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Former Member

Ok folks,


AFC has a very serious problem in Berbice. They have lost ground since the PPP unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice.


Now for the most serious problem:


Berbicians suffered for 28 years of oppression under an Afro dictatorship first under Burnham and then Dictator Hoyte who rigged elections bigger than Burnham.


Berbicians will NEVER accept an Afro Leader again after the suffering under the dirty PNC. 


Now that Nigel is the Leader of the AFC, that makes the situation worse for AFC. This is really bad news. The AFC is in a soup right now.


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... to South AMerica | Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums

A vote for PPP is a vote for Buggerism...


Jagdeo & Ramotar move Kwame and

other Black House of Isreal thugs

into the leadership of Freedom House

and Office of the President.


Recently in Berbice... at Babu John

to remember and honor Cheddi Jagan

Rohee made Young Indian Girls

hang Mala around the neck

of these Black Thugs & Indian Killers...



Miss Jalili


You really need to seek further education in order to make a proper post. It is advisable that you stop degrading yourself with your more than nonsense post and make a valuable contribution to this forum.


You sound like a broken record.


It is advisable that you stop polluting my posts and start with addressing massive corruption in the Afro led KFC.

Last edited by Former Member

Batty-Poke Who-Gee the problem in Berbice

is Kwame and the Black House of Israel Thugs....

... to South AMerica | Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums

 Kwame, Jagdeo & Who-Gee

tek a Big pole-in-de-a**-hole...

and claiming 51%....

Granger saying Dem Lie....

Dem tek de full 100% Pole-in-de-hole.


This is not AFC problem....


The problem according to Rohee

who was beaten by these thugs....

is Young Indian Girls were forced

to hang Mala pun these Thugs neck...

and bow down and kiss them....


De Indian people in Guyana

demand Dem House of Isreal Thugs be Hanged....

but aya carry then to Baboo John

and put flower round dem neck...

like dem thugs..... is aya Hindu god now

Last edited by Former Member

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