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Exactly Bhai. Don’t be fooled by Professional AFC Conmen and Liars.

When I was growing up my parents taught me a valuable lesson that applies to life today, dont talk to strangers.

The AFC is attracting three to five people at their meetings and Conman Moses is using school children to show that a few people attended his meetings.

Granger told them to paddle their own canoe for LGE, he is waiting to buss dem rass in 2020. Volda told PNC supporters publicly to ignore these AFC clowns. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

Unfortunately, to hide the atrocities of some under the carpet are doing an injustice to thruths.

During a period in Guyana, there were numerous destabilizing acts committed by an organization affiliated to a political party.Do some research you find the culprits.


Albion being just a few miles from Port Mourant,  was a hot-bed for many of these activities, some I photographed. Including British soldiers who  monitored these events.   All political parties did the same in the 60s, some even worse.  

Some of the acts of destabilization continued after the 60's, millions of dollars lost, done to stop dictatorship during the battle for Democracy.

Seems the Democratic gains the country have made since 1992,are being threatened.The fight for political power continues between the two major political party continues.

Some day the people would realize, the two diseased major political parties have to be eradicated or become ineffective.They have to look for new political leadership  who don't define people by race or class, where one gets a piece of the pie.

It will come to pass,Banwarie seh bear cheaf.

Bhai, democracy is dead in most developed countries. Look what’s happening in US and Canada.. I man is not ashamed to say I come from a third world country no more 😊

Just to add to these so call democracy, yesterday in Ottawa, the Liberal out smart the conservatives by waiting until less conservatives were in the room to vote and there by elect a chairman by majority. 

The conservatives in return, drink alcohol and party to disrupt the meeting. 

These are the fkers who what’s to dictate other countries. 


Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner, who was in the room at the time, said what happened was “almost scary,” and he had never seen anything like it. “The process certainly was not enhanced when members of the Conservative Party were feeding vodka to their staffers, who were singing and had to be escorted out by security,” he said.

But it’s far from unusual for alcohol to be served on Parliament Hill during social occasions, and for Genuis, that’s what the meeting had turned into.

He and the staffers pulled out songbooks to share in songs, including: For she’s a jolly good fellow (about Alleslev); Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver; and Can you hear the people sing, from Les Miserables.

“We sang a few songs and then I wondered if people’s throats were at a state where a bit of refreshment was appropriate,” Genuis said. “At virtually all events on Parliament Hill alcohol is consumed, and consumed responsibly.”

Last edited by Former Member

Ha Ha 😂

Our PM legalized weed, they must be on weed but blamed it on Vodka. Thanks for posting brother Dave, this made my day. Off to see if my employees are on weed. Have a wonderful day.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

When I was growing up my parents taught me a valuable lesson that applies to life today, dont talk to strangers.

What you doing here ? How does that upbringing apply to the Political Conversation ?

Digging the hole deeper with your untainted up bringing.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

When I was growing up my parents taught me a valuable lesson that applies to life today, dont talk to strangers.

What you doing here ? How does that upbringing apply to the Political Conversation ?

Digging the hole deeper with your untainted up bringing.

He parents na dea around, so he big man now to do anything, other dan  wha dem teach him.  What a HIPPO......without  a tail.   


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