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The PPP dogs at work!

AFC, Robeson Benn at loggerheads over campaign banners

The Alliance For Change yesterday reported what it calls a calculated and vulgar assault by the PPP/C government on its election campaign.
“As of Sunday evening, the AFC began receiving reports from various supporters and concerned citizens all across the country that its banners and billboards were being torn down and demolished…Initially, the AFC was of the view that these were spontaneous acts of vandalism by supporters of another party.”
The party said that it quickly realised that the tearing down and demolition was a centrally coordinated effort and it was reliably informed that Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn had directed that the banners and billboards be torn down and demolished.
The party said that one of its Candidates Moses Nagamootoo contacted Minister Benn, who informed him that he (the Minister) had instructed that all banners and billboards of all parties be torn down and demolished as there was no permission to erect same.
While there has been a vigorous campaign since Sunday afternoon to demolish the AFC banners and billboards, the banners and billboards of the ruling PPP remain untouched all across Guyana.
Secondly, the AFC said it sought permission, in writing from Minister Benn, to erect its banners and billboards several weeks ago but to date it has not received the courtesy of a reply from the Minister.
“Disturbingly, the AFC can confirm that the Ministry of Public Works vehicle, which was used in the assault on AFC banners, carried license plate PJJ 7632 and had the markings of the Ministry of Public Works on it, and further, that it was being driven by the notorious Shawn Hinds. The AFC condemns this blatant PPP/Government assault on its campaign,” the AFC said.
The party says that it will lodge a formal complaint with GECOM and will bring this matter to the attention of the various elections observer missions.
Meanwhile, Benn when contacted by this newspaper, said that the AFC was practicing scaremongering and that they were informed of the course of action before hand.
Benn told this publication that the Ministry has been removing banners from across highways and is not targeting any particular party.
He said that even the PPP/C had sought clarifications as to why its banners were pulled down and they too were informed that the Ministry was taking the course of action in the interest of public safety.
The Public Works Minister said that he told Nagamootoo of the course of action and further informed that the Ministry has the banners and the AFC can come and uplift them at anytime.
Speaking to the allegation that the Ministry’s vehicle was being driven by Shawn Hinds, Benn vehemently denied this position saying that he was unaware that there was any such person in the employ of the Ministry.
He said, further, that each employee at each level in the Ministry must be in possession of a valid police clearance.
The Minister said that if the AFC wants they can collect their banners and erect them around the city given that this course of action would not affect roads in the city.
Minister Benn says that it is only the Highways and certain declared public roads that are being affected and reiterated that no political party is being spared and that the safety of the public is of paramount importance.

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The PPP Indian are using these Afro-Guyanese thugs to hooliganize other people. You don't hear anything from the PPP supporters on this, but they jump up when APNU responds.
At the and of the day, not one should trust a PPP and the people should get their 2x4 ready for these cronies....just like the people of Lybia.
Benn told this publication that the Ministry has been removing banners from across highways and is not targeting any particular party.
He said that even the PPP/C had sought clarifications as to why its banners were pulled down and they too were informed that the Ministry was taking the course of action in the interest of public safety.
Originally posted by Brodaman:
AFC, Robeson Benn at loggerheads over campaign banners

Meanwhile, Benn when contacted by this newspaper, said that the AFC was practicing scaremongering and that they were informed of the course of action before hand.

Why am I not surprised. Minister Benn is thoroughly professional and has his mind on the proper functioning of Guyana's transportation system. This attempted scam by the AFC is last minute desperate stupidness.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Brodaman:
AFC, Robeson Benn at loggerheads over campaign banners

Meanwhile, Benn when contacted by this newspaper, said that the AFC was practicing scaremongering and that they were informed of the course of action before hand.

Why am I not surprised. Minister Benn is thoroughly professional and has his mind on the proper functioning of Guyana's transportation system. This attempted scam by the AFC is last minute desperate stupidness.
ben is a professional killer,that is why he have hinds driving the trucks.

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