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Former Member

The headquarters of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Railway Road, Kitty.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) Monday night endorsed calls for a national unity government and constitutional Reform and said it was ready to be party of those discussions.

“The Party therefore calls on our national leaders to immediately commence talks in good faith to achieve those objectives of unity, healing and reconciliation. The AFC has authorised its leaders to actively participate in that critical exercise,” the AFC said.

The AFC, which is part of the incumbent coalition with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), said after the court rulings and constitutional steps, whichever party takes the seat of government out of the March 2, 2020 general elections must engage the other party in a power-sharing administration with clear longterm goals.

“The Alliance For Change maintains that following the completion of all legal and
constitutional proceedings, it is imperative that the Party that is legally empowered to form the next government must show magnanimity and accede to an agreed governance arrangement
that involves shared governance, national unity and constitutional reform,” the AFC said.

Specifically, the AFC says that, at a minimum, the proposed talks should include arrangements for:
• A Government of National Unity for a mutually agreed defined period

• A census and national registration exercise to be undertaken and completed within the  life of the national unity government

• Constitutional reform to be pursued and completed within the life of the national unity  government, which must include a reform of our electoral system

The AFC says it is committed to this pathway and  calls on all political parties, civic leaders and  all Guyanese  to “go beyond the recurring political rhetoric and open avenues to achieve  national unity.” “This will certainly avoid the potential for imminent racial violence,” the AFC said.

The Working People’s Alliance (WPA), which is part of the People’s National Congress Reform-dominated APNU, and the African Cultural and Development  Association  have made suggestions similar to the AFC’s.

The AFC, at the same time, insisted that it won the inconclusive and controversial general elections earlier this month.

Like APNU and WPA, the AFC pledged to respect the decisions of the Court,  “as a main constitutional pillar,” and “calls on
all Guyanese to do so.”

The mainly East Indian-backed People’s Progressive Party (PPP), which is insisting on a recount of Region Four votes or all 10 electoral districts, has not shut the door to a new governance arrangement but said this must emerge out of transparent and credible results. The PPP, too, has claimed victory and has gone as far as titling Dr. Irfaan Ali “President-elect”.

The AFC called on regional and international observers and representatives of friendly states to respect the constitutional right of
Guyanese to access established legal and constitutional mechanisms for settling disputes. The American, British,Canadian and European Union governments have been repeatedly warning of consequences and isolation if a government is sworn in based on non-credible elections.

The AFC said in light of the current tense political  environment,  regardless of the final declarations of GECOM and the rulings  of the Courts to come, “it is incumbent on our national leaders on both sides of the political divide
to take bold and decisive action in the interest of achieving national unity, healing and  reconciliation.

A repeat of our bitter history of post elections violence and the propensity for
ethnic conflicts must be avoided at all costs,” that party said.

The APNU+AFC is supported by mainly Afro-Guyanese.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:

The AFC has no authority to call for anything. They are a disgraced set of people pretending to be a political party. Ramjattan not telling people to haul dem arse anymore? 

Granger might have set up the AFC to do this so they can get through the backdoor when they are tossed out. This gives them a chance to seize power again.


AFC have NOTHING to bring to the table, their base is so diluted close to non existent . Only hungry belly dogs bark.

PNC don't need them in their rebuilding as a Black Racist party.

 Harmon and Volva are kicking Rumjaat and Nagga to the curb, they are good as Road Kill.


Tell tale signs that their plans have fallen flat!

Respect the outcome under current laws then work with partners and the new government on a better model. 

AFC playing wrang and strang like PNC.


AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

The AFC has no authority to call for anything. They are a disgraced set of people pretending to be a political party. Ramjattan not telling people to haul dem arse anymore? 

Granger might have set up the AFC to do this so they can get through the backdoor when they are tossed out. This gives them a chance to seize power again.

Granger can fool Nagamootoo and Ramjattan but he cannot fool Jagdeo. Why do you think so many people hates Jagdeo? It is because he has a strong personality and does not get pushed over by others. He nah weak like Moses and Prash who ended up being the PNC slop carriers.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

The AFC has no authority to call for anything. They are a disgraced set of people pretending to be a political party. Ramjattan not telling people to haul dem arse anymore? 

Granger might have set up the AFC to do this so they can get through the backdoor when they are tossed out. This gives them a chance to seize power again.

Banna, jagdeo ain’t no spring chicken!

Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

The AFC has no authority to call for anything. They are a disgraced set of people pretending to be a political party. Ramjattan not telling people to haul dem arse anymore? 

Granger might have set up the AFC to do this so they can get through the backdoor when they are tossed out. This gives them a chance to seize power again.

Granger can fool Nagamootoo and Ramjattan but he cannot fool Jagdeo. Why do you think so many people hates Jagdeo? It is because he has a strong personality and does not get pushed over by others. He nah weak like Moses and Prash who ended up being the PNC slop carriers.


The difference between papa Jagan and Jagdeo is that papa Jagan used to roll over and Jagdeo doesn’t take Shyte from PNC. Jagdoe recognizes that this is a political fight for democracy and will not back down. His lobbyists in Washington are giving Granger belly wuk. 


That day in parliament when he looked them in their faces and stated that he was not afraid of any of them he caused all of them to go into sudden panic and they have still not recovered.

Both the Coalition and the PPP had opportunities to secure US lobbyists in their quest to win the elections but while the PPP spent their money wisely by engaging a lobby that used advertising which highlighted the many failures and misdeeds of the Coalition, the Coalition engaged one that is pushing ethnic nonsense as they straw clutching crutch. The fools in the Coalition strive only for the highest level of incompetence.

Totaram posted:

No, not the AFC, that honour is reserved for you, Dave.

Doorknob, you are a PARASITE... you Golden Grove pig, stealing a Indian name to mask your Negro identity.. gawn so you pest. 

ksazma posted:

That day in parliament when he looked them in their faces and stated that he was not afraid of any of them he caused all of them to go into sudden panic and they have still not recovered.

Both the Coalition and the PPP had opportunities to secure US lobbyists in their quest to win the elections but while the PPP spent their money wisely by engaging a lobby that used advertising which highlighted the many failures and misdeeds of the Coalition, the Coalition engaged one that is pushing ethnic nonsense as they straw clutching crutch. The fools in the Coalition strive only for the highest level of incompetence.

Bai, when Dave posted pictures of PNC "rent a crowd", there was a big uproar and choruses of the expected PNC big win. Now they hold a big laand, the choruses have gone to PPP rigged and blame the PPP for the delay of the recount and the PNC misleading SOPs. WTF.


I see some of Dem SOB’s going to jail. PPP needs to stop being like Gandhi and whoop dem ass when this is over. Anyone who participated in the current coup must be hanged. No one in the future history of Guyana must be allowed to rig and rape democracy. Mingo must be hanged by his balls.

Last edited by Former Member
Totaram posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

Miss Matilda, I have to put you on the list for sanctions.

Tom posted:

I see some of Dem SOB’s going to jail. PPP needs to stop being like Gandhi and whoop dem ass when this is over. Anyone who participated in the current coup must be hanged. No one in the future history of Guyana must be allowed to rig and rape democracy. Mingo must be hanged by his balls.

I agree!

kp posted:
Totaram posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

Miss Matilda, I have to put you on the list for sanctions.

Dis is the man that smuggle booze in the midst of the virus crisis.   KPrick is a sad excuse fro a human being.  

Last edited by Totaram
Totaram posted:
kp posted:
Totaram posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

Miss Matilda, I have to put you on the list for sanctions.

Dis is the man that smuggle booze in the midst of the virus crisis.   KPrick is a sad excuse fro a human being.  

You stupid skont I can use the booze as hand sanitizer. while you dribble.

 Why do you have my photo in your house??

kp posted:
Totaram posted:
kp posted:
Totaram posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

Miss Matilda, I have to put you on the list for sanctions.

Dis is the man that smuggle booze in the midst of the virus crisis.   KPrick is a sad excuse fro a human being.  

You stupid skont I can use the booze as hand sanitizer. while you dribble.

 Why do you have my photo in your house??

Hand sanitizer?  Too bad it can't sanitize your rotten, stinking mind! KPrick is a one of a kind jerk.

kp posted:
Totaram posted:
kp posted:
Totaram posted:
Gilbakka posted:

AFC set out some conditions for a so-called national unity government. Conspicuously absent from those conditions is a call for transparent recount of votes by GECOM. AFC should haul dem rass.

PPP/C is the democratically elected government-in-waiting. Local and international observers, governments and agencies have tacitly and implicitly accepted that fact which only the APNU+AFC wants to negate.

Dream on and when you wake up look at the GECOM website for the official results.  

Miss Matilda, I have to put you on the list for sanctions.

Dis is the man that smuggle booze in the midst of the virus crisis.   KPrick is a sad excuse fro a human being.  

You stupid skont I can use the booze as hand sanitizer. while you dribble.

 Why do you have my photo in your house??

Ha Ha .


@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Gilbakka posted:

@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Limacol is made with alcohol and lime. I know of a popular shop in Campbelville named Rainbow Terrace.

 High Wine would make a good hand sanitizer .

 The bottles I bought at duty free were single malts, not for washing hands.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Limacol is made with alcohol and lime. I know of a popular shop in Campbelville named Rainbow Terrace.

Rainbow Terrace was just south of Kitty railway line. Obliquely opposite Delph & Lamaha/Middleton. 

The shop where the Russian & some PPP guys drank was called Ramotar's. 

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Limacol is made with alcohol and lime. I know of a popular shop in Campbelville named Rainbow Terrace.

Rainbow Terrace was just south of Kitty railway line. Obliquely opposite Delph & Lamaha/Middleton. 

The shop where the Russian & some PPP guys drank was called Ramotar's. 

That's 40 Plus years ago, long time, good times.

Gilbakka posted:

@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Did he drink the Limacol instead?

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@kp, in the old Cold War days one day I was drinking vodka with a Russian Embassy comrade at a Campbelville shop. Around 2pm. Suddenly he poured some vodka in one palm and rubbed his face. And felt refreshed. I told him about Limacol. He said vodka & lime better. 

Limacol is made with alcohol and lime. I know of a popular shop in Campbelville named Rainbow Terrace.

Rainbow Terrace was just south of Kitty railway line. Obliquely opposite Delph & Lamaha/Middleton. 

The shop where the Russian & some PPP guys drank was called Ramotar's. 

Remembered the shop , been there a few when in Georgetown.


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