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Former Member
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana

Why is the Opposition running from public debates with PPP/C Ministers?

OLD Kai is saturated with the usual ‘doom and gloom’ concoction from Opposition hacks on a daily basis. It seems as if any issue, no matter how small, irrelevant or for that matter non-existent is a ‘national crisis’ for the AFC and APNU, except of course – themselves. From the start of the year they added a ‘sour’ tone to citizens mindset with all their ‘nagging’ and of course they end the year in a similar fashion.

‘APNU Member of Parliament Joe Harmon appears to be in love with the limelight. The only problem is that he does not have control of his mouth, and he’s eager to do anything to get some publicity’

Kai would nevertheless have a hearty laugh at some of the ‘logics’ put forward in their arguments but what is dangerous is how the unsuspecting mind would read and digest these falsities. A classic example was on Sunday

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

in the Kaieteur News, with no other than Khemraj Ramjattan doing some ‘voodoo’ mathematics and coming up with a figure of 1.8 billion in possible savings in the medical procurement sub-sector had the New GPC been excluded from bidding for tenders or for that matter be a prequalified contractor.

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

To blame the contractor for unused drugs which eventually expires in the Health Sector is stretching it way too far as they are only tasked with providing what is requested. But this is the depth some politicians are willing to stoop using their friends in the media to bamboozle the public to aid their hopes of recovering lost political ground.
It is a sign of desperation and we can expect this to get nastier in the months to come. Make no mistake about it, the Opposition with their anti-nationalistic behaviour over the past two years and the latest revelation that they have managed to chase another international investor out of the country has resulted in their support base eroding in a steady manner.
Old Kai has also observed two recent incidents which should convince all Guyanese that the Opposition does not believe the things they are uttering from their own mouths. The first issue involves APNU Member of Parliament, Joe Harmon who appears to be in love with the limelight. The only problem is that he does not have


Natural Resources and the Environment Minister Robert Persaud

control of his mouth. Eager to do anything to get some publicity, he made a number of misinformed statements regarding the proposed survey of the new river triangle and of course added several scandalous accusations.
The APNU ‘mouthorgan’ has since gone deathly quiet after the Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud invited him to a public debate to determine the facts of the issue and let the public be the judge as to who has been misinforming them. This thing get so serious that the other day, Harmon was in Congress Place hiding when someone shouted ‘Robert coming’ and the man ran away leaving his vehicle behind. Everyone started to laugh but some kind soul decided to save him a lot of trouble and told him it was Robert Corbin and not Robert Persaud coming. However, it was too late because the situation was already a bit ‘messy’.
The second incident involved our boy Khemraj Ramjattan popularly known as Prak. Dr. Frank Anthony should get this man to manage the Caribbean Press, as Prak has now overtaken Paul Keens Douglas as the Caribbean’s premiere story teller. Every day he is coming up with a new fable and if you don’t really know him, you would believe what he has to say. A few days ago the man told a story about housing on the East Bank of Demerara in the ‘Once Upon a time newspaper’ and his tale was so tall, even Mount Roraima was no match for it. So Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the Housing and Water man challenged him to a debate to let the public decide which of the two is really lying and guilty of moral corruption. Old Kai never saw such running before; in fact Prak on that day and at that time would have even challenged Usain Bolt for his world record. He went underground and when they got hold of his number and a public servant called to remind him of the debate, he ‘cuss’ up the individual and hung up the phone. When the minister emailed him and reminded of the debate, he ‘cuss’ up the minister and broke his computer so he would not receive any more emails. On Friday, Prak was hiding out at a friend’s home when a neighbour yelled, ‘knock him down Irfan’ and started clapping. Tears started to flow in Prak’s eyes as he hid in a cupboard thinking the housing man was coming for him. Five hours later Prak’s ‘so called friend’ came back laughing hysterical and informed him that it was cricket the neighbour was watching when Pakistan’s Mohamed Irfan was bowling against Sri Lanka. The man foot and hands caught ‘cramps’ but apparently his mouth didn’t because as we pointed out above, Prak is back to his story telling ways. Not to worry though, as the next time you see Prak simply remind him of the public debate and then holler ‘Irfaan’ and watch his sprinting ability.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP is now fighting fire with fire. Now watch the AFC and PNC duck for cover. About time that the PPP wake up and fight misinformation. 



You and the PPP are the only persons on the planet who believe News debates are the forum for addressing corruption. Speak to easing the awful delay in justice with its 8year backlog. My friend has been fighting to get his property back and it is 15 years with it being deferred. Now that is one area they know of coming in.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

They AFC can run but they cannot hide.

If you are going to venture into sloganeering please be creative and generate something beyond the passé and trite.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana

Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana

Why is the Opposition running from public debates with PPP/C Ministers?

OLD Kai is saturated with the usual ‘doom and gloom’ concoction from Opposition hacks on a daily basis. It seems as if any issue, no matter how small, irrelevant or for that matter non-existent is a ‘national crisis’ for the AFC and APNU, except of course – themselves. From the start of the year they added a ‘sour’ tone to citizens mindset with all their ‘nagging’ and of course they end the year in a similar fashion.

‘APNU Member of Parliament Joe Harmon appears to be in love with the limelight. The only problem is that he does not have control of his mouth, and he’s eager to do anything to get some publicity’

Kai would nevertheless have a hearty laugh at some of the ‘logics’ put forward in their arguments but what is dangerous is how the unsuspecting mind would read and digest these falsities. A classic example was on Sunday

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

in the Kaieteur News, with no other than Khemraj Ramjattan doing some ‘voodoo’ mathematics and coming up with a figure of 1.8 billion in possible savings in the medical procurement sub-sector had the New GPC been excluded from bidding for tenders or for that matter be a prequalified contractor.

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

To blame the contractor for unused drugs which eventually expires in the Health Sector is stretching it way too far as they are only tasked with providing what is requested. But this is the depth some politicians are willing to stoop using their friends in the media to bamboozle the public to aid their hopes of recovering lost political ground.
It is a sign of desperation and we can expect this to get nastier in the months to come. Make no mistake about it, the Opposition with their anti-nationalistic behaviour over the past two years and the latest revelation that they have managed to chase another international investor out of the country has resulted in their support base eroding in a steady manner.
Old Kai has also observed two recent incidents which should convince all Guyanese that the Opposition does not believe the things they are uttering from their own mouths. The first issue involves APNU Member of Parliament, Joe Harmon who appears to be in love with the limelight. The only problem is that he does not have


Natural Resources and the Environment Minister Robert Persaud

control of his mouth. Eager to do anything to get some publicity, he made a number of misinformed statements regarding the proposed survey of the new river triangle and of course added several scandalous accusations.
The APNU ‘mouthorgan’ has since gone deathly quiet after the Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud invited him to a public debate to determine the facts of the issue and let the public be the judge as to who has been misinforming them. This thing get so serious that the other day, Harmon was in Congress Place hiding when someone shouted ‘Robert coming’ and the man ran away leaving his vehicle behind. Everyone started to laugh but some kind soul decided to save him a lot of trouble and told him it was Robert Corbin and not Robert Persaud coming. However, it was too late because the situation was already a bit ‘messy’.
The second incident involved our boy Khemraj Ramjattan popularly known as Prak. Dr. Frank Anthony should get this man to manage the Caribbean Press, as Prak has now overtaken Paul Keens Douglas as the Caribbean’s premiere story teller. Every day he is coming up with a new fable and if you don’t really know him, you would believe what he has to say. A few days ago the man told a story about housing on the East Bank of Demerara in the ‘Once Upon a time newspaper’ and his tale was so tall, even Mount Roraima was no match for it. So Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the Housing and Water man challenged him to a debate to let the public decide which of the two is really lying and guilty of moral corruption. Old Kai never saw such running before; in fact Prak on that day and at that time would have even challenged Usain Bolt for his world record. He went underground and when they got hold of his number and a public servant called to remind him of the debate, he ‘cuss’ up the individual and hung up the phone. When the minister emailed him and reminded of the debate, he ‘cuss’ up the minister and broke his computer so he would not receive any more emails. On Friday, Prak was hiding out at a friend’s home when a neighbour yelled, ‘knock him down Irfan’ and started clapping. Tears started to flow in Prak’s eyes as he hid in a cupboard thinking the housing man was coming for him. Five hours later Prak’s ‘so called friend’ came back laughing hysterical and informed him that it was cricket the neighbour was watching when Pakistan’s Mohamed Irfan was bowling against Sri Lanka. The man foot and hands caught ‘cramps’ but apparently his mouth didn’t because as we pointed out above, Prak is back to his story telling ways. Not to worry though, as the next time you see Prak simply remind him of the public debate and then holler ‘Irfaan’ and watch his sprinting ability.



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