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April 15, 2016

The Alliance for Change this evening said it was unaware of the appointment of Brian Tiwarie as a ministerial adviser and says it supported President David Granger’s decision to rescind it.

A statement from the AFC follows:

In light of a misleading and erroneous front page headline in today’s edition of the Guyana Chronicle, the Alliance For Change wishes to clarify the following:

  1. At no time was the party or any of its leaders aware of the appointment of Mr. Brian Tiwarie as Ministerial Advisor prior to the public revelation. Following the public revelation of same party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan raised the issue with His Excellency President David Granger and the party supports His Excellency’s decision to rescind the appointment.
  1. The party was only aware of the appointments of the following persons as Diaspora Advisors:
  1. Rohan Somar
  2. Ron Alert
  • Ewart Marshall
  1. Tameshwar Lilmohan

These appointments were widely reported in the media. The AFC had also recommended Mr. Floyd Haynes for similar Diaspora Advisor appointment but is, to date, unaware of if this was done.

The party reiterates that it was not consulted or informed of any advisor appointments other than those listed above.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

April 15, 2016

MINISTER of State Joseph Harmon did not make the decision all by himself to appoint businessman Brian Tiwarie as a ministerial advisor to Government but through consultation with the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). According to Mr Harmon in a statement, after the General and Regional Elections of 2015, many persons, who indicated their deep interest in assisting the Government and fulfilling its campaign promises, were appointed to various positions.


Everyday is one lie after another between two incompetent parties. They forget totally about creating jobs and taking care of the people's business. AFC is looking out for its best interest, and Granger mind is preoccupied with expensive rum and how to frig out the taxpayers money of a one day fete. Can someone please remind me what accountability and governance mean?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is one name on that list which tells me for sure that IQ level was not a point of consideration during the selection process.

Yugi does seh money talks b.....t walks,suh tha wha happen hey.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - I am begging for your commentary on a certain advisor on this list.  And you know who I am talking about - the low IQ one!!!!

Newly-appointed Ministerial Advisers on Diaspora Affairs [from left) Ron Alert, Earth Marshall, Dr Rohan Somar and Tameshwar Lilmohan pose with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo; Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan; Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin; and Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson

Newly-appointed Ministerial Advisers on Diaspora Affairs (from left) Ron Alert, Earth Marshall, Dr Rohan Somar and Tameshwar Lilmohan pose with Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan.


Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - I am begging for your commentary on a certain advisor on this list.  And you know who I am talking about - the low IQ one!!!!

Newly-appointed Ministerial Advisers on Diaspora Affairs [from left) Ron Alert, Earth Marshall, Dr Rohan Somar and Tameshwar Lilmohan pose with Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo; Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan; Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin; and Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson

Newly-appointed Ministerial Advisers on Diaspora Affairs (from left) Ron Alert, Earth Marshall, Dr Rohan Somar and Tameshwar Lilmohan pose with Vice-President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan.


Te he he.  How come he is not wearing a dhoti and kurta????!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - I am begging for your commentary on a certain advisor on this list.  And you know who I am talking about - the low IQ one!!!!

Miss Haniffa, I don't know those people personally. Please don't think that I'm like the apostle Peter denying he knew Jesus. I don't know those guys on that list. 

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - I am begging for your commentary on a certain advisor on this list.  And you know who I am talking about - the low IQ one!!!!

Miss Haniffa, I don't know those people personally. Please don't think that I'm like the apostle Peter denying he knew Jesus. I don't know those guys on that list. 

Was it the apostle Peter? Or was it Judas?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gilbakka - I am begging for your commentary on a certain advisor on this list.  And you know who I am talking about - the low IQ one!!!!

Miss Haniffa, I don't know those people personally. Please don't think that I'm like the apostle Peter denying he knew Jesus. I don't know those guys on that list. 

Was it the apostle Peter? Or was it Judas?

Mark 14:66-72New Living Translation (NLT)

Peter Denies Jesus

66 Meanwhile, Peter was in the courtyard below. One of the servant girls who worked for the high priest came by 67 and noticed Peter warming himself at the fire. She looked at him closely and said, “You were one of those with Jesus of Nazareth.[a]

68 But Peter denied it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, and he went out into the entryway. Just then, a rooster crowed.[b]

69 When the servant girl saw him standing there, she began telling the others, “This man is definitely one of them!” 70 But Peter denied it again.

A little later some of the other bystanders confronted Peter and said, “You must be one of them, because you are a Galilean.”

71 Peter swore, “A curse on me if I’m lying—I don’t know this man you’re talking about!” 72 And immediately the rooster crowed the second time.

Suddenly, Jesus’ words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.”And he broke down and wept.


The Judas is the one that said that the death of Indians is a blessing in disguised for the coalition to maintain power beyond 2020. You're a disgrace as a former professor that I respected dearly. Dear Professor, you sold your soul to the Devil right in front my eyes. Yes, Gilbakka, I am speaking to you.

Cobra posted:

The Judas is the one that said that the death of Indians is a blessing in disguised for the coalition to maintain power beyond 2020. You're a disgrace as a former professor that I respected dearly. Dear Professor, you sold your soul to the Devil right in front my eyes. Yes, Gilbakka, I am speaking to you.

Hey you racial coolie serpent, this Gilbakka coolie does not care one bigan seed what you think of him. In Guyana he used to keep a distance from your type and socialize only with like-minded broad-minded non-racial coolies. He never tied bundle with any race-based Indian group and he had joined the PPP for ideological reasons only.

I am in GNI Political Forum only to express my opinions, not to convert or abuse any GNI member. If you don't like my opinions, that's your problem. For months I have studiously ignored your threads for one simple reason: you are blatantly mean and racial and immature. It's a pity GNI does not provide the faciity for me to block you from posting on my threads. I have nothing more to tell you. 

Cobra posted:

The Judas is the one that said that the death of Indians is a blessing in disguised for the coalition to maintain power beyond 2020. You're a disgrace as a former professor that I respected dearly. Dear Professor, you sold your soul to the Devil right in front my eyes. Yes, Gilbakka, I am speaking to you.

Pajama Pants, shut your silly clap trap.  The Coalition will maintain power beyond 2020 baring something catastrophic.

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

The Judas is the one that said that the death of Indians is a blessing in disguised for the coalition to maintain power beyond 2020. You're a disgrace as a former professor that I respected dearly. Dear Professor, you sold your soul to the Devil right in front my eyes. Yes, Gilbakka, I am speaking to you.

Hey you racial coolie serpent, this Gilbakka coolie does not care one bigan seed what you think of him. In Guyana he used to keep a distance from your type and socialize only with like-minded broad-minded non-racial coolies. He never tied bundle with any race-based Indian group and he had joined the PPP for ideological reasons only.

I am in GNI Political Forum only to express my opinions, not to convert or abuse any GNI member. If you don't like my opinions, that's your problem. For months I have studiously ignored your threads for one simple reason: you are blatantly mean and racial and immature. It's a pity GNI does not provide the faciity for me to block you from posting on my threads. I have nothing more to tell you. 

He is stupid stupid dick head and as totalized a racist as one can get. Were he white he would be posting on Stormfront and wearing a white hoodie with the iron cross as everyday garb.

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

The Judas is the one that said that the death of Indians is a blessing in disguised for the coalition to maintain power beyond 2020. You're a disgrace as a former professor that I respected dearly. Dear Professor, you sold your soul to the Devil right in front my eyes. Yes, Gilbakka, I am speaking to you.

Hey you racial coolie serpent, this Gilbakka coolie does not care one bigan seed what you think of him. In Guyana he used to keep a distance from your type and socialize only with like-minded broad-minded non-racial coolies. He never tied bundle with any race-based Indian group and he had joined the PPP for ideological reasons only.

I am in GNI Political Forum only to express my opinions, not to convert or abuse any GNI member. If you don't like my opinions, that's your problem. For months I have studiously ignored your threads for one simple reason: you are blatantly mean and racial and immature. It's a pity GNI does not provide the faciity for me to block you from posting on my threads. I have nothing more to tell you. 

If you are here to share your opinions, then....

Tell us why your opinion is NOT a coincident to kill out Indians and send them away with 30 thousand visas to diminish the PPP voting base?

Is this a political strategy to see a dead Indian everyday?


Last edited by Former Member

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