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How the PNC rigged elections

Former President and PNC Leader Forbes Burnham

Former President and PNC Leader Forbes Burnham

Rodney CoI hears…


 witness testifies to voting multiple times


By Alexis Rodney


The Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry on Wednesday heard how the party of the late Forbes Burnham allegedly practised  vote -rigging during elections, with a former executive of the People’s National Congress revealing that he and others were transported by bus to various polling stations to vote multiple times.

Joseph Hamilton,a former priest of the House of Israel- a notorious religious cult allegedly used by the PNC back in the 1980s to beat up political opponents-testified that the Government then had frequently been involved in rigged elections.

He said he could give evidence in this regard because he, along with other members of the House of Israel, were transported by bus to various polling stations around the country to vote, although they were legally required to do so only once. “The methodology of the PNC would make transportation available for persons involved in voting more than once”, he confirmed.

Asked if there was no distinguishing marking for persons who had already voted, Hamilton pointed out that that was not an issue since it was PNC members who were  managing the polling stations. Moreover, he confessed that the government was able to devise a plan to remove the stains from the voters’ fingers. He said too that he knew of persons who were not members of the House of Israel, who had also voted multiple times.

Under cross- examination, Hamilton spoke of the role of the military in the alleged rigging of elections, making reference to the 1973 elections when two protesters were killed in Corentyne during attempts by soldiers to steal ballot boxes.  It was on the evening of July 16, 1973 at the close of polling when members of the GDF stormed into the polling place and attempted to cart away ballot boxes to an undisclosed location. Scores of people, the vast majority of whom were known supporters of the PPP, had gathered in front of the polling station to protest against the removal of the ballot boxes by the military. The soldiers fired live bullets at the protesters, killing Bholanauth and Ramessar in the process.

Back then,the counting of ballots was not done at the place of poll as is currently the case. All the boxes were taken under military escort to a central polling place. It was reported back then that invariably, ballots cast in favour of the PPP were replaced and stuffed by ballots in favour of the PNC.  It was this knowledge and fear that the results of the elections would be changed in favour of the PNC that led to such large gatherings of people at polling stations at the end of polling. Under normal situations, eligible voters would cast their ballots and peacefully make their way home until the results were announced hours later.

Meanwhile, Hamilton also under cross- examination, agreed that the government of the day had perpetrated corruption by  giving  lands to the House of Israel organization; the abuse of the Judiciary; direct suppression by violent means; the advancing of the concept of Party Paramountcy; and the suppression and non-investigation  of serious crimes, including murder.

He spoke of 1980 Constitution Referendum and the public outcry that prevailed. At that point WPA Lawyer Christopher Ram explained that the country was looking forward to the constitutionally due general election in 1978. However, the government using its power had decided that the country was going to go through a referendum instead. Hamilton recalled that a large percentage of the population had opposed the move and had become agitated, since according to them it was oppressive and dictatorial. “And so there was agitation from what was considered as civil society”



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KishanB:

what happens in the pnc is none of the afc business. that is political ethics 101.


however it is the business of each and every guyanese man and woman.


Ethics and Harish KishanB. LOL a biggest joke of month. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

what happens in the pnc is none of the afc business. that is political ethics 101.


however it is the business of each and every guyanese man and woman.


Ethics and Harish KishanB. LOL a biggest joke of month. 



This is the ethics of Tarron Kimraj ak Ms JB on GNI.  Where next?  Back to the PPP?


Is the milk and honey he want.  you all give him some nuh Nehru since Grainja will never win now!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

what happens in the pnc is none of the afc business. that is political ethics 101.


however it is the business of each and every guyanese man and woman.


Ethics and Harish KishanB. LOL a biggest joke of month. 



This is the ethics of Tarron Kimraj ak Ms JB on GNI.  Where next?  Back to the PPP?


Is the milk and honey he want.  you all give him some nuh Nehru since Grainja will never win now!

Lol Mr Sase Singh you is so coward. You beat up on me. If you bad go curse Mr TK on FB. Me will pose it here.


Ethics and Tarron does not sit in the same room, he beat up his wife I was told by one Malcom.


And he come here and accuse people about beating wife.  What a devil.


I live in the bahamas, no wife, only girlfriends and they keep coming.  I wonder why?


I always treat women with respect and give them what they want.  Not like you Tarron who abandon and beat his wife.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Ethics and Tarron does not sit in the same room, he beat up his wife I was told by one Malcom.


And he come here and accuse people about beating wife.  What a devil.


I live in the bahamas, no wife, only girlfriends and they keep coming.  I wonder why?


I always treat women with respect and give them what they want.  Not like you Tarron who abandon and beat his wife.

Why you so envy Mr Singh? Dont be envy. Dont shout on lady. Ok

Originally Posted by yuji22:

How the PNC rigged elections

Former President and PNC Leader Forbes Burnham

Former President and PNC Leader Forbes Burnham

Rodney CoI hears…


 witness testifies to voting multiple times


By Alexis Rodney


The Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry on Wednesday heard how the party of the late Forbes Burnham allegedly practised  vote -rigging during elections, with a former executive of the People’s National Congress revealing that he and others were transported by bus to various polling stations to vote multiple times.

Joseph Hamilton,a former priest of the House of Israel- a notorious religious cult allegedly used by the PNC back in the 1980s to beat up political opponents-testified that the Government then had frequently been involved in rigged elections.

He said he could give evidence in this regard because he, along with other members of the House of Israel, were transported by bus to various polling stations around the country to vote, although they were legally required to do so only once. “The methodology of the PNC would make transportation available for persons involved in voting more than once”, he confirmed.

Asked if there was no distinguishing marking for persons who had already voted, Hamilton pointed out that that was not an issue since it was PNC members who were  managing the polling stations. Moreover, he confessed that the government was able to devise a plan to remove the stains from the voters’ fingers. He said too that he knew of persons who were not members of the House of Israel, who had also voted multiple times.

Under cross- examination, Hamilton spoke of the role of the military in the alleged rigging of elections, making reference to the 1973 elections when two protesters were killed in Corentyne during attempts by soldiers to steal ballot boxes.  It was on the evening of July 16, 1973 at the close of polling when members of the GDF stormed into the polling place and attempted to cart away ballot boxes to an undisclosed location. Scores of people, the vast majority of whom were known supporters of the PPP, had gathered in front of the polling station to protest against the removal of the ballot boxes by the military. The soldiers fired live bullets at the protesters, killing Bholanauth and Ramessar in the process.

Back then,the counting of ballots was not done at the place of poll as is currently the case. All the boxes were taken under military escort to a central polling place. It was reported back then that invariably, ballots cast in favour of the PPP were replaced and stuffed by ballots in favour of the PNC.  It was this knowledge and fear that the results of the elections would be changed in favour of the PNC that led to such large gatherings of people at polling stations at the end of polling. Under normal situations, eligible voters would cast their ballots and peacefully make their way home until the results were announced hours later.

Meanwhile, Hamilton also under cross- examination, agreed that the government of the day had perpetrated corruption by  giving  lands to the House of Israel organization; the abuse of the Judiciary; direct suppression by violent means; the advancing of the concept of Party Paramountcy; and the suppression and non-investigation  of serious crimes, including murder.

He spoke of 1980 Constitution Referendum and the public outcry that prevailed. At that point WPA Lawyer Christopher Ram explained that the country was looking forward to the constitutionally due general election in 1978. However, the government using its power had decided that the country was going to go through a referendum instead. Hamilton recalled that a large percentage of the population had opposed the move and had become agitated, since according to them it was oppressive and dictatorial. “And so there was agitation from what was considered as civil society”



It is a known fact the PNC rigged the elections.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

It is a known fact the PNC rigged the elections.

* One thing all Guyanese are 100% in agreement on---they are 100% unified about this---and that is the PNC are RIGGERS and the PNC will always be RIGGERS. And as such the PNC will never ever rule Guyana. The Guyanese people will never elect the PNC in a free and fair election.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

It is a known fact the PNC rigged the elections.

* One thing all Guyanese are 100% in agreement on---they are 100% unified about this---and that is the PNC are RIGGERS and the PNC will always be RIGGERS. And as such the PNC will never ever rule Guyana. The Guyanese people will never elect the PNC in a free and fair election.



Agreed and they shall not win the 2016 elections - PNC or APNU.  So what next?


How the PPP rigged elections

at PPP Congress in Port Mourant last year:


-- In elections for a new central committee, more ballots were cast than the total number of delegates.

--The PPP airlifted 246 "delegates" from Region 9/Rupununi, sequestered them in a secure section of the congress venue, instructed them to vote for Ramotar and Jagdeo and other specified persons, then let them loose to vote.

-- 10 chinese nationals,not born-Guyanese descendants of indentured chinese immigrants, were allowed to vote in place of genuine PPP Guyanese delegates.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

It is a known fact the PNC rigged the elections.

* One thing all Guyanese are 100% in agreement on---they are 100% unified about this---and that is the PNC are RIGGERS and the PNC will always be RIGGERS. And as such the PNC will never ever rule Guyana. The Guyanese people will never elect the PNC in a free and fair election.




PNC will NEVER win a free and fair election in Guyana. Not in 100 years.


AFC is working 24/7 to reinstall the PNC rigging machinery. 


A vote for AFC = A vote for PNC


PNC = riggers



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