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Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne. This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana. Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice. The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party and bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.


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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss Gain of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne.

[The PPP will keep losing Votes in Berbice.....because of Thiefing, Corruption & Bad Choices.... http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....unken-confrontation/

QUOTE : "Dave Kumar said that he owns the Skeldon Estate and was sent to Skeldon Estate to take over by President Donald Ramotar.”]


This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana.

[PPP shitting dem skin because AFC getting Support in PPP & PNC areas]


Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice.

[In Berbice Pariahstatus if reserved for .... Kwame, Bharat, Lamumba, Ramotar, Kit Nascimento, Rohee, Norman McClean, Anil Nandalall, Jerry Gouviea, Prya, Hamilton, Gail Taxiera, Philip Bynoe & Irfan Ali]



The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party Under Buggerism with Kwame & Jagdeo at the Top........ and this will not bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.


The PPP minority

is Shrinking every second.

Now Down to

Compliments of



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The only campaign efforts shifting is PPP dem need to pay more 10,000 per family benefits out and dem need to bribe more amerindians to try and hope they vote fuh de PPP.


PPP cork duck in berbice.


Sperm bai should be the top speaker at Albion this year.

PPP Rally at Albion


Dead Cock

Hot BT

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne. This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana. Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice. The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party and bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.



The AFC is dead.


This is a last ditch effort to save the AFC. The AFC is already in the grave yard.


Gerhard's departure drove the final nail in the AFC coffin.







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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne. This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana. Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice. The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party and bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.


Billy Ram, I stated on this BB umpteen times since yuji22 started boasting about "PPP-PYO boots on the ground" that Berbice alone is not Guyana.

I explained that the AFC concentrated its resources in Berbice last elections to the detriment of other regions.

And I stated clearly that the AFC will not repeat that error in future. This time the AFC plans to spread its wings in other regions.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne. This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana. Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice. The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party and bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.


Billy Ram, I stated on this BB umpteen times since yuji22 started boasting about "PPP-PYO boots on the ground" that Berbice alone is not Guyana.

I explained that the AFC concentrated its resources in Berbice last elections to the detriment of other regions.

And I stated clearly that the AFC will not repeat that error in future. This time the AFC plans to spread its wings in other regions.




Moses is now like a dog chasing it's tail.


The PPP already closed the deal. Politics is about timing and the AFC lacks political experience.


A 54 percent PPP victory is certain.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Political strategists in the Alliance For Change have anticipated major loss of votes in the traditional PPP strongholds of West Berbice and the Courantyne. This has led the party to concentrate more on the Amerindian votes in the hinterland. Struggling to hold to its seats in parliament the party is trying counter the anticipated loss with votes from other parts of the Guyana. Moses Nagamootoo, a former minister in the PPP gov't. has been trying to boost party support in other parts of the country despite his ever-growing pariah status in Berbice. The ruling PPP has re-grouped itself from all the internal fighting over leadership and is now embarked on a mission to unite the party and bring back supporters who have left for other parties or just abstain.


You mean all those give away of the nation cash by the PP in their bead trading march through Amerind territory is not the PPP trying to cover t heir ass and in crooked ways as usual?


Allocating more funds for education in the hinterland areas to help uplift our poor Amerindian sisters and brothers is not bribery to me. It has been going for a long time. Our country's economy has improved over the years thanks in part to the massive increases production of gold and other forestry products. It is only fair that the gov't allocate more resources to the Amerindians who have been neglected for ages. Lets share the nation's wealth with them.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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