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Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by raymond:

dude, last time I checked, BERBICE is part of Guyana!!!!

Berbice don't only have Indos either...

LIKE I SAID 85% of the voters live OUTSIDE OF BERBICE. Unless you prevent them from voting it is this majority of non Region 6 people who will determine the outcome.

Every time the AFC shows evidence of support its from Berbice. So if they arent getting much support from the remaining 85% (they never seem to show evidence of this) then give me the mathematical formula which says they can win.

Very intersting explanation.

There are lots of issues including members switching to other parties.

After the "dust" is settled, the reality is that the PPP/C will win the elections with a majority.

And Guyanese will be rolling up their sleeves and getting back to their wonderful life.

More progress to come.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by D2:
Berbice is not 15% of the vote count. That is nonsense. .

region 6 is 15%. Region 5 is less than that. Add it up and the vast majority of the votes are in region 4 with 40% of the votes.

Just pray that the PPP doesnt win in region 4.
Check again. You said berbice. Even so it stands on its own and strategically as a prime leech source for the AFC. Politics is not about praying. It is about allocating your resources in areas where it can give optimum results towards attaining the desired goals.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Reports coming from various sources along the Corentyne coast state that Moses is well received and people are listening to him carefully....

Uncle Church did you hear anything about Joey's public meeting at Port Mourant?

When I asked a friend who phoned me his comment was " abee na tek Joey seriouslly ".... Big Grin.....I hope this answers your question......

Churchill you quick to bash people and degrade people. But Churchill at least Joey is in Guyana working and serving his country unlike you who is working and serving the Euro-American Male in New York City.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Caribj, I agree that PPP seems to be best organized and stopping at nothing to win. But they are abusing State resources just as PNC did during its tenure in govt.
I also agree that there is too much at stake in Region 4 for AFC to sacrifice it for Region 6.

The PPP wants to win as they know a loss will mean many will face jail...maybe in the USA. As we speak they are running around black villages handing out favors left right and center...ditto in the Amerindian areas. They know they no longer own 95% of the Indo vote and as the Indo vote is no longer the majority they have to get cross overs.

The problem will be if those who are angry with teh PPP elect not to vote, instead of picking any oppoistion party (except the UF) to vote for. Frankly I dont care who they vote for once its not the PPP. The PNC isnt winning, of that I am 200% sure.

If the PPP wins it will be because many didnt vote. Which is why I agitate that the ASFC has to show PROOF of their support base in region 4 as it is there and region 10 where most of the apathy exists. They have to counter the opinion of a guaranteed PPP victory discouraging anti PPP voters from coming out.

If they call me a "PPP" or a "PNC" for saying this then this just shows how short sighted they are and why they will do wors ethan they ought to.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

the reality is that the PPP/C will win the elections with a majority.

This my friend is as likely as an AFC victory.

PPP 45% AFC and APNU fighting over the rest.

Or a 40% voter turn out.

Two scenarios.

We all have our views.

The only right one will be the results of the November 28, 2011 elections.
Originally posted by caribj:

The problem will be if those who are angry with teh PPP elect not to vote, instead of picking any oppoistion party (except the UF) to vote for.

That is indeed a possibility.

But those individuals might be annoyed with ALL of the political parties.

The main issue is that each vote counts in Proportional Representation .. unlike first-past-the-post.

Could it be that the individuals do not support any of the political parties, hence they might not vote?
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
We all have our views.

The only right one will be the results of the November 28, 2011 elections.

Tell your boys that if they rig the election the "tired of di collies" crowd will not eb quiet. PPP ignorance will be met by PNC ignorance.

The day that the PPP and the PNC stop being the two dominant parties will be a great day. Hopefully the AFC pulls in at least 25%.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by caribj:

Could it be that the individuals do not support any of the political parties, hence they might not vote?

They dont see the political system delivering fairness. They feel a PPP vcitory is inevitable and they sense the weakness of the opposition. So they think their vote will not change the outcome.

If the PPP gets a landslide with only 40% turn out they ought to be very very worried. One cannot rule a nation of 75% dont like you.

Dont think that the disaffected mightnt be turned to other methods to get their views known. That "tired of di collies" stunt is a sign of this as I am 100% sure Granger wasnt in favor of this, nor any right thinking PNC supporter.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

We all have our views.

The only right one will be the results of the November 28, 2011 elections.

Tell your boys that if they rig the election the "tired of di collies" crowd will not eb quiet. PPP ignorance will be met by PNC ignorance.

The day that the PPP and the PNC stop being the two dominant parties will be a great day. Hopefully the AFC pulls in at least 25%.

I have always stated clearly on GNI ..

PROGRESSIVE elements of the PPP/C, PNCR, AFC and other political groupd need to join as one where solving Guyana's issues take precedence over personal ambitions to be "leaders".
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
PROGRESSIVE elements of the PPP/C, PNCR, AFC and other political groupd need to join as one where solving Guyana's issues take precedence over personal ambitions to be "leaders".

This will only happen if the PPP gets less tahn 50%. The stalemate will force a change in Guyana's political climate and might well lead to this. A 55% PPP victory will not.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Could it be that the individuals do not support any of the political parties, hence they might not vote?

They dont see the political system delivering fairness.

They feel a PPP vcitory is inevitable and they sense the weakness of the opposition. So they think their vote will not change the outcome.

Proportional Representation indeed provide far better fairness than first-past-the post-system.

With PR, each vote counts and when individuals are dissatisfied with a political party, they can vote for another party.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

PROGRESSIVE elements of the PPP/C, PNCR, AFC and other political groupd need to join as one where solving Guyana's issues take precedence over personal ambitions to be "leaders".

This will only happen if the PPP gets less tahn 50%.

The stalemate will force a change in Guyana's political climate and might well lead to this.

A 55% PPP victory will not.

And if that is indeed the case, then let it occur at this 2011 elections for the future betterment for Guyana.

Leaders come and go .. Guyana as a country remains forever. The benefits of Guyana should take precedence over individuals' expectations.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Reports coming from various sources along the Corentyne coast state that Moses is well received and people are listening to him carefully....

Uncle Church did you hear anything about Joey's public meeting at Port Mourant?

When I asked a friend who phoned me his comment was " abee na tek Joey seriouslly ".... Big Grin.....I hope this answers your question......

Churchill you quick to bash people and degrade people. But Churchill at least Joey is in Guyana working and serving his country unlike you who is working and serving the Euro-American Male in New York City.
Joey is a nut. In Guyana or in the Serengeti he would still be a nut.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Proportional Representation indeed provide far better fairness than first-past-the post-system.

With PR, each vote counts and when individuals are dissatisfied with a political party, they can vote for another party.

Guyanese dont see elections as being fair. A weak opposition guarantees that many feel shut out, and not just non Indians, but increasingly many Indians.

When an oppoistion parties spends its stime in teh oppistion by galvanizing voters through educating them on the fact that a PPP victory isnt inevitable, and only is so because they chose not to vote than we can see change.

In the interim a minority PPP govt will be good enough.

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