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August 7, 2012  By admin

Dear Editor,

Earlier this year I penned a letter pointing out that the AFC has, as a matter of policy, left out Muslims from its hierarchy. In that letter I surmised that there is not a single Muslim parliamentarian, their condemnation of the government of Guyana’s visits to the Middle East in search of investments and their silence on the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people support this notion.

My views were further solidified when the AFC convened its national conference on Saturday and not one Muslim was viewed good enough to merit a place on the AFC's National Executive body.

The AFC believes that as a third force in Guyana, they hold the balance of power in this country; they couldn't have been more wrong. Daily we see that it is in fact the Muslims with their 12-17 per cent following
are the ones who truly control the balance of power in our country.
Therefore for the AFC to progress, it becomes necessary for this factto be reflected in its leadership. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic(PPP/C) is perhaps the only party in Guyana that has recognised this fact and given the Muslims in this country their due. Even to a lesser extent, the PNC under Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte had a number of Muslims in their ranks. It was rumoured that current Mayor Hamilton Green was once a Muslim.

The AFC cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Muslims and expect to win an election in Guyana. The great USA for all its racism and anti-Muslim hate as we witness on a daily basis and whom the AFC sees as the pillar of democracy recognises the importance of Muslims to the development of their society. It is to the detriment of the AFC should they continue to ignore the
section of the population who hold the balance of power in Guyana.


Ibraheem Bin Jabbar

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Henry:

The external forces which the AFC is propitiating are the same ones who started the whole "Islam is the new Communism" routine with the "Clash of Civilizations" book.

Why don't you read the book without commenting from ignorance always. The premise is the new forces of dominating conflict is not actually new but a reversion from ideological based conflicts to religious and cultural based conflicts.


It speculates that those from whom the west may see emerging conflicts includes eastern orthodox Christians, Asiatics Buddhists in the sino soviet cultures, Hindus and Muslims. You are truly a sick anti US anti British prick! Huntington work is one of many speculating on the post war future no less than post colonialist scholars speculated on what will happen next.


Since five hours ago, nobody came forward to defend their cases with the AFC. If you are a Muslim supporter of the AFC, please come forward and drink your shame. Shame is like the blood of Christ that you drink and you will be able to forgive them for pushing a long bamboo up your moon shine crack. That is your BeeTee, BTW.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Since five hours ago, nobody came forward to defend their cases with the AFC. If you are a Muslim supporter of the AFC, please come forward and drink your shame. Shame is like the blood of Christ that you drink and you will be able to forgive them for pushing a long bamboo up your moon shine crack. That is your BeeTee, BTW.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Henry:

The external forces which the AFC is propitiating are the same ones who started the whole "Islam is the new Communism" routine with the "Clash of Civilizations" book.

Why don't you read the book without commenting from ignorance always. The premise is the new forces of dominating conflict is not actually new but a reversion from ideological based conflicts to religious and cultural based conflicts.


It speculates that those from whom the west may see emerging conflicts includes eastern orthodox Christians, Asiatics Buddhists in the sino soviet cultures, Hindus and Muslims. You are truly a sick anti US anti British prick! Huntington work is one of many speculating on the post war future no less than post colonialist scholars speculated on what will happen next.

Why don't you answer Bin Jabbar rather than delve into your usual verbose rant?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Henry:

The external forces which the AFC is propitiating are the same ones who started the whole "Islam is the new Communism" routine with the "Clash of Civilizations" book.

Why don't you read the book without commenting from ignorance always. The premise is the new forces of dominating conflict is not actually new but a reversion from ideological based conflicts to religious and cultural based conflicts.


It speculates that those from whom the west may see emerging conflicts includes eastern orthodox Christians, Asiatics Buddhists in the sino soviet cultures, Hindus and Muslims. You are truly a sick anti US anti British prick! Huntington work is one of many speculating on the post war future no less than post colonialist scholars speculated on what will happen next.

Why don't you answer Bin Jabbar rather than delve into your usual verbose rant?

Why should I "answer" what he is to prove?


Also, one does not "delve" into a rant one launches into a rant.


I am sorry if the above misses you completely since it corrects  an erroneous statement about a significant literary contribution to post cold war debate. The poster misstates the thesis of a well known book


That is more interesting than the OP

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Since five hours ago, nobody came forward to defend their cases with the AFC. If you are a Muslim supporter of the AFC, please come forward and drink your shame. Shame is like the blood of Christ that you drink and you will be able to forgive them for pushing a long bamboo up your moon shine crack. That is your BeeTee, BTW.

Just as one would tend to step away from dog shit on the sidewalk, the AFC supporters tend to step aside from the crap that some people write just to show they're still breathing.

When they can't win using the race card, they try the religious route.


Imbraadawallabem DusBin Jabass, needs to stop peddling shyte.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If you wish to get into other people's business, or defending someone who feed from the same trash, be my guest. You're not doing justice by responding for Cain. good-bye!

I respond as I see fit to any post on the board. There is no other rule. You do not get to invent any rule.


As for justice, she is blind not dumb.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Since five hours ago, nobody came forward to defend their cases with the AFC. If you are a Muslim supporter of the AFC, please come forward and drink your shame. Shame is like the blood of Christ that you drink and you will be able to forgive them for pushing a long bamboo up your moon shine crack. That is your BeeTee, BTW.

Just as one would tend to step away from dog shit on the sidewalk, the AFC supporters tend to step aside from the crap that some people write just to show they're still breathing.

When they can't win using the race card, they try the religious route.


Imbraadawallabem DusBin Jabass, needs to stop peddling shyte.

LOL!!! Imbraadawallabem DusBin Jabass!!!


BTW, Bin (without) Jabbar (work) = unemployed

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, can you address the issue facing the AFC that they're not an inclusive party and shun the Muslims? How can we value your defense of the AFC when you're dumbfounded when cornered?

I am not going to be gulled into irrelevant debates to defend abjectly stupid propositions ie the AFC hate Muslims.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Since five hours ago, nobody came forward to defend their cases with the AFC. If you are a Muslim supporter of the AFC, please come forward and drink your shame. Shame is like the blood of Christ that you drink and you will be able to forgive them for pushing a long bamboo up your moon shine crack. That is your BeeTee, BTW.

Just as one would tend to step away from dog shit on the sidewalk, the AFC supporters tend to step aside from the crap that some people write just to show they're still breathing.

When they can't win using the race card, they try the religious route.


Imbraadawallabem DusBin Jabass, needs to stop peddling shyte.

Both you and Ramjattan eye slant and so is your brains.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, can you address the issue facing the AFC that they're not an inclusive party and shun the Muslims? How can we value your defense of the AFC when you're dumbfounded when cornered?

I told you he divert from the real topic just like the afc leaders , don't ever ask them to stay on topic.  AFC  reflection of a slanted eye leader and brains to match. D2 is any different. His  family in disowned him for his brainlessness.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

He ducking he head in the Pomeroon River with little substance to offer. 

Dummy, the burden of proof is for you and others making the claim to carry the proposition. I do not argue why unicorns exist because someone else say it is the case.

No sir, the burden of proof is not on us. Read Jabbar's letter. He has the proof you want but you ducking you head in the Pomeroon sand. That's okay but it shows your penchant for running away from the truth. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

He ducking he head in the Pomeroon River with little substance to offer. 

Dummy, the burden of proof is for you and others making the claim to carry the proposition. I do not argue why unicorns exist because someone else say it is the case.

No sir, the burden of proof is not on us. Read Jabbar's letter. He has the proof you want but you ducking you head in the Pomeroon sand. That's okay but it shows your penchant for running away from the truth. 

Fool, the AFC in their strategy never sought to solicit individuals on account of their ethnic or religious persuasion. I personally do not even know the religious orientation of the principals. One may surmise Moses and Gerhard are atheists but even that would be guessing.


If this gentleman wants to make a direct case he has  point to persons of his religious persuasion who were refused access to the AFC or that prominent Muslims who supports them are excluded from decision making.  That has not been his case. He speculates hither thither.


Could it be that Muslims are not yet warmed up to the AFC?  Could it be that because the AFC did not see Jagdeo's pursuit of AID from Iran as good policy that Muslims stayed away? The AFC can only state its position. It is for the citizen to be engaged on account of that.


I do not know nor do I care for the AFC's position on Palestine. It does not affect my view of them as a harbinger of a new reality. If the gentleman believes Muslims are a third force he can use that to persuade the AFC to accept Muslims to decision making positions in the party and to see their interests as worthy pursuits. That is his burden not mine. The AFC as it is suits my view.


Meanwhile, I am sure the AFC wait their ( Muslims) coming. But be forewarned; I am sure the AFC will welcome all  on condition that Guyana and a non racial,  non religious trajectory is understood to be central to their platform.



Last edited by Former Member

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