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Brazilian miners forced to pay up to $200,000 for work permits

May 16, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


Brazilians are being forced to pay thousands of dollars in bribes for work

Brazilian miners, desperate to legalise their operations in the midst of a government crackdown, are reportedly being forced to pay thousands in bribes to get work permits.

permits with government yesterday admitting that it is probing several reports of bribe-taking.
Amidst high gold prices, the country’s interior has seen a rush by non-nationals, and mainly Brazilians, willing to risk all for “a piece of the action”.
However, it has come with constant complaints that persons were forcing the foreigners to pay up to $200,000 (US$1,000) for permits.
The middlemen or agents, as they are called, are acting in complicity with government officials, reportedly from the Ministry of Home Affairs and other state agencies. The Home Affairs Ministry is tasked with handling the processing of the permits.
Questioned yesterday about the reports, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, admitted that his ministry has been receiving complaints about the “abuse” and “harassment”.  He did not immediately name the Home Affairs Ministry.
“No apologies for saying that. Why is it that someone who legitimately is entitled to a work permit must be greasing scores of hands? You will be surprised at how much grease is passing.”
According to the Minister, a simple process as getting a stamp from a “certain” department could cost $200,000 when the entire fee would be around $5,000.
“It is unfair and unjust,” the Minister told reporters.
With increased monitoring and crackdown on mining camps that started recently, the rush has been on by the Brazilians miners to toe the line.
According to Persaud, whose newly created ministry has been tasked with overseeing the mining and forestry, and oil and gas sectors among others, once foreigners satisfy the requirements, they are entitled to work permits, whether they are Brazilians, Chinese or Africans.
There have been several reports of work permit applications being deliberately delayed so that the foreigners would be forced to pay more to be processed.
Government yesterday said that there could be between 5,000 to 15,000 Brazilians working in the interior. (Leonard Gildarie)


However, it has come with constant complaints that persons were forcing the foreigners to pay up to $200,000 (US$1,000) for permits.

The middlemen or agents, as they are called, are acting in complicity with government officials, reportedly from the Ministry of Home Affairs and other state agencies. The Home Affairs Ministry is tasked with handling the processing of the permits.


HASEEF YUSUF, AFC Councillor, Region 6: IT is with profound thought and extreme deliberation that I have finally made this decision to let the public know, especially the Alliance For Change (AFC) members and supporters in Berbice of the corrupt and fraudulent practices of certain AFC members in Berbice, more specifically a Member of Parliament (MP).
He has been on DTV 8 for the past few years where he hosted a programme called ‘Issues of the People’, where he vehemently lashed out at the government, the PPP/C, GPL, GWI and the Guyana Police Force, Guysuco, etcetera. He proclaimed himself as the ‘champion’ of transparency, justice and accountability. He entertained anyone who claims to have a grievance and he would lash out without any supporting evidence. He also claimed on numerous occasions that he would ‘singlehandedly’ deliver Berbicians from oppression and corruption, even if the AFC fails to do so.
However, certain post-election events greatly contradicted this image he is trying so hard to portray on TV. I will deal chronologically with these events and you be the judge.
Just after the November elections, three AFC groups submitted financial reports on campaign activities to the Head Office: New Amsterdam, Whim and Upper Corentyne. Two of these groups submitted detailed reports with the necessary supporting documents; however, the Whim Group headed by this MP failed to do so. He submitted a financial report without supporting documents and he furthermore made a ludicrous claim. He claimed that he spent $4.5 M from his pocket and that the party should reimburse him. Two points should be noted here:
I) He was not authorised by the executive or the Campaign Manager to spend in excess of what funds were given to him through the party or by way of donations;
II) He provided no documentary evidence whatever to support his claim of $ 4.5M. In fact, he claimed that he was too busy for that. Right now he is asking for same such evidence in Parliament!
I want to add here that even for funds collected, no receipts were issued. In fact, he would tell a woman working at his house to ‘throw it in the box upstairs.’
The central executive of the party categorically refused to entertain his spurious and unsubstantiated claim for reimbursement. This led to the next linked event.
On February 1 this year, he convened a meeting at his Whim office where 51 members were present. At this meeting, he emphasised that the party owed him $4.5M and he tried to solicit funds through donations and fund- raising activities in order to recoup his claim of $4.5M ‘owed’ to him. He then convened an election to form a Regional Management Committee and to establish an AFC Office at his Office at Whim. One of the functions of this RMC would be fund-raising through which he would get ‘his money back.’
I was unanimously elected by all 51 members present as the Chairman, Mr. Lionel Howell as the Vice- Chairman and Ms. Donna Mathoo as the Secretary.
Among other things, I put forward fund-raising suggestions to the members present and asked their suggestions as to what should be done with excess funds above the needs of individual groups and everyone unanimously agreed that all excess funds should be placed into a bank account to take care of future expenses. No one present agreed that monies collected should be used to offset the claim by the MP. This irked him.
At this same meeting, he also suggested that a certain female be selected and employed to work at the AFC office to be opened at Whim. I strongly objected to this sort of cronyism and suggested that applications be invited so that there is fairness and transparency and that the most suitable person be selected. Can you imagine a fledgling party behaving in this undemocratic manner? Suddenly I became this MP’s number one enemy, but I can live with that!
The third event unfolded on April 16, 2012. Unknowing to Donna Mathoo (the Secretary) and I, another election meeting was convened to re-elect office bearers to the Regional Management Committee. The meeting held on February 1, 2012 was declared unconstitutional by the General Secretary, Mr. Sixtus Edwards. I knew about this meeting two days later when Mr. Lionel Howell called me to hand over some funds and documents to him, the new Chairman.
However three points should be raised here:
i) Donna and I were never officially or unofficially informed that the election held on February 1 was null and void and that we were no longer the Chairman and Secretary respectively, and that the office will become vacant;
ii) We were not invited to present ourselves for nomination or otherwise; and
iii) A public announcement was not made about the election meeting. The AFC’s Constitution Article, Section 8, has made it clear that all groups in the region should be invited for any such meeting. Less than 20 members were present. Why the MP did not make a public announcement on DTV 8 the week before so that members could take notice? Why only a selected handful of members? Is this not rigging? Is this not fraudulent?
It is time to take out the ‘beam from thine own eyes’ Mr. MP!
And lo and behold the very same female whom the good MP recommended was employed to work in the AFC Office! And yet speakest thou about cronyism! This is a shame and disgrace to the very principles which the AFC stand for or claims to stand for!
The million dollar (or 4.5 million) question that I want Mr. Ramjattan to answer is: Was the MP acting in the interest in the AFC or in his own self-interest?
The other questions are:
i) Where is the accountability within the AFC?
ii) Where is the transparency in the electoral process?
iii) Isn’t there cronyism within the AFC?
iv)What are you going to do about these matters?
v) Afraid of another defection if you drop the hammer?
I doubt whether Mr. Ramjattan has the courage to act decisively in these matters since I have emailed him three times and on the third occasion he said that he was too busy and that the General Secretary will deal with these matters.
In any other country the misuse and abuse of campaign funds are dealt with criminally, especially where a person is making unsubstantiated claims in order to enrich himself or herself. But alas ! In Guyana such a person will be promoted to high offices.
I still want to know which university made that terrible blunder to confer that MP with a doctorate as he is unfit for public office and should be severely reprimanded for his actions. I call upon the party’s Chairman, Mr. Ramjattan and the Central Executive to act decisively now or face the consequences later.
At this point I am undecided as to what my next move will be, but I am sure that it hinges on how the party will take it from here

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

These AFC boys could really eat. Think about what would happen if they get into gov't and where greater opportunities to eat and drink exist.

With all due respect, and in fairness, whenever one makes such a specific accusation, should they not be willing to present and listen to the facts.  While My Yusuff seem to find ample time to make the media rounds, write articles, he was too busy, unavailable to meet with the investigative team led by the GS.


With regards to the food in reference, this was food made available to the general public at AFC's campaign rallies.  Given the hundreds who attended the various rallies in that region, one could summize 900k food could have been consumed.


That being said, it also reasonable to expect robust documentation to avoid such mis-understandings.  I am confident the AFC leadership will get to the bottom of the matter.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I do that, isn't the accuser the one to do that. Can the KFC prove the man wrong?? It is as simple as that. I think the time and energy KFC is spending talkin CRAP, they should use to address this very serious problem. Or is thiefing not considered a problem in the eyes of KFC???

No, you have a clear position on the issue, a position molded by some knowledge and impression.  You do have a right to form an opinion however, the strength and depth of your opinion seem to suggest you can corroborate what the accuser is saying.  You have become the judge, jury and executioner with the "facts" you have at hand.


They are serious about addressing the issues however, when the accuser does not avail himself for a meeting to go though the facts and circumstance of the accusation, but instead shows up on the media, what should the accused and others do.  It certainly delays the process of getting to the bottom.


BTW, please tell us who "tief" from who?

Originally Posted by Nehru:


The Govt of Guyana, vs an individual/personal accusation are different things.  On the other hand, my position has always been one of accountability and transparency as without that, people's imaginations run wild.  In the absence of such, one will summize when the inner circle of the ruling clan has grown immensely wealthy, and they make sure you see it, then one questions the source of wealth.


Remember, a political figure in a position of power does fall under a different benchmark that the average person.  Making opaque and favorable decisions to ensure favorable outcomes to a specific set of individuals and then reaping some benefit without ever placing your hand in the till is no different that they person who takes from the till.  This is why Burnham and the rest of his ruling kabals were deemed "thieves".

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Man do you really read the daily CRAP here from GR, Warrior and others???

I do, and you also see I do not always agree with content of approach.  I would not classify it as all "crap", but I do not agree with it all, though some I do.


My point is you can disagree but be civil, thoughtful and intellectual and do not rush to judgement on anyone.  You can add value alone by applying commonsense and take a position of the other side and see how it looks.  I understand, no one has access to all the facts however, rational and logical reasoning alone will lead one to question some assertions.


As I said to you, no one 100% irrational and there are more than one sides to any issue.  I have always operated on the premise, when something makes no sense, then I must be missing some pieces of the facts.


Guyanese politicians on the whole are hypocrites. Just think about the kind of attacks that present-day AFC leaders such as Ramayya, Tarron Khemraj, and others launched against Nagamatoo, Bissesar, and Ramjattan when they were in different political camps -- PPP and ROAR.  On many occasions Nagamotoo whipped out the pen and fired away at these people who would stick him in his side about his Marxist Ideology. Today, members of the now defunct ROAR organization are rallying behind the same Marxist Naga and Ramjattan as if they are pure and innocent as the Mother Sita. They're telling the nation and the world that they are opposed to the PPP because of dictatorship, racism, and corruption. Dictatorship does not exist nor does the gov't practices racism. Corruption does exist and it will always be there. There is no justification for it but we have to live with the fact that there will never be a truly corrupt-free gov't. The opposition, APNU and AFC, don't have proper record to speak of when it comes to corruption. This does not mean they should silent on issues of corruption. My problem with these guys is that personal bitterness and vendetta within the ranks of various political parties have let them to seek revenge on the PPP. That's the crux of the matter.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese politicians on the whole are hypocrites. Just think about the kind of attacks that present-day AFC leaders such as Ramayya, Tarron Khemraj, and others launched against Nagamatoo, Bissesar, and Ramjattan when they were in different political camps -- PPP and ROAR.  On many occasions Nagamotoo whipped out the pen and fired away at these people who would stick him in his side about his Marxist Ideology. Today, members of the now defunct ROAR organization are rallying behind the same Marxist Naga and Ramjattan as if they are pure and innocent as the Mother Sita. They're telling the nation and the world that they are opposed to the PPP because of dictatorship, racism, and corruption. Dictatorship does not exist nor does the gov't practices racism. Corruption does exist and it will always be there. There is no justification for it but we have to live with the fact that there will never be a truly corrupt-free gov't. The opposition, APNU and AFC, don't have proper record to speak of when it comes to corruption. This does not mean they should silent on issues of corruption. My problem with these guys is that personal bitterness and vendetta within the ranks of various political parties have let them to seek revenge on the PPP. That's the crux of the matter.


Originally Posted by Nehru:


The onus is on you to keep yourself above the very lowest common denominator you criticize.  If you allow this to happen, then you have failed your own test and have compromised your principles.  Such is a dangerous person, the type who I stay away from as he/she is not true to themselves, much less those around them.


Baseman does not hold himself superior to anyone however, there are certain principles to which I adhere and, as such, will have run-ins with all sides from time to time.  It does not matter who you are or what you offer, baseman will not be led down any path which conflicts with my set principles.  By doing this, I ensure i'm not blinded by muddy waters.

My father, Haseef Yusuf betrayed by Frankenstein AFCPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NAWAAZ YUSUF   
Wednesday, 16 May 2012 22:13
FIRST of all I want to make it clear that the Region 6 AFC Councillor, Mr. Haseef Yusuf is my father. I know that he is a man of good principles who is always willing to fight against corruption, even if the odds against him are huge.
Though I was against him from the inception, I also knew that he will never condone wrongdoing, be it within the AFC or outside of it. I could recall as a young person growing up that he resigned from the Masjid that he was going to since he was a child because of corrupt practices of certain office bearers there. He is a most courageous person I have known that he will not mince words when it comes to corruption at any level. I saw him working day and night for months leading up to the last election and now he is spending sleepless nights and stressful days with regard to the Frankenstein he has helped to create.
I am a GAWU representative at the Albion Sugar Factory, East Berbice Estates, and I take my job seriously. Before the November elections my father and I had a loud and heated confrontation at our home with regard to the said MP: our neighbours can vouch for this, but he remained staunch in his defence and support of this ungrateful (namak haram) man. My father would sing his praises on TV and on the campaign trail, yet he is now contending that my father is ‘bitter’ and ‘power drunk’. My father even told me that all those are false allegations which are peddled against this man, but now he knows differently.
However, I want to reiterate at this point that I am extremely proud of my father that he has the courage ‘to bell the fat cat’ who wants to get fatter. The AFC wants to get rid of the ‘fat cats’ in the government, but is unwilling and shamelessly reluctant to get rid of this ‘fat cat’.
Moreover, I want to add here that my father always supported me in my capacity as a GAWU representative and would continuously exhort me never to become corrupted and to represent workers to the best of my ability. He himself would write letters in the press supporting sugar workers because his father was a cane-cutter and he himself cut canes for a while to financially support us. At one time he was doing two jobs: he was teaching at Corentyne Comprehensive High School and working as a guard in the nights at the Albion Estate. He is also an honest husband and even today he will always assist my mother in the kitchen. He would cook on weekends and holidays and invite all his children.
Today, even though he is a Chartered Accountant and a Principal, he has not forgotten his ‘roots.’ Can this MP compare to my father? My father is not a racist, nor is he prejudicial against any religion. In fact, my father studied all the religious books and would quote extensively from them when he was hosting his programme ‘RVC’s Role on the Education System’.
Our Prophet, Muhammad (OWBP) exhorted us in the Hadiths to speak out against wrongdoings and try our utmost to change them, and I know this is the message of all religions, not only Islam. Further, he said that the weakest of faith is to know that something is wrong and yet remain silent. To remain silent is to condone the wrongdoings.
So, in conclusion, I am calling on all the AFC members and AFC supporters to support my father in his fight against corruption in his and your party!
The AFC could be lost in oblivionPDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 13 May 2012 20:07
KINDLY permit me space in your newspaper to comment on the issues that have now engulfed the AFC.
Firstly, the leadership of the party showed no concern when it received the emails from Mr. Yusuf. Had they acted immediately and with fairness to each party, this conflagration would not have erupted. To add salt to the wound, I was surprised to read that the leader asked “How much did Yusuf contribute?”  That is baseless, contemptuous and insulting. If someone donates one thousand dollars and another one million dollars, the latter, according to the leader of AFC is better in his eyes.

Secondly, on the issue of transparency and accountability,there is a voucher system that could have been used. The honourable MP has made puerile attempts to explain his inadequacies. Everyone knows that you do not have receipts at the market. His response was that he had about 40 persons on staff. Simple mathematics-40 x 1000= 40,000 per day. Multiply that by 30 days = $1,200,000. Add his groceries and for argument sake add another million. That would be $2,200,000. Boy this man is claiming $4.5 million. I would like him to read Uttara Kand in the Ramayan and MAHABHARAT. He claims to be a Hindu. Let me enlighten this goodly man that: “Action thy duty, reward not thy concern.” Yet, on Issues of the People, he continues to expound on his achievements. This is ego because of his use of “I”. He displays AHANGKAR. Come off the high horse Mr. MP!

Next, did you advertise the position in the office? Kindly, gentlemen and ladies of the executives of AFC, do not attack the messenger; rebut the information and let Guyana know the truth. Kindly remind yourselves about the character of VALMIKI before he became a pious man. On Saturday May 12 on the programme, a certain gentleman requested a debate with Mr. Leslie Ramsammy. Would the MP from the AFC be willing to debate Mr. Yusuf? Kindly do not talk about qualifications because you assault the Queen’s English on a continuous basis.

Lastly, do not feel that you alone worked fo the AFC, hundreds if not thousands did it in homes, workplaces, markets, shops, etc.

In conclusion, I wish that this matter be amicably resolved and you gentlemen can stop throwing stones at each other. Guyana needs unity, love, understanding and co-operation. Please Mr. Ramjattan, act quickly or the AFC would be lost in oblivion.

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