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Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 Not  withstanding the  habitual  intransigencies of  the two dinosaurs,  this is indde a damning indictment against  the   executives  and  leadership  of  the   AFC. I  suspect there  is  more  than  meet  the  eyes here.  Councillor Haseef Yusuf may  very  well  be  the  manchurian  candidate or an  opportunist  that  was  enticed  back within  the  fold of  the PPP with  a  generous  dispensation  of  milk. On  the  other  hand,  it  could  be   just an  internal squabble   or  a clash  of  personality  that  were addressed  in  an  adequate and  timely   manner and  was  allowed  to fester and   get  out  of  hand. In  any  event,  the  leadership, and   specifically  Ramjattan, as  Chairman  of  the  party cannot  escape responsibility here.  Perhaps an  excellent example of  A Stitch  In  Time  Saves Nine.

I am not inclined as the original poster did to immediately indict he AFC, try them and convict them. Given the source and the strategy of the PPP to rake muck at every instance does incline one to take any reporting from them beyond natural prudence.


Indeed if one takes care of the little things the big things fall into place. But if the ones pointing to the little things is the PPP I would be wise to look for a better source.


I  would  tend  to  agree  with  you  here.  However,  the  AFC being  touted  as  the winds  of  change cannot afford  these boo- boos. It  is  not  like   Ramjattan  and  Nagamottoo  are  green horn. They  are  seasoned  politiians.


As  an  aside, I  have  it  from  usually  reliable inside  source that  some  of  the  very issues ( puffiness,  false  pride and arrogance),  that  have alienated the  PPP from  its traditional  support  base, have  also  shown  its  ugly  head within  the  leadership  of  the  AFC. 



One can only imagine how this have affected many including myself. For me, the AFC was supposed to represent a party of change to watch over politicians who would want to cross the line.


The PPP was dealt a serious lesson at the elections and the AFC has now joined the club. 


I always insisted that Gerhard should have been a part the AFC top brass but he was shoved aside.


It is still not too late for the young Gerhard to seek his own fortunes.

 and  I  am  partly agreement with  you  here.  As  I have  stated  earlier,  the  AFC  is  supposed  to  represent  the  wind  of change   in   Guyana's  politics and  can  ill  afford  controversies of  this  nature,  and  the  longer  they  take  to  respond ( in  every available fora) the  more  currency is  lost. However, Storm  pointed out,  and given  the  nature  of  cut throat politics at  play,  I  believe  it may  be  a bit  premature for  final judgement.


Regarding  Gerhard, while  he  may  not  be  in  Parliament, I  believe  he  is  a senior  executive  of  the  party and  does  play  a  meaningful  role  in its  daily  operation. 

Well, why did he keep silent while he was logged in for an hour and not respond ?

Does Ramjattan run his party like a dictator where members need a signed letter of approval to speak ?


The AFC has proven to be disappointing to say the least. Sorry

Originally Posted by Mara:

 and  I  am  partly agreement with  you  here.  As  I have  stated  earlier,  the  AFC  is  supposed  to  represent  the  wind  of change   in   Guyana's  politics and  can  ill  afford  controversies of  this  nature,  and  the  longer  they  take  to  respond ( in  every available fora) the  more  currency is  lost. However, Storm  pointed out,  and given  the  nature  of  cut throat politics at  play,  I  believe  it may  be  a bit  premature for  final judgement.


Regarding  Gerhard, while  he  may  not  be  in  Parliament, I  believe  he  is  a senior  executive  of  the  party and  does  play  a  meaningful  role  in its  daily  operation. 

The PPP are taking whole cloth Lee Atwater strategy and putting it on steroids. Karl Rove, atwater's prodigy has nothing on these guys either.


I do not take them seriously. How could one take anyone who consider themselves gifted with immaculate perception seriously? The PPP is never wrong. The other side always is.


Note how the casual mention of me knowing a guy as a kid suddenly makes that guy my buddy and his failings mine? These people prosper on this kind of information mongering because our population is susceptible to them. Why do you think the Sase four video came on line and only last week Gerhardt was accused of robbing someone of land etc. They make muck raking a political  business. 


This is the PPP's modus operandi these days. The cannot defend their record which is so massively corrupt it immediately grabs you because we know well who these people were and hoe the enriched themselves in their short tenure.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 and  I  am  partly agreement with  you  here.  As  I have  stated  earlier,  the  AFC  is  supposed  to  represent  the  wind  of change   in   Guyana's  politics and  can  ill  afford  controversies of  this  nature,  and  the  longer  they  take  to  respond ( in  every available fora) the  more  currency is  lost. However, Storm  pointed out,  and given  the  nature  of  cut throat politics at  play,  I  believe  it may  be  a bit  premature for  final judgement.


Regarding  Gerhard, while  he  may  not  be  in  Parliament, I  believe  he  is  a senior  executive  of  the  party and  does  play  a  meaningful  role  in its  daily  operation. 

The PPP are taking whole cloth Lee Atwater strategy and putting it on steroids. Karl Rove, atwater's prodigy has nothing on these guys either.


I do not take them seriously. How could one take anyone who consider themselves gifted with immaculate perception seriously? The PPP is never wrong. The other side always is.


Note how the casual mention of me knowing a guy as a kid suddenly makes that guy my buddy and his failings mine? These people prosper on this kind of information mongering because our population is susceptible to them. Why do you think the Sase four video came on line and only last week Gerhardt was accused of robbing someone of land etc. They make muck raking a political  business. 


This is the PPP's modus operandi these days. The cannot defend their record which is so massively corrupt it immediately grabs you because we know well who these people were and hoe the enriched themselves in their short tenure.


Show me your company and I will tell you who you are. 

The poster who broke the story to inform you that your buddy was sent to jail said otherwise.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

One can only imagine how this have affected many including myself.

For me, the AFC was supposed to represent a party of change to watch over politicians who would want to cross the line.

Change for what, with the current individuals and activities in 2012?

Well now there is no change with the AFC.


Berbicians drank snake oil and now have to deal with alleged corruption within the AFC.

They (AFC) are hiding and running for cover instead of facing the people.

Is this accountability ? Only D2/Storm is defending them these days. Plus he has to deal with his buddy sent to jail. Talk about association.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 and  I  am  partly agreement with  you  here.  As  I have  stated  earlier,  the  AFC  is  supposed  to  represent  the  wind  of change   in   Guyana's  politics and  can  ill  afford  controversies of  this  nature,  and  the  longer  they  take  to  respond ( in  every available fora) the  more  currency is  lost. However, Storm  pointed out,  and given  the  nature  of  cut throat politics at  play,  I  believe  it may  be  a bit  premature for  final judgement.


Regarding  Gerhard, while  he  may  not  be  in  Parliament, I  believe  he  is  a senior  executive  of  the  party and  does  play  a  meaningful  role  in its  daily  operation. 

The PPP are taking whole cloth Lee Atwater strategy and putting it on steroids. Karl Rove, atwater's prodigy has nothing on these guys either.


I do not take them seriously. How could one take anyone who consider themselves gifted with immaculate perception seriously? The PPP is never wrong. The other side always is.


Note how the casual mention of me knowing a guy as a kid suddenly makes that guy my buddy and his failings mine? These people prosper on this kind of information mongering because our population is susceptible to them. Why do you think the Sase four video came on line and only last week Gerhardt was accused of robbing someone of land etc. They make muck raking a political  business. 


This is the PPP's modus operandi these days. The cannot defend their record which is so massively corrupt it immediately grabs you because we know well who these people were and hoe the enriched themselves in their short tenure.


Show me your company and I will tell you who you are. 

The poster who broke the story to inform you that your buddy was sent to jail said otherwise.

Which poster broke what story? I can clearly see you are out of your rockers.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

One can only imagine how this have affected many including myself.

For me, the AFC was supposed to represent a party of change to watch over politicians who would want to cross the line.

Change for what, with the current individuals and activities in 2012?

Well now there is no change with the AFC.


Berbicians drank snake oil and now have to deal with alleged corruption within the AFC.

AFC is clearly not pursuing its stated 2011-independent path devoid of affiliations with the major political parties.


Current 2012 issues show that the AFC is solidly integrated with the PNC.


One needs to observe the developments and results of another election.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Show me your company and I will tell you who you are. 

The poster who broke the story to inform you that your buddy was sent to jail said otherwise.

 Even  among  casual  observers it  is widely   accepted  that  the PPP of  late has  morphed  into a  different  political  creature than  what was under  Dr.  Cheddi  Jagan.  Nepotism,  corruption  and skullduggery of  all  types  have  taken  on   new  dimension under  the  current  cabal.  If  this  BB is any  barometer  of the  downward  spiral  of  their popularity, and  their descent    into  the  den  of  depravity,  you  would realize that nearly  half  of  the  folks here (  including folks   like Storm,  Errol,  Churchill and  many  others)  who  are  now  critical of  their  shenanigans   have  been fierce supporters  and  defenders  of  the  PPP. Except for  a  dwindling number  of timid and frightened ethnocentric  cretin  who  are still  mortified by  the  black  bogeyman and  PNC  tribalism, and perhaps understandably so, continue  to  beat  their  drums. Today, those  with  a sense  of  moral  decency,  justice  and  fair  play does  not  have  a  rotten  thread to  hang  on  to,  nor  a  square  inch of  sacred  ground  to  stand  on. Thievery  and  corruption  is a runaway  train and the crookishness exceeds  that  of  a  dog's  hind quarter.

So Yes! 'Show me your company and I will tell you who you are.'       

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

One wonders how would Gerhard will defend such a fraud within the AFC, with the facts are staring him in the face

Gerhard and many AFC supporters are currently in a state of denial. These deceitful hypocrites have been painting the PPP as crooked and corrupt while turning a blind eye on thievery and corruption in their own AFC party. Well, the AFC has now been exposed---they are rotten to the core--Gerhard is deeply ashamed--"show me your company and I'll tell you who you are"--the Guyanese people know who you are Gerhard.





Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

One can only imagine how this have affected many including myself.

For me, the AFC was supposed to represent a party of change to watch over politicians who would want to cross the line.

Change for what, with the current individuals and activities in 2012?

autocracy to giving democracy a chance


It is puzzling that storm is defending the corruption within the AFC. The AFC's mission statement is that it is a bastion of virtue and fighter of corruption. This case is a threat to the very foundation of what the party stands for, but let us not get ahead of ourselves. Gomattie was robbed of an MP position and then mysteriously burnt. So there is history of corruption in the party already so this is not new news. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Stormborn.... is embezzlement; theifery and corruption within the AFC described as Change?

 I prefer to shout down those trying to steal 50 billlion  as an organized crime family than one petty thief ( if that is the case), The PPP are the porkers  we have to watch since they were to a man hapless mangy dogs before they entered office.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Stormborn in other words  you are supporting thievery within the AFC, don't sell your soul young man. you have a conscience

 I am far from being a young man and the AFC being labeled corrupt on the accusation of one man  and published by the PPP is hardly a matter to be perturbed about. If there is condoning going on you ought to be looking at Pradovilles

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Stormborn in other words  you are supporting thievery within the AFC, don't sell your soul young man. you have a conscience

 I am far from being a young man and the AFC being labeled corrupt on the accusation of one man  and published by the PPP is hardly a matter to be perturbed about. If there is condoning going on you ought to be looking at Pradovilles

Storm, you should offer some advice to your friend now in jail.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

One wonders how would Gerhard will defend such a fraud within the AFC, with the facts are staring him in the face

Gerhard and many AFC supporters are currently in a state of denial. These deceitful hypocrites have been painting the PPP as crooked and corrupt while turning a blind eye on thievery and corruption in their own AFC party. Well, the AFC has now been exposed---they are rotten to the core--Gerhard is deeply ashamed--"show me your company and I'll tell you who you are"--the Guyanese people know who you are Gerhard.







The AFC is now finished. Crooks.


Ramotar defends NICIL hoarding $$$B

May 8, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

β€œWe are not doing anything illegal as far as that is concerned… None of it is misappropriated and it is audited,” Ramotar

By Gary Eleazar

The Opposition concerns regarding billions of dollars being held in special accounts in the name of the

Head of State Donald Ramotar

National Industrial Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) and not turned over to the nation’s coffers are seemingly without merit.

At least, this is according to the Head of State, Donald Ramotar, who yesterday said, β€œI have heard the (opposition) arguments and I am not convinced.”
The President says that as far as he is aware he is not doing anything illegal and NICIL is not breaching the law either.

β€œWe are not doing anything illegal as far as that is concerned,” said Ramotar when asked to respond to increased criticism in recent weeks.

The President said that it is not a case where none of the money ever reaches the Consolidated Fund. When dividends are declared these are paid into the Consolidated Fund, he said.


The President was also adamant that NICIL’s accounts are audited.
President Ramotar said that one of the main concerns relates to the monies held by the Privatisation Unit.

This body is a component of NICIL and responsible for the disposal of state assets. According to the President, the account for this component of NICIL which deals which the largest portion of the money, has been audited.

He said that the audits have been completed up to 2010 but explained that some of the other entities that fall under NICIL are still lagging behind. The result is that the complete report for NICIL is yet to be tabled.

Speaking to some of the problems that would have delayed the reports he said that court litigation in some cases following privatization has hampered the process.

β€œThat’s why some of them have not yet been completed,” said Ramotar and added that β€œthe main area you talk about has been audited.”

The President was adamant that there is a misguided view circulating that the money has somehow been misappropriated.

β€œNone of it is (misappropriated) and it is audited,” said Ramotar.
When pressed on why all of the money is still not being turned over to the Consolidated Fund the President said, β€œWe don’t have to do that because the law allows NICIL to keep that money.”

Ramotar’s comment follows a threat by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to move to the courts to force NICIL to have the money placed in the Consolidated Fund.

Alliance for Change Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan has alleged that NICIL could be in the possession of some $50B.

The most recent report available for NICIL is for 2003. At that time there was some $30B in revenue for that year.

In that report by the company’s Executive Director, Winston Brassington, stated in 2002, that having regard to accounting conventions and financial reporting standards, a decision was made to have NICIL comply with such corporate governance strategies β€œculminating in this Annual Report β€” the first set of consolidated accounts for the Company.”

Winston Brassington

He said that the issuance of consolidated accounts for NICIL, as a parent company, is dependent on the completion of the audits of its subsidiaries.
He said that the challenges faced to achieve the milestone stemmed primarily from the poor level of preparation of accounts by the subsidiaries coupled with the slow pace of audits generated by the Audit Office of Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC's mission statement is that it is a bastion of virtue and fighter of corruption.


This case is a threat to the very foundation of what the party stands for, but let us not get ahead of ourselves.


Gomattie was robbed of an MP position and then mysteriously burnt.


So there is history of corruption in the party already so this is not new news

Interesting information.


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