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Former Member

AFC’s climax will be worse than the Fisherman and his Wife


NOW that the President has made it clear that General Elections will be held on May 11 this year, the AFC is still trying to hoodwink the public that they have not yet decided on who is going to be their Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates. This is according to AFC’s General Secretary, Mr. David Patterson. However, everyone is aware that Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Hughes were already selected by the AFC leader and his infamous gang. There is no election within the AFC, only selection and rigging.

Unable to get Mr. Granger to remove himself from his impending selection as APNU’s presidential candidate, the AFC is now telling Berbicians that they will never coalesce with APNU. Is it the conclusion of a jilted lover? It will be fruitful to Ramjattan to recall the fable of the Fisherman and his Wife. Having saved the life of the fish and was granted wishes that removed the couple from poverty to riches, the wife wanted to acquire the ultimate power, resulting in them being reverted to their former poverty stricken conditions. Ramjattan and the AFC wanted the ultimate power- to fulfill the dreams of Nagamootoo to become the President of Guyana although the AFC managed through deceit and lies to muster a meagre 10.7% of the total number of votes at the 2011 Elections. This is so absurd and ridiculous. However, the AFC’s climax will be worse than that of the Fisherman and his Wife-the AFC will be worse off than before!
According to its Consultant Professor Samad, the AFC will score a resounding victory. If I could recall the AFC’s former Consultant, Mr Nazrudeen, the AFC would have scored a resounding victory in 2011. If I were paid $ 1.1 million Guyana dollars per month then I would have said the same thing, therefore, since the good Professor is a paid Consultant then his overly expressed optimism is expected. Money and new found popularity can project a person in a world of fantasy!
However, the grim reality is this. Those persons from the PNCR who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC at the very core will only be satisfied with an Indian President and this has once again demonstrated what I have said repeatedly, that the AFC is a racially divided party. Therefore, these persons will happily move back into the arms of the PNCR. Moses will once again fail in his bid to become the President of Guyana. Then on the other hand, those PPP supporters who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC is only interested in fulfilling their own selfish political agenda and not the social and economic development of this country. They are convinced that the AFC is the most corrupt political party this country has ever seen. They will move back to the PPP.
The above scenario will give the PPP/C the majority it needs to continue its developmental agenda and propel Guyana forward.
The AFC is likely to earn the lowest number of votes in its short existence and this will thrust the tiny band of fortune-seekers into oblivion- a worse ending than the Fisherman’s fable.
Let the games begin!

AFC Councillor- Region 6


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Another ignorant coolieman spouting shit. When will these guys do as some of our decent people of East Indians heritage have done and that is drop that dam corrupt party.

No need to stick with the corruption just because is abie time it?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC’s climax will be worse than the Fisherman and his Wife


NOW that the President has made it clear that General Elections will be held on May 11 this year, the AFC is still trying to hoodwink the public that they have not yet decided on who is going to be their Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates. This is according to AFC’s General Secretary, Mr. David Patterson. However, everyone is aware that Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Hughes were already selected by the AFC leader and his infamous gang. There is no election within the AFC, only selection and rigging.

Unable to get Mr. Granger to remove himself from his impending selection as APNU’s presidential candidate, the AFC is now telling Berbicians that they will never coalesce with APNU. Is it the conclusion of a jilted lover? It will be fruitful to Ramjattan to recall the fable of the Fisherman and his Wife. Having saved the life of the fish and was granted wishes that removed the couple from poverty to riches, the wife wanted to acquire the ultimate power, resulting in them being reverted to their former poverty stricken conditions. Ramjattan and the AFC wanted the ultimate power- to fulfill the dreams of Nagamootoo to become the President of Guyana although the AFC managed through deceit and lies to muster a meagre 10.7% of the total number of votes at the 2011 Elections. This is so absurd and ridiculous. However, the AFC’s climax will be worse than that of the Fisherman and his Wife-the AFC will be worse off than before!
According to its Consultant Professor Samad, the AFC will score a resounding victory. If I could recall the AFC’s former Consultant, Mr Nazrudeen, the AFC would have scored a resounding victory in 2011. If I were paid $ 1.1 million Guyana dollars per month then I would have said the same thing, therefore, since the good Professor is a paid Consultant then his overly expressed optimism is expected. Money and new found popularity can project a person in a world of fantasy!
However, the grim reality is this. Those persons from the PNCR who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC at the very core will only be satisfied with an Indian President and this has once again demonstrated what I have said repeatedly, that the AFC is a racially divided party. Therefore, these persons will happily move back into the arms of the PNCR. Moses will once again fail in his bid to become the President of Guyana. Then on the other hand, those PPP supporters who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC is only interested in fulfilling their own selfish political agenda and not the social and economic development of this country. They are convinced that the AFC is the most corrupt political party this country has ever seen. They will move back to the PPP.
The above scenario will give the PPP/C the majority it needs to continue its developmental agenda and propel Guyana forward.
The AFC is likely to earn the lowest number of votes in its short existence and this will thrust the tiny band of fortune-seekers into oblivion- a worse ending than the Fisherman’s fable.
Let the games begin!

AFC Councillor- Region 6


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

This guy is on the take from PPP,is he candidate for coming

regional elections under which party ????

Originally Posted by cain:

Another ignorant coolieman spouting shit. When will these guys do as some of our decent people of East Indians heritage have done and that is drop that dam corrupt party.

No need to stick with the corruption just because is abie time it?


I am always amazed, though I shouldn't be at this age, at the moral depravity of Indian people. We would sell our mothers if the price if right.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC’s climax will be worse than the Fisherman and his Wife


NOW that the President has made it clear that General Elections will be held on May 11 this year, the AFC is still trying to hoodwink the public that they have not yet decided on who is going to be their Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates. This is according to AFC’s General Secretary, Mr. David Patterson. However, everyone is aware that Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Hughes were already selected by the AFC leader and his infamous gang. There is no election within the AFC, only selection and rigging.

Unable to get Mr. Granger to remove himself from his impending selection as APNU’s presidential candidate, the AFC is now telling Berbicians that they will never coalesce with APNU. Is it the conclusion of a jilted lover? It will be fruitful to Ramjattan to recall the fable of the Fisherman and his Wife. Having saved the life of the fish and was granted wishes that removed the couple from poverty to riches, the wife wanted to acquire the ultimate power, resulting in them being reverted to their former poverty stricken conditions. Ramjattan and the AFC wanted the ultimate power- to fulfill the dreams of Nagamootoo to become the President of Guyana although the AFC managed through deceit and lies to muster a meagre 10.7% of the total number of votes at the 2011 Elections. This is so absurd and ridiculous. However, the AFC’s climax will be worse than that of the Fisherman and his Wife-the AFC will be worse off than before!
According to its Consultant Professor Samad, the AFC will score a resounding victory. If I could recall the AFC’s former Consultant, Mr Nazrudeen, the AFC would have scored a resounding victory in 2011. If I were paid $ 1.1 million Guyana dollars per month then I would have said the same thing, therefore, since the good Professor is a paid Consultant then his overly expressed optimism is expected. Money and new found popularity can project a person in a world of fantasy!
However, the grim reality is this. Those persons from the PNCR who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC at the very core will only be satisfied with an Indian President and this has once again demonstrated what I have said repeatedly, that the AFC is a racially divided party. Therefore, these persons will happily move back into the arms of the PNCR. Moses will once again fail in his bid to become the President of Guyana. Then on the other hand, those PPP supporters who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC is only interested in fulfilling their own selfish political agenda and not the social and economic development of this country. They are convinced that the AFC is the most corrupt political party this country has ever seen. They will move back to the PPP.
The above scenario will give the PPP/C the majority it needs to continue its developmental agenda and propel Guyana forward.
The AFC is likely to earn the lowest number of votes in its short existence and this will thrust the tiny band of fortune-seekers into oblivion- a worse ending than the Fisherman’s fable.
Let the games begin!

AFC Councillor- Region 6


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

This guy is on the take from PPP,is he candidate for coming

regional elections under which party ????

when the ppp lose he will not be able to find a big enough hole to crawl in

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Another ignorant coolieman spouting shit. When will these guys do as some of our decent people of East Indians heritage have done and that is drop that dam corrupt party.

No need to stick with the corruption just because is abie time it?


I am always amazed, though I shouldn't be at this age, at the moral depravity of Indian people. We would sell our mothers if the price if right.

Aye, you devil - don't tar all Indians with the same brush. If you want to sell your other if the price is right that is your problem.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Another ignorant coolieman spouting shit. When will these guys do as some of our decent people of East Indians heritage have done and that is drop that dam corrupt party.

No need to stick with the corruption just because is abie time it?


I am always amazed, though I shouldn't be at this age, at the moral depravity of Indian people. We would sell our mothers if the price if right.

Aye, you devil - don't tar all Indians with the same brush. If you want to sell your other if the price is right that is your problem.

with you its a safe bet

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by cain:

Another ignorant coolieman spouting shit. When will these guys do as some of our decent people of East Indians heritage have done and that is drop that dam corrupt party.

No need to stick with the corruption just because is abie time it?


I am always amazed, though I shouldn't be at this age, at the moral depravity of Indian people. We would sell our mothers if the price if right.

Aye, you devil - don't tar all Indians with the same brush. If you want to sell your other if the price is right that is your problem.


I don't defend the indefensible. I can't look at a black kid's torture at the hands of state forces and be unmoved by it. Nor can I defend it. Apparently you can. Therein lies the difference between us.


Only a depraved uncivilized cretin can defend the indefensible and still claim to be human.


I don't get all the sexual metaphors that PPPites always enjoy employing in political debates. Is this some deep seated psychological issue that plagues PPP men?


Do we have any social workers on GNI?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I don't get all the sexual metaphors that PPPites always enjoy employing in political debates. Is this some deep seated psychological issue that plagues PPP men?


Do we have any social workers on GNI?

Sure, we got Jalil he can tell us why they see sex in all that they do.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Haseef Yusuf needs to stay strong, its clear to see after he parted company with the A.F.C,they are on a quest to assassinate the gentleman's character.

He was a ppp mole.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Haseef Yusuf needs to stay strong, its clear to see after he parted company with the A.F.C,they are on a quest to assassinate the gentleman's character.

Look who is talking. The Conscience of the House that freely smears the characters of Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and other critics.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Haseef Yusuf needs to stay strong, its clear to see after he parted company with the A.F.C,they are on a quest to assassinate the gentleman's character.

this is one of the collie that will sell his mother for a shilling 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Haseef Yusuf needs to stay strong, its clear to see after he parted company with the A.F.C,they are on a quest to assassinate the gentleman's character.

this is one of the collie that will sell his mother for a shilling 


what about bit? bit and a half?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Haseef Yusuf needs to stay strong, its clear to see after he parted company with the A.F.C,they are on a quest to assassinate the gentleman's character.

I am always amazed,

though I shouldn't be at this age,

at the moral depravity of Indian people.


We would sell our mothers if the price if right.


Haseef say

he is glad to be

one of the few in Berbice

who love, practice & Defend Kwamism.

Others are Yuji & Skeldon.


Dondada say

Nothing Wrong with Kwame

PPP say he is a Hindu Pandit...


Shitan like some of dem

offering them mama


... things for tenants are you just moving in we have a great discount on 

Last edited by Former Member

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