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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

Riff, 51.3 percent of voters in 2011 chose the combined APNU-AFC to represent their interests in parliament. That majority passed a few important bills but the minority PPP through President Ramotar refused to assent the opposition bills.

The minority PPP behaved as if it were a majority government and was able to do so through the extraordinary powers of the president.

Matters reached breaking point when Ashni Singh overspent $4.5 billion that the parliament didn't approve. Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang has ruled that the PPP overspending was illegal.

The AFC couldn't fold its arms and let the PPP get away with daylight robbery and other misdemeanors. Hence its no-confidence motion which was backed fully by APNU.

The PPP through Ramotar added fuel to the fire by proroguing parliament, effectively locking out the people's parliamentary representatives.

It became clear that the undemocratic and corrupt PPP has to be removed.

The AFC assessed the overall situation and concluded correctly that all anti-PPP forces must unite to defeat the PPP. Unity gives strength.

It took great courage, statesmanship and selflessness on the part of the AFC leadership to start unity talks with APNU that led to the Cummingsburg Accord.

That accord is now the basis to forge a genuine national unity government that will undo the excesses of the PPP regime and involve all Guyanese in a spirit of togetherness to build a better Guyana and improve the standard of living of the large proportion of the working poor.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
It's not my nature to tell people what the wanna hear. Even my friends. I can't help that.

ohh myyy . . . such a brave nature


almost as courageous as Sean Hannity and other well-compensated, idiot posers on Fox


another wannabe . . . doing it for free [?]

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

We have been hearing that since 2006, you need a new tune.

In 2006 the AFC got 7% and in 2011 they got 11%.  This despite the fact that both the PPP and the PNC are reviled by their respective bases.


Now AFC has joined forces with APNU because (based on comments attributed to Ramjattan, which may or may not be true) the AFC knew that it best they would have increased their vote to 20%.


So the AFC took a gamble.  They now have to introduce the PNC as being a cuddly party, not as they were seen after the 1997 and 2001 elections. 


So go make nice to the PNC and stop making the AFC to be more powerful than they are.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

They realized being the third string would not necessarily move Guyana forward. It will just be the same thing as before with another no confidence motion followed by another election etc etc...

They are giving Guyanese a chance to decide one way or another instead of having a Parliament stuck in neutral....

Let's see what Guyanese will do..would they be bold enough like the AFC?

Riff, 51.3 percent of voters in 2011 chose the combined APNU-AFC to represent their interests in parliament..


The majority of the anti PPP Guyanese think that APNU and the AFc were push overs in parliament who allowed the PPP to get away with more than they should have.  So don't promote your parliamentary record as if that will impress.  Guyanese saw deadlock which has made them cynical about the political process.


As to the 51.3. Well about 10,000 voters in Regions 5 and 6 voted for Nagamootoo. You will note that this Nagamootoo effect didn't spread ro Regions 2 or 3, also PPP strongholds.  So was this a vote for the AFC or for Nagamootoo, a PPP man who they trusted?


At this point its no use arguing as to whether Nagamootoo made a mistake or not.  He took a gamble.  He hopes that this who supported him 3 1/2 years ago still will, and he can build from that.


I will suggest to you that, if voting patterns remain the same in May as they were in 2011 the PPP only needs 5k votes to be in a majority position again. Surely racial panic can accomplish that goal.


So the APNU/AFC will have to change the voting dynamics if they don't want to be left guessing as to who is right.  Those who predict that large numbers of these 10k flee back to the PPP, or that they will give Nagamootoo a 2nd chance. 


So APNU/AFC will have to get votes from elsewhere.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Riff, I agree its a bold move, but not necessary a good move. AFC can't give APNU 11% of the vote if the voters refuse to vote for APNU.

But maybe they can get the 60k former voters, who no longer bother, to vote again. 


Remember that the AFC got 11k votes in Region 4, and they did also get some votes in regions 5 and 6 in 2006, so don't fool yourself that all 11% came from PPP strongholds.


There is no indication that voters would refuse to vote for APNU, APNU has been growing since 2011.


Amerindians in particular are leaning more towards the coalition than a government that is bent on using starve and feed methods to govern their villages.


Giving money to one individual in the village because he is PPP while punishing folks who speak up against the PPP's injustices is tiresome.


The PPP is in deep shit, why did they refuse to call local govt elections after 2011? because they knew quite well they would lose miserably....Why were they afraid of the no confidence?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble and racist drivel you does peddle here daily. Dis is your worst nightmare happening here.

How does this help anyone here or shed light on the Coalition agreement? Does this make you a hero, a saga-bwoy, someone we should bow down to? Okay kudos to you for telling Caribny to stick to his supposed racist drivel. Now you have raised the enlightened meter on this here forum. Wait, please take the digital version of a mala for being so smart, smarmy, smirky, and humorous. We bow to you oh great one for calling out the shaitaan Caribny!

Isn't there some thread about ISIS you need to be on?

The epitome of intellectual thought on display.......

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

carib you gat to stick to your afro babble and racist drivel you does peddle here daily. Dis is your worst nightmare happening here.

How does this help anyone here or shed light on the Coalition agreement? Does this make you a hero, a saga-bwoy, someone we should bow down to? Okay kudos to you for telling Caribny to stick to his supposed racist drivel. Now you have raised the enlightened meter on this here forum. Wait, please take the digital version of a mala for being so smart, smarmy, smirky, and humorous. We bow to you oh great one for calling out the shaitaan Caribny!

Isn't there some thread about ISIS you need to be on?

The epitome of intellectual thought on display.......

Yawn.........ISIS beckons run along now.........

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP folks here should praise AFC

Both KFC and PNC must be congratulated for this new move, a new direction in Guyanese politics and hopefully a start in the right direction. One that will put the interest of the Guyanese People first.

Thank you Nehru.  A NEW BEGININNING.


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