people on the issues, hold the public meeting, educate the people on how to put the X next to the KEY and then wait on the results.

Sase thanks for a wonderful reply to the pontificator. He is upset that APNU is DOA. He was saying similiar things in the last election. Certatinly it's imperative that AFC get the people out to vote.

AFC must press on. Labor omnia vincit. AFC! Big Grin cheers flag

Mitwah you can pontificate all that you want that APNU will lose. Yes they will. They dont deserve to win as they are doing nothing to win.

At the same time no one outside of the AFC has any expectations of that party. Why is that if you all think that you are at the brink of victory? You cant show evidence of mass support.

You attract a trickle, have had to cancel meetings in places...yet you still believe that there is this ground swell of support for you? Why? Screaming that any one who doesnt buy your brand of coolaid must be an APNU (if African) or PPP(If Indian) is hardly facing the facts is it.

MOST GUYANESE THINK THAT THE AFC IS A BABY PARTY. Running around now that its too late, rounding up a few people at meetings, wailing that there would be more except that people are scared. FACe it PEOPLE DONT THINK THE AFC WILL WIN!!!!

Sase winning 6% of the votes, as the AFC did in 2006 is nothing to brag about. That is what you won. To show how pathetic you all you you allowed the PPP to steal one of your seats instead of whipping them into shame. Cant even fight for what is yours.

The point is that you are yet to prove that the AFC is positioned to do better this year. I find it odd that the big AFC champion, Freddie Kissoon, is silent about your chances. Why is that?

Doing grass roots work isnt just having events where 10% of the community shows up because the remaining 90% are afraid you say. Any case if people came out to see Walter Rodney in their thousands, and Burnham was a far more vicious man that Jagdeo is, then why the lack of courage now?

After all in 1980 the govt controlled 80% of the economy and Guyana was way more regulated than it was today so victimizing people was much easier. Yet people showed up, and when Rodney died thousands of people marched into Gtwn to protest his death, risking being gunned down by the GDF.

I see no evidnce of such enthusiasm for the AFC outside of its little group of enthusiastic volunteers and supporters.

Something is happening. That is most people think that the AFC is a BABY Party. Has no chance to win, Fell asleep for FOUR years, and is awake now that they have to defend their seats in parliament.

More than a few of us, here and in Guyana, told the AFC to get active and to mobilize Guyanese from DAY ONE in parliament. The AFC joined the PNC in laziness. Well we know why Corbin was lazy...he was on the PPP gravy train, paid to be stupid......whats your excuse?
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Remember a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PNC aka APNU. .

Hmmm. So the Indocentric black hating ROARites (who hate blacks even more than PPPites) will support a black dictatorship? hardly.

This is not to say that there arent ROARites in the AFC trying to engage in their own vendetta against the PPP, knowing that its hard to do so in an Indo party, as Indos have never not voted PPP. But your reasoning behind this is bad.

The blacks who fled to the AFC last time because they hated Corbin have by and large gone back. Those left in the AFC really do NOT like either party.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
[FLASH_VIDEO]<object codebase=",0,0,0"
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Gerhard...iz hoo Ramjattan talking to ???? HE self???
Originally posted by caribj:

Something is happening. That is most people think that the AFC is a BABY Party.

Has no chance to win, Fell asleep for FOUR years, and is awake now that they have to defend their seats in parliament.

More than a few of us, here and in Guyana, told the AFC to get active and to mobilize Guyanese from DAY ONE in parliament.

The gist of the current situation.

Hopefully, the AFC can regroup to effectively make a drastic CHANGE in 2016.

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