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AFC representative calls for ‘bloodbath’ in Enmore -as Enmore/Hope IMC chairman clears air on prickly issues


Written by Odella Patterson

Wednesday, 06 June 2012 21:40

Source - Guyana Chronicle


CHAIRMAN of the Enmore/Hope Interim Management Committee, Mr. Jainath Bhikhari yesterday took representatives from several media houses on an observation tour of the sprawling and history-rich East Coast Demerara village, as he sought to dispel certain grossly distorted statements by a few villagers affiliated to the Alliance For Change (AFC) political party, and which appeared recently in some sections of the media.

Jaibharat Persaud, a district representative of the AFC in Enmore threatens to have a ‘bloodbath’ if the IMC Chairman refuses to resign

Amid a sometimes confrontational exchange with a few villagers who were allegedly summoned by Jaibharat Persaud, a district representative of the AFC, the IMC chairman sought to explain the inner workings of the body to the media and to a few concerned residents.

The Chairman expressed concerns that operatives of the AFC may be trying to send the wrong message to the public and, by extension, may be instigating residents to act contrary to the norms of law.

Bhikhari accused Persaud (who was present at yesterday’s meeting) of being the mastermind behind the whole debacle via another media house, while challenging the AFC representative to provide proof of discontentment with the current IMC’s management of the Enmore/Hope IMC.

Bhikhari added that Persuad wants the IMC to be dissolved even without providing any tangible reason why the current management should go. He stressed that some political cronies are bent on having the committee removed even if it has to be done undemocratically.

During the sometimes stormy exchange of words amongst attendees, the AFC representative told media operatives that if the IMC Chairman does not resign, there would be “a bloodbath in Enmore”.

Questioned by this newspaper to explain the reasons for seeking the resignation of the IMC Chairman, Persuad said it is his belief that funds are being misused by the IMC, while monies are collected for favours outside of protocols.

He added that even though he has no proof of this, he is certain that an audit of the IMC’s operation would most likely find favour in what he is alleging.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jaibharat Persaud must step down as AFC representative for his poor choice of word. If the word "bloodbath" is put in action it means mass murder. That alone is very alarming for the people in that community. As of now I've not yet seen any AFC supporters came forward and condemn this criminal minded representative for what he have said publicly. If this silence goes on without any condemnation the Guyanese people must know what they are up against with this neemakaram AFC and their supporters. 


Where did it say a PPP representative talk about bloodbath?


And, where are the appeasers of bloodbath and murder just to be in power and get rig of others? The word is: The AFC is "power hungry" and they will sacrifice lives just to get there. Neemakarams have criminal minds to kill.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Where did it say a PPP representative talk about bloodbath?


And, where are the appeasers of bloodbath and murder just to be in power and get rig of others? The word is: The AFC is "power hungry" and they will sacrifice lives just to get there. Neemakarams have criminal minds to kill.

 Was ir power hungry inclinations that drove the PPP to hire a drug lord as its agent for enforcement and en listed a minister in its government to co ordinate the killing?


This gentleman is opposing a recent spate of PPP tyranny, removal of village councils and implanting its own cronies as managers. This is part of their means to end schema for restoring themselves to autocratic authority of the state without having to deal with a majority opposition. That is a Stalinist or Fascist strategy to dominate the state.


Yelling neemakarhams etc in your mal educated way will not obviate that fact. It will not obviate the fact that the one who actually  murdered anyone are the present office holders.   Get it into your stupid head. It is for power they murdered our people and it is for the same reason they are removing village councils. In 17 years these bastards who complained endlessly ( read the old mirror) about Burnham denial of local elections and now they do worse than he.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yeh, give us an ear full now, Stormy! 

 Not for you. With ears like tunnels across your skulls such salient instructions bypass you. It is for people who read the board and to whom this disinformation campaign by the PPP is directed.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Was ir power hungry inclinations that drove the PPP to hire a drug lord as its agent for enforcement and en listed a minister in its government to co ordinate the killing?


This gentleman is opposing a recent spate of PPP tyranny, removal of village councils and implanting its own cronies as managers. This is part of their means to end schema for restoring themselves to autocratic authority of the state without having to deal with a majority opposition.


That is a Stalinist or Fascist strategy to dominate the state.


Yelling neemakarhams etc in your mal educated way will not obviate that fact. It will not obviate the fact that the one who actually  murdered anyone are the present office holders.


Get it into your stupid head. It is for power they murdered our people and it is for the same reason they are removing village councils.


In 17 years these bastards who complained endlessly ( read the old mirror) about Burnham denial of local elections and now they do worse than he.


After expressing your usual unrelated views, what exactly is your point relative to the article?


i hope one day the indians in guyana will get enough guts to stamp out courupition and if it mean a bloodbath then so be it.the ppp crime family is a bunch of thief and they take the goddam people for granted.they is more truth in the tip of a sword that a thousand words,the koran

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Was ir power hungry inclinations that drove the PPP to hire a drug lord as its agent for enforcement and en listed a minister in its government to co ordinate the killing?


This gentleman is opposing a recent spate of PPP tyranny, removal of village councils and implanting its own cronies as managers. This is part of their means to end schema for restoring themselves to autocratic authority of the state without having to deal with a majority opposition.


That is a Stalinist or Fascist strategy to dominate the state.


Yelling neemakarhams etc in your mal educated way will not obviate that fact. It will not obviate the fact that the one who actually  murdered anyone are the present office holders.


Get it into your stupid head. It is for power they murdered our people and it is for the same reason they are removing village councils.


In 17 years these bastards who complained endlessly ( read the old mirror) about Burnham denial of local elections and now they do worse than he.


After expressing your usual unrelated views, what exactly is your point relative to the article?

 I am not obliged to make a point that satisfies  you. That would be akin to sweeping leaves on a windy day.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Was ir power hungry inclinations that drove the PPP to hire a drug lord as its agent for enforcement and en listed a minister in its government to co ordinate the killing?


This gentleman is opposing a recent spate of PPP tyranny, removal of village councils and implanting its own cronies as managers. This is part of their means to end schema for restoring themselves to autocratic authority of the state without having to deal with a majority opposition.


That is a Stalinist or Fascist strategy to dominate the state.


Yelling neemakarhams etc in your mal educated way will not obviate that fact. It will not obviate the fact that the one who actually  murdered anyone are the present office holders.


Get it into your stupid head. It is for power they murdered our people and it is for the same reason they are removing village councils.


In 17 years these bastards who complained endlessly ( read the old mirror) about Burnham denial of local elections and now they do worse than he.


After expressing your usual unrelated views, what exactly is your point relative to the article?

I am not obliged to make a point that satisfies you.


That would be akin to sweeping leaves on a windy day.

You always sweep leaves on gusty days.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Stormy, get with the program. Do you agree with the bloodbath statement from the AFC representative? Yes or no!

You are not apparently equipped for thinking. As one does not argue the colors of a unicorn's  horn one does not debate how truthful is PPP propaganda. Is just simply is what it is.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

You always sweep leaves on gusty days.

As I concluded previously; you would never get what was said

.. about your incessant nonsensical postings?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC leaders are ashamed and afraid to keep public meeting in Queens, NY. 


Private meetings by invitation only.




That's the honest truth!


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