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October15th, 2012  





The PPP's  press statement dated the 14th October 2012 in which the PPP  accuses AFC executive member Gerhard Ramsaroop of stalking PPP member Mr. Majeed Hussein is misconceived and born of bad politics which regrettably has become symbolic of politics today.


Gerhard Ramsaroop was once a member of the PPP/C  and a close friend of Majeed Hussein back in 1992 when they campaigned together for the PPPC under the candidacy of  the late Cheddi Jagan.


Upon learning of the attack on his former political colleague and friend on Thursday last, Mr. Ramsaroop took the humane step of visiting his friend and former political colleague for the purpose of commiserating with him by attending his home in Diamond.


The sole purpose of Mr. Ramsaoop's visit was to commiserate with Mr. Masjeed and to wish him a speedy recovery.




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Clearly the level of PPP desperation is rising.   To issue a statement and to insinuate that something sinister was going on speaks to the mentality of these people.  They are scraping the barrel.  It takes me back to a time when information was made available by distribution of handbills where the public had no way of verifying information.  So they could influence the public thinking by controlling the message.   Now fast forward to the information age and immediately their lies were exposed.   


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