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Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
So Dr.Van West Charles joined the A.F.C....since then the A.F.C propagandist are signing a different tune...I wonder why?
If one walks from darkness to light the inevitable conclusion is that one can see. Going to the PPP is waling in the opposite direction.

hey..stop drinking da stale paiwari nuh?? yu sounding real dootish cheers
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
So Dr.Van West Charles joined the A.F.C....since then the A.F.C propagandist are signing a different tune...I wonder why?
If one walks from darkness to light the inevitable conclusion is that one can see. Going to the PPP is waling in the opposite direction.

hey..stop drinking da stale paiwari nuh?? yu sounding real dootish cheers

Nice meeting Gerhard. Heard about it. Keep up the good work.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
AFC PUBLIC MEETING October 12, 2011
Lusignan - Golf Road - 6PM
Speakers: Khemraj Ramjattan, Raphael G. C. Trotman, Richard Van West Charles, Rajendra Bisessar, Gerhard Ramsaroop, and others.

Any GNIers or GNI readers in the area, please come out flag

Hi GR, my contact says was a great meting, high turnout, high interest. Good job overthere.

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