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Former Member
The AFC’s trademarkPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SUNDAR NAUTH   
Friday, 04 October 2013 23:23

I WOULD like to express my shock at the recent revelations by Haseef Yusuf, a member and Councilor of the Alliance For Change (AFC).  The most shocking for me, and I guess, for most members of the AFC, and certainly the public, is the fact that the son-in-law of David Granger, Dominic Gaskin, is the treasurer of the AFC.
It is interesting to note that the AFC is the party most vocal about full and frank disclosures.  However, non-disclosures seem to have become the AFC’s

Not only did Kathy Hughes fail to disclose her conflict of interest position with the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, not only did Nigel Hughes deliberately fail to disclose his client/lawyer relationship with the foreman of the jury that acquitted the Lusignan massacre murder accused and that he was company secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Project Inc.,  not only did Nagamootoo fail to disclose that NICIL was a client of his, and not only did Mr. Ramjattan, leader of the AFC fail to disclose that Fedders Lloyd was his client.
Now it has been disclosed that no other than the son-in-law of David Granger, Dominic Gaskin, is the AFC’s treasurer! Why this important fact was not disclosed before or during the elections? Was it because it would have confirmed what the PPP was saying all along, that the AFC and APNU are one and the same? If this fact had been known, I could only guess how many would have believed the PPP and had not voted for the AFC. This leads me to wonder how many more non-disclosures are there to be discovered.

It is very deceitful of Ramjattan and other leaders of the AFC to hide this information from their members. The public is entitled to this information.

Last Updated on Friday, 04 October 2013 23:24

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Originally Posted by yuji22:
The AFC’s trademarkPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SUNDAR NAUTH   
Friday, 04 October 2013 23:23

I WOULD like to express my shock at the recent revelations by Haseef Yusuf, a member and Councilor of the Alliance For Change (AFC).  The most shocking for me, and I guess, for most members of the AFC, and certainly the public, is the fact that the son-in-law of David Granger, Dominic Gaskin, is the treasurer of the AFC.
It is interesting to note that the AFC is the party most vocal about full and frank disclosures.  However, non-disclosures seem to have become the AFC’s

Not only did Kathy Hughes fail to disclose her conflict of interest position with the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, not only did Nigel Hughes deliberately fail to disclose his client/lawyer relationship with the foreman of the jury that acquitted the Lusignan massacre murder accused and that he was company secretary of Amaila Falls Hydro Project Inc.,  not only did Nagamootoo fail to disclose that NICIL was a client of his, and not only did Mr. Ramjattan, leader of the AFC fail to disclose that Fedders Lloyd was his client.
Now it has been disclosed that no other than the son-in-law of David Granger, Dominic Gaskin, is the AFC’s treasurer! Why this important fact was not disclosed before or during the elections? Was it because it would have confirmed what the PPP was saying all along, that the AFC and APNU are one and the same? If this fact had been known, I could only guess how many would have believed the PPP and had not voted for the AFC. This leads me to wonder how many more non-disclosures are there to be discovered.

It is very deceitful of Ramjattan and other leaders of the AFC to hide this information from their members. The public is entitled to this information.

Last Updated on Friday, 04 October 2013 23:24

I'm surprised people making such a fuss.  The first time I met Gaskin early 2011 he was open to everyone that Granger was his father-in-law.  I never saw that as a big problem, he made it no secret, never hid it.  I cannot understand why a relative cannot belong to a different party.  It's is part of any national political landscape. 


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