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AFC slams PPP for salary hypocrisy, says has facts on “fabulous” sums in secret accounts

The Alliance For Change today lashed out at the opposition PPP for hypocrisy over the recent increase in salaries for ministers and says it has facts on “fabulous” sums stashed away in secret bank accounts that would shame the former governing party.

“Our party is armed with cogent facts and statistics that would put the PPP to shame for giving its fats cat super salaries and perks for stashing away fabulous sums in secret bank accounts and causing the disappearance of vehicles and other state assets, all of which is coming to the public’s attention now with a series of revelations and disclosures. The AFC supports action to follow through these disclosures with recovery of state assets which have been misappropriated and prosecution where necessary”, the party said. The AFC statement follows:

The Alliance For Change has noted a reported a statement from the opposition People’s Progressive Party that the postponement of the November 12th sitting of the National Assembly is as a result of our Coalition Government trying to avoid debate on its motion on a recent salary adjustment for Members of Parliament and ministers.

The AFC finds this to be hypocritical for the simple reason that it was the PPP, when faced with a motion of No Confidence in 2014 that not only postponed the sitting of the National Assembly but shut down the House.

The PPP was fearful of that motion to the extent that it recklessly prorogued the Parliament which was derailed for a full 9 months. It was the APNU+AFC Coalition Government that rescued Parliament and re-convened the Assembly after the polls.

The APNU+AFC Coalition is ready to debate any motion from the opposition which is playing a game of cat-and-mouse with Parliament as it first boycotted important sittings, and then, not to lose pay for its MPs, quietly slipped into the House whilst petitioning the court to declare the Parliament illegal.

Our party is armed with cogent facts and statistics that would put the PPP to shame for giving its fat cats super salaries and perks for stashing away fabulous sums in secret bank accounts and causing the disappearance of vehicles and other state assets, all of which is coming to the public’s attention now with a series of revelations and disclosures. The AFC supports action to follow through these disclosures with recovery of state assets which have been misappropriated and prosecution where necessary.

The AFC sees the hullabaloo over salary adjustments as a red-herring to divert attention from the PPP’s destruction of the Guyana economy, bankrupting the sugar industry and failure to find alternative markets for rice when it became aware of the collapse under its rule of the Venezuela deal.

As a Coalition partner, the AFC is fully committed to parliamentary democracy and a functioning House but recognizes that important strategic government business must be given attention in the national interest, particularly at this time when, as a nation, we are organizing to secure our national petroleum assets and defend threats to our national sovereignty

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Originally Posted by Jalil:

AFC slams PPP for salary hypocrisy, says has facts on “fabulous” sums in secret accounts

The Alliance For Change today lashed out at the opposition PPP for hypocrisy over the recent increase in salaries for ministers and says it has facts on “fabulous” sums stashed away in secret bank accounts that would shame the former governing party.

“Our party is armed with cogent facts and statistics that would put the PPP to shame for giving its fats cat super salaries and perks for stashing away fabulous sums in secret bank accounts and causing the disappearance of vehicles and other state assets, all of which is coming to the public’s attention now with a series of revelations and disclosures. The AFC supports action to follow through these disclosures with recovery of state assets which have been misappropriated and prosecution where necessary”, the party said. The AFC statement follows:

The Alliance For Change has noted a reported a statement from the opposition People’s Progressive Party that the postponement of the November 12th sitting of the National Assembly is as a result of our Coalition Government trying to avoid debate on its motion on a recent salary adjustment for Members of Parliament and ministers.

The AFC finds this to be hypocritical for the simple reason that it was the PPP, when faced with a motion of No Confidence in 2014 that not only postponed the sitting of the National Assembly but shut down the House.

The PPP was fearful of that motion to the extent that it recklessly prorogued the Parliament which was derailed for a full 9 months. It was the APNU+AFC Coalition Government that rescued Parliament and re-convened the Assembly after the polls.

The APNU+AFC Coalition is ready to debate any motion from the opposition which is playing a game of cat-and-mouse with Parliament as it first boycotted important sittings, and then, not to lose pay for its MPs, quietly slipped into the House whilst petitioning the court to declare the Parliament illegal.

Our party is armed with cogent facts and statistics that would put the PPP to shame for giving its fat cats super salaries and perks for stashing away fabulous sums in secret bank accounts and causing the disappearance of vehicles and other state assets, all of which is coming to the public’s attention now with a series of revelations and disclosures. The AFC supports action to follow through these disclosures with recovery of state assets which have been misappropriated and prosecution where necessary.

The AFC sees the hullabaloo over salary adjustments as a red-herring to divert attention from the PPP’s destruction of the Guyana economy, bankrupting the sugar industry and failure to find alternative markets for rice when it became aware of the collapse under its rule of the Venezuela deal.

As a Coalition partner, the AFC is fully committed to parliamentary democracy and a functioning House but recognizes that important strategic government business must be given attention in the national interest, particularly at this time when, as a nation, we are organizing to secure our national petroleum assets and defend threats to our national sovereignty

Too much mud pelting,declare all the PPP bhais secret bank

accounts,recover the stolen money ask Uncle Sam for some

help,time to start putting fire under their a...s.



AFC slams PPP for salary hypocrisy, says has facts on “fabulous” sums in secret accounts

If indeed these are the facts, then the government should proceed with the recovery and let the issues be publicly known.


Thus far, it seems to be the usual inept actions of the current government.


AFC is talking balls. Stop making claims that cannot be supported about secret accounts. Just recover these secret accounts and make them public.Government salary increase is a different issues from secret accounts. 


DG why don't you start a thread to track the monies recovered by the afc/apnu from alleged PPP fraud? Maybe we can use this as a benchmark to measure the performance of this govt who promised to jail the PPP official who supposedly raped the nation's coffers s per campaign promises. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


AFC slams PPP for salary hypocrisy, says has facts on “fabulous” sums in secret accounts

If indeed these are the facts, then the government should proceed with the recovery and let the issues be publicly known.


Thus far, it seems to be the usual inept actions of the current government.

Our party is armed with cogent facts

and statistics that would put

the PPP to shame for giving

its fat cats super salaries and perks

for stashing away fabulous sums

in secret bank accounts

and causing the disappearance of vehicles

and other state assets,

all of which is coming

to the public’s attention now

with a series of revelations and disclosures.

Even as the evidence is being provided...

and PPP Super Fat Cats are exposed...

De Crab Louse trying to

bury their heads in nastiness

suck more Blood 

and refuse to see.



The AFC supports action

to follow through these disclosures

with recovery of state assets

which have been misappropriated

and prosecution where necessary.

Look now as ....

the PPP Super Fat Cats are Charged

De Dutty Crab louse will tell us....

Wait....they have not been convicted.




The AFC sees the

hullabaloo over salary adjustments

as a red-herring to divert attention from the

PPP’s destruction of the Guyana economy, bankrupting the sugar industry

and failure to find alternative markets

for rice when it became aware

of the collapse under its rule

of the Venezuela deal.

De PPP Super fat Cats

are now fully infested

with Dutty Crab Louse.



This guy jalil is a dutty little bastard. Some of the shit he posting here is just garbage. Granger should force him to eat pork or hang a pig on his door. The pig is cleaner than the duttyness he is going on with here.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

DG why don't you start a thread to track the monies recovered by the afc/apnu from alleged PPP fraud? Maybe we can use this as a benchmark to measure the performance of this govt who promised to jail the PPP official who supposedly raped the nation's coffers s per campaign promises. 

Good idea.


Thus far, they have found nothing to justify their useless babbling from embassies' investigations to these issues.


Currently, monies in the then allocated sourced have been transferred to specific accounts by the current government.


It is left to be seen how the money in the new accounts and sources are spent.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

This guy jalil is a dutty little bastard. Some of the shit he posting here is just garbage. Granger should force him to eat pork or hand a pig on his door. The pig is cleaner than the duttyness he is going on with here.

Now aya Crab Louse

sucking Blood from Dem PPP Dutty Fat Cat

and aya ah call um Red Wine.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

DG why don't you start a thread to track the monies recovered by the afc/apnu from alleged PPP fraud? Maybe we can use this as a benchmark to measure the performance of this govt who promised to jail the PPP official who supposedly raped the nation's coffers s per campaign promises. 

Good idea.


Thus far, they have found nothing to justify their useless babbling from embassies' investigations to these issues.


Currently, monies in the then allocated sourced have been transferred to specific accounts by the current government.


It is left to be seen how the money in the new accounts and sources are spent.

Our party is armed with cogent facts

and statistics that would put

the PPP to shame

for giving its fat cats

super salaries and perks....

Jagdeo, Raj Singh, Prem Misir, Kwame,

Nandalall, Irfan, Randy Persaud,

Fuzzie Sattaur, Lamumba and others


for stashing away fabulous sums

in secret bank accounts

NICIL hiding Billions in Secret accounts.

Jagdeo/ Fip 15 Million US Deal

Jagdeo/ Surendra Specialty Hospital

Jagdeo/ Surendra Water Pumps

Jagdeo investing NIS money in Clico

Jagdeo Investing NBS money in Clico 


and causing the disappearance of vehicles

Jennie & Neil Kumar


and other state assets,








(1) Nandalall paying for Sperm Services

(2) Jagdeo travelling to NY

with Elizabeth Harper for

PPP Electioneering and claiming

it is for Diaspora Outreach.

(3) Jagdeo Trip on a Private Jet

to Miami to get a Plug up.

all of which is coming

to the public’s attention now

with a series of revelations and disclosures.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

This guy jalil is a dutty little bastard. Some of the shit he posting here is just garbage. Granger should force him to eat pork or hand a pig on his door. The pig is cleaner than the duttyness he is going on with here.

Now aya Crab Louse

sucking Blood from Dem PPP Dutty Fat Cat

and aya ah call um Red Wine.

Red Wine can suck blood like a crab louse? Kwamee is smiling!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

This guy jalil is a dutty little bastard. Some of the shit he posting here is just garbage. Granger should force him to eat pork or hand a pig on his door. The pig is cleaner than the duttyness he is going on with here.

Now aya Crab Louse

sucking Blood from Dem PPP Dutty Fat Cat

and aya ah call um Red Wine.

Red Wine can suck blood like a crab louse? Kwamee is smiling!

Mits.......Red Wine look like a Dutty Fat Crab Louse.....

sucking Blood from The PPP Dutty FAT Cat

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

You AFC soupdrinkers need to stop drinking the cool aid. We need to see the evidence...then let the chips fall where they will.

Na worry

nuff aya gon be in Jail

before May 12. 2016.


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