In welcoming President Donald Ramotar’s announcement of May 11, 2015 as the date for General and Regional Elections, the Alliance For Change (AFC) is calling on the Guyana Elections Commission to urgently publish guidelines against “the abuse of state resources”.

General Secretary of the AFC, David Patterson in a Tuesday evening statement to News Source said the AFC remains concerned that “the minority regime would continue to spend public funds since August 10, 2014 -an interrupted period of 9 months – without parliamentary approval or scrutiny.”

There are justifiable fears that the regime would continue to abuse these funds for PPP elections campaign, as well as other state resources including the media and vehicles. Now that a date for elections has been set AFC urges Gecom to urgently publish guidelines against abuse of state resources”, Patterson said. 

He also said that his party welcomes the announcement of a date for elections as a victory of pro-democracy forces in Guyana, adding that “President Ramotar has finally buckled to criticisms that his prorogation of parliament in the face of AFC’s no confidence motion was reckless, and had placed our parliamentary democracy in danger. The prorogation has attracted wide condemnation in Guyana, and pressures from friendly states, with indications that sanctions could follow.”

The Alliance For Change which has put together a negotiating team to begin discussions with A Partnership for National Unity about a pre election coalition, has declared that it is ready for the elections.

“AFC is the most vibrant fighting force in Guyana and remains ever confident of bringing change on May 11. We re-affirm the refrain of our membership: We ready”, the party said.