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AFC spurns APNU’s coalition proposal 

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

… claims it can “win it all”


By Svetlana Marshall

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has firmly rejected a proposal made by the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)  to form a political coalition ahead of the possible snap elections that could be held early next year, reiterating its interest in the winner-takes-all political ideology.

AFC’s General Secretary, David Patterson on Thursday confirmed that the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger proposed the formation of an alliance, but the AFC maintained its original position – no coalition.

He explained that the AFC believes that the Opposition will be more effective contesting the General Election as individual entities. He revealed that the AFC believed that it would win the next General Election, hence its tabling of the No-Confidence Motion against the ruling Donald Ramotar Administration.

Patterson, however, did not rule out the possibility of the proposal coming up for further discussions in the future.

The proposal had been raised last week, but AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan had denied ever discussing it.

On Wednesday, APNU’s Dr Rupert Roopnaraine said though the Opposition parties were meeting to discuss their strategy moving ahead with the AFC’s No-Confidence Motion, the matter relating to the coalition did not resurface.

Addressing the matter last Friday, Granger, who is also APNU’s Chairman, indicated that the “ball is in the AFC’s court”, as he confirmed that the much smaller Opposition party had not given any clear indication whether it would buy into the proposal.


However, while the AFC has chosen publicly to snub the offer, news reports have surfaced over the last few weeks suggesting that coalition talks between the two were continuing in a clandestine manner.

This newspaper understands that the senior officials of the two parliamentary parties have been meeting under various guises to discuss a proposal that could be beneficial to both sides in the event that it is absolutely necessary that they coalesce.

Critics of the AFC’s stance, which include African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) executive Tacuma Ogunseye, say the Opposition has a greater chance of winning the elections as a coalition than going into the elections separately as they did in 2011.  Failure to coalesce, they warn, can result in the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) returning with a majority in the National Assembly or at least recapturing the Presidency and the Executive with a plurality of the votes.

The People’s National Congress (PNC) – the major partner in APNU – has not won an election in 22 years. After ruling the country for 28 years, through the rigging of elections, the PNC suffered a major defeat in the 1992 General Election and has not been able to redeem itself since.

But even with the PNC Reform (PNCR) joining with the Guyana Action Party (GAP); the National Front Alliance (NFA); the Working People’s Alliance (WPA); and the Justice for All Party (JFA) in 2011 to form APNU, it was unable to defeat the PPP/C. The coalition only managed to secure 26 seats in the National Assembly during the 2011 General and Regional Elections. Most of the partners of the PNC are said to be “paper organisations”.

On the flip side, the AFC has never won an election – or even come close. Since its formation in 2005, the AFC has only managed to win 10.3 per cent of the vote translated into only seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly. Most observers believe the AFC’s claim it can win the elections outright amounts to be a “pipe dream”.

Individually, the Opposition parties are powerless in the National Assembly, but, as a combined Opposition, they have proven to be a force to reckon with. The AFC will have to give more cogent reasons for not coalescing with APNU, since it reinforces racial voting in the country and goes against the AFC’s claim of being a “multi-racial” party.

With the AFC pushing to have the No-Confidence Motion debated and passed in the National Assembly, it is critical in the opinion of PNC supporters for the Opposition to form an alliance. Since the 2011 General Election, there have been many changes; changes that can negatively impact all of the political parties during the next General Election; hence, it is believed that their decisions during this period are critical. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattan is holding on to Moses as his life line. Moses is the last to break ranks with AFC and join APNU. Moses PM position is confirmed with APNU. However, Moses will get a tough time selling his votes to the PNC. I warn you fellas that this move will drive the final nail in Moses coffin. GR, cut and run and he has no where else to go to from here on. A runner will always running from the truth. What make Ramjattan will ever win an election when people are leaving his party left, right and center?


Ramjattan believed that it would win the next General Election, hence its tabling of the No-Confidence Motion against the ruling Donald Ramotar Administration.


Who the hell is he kidding?


(PNCR) joining with the Guyana Action Party (GAP); the National Front Alliance (NFA); the Working People’s Alliance (WPA); and the Justice for All Party (JFA) in 2011 to form APNU, it was unable to defeat the PPP/C. The coalition only managed to secure 26 seats in the National Assembly during the 2011 General and Regional Elections.


On the flip side, the AFC has never won an election – or even come close. Since its formation in 2005, the AFC has only managed to win 10.3 per cent of the vote translated into only seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly. Most observers believe the AFC’s claim it can win the elections outright amounts to be a “pipe dream”.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Haul YUh Ass will drink plenty rum now.

After Monday, we know who will have to haul their ass. 

99% PPP win? aint dat right Serpent Piss?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mr Haul YUh Ass will drink plenty rum now.

After Monday, we know who will have to haul their ass. 

Boy look dont call the man name in vain.


Failure to coalesce, they warn, can result in the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) returning with a majority in the National Assembly or at least recapturing the Presidency and the Executive with a plurality of the votes.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
AFC’s General Secretary, David Patterson on Thursday confirmed that the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger proposed the formation of an alliance, but the AFC maintained its original position – no coalition.

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

AFC General Secretary David Patterson

AFC spurns APNU’s coalition proposal, By Svetlana Marshall, November 7, 2014 By

Pipe dream.


Ramjattan is a bad leader of the AFC. He is the cause some of his good folks to leave. If he truly believe he can win an election solo, he need his head exam. He's also causing APNU to lose their only chance of winning by dragging them through a stench, mud drain with this no confidence motion.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

On the flip side, the AFC has never won an election – or even come close. Since its formation in 2005, the AFC has only managed to win 10.3 per cent of the vote translated into only seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly. Most observers believe the AFC’s claim it can win the elections outright amounts to be a “pipe dream”.

"On the flip side, the AFC has never won an election – or even come close. Since its formation in 2005"



So Cobra, how many elections has been held in Guyana since 2005, four, eight, twelve?

That so call "pipe dream" could turn out real.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan is holding on to Moses as his life line.

Just like how Jagdeo & Ramotar is holing on to Kwame to deliver the Sugar Workers & Rice Farmers Votes.

According to Cobra..... Kwame-De- Black-Hindu Will Deliver.



Moses is the last to break ranks with AFC and join APNU.


Moses PM position is confirmed with APNU.

With an offer of the Top Spot....

Moses refused joining APNU


However, Moses will get a tough time selling his votes to the PNC.

PNC record No Good



I warn you fellas that this move will drive the final nail in Moses coffin.

Go Warn Dem people like yuhself........Ramotar & Kwame fus Stop Practicing & Supporting Buggerism.



GR, cut and run and he has no where else to go to from here on.

Did GR tell you he want Join you and Kwame?   Yuh think everyone like Buggery like you?


A runner will always running from the truth.

We know yuh like Kwame....Yuh Practice & Support Buggery.....Now....Are You a Runner.....Tell us the truth?


What make Ramjattan will ever win an election when people are leaving his party left, right and center?

Listen to this Darpok....

26,000 AFC supporters run and living Illegal in Trinidad....

Another 30,000 AFC supporters run and living Illegal in Suriname....

Another 50,000 AFC supporters run and living Illegal in Venezuela & Brazil....

Another 80,000 AFC supporters run and living Illegal in all them small Caribbean Islands....

Another 200,000 AFC supporters run and living Illegal in USA & Canada....

Another 500,000 AFC supporters IN GUYANA EVERYDAY DREAMING how dem run and living Illegal anywhere else besides Guyana....





Last edited by Former Member

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