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AFC supporters returning to PPP/C in large numbers

– Rohee tells groups, organisers to reintegrate them into ranks

Ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary Clement Rohee has cautioned party groups and organisers against turning away scores of persons who voted for the Alliance For

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

Change (AFC) at the 2011 elections, but are now expressing a desire to rejoin the ranks of the party.

Rohee, in a letter seen by the Guyana Times said: “It has been brought to our attention that a large number of supporters who voted for the AFC in 2011 are expressing support for the PPP/C.”

He said that “a number of these former AFC voters have pointed out some level of difficulty in being reaccepted into our ranks by our activists”.

The General Secretary then instructed the party groups and organisers to “facilitate and allow these former AFC supporters to be reintegrated and support party campaign activities in their respective areas”.

He argued in the letter dated March 2, 2015 that while the rejection of these former AFC voters was understandable, “many now are better aware of their mistakes and see the PPP/C as their genuine choice and for this we should all welcome their reintegration”.

The letter is seen as perhaps one of the first signs that the Cummingsburg Accord signed by the AFC and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on Valentine Day this year has left the former at the bitter end of the political scope.

In fact, since the AFC’s decision to ink the agreement and enter into a coalition with the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led APNU, the AFC has been facing significant internal challenges which has seen a number of its core Executives and grassroot support base resigning their membership.

The party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, has been having an uphill task justifying the decision of his Executive and trying to sell the coalition to thousands of AFC supporters who believed that the AFC should have remained a third force and option to both the PPP/C and PNC-dominated APNU.

Reports reaching the Guyana Times show that scores of AFC supporters have rejoined or are in the process of rejoining the PPP/C and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) groups in several regions around the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"



My sources in Berbice are releasing the identical information.


All ah we is one family. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood and welcome back home those who have been betrayed by Moses and Rumjhaat.


The PPP is headed to one of it's biggest majority.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"



My sources in Berbice are releasing the identical information.


All ah we is one family. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood and welcome back home those who have been betrayed by Moses and Rumjhaat.


The PPP is headed to one of it's biggest majority.


LOL! Just a big fat LOL!


That's nice propaganda.  That's what I would say too, whistling loudly as I pass the cemetery.


My guess is that if people are upset with AFC for joining up with APNU, those people would stay home, not go back and join the crooks.


Only the 3 former AFC members- Sixtus and others would go back to the PPP because they have been bought over.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
All ah we is one family. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood and welcome back home those who have been betrayed by Moses and Rumjhaat.



I'm gonna save Carib Beer the trouble


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"

You can say that again. Over the years, the few that were re-accepted were snubbed and sidelined in party affairs. I know some of them personally; they said they rued the day they returned to the party. Rohee's letter is a departure from past PPP attitude towards "prodigals."

It's a tactical manoeuvre, a campaign strategy. Let's see how those ex-AFC youths will fare post-May.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's nice propaganda.  That's what I would say too, whistling loud as I pass the cemetery.


My guess is that if people are upset with AFC for joining up with APNU, those people would stay home, not go back and join the crooks.


Only the 3 former AFC members- Sixtus and others would go back to the PPP because they have been bought over.


Denying the full extent of this is not gonna help your Coalition.


Ayuh madman went and negotiated a Coalition wid de PNC with no groundwork laid. You all did the Maximum Leader thing and now expect everyone to just fall in line.


Ayuh even got Black AFCites like Sixtus going PPP. Personally I doan think Sixtus took a bribe. I think you all just pissed him off with your heavy handedness.


People are NOT gonna stay home chap. That is wishful thinking in a country like Guyana.


People will show up to vote. And many people don't need to be reminded of the PNC's recent history. This Coalition deal is looked upon as what it is a PNC-dominant party.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"

You can say that again. Over the years, the few that were re-accepted were snubbed and sidelined in party affairs. I know some of them personally; they said they rued the day they returned to the party. Rohee's letter is a departure from past PPP attitude towards "prodigals."

It's a tactical manoeuvre, a campaign strategy. Let's see how those ex-AFC youths will fare post-May.


One thing one can always credit the PPP with is there ability to hold power. They always manage to defy the odds in this respect.


They will do what is necessary to hold power. The AFC blundered here. They announced from the mountain top this Coalition. No consultations whatsoever. Even a good healthy debate and an appeal for unity might have worked because it would have at least made people feel as though they had a say in a fundamental shift of a founding AFC principle.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"

You fell for the party spin.  The PPP is in full "coolie party" mode now, thinking that their only chance is to galvanize the entire Indian vote.


Well this killing is also mobilizing the anti PPP vote, and apparently Amerindians in the Rupununi aren't too happy with the PPP after the slapping incident.   This coming after Amerindian women were assaulted by the GDF, and the PPP did nothing about it.


So let the PPP race back to Guyana of the 60s.  Nobody else is buying it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood.


If Indians are no longer the majority vote, and the PPP is screaming that it is a "coolie party", how can it get the majority?  Black people are laughing at Harper.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I am holding on strong to my thesis: If all Indos vote PPP, Ramotar not getting majority government. If only 10% Indos vote APNU+AFC, the PPP will be defeated.



I think you're making a fatal miscalculation. In 2011, 59% of the electorate voted against the PNC. You have to convince about 17% of that total non-PNC electorate to back the PNC this time. The hill to climb for the Coalition is terribly steep.


And it seems that the PPP does indeed have some Mixed Race support and indeed a sizable Amerindian support base as well. Even I underestimated the power of soup to segments of the Guyanese population. The whole country is one giant patronage network with its center at Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
All ah we is one family. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood and welcome back home those who have been betrayed by Moses and Rumjhaat.



I'm gonna save Carib Beer the trouble


Decent Indians aren't part of the Indo KKK, which is what the PPP has become.  That assassination was a huge error on their part, and given their recent history of viciousness, vindictiveness, and consorting with the Burnham thugs in 2015 it is the PPP which is the party of violence.  The PNC tossed its violent past right into the laps of the PPP.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Ayuh even got Black AFCites like Sixtus going PPP.

Sixtus and who else?  Even people like David Hinds, who was assaulted by Burnham goons vastly prefers todays APNU over todays PPP, and in fact regrets the role which he played in creating an environment which brought the PPP back into power.


Black people aren't going PPP.


Ordinary Indians, the working poor, are not the ones running the PNC.


Every race punishing, Brother.  We need a people's revolution.  So support the coalition.  Instead of shooting off verbiage here, let's change over to fundraising for the Coalition.  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. And many people don't need to be reminded of the PNC's recent history. This Coalition deal is looked upon as what it is a PNC-dominant party.

Tell you what Shaitaan the Indian vote is less than 50%, and not all Indians vote race.  And now that the PPP has crowned itself as the "coolie party" the non Indians who might have thought that they could be fair now know better.


The rhetoric of racial panic, and then a political assassination isn't looking good for the PPP.  Rice farmers and cane cutters have mounted protests against how they are treated by the PPP. Seeing a dead body, a man who has been targeted for some time by the PPP, isn't going to make them feel comfortable.


In March 2015 it is the PPP which looks bloody now, indeed making APNU look quite angelic.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

 So support the coalition.  Instead of shooting off verbiage here, let's change over to fundraising for the Coalition.  

You still need to establish that you will be better than the PPP. Stop the entitlement attitude.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

AFC supporters returning to PPP/C in large numbers

– Rohee tells groups, organisers to reintegrate them into ranks

Ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary Clement Rohee has cautioned party groups and organisers against turning away scores of persons who voted for the Alliance For

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

Change (AFC) at the 2011 elections, but are now expressing a desire to rejoin the ranks of the party.

Rohee, in a letter seen by the Guyana Times said: “It has been brought to our attention that a large number of supporters who voted for the AFC in 2011 are expressing support for the PPP/C.”

He said that “a number of these former AFC voters have pointed out some level of difficulty in being reaccepted into our ranks by our activists”.

The General Secretary then instructed the party groups and organisers to “facilitate and allow these former AFC supporters to be reintegrated and support party campaign activities in their respective areas”.

He argued in the letter dated March 2, 2015 that while the rejection of these former AFC voters was understandable, “many now are better aware of their mistakes and see the PPP/C as their genuine choice and for this we should all welcome their reintegration”.

The letter is seen as perhaps one of the first signs that the Cummingsburg Accord signed by the AFC and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on Valentine Day this year has left the former at the bitter end of the political scope.

In fact, since the AFC’s decision to ink the agreement and enter into a coalition with the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led APNU, the AFC has been facing significant internal challenges which has seen a number of its core Executives and grassroot support base resigning their membership.

The party’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, has been having an uphill task justifying the decision of his Executive and trying to sell the coalition to thousands of AFC supporters who believed that the AFC should have remained a third force and option to both the PPP/C and PNC-dominated APNU.

Reports reaching the Guyana Times show that scores of AFC supporters have rejoined or are in the process of rejoining the PPP/C and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) groups in several regions around the country.

Please Uncle GOAT, the liar, name ONE?

Originally Posted by caribny:

That assassination was a huge error on their part, and given their recent history of viciousness, vindictiveness, and consorting with the Burnham thugs in 2015 it is the PPP which is the party of violence.  The PNC tossed its violent past right into the laps of the PPP.


Which is precisely why I found the idea that the PPP (anyone in the PPP) would kill Ewing almost laughable because it doesn't make sense. This is 2015. No one wants a bloodbath. And no one could possibly think this was a good move. Even as part of some Machiavellian effort to bait the PNC into being violent. I don't think anyone expected the PNC to respond with violence to Ewing's death (if only out of sheer self interest).


The only thing this could do was "chill" support for the PPP. People aren't looking to support a party that's shooting down political activists in the street. And indeed this will have a "chilling" effect on PPP support.


Your last statement about the PNC tossing its violent past right into the laps of the PPP is indeed plausible. We may be witnessing a historic change here. If the PNC is evolving then you will find many Indians will evolve as well.


I'm still waiting on the Coalition's plans for our myriad problems as a country. And no, telling people they exist in internal sessions ain't helpful. Someone should have written them down for release by now. And buzz words ain't got enough. Esp. when it's coming from a party with a suspect past.


Shaintan, what comedy to bring here.


The PPP messed up.


This one man brigade call Crum Ewing was walking village by village with his bull horn and the PPP extremist could not take it any more.  He went into Grove on Saturday - former PPP strong hold and the people said to him YES, we with you.


PPP spy carry the message to Fredump House and whattax, bullet fired.


But bullets cannot beat the ballots.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

While I'm normally skeptical of the Guyana Times, I'm inclined to believe this article here because Rohee actually appears to be instructing PPP party groups to be nice to the former "traitors"


Makes sense to me since the PPP is notorious for being unforgiving towards "traitors"



My sources in Berbice are releasing the identical information.


All ah we is one family. Time to unite the Indo brotherhood and welcome back home those who have been betrayed by Moses and Rumjhaat.


The PPP is headed to one of it's biggest majority.


you are not even worth a laugh.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's nice propaganda.  That's what I would say too, whistling loud as I pass the cemetery.


My guess is that if people are upset with AFC for joining up with APNU, those people would stay home, not go back and join the crooks.


Only the 3 former AFC members- Sixtus and others would go back to the PPP because they have been bought over.


Denying the full extent of this is not gonna help your Coalition.

Not Admitting Anil is a Dhar Poke is not going to help U.....He is on Record saying PPP only got Chat-3 lef now.


Ayuh madman went and negotiated a Coalition wid de PNC with no groundwork laid. You all did the Maximum Leader thing and now expect everyone to just fall in line.

Who is the mad man Bhai.... is he one of those yuh wanted to meet in Guyana?


Ayuh even got Black AFCites like Sixtus going PPP. Personally I doan think Sixtus took a bribe. I think you all just pissed him off with your heavy handedness.

Sixtus is a Gentleman compared with Anil and his Chat-3 & Rawans....

Tell us about Kwame, Pholarie Joe, Bynoe & Lamumba.


People are NOT gonna stay home chap. That is wishful thinking in a country like Guyana.

Oh yes....tell which election people did not stay home? Which Year?


People will show up to vote. And many people don't need to be reminded of the PNC's recent history. This Coalition deal is looked upon as what it is a PNC-dominant party.

Ok if Anil Dutty LapCloth .....say so is so.

 Rolling Stone gather no Moss

rolling stone gathers no moss

Goat Shit scatter in de Breeze


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. And many people don't need to be reminded of the PNC's recent history. This Coalition deal is looked upon as what it is a PNC-dominant party.

Tell you what Shaitaan the Indian vote is less than 50%, and not all Indians vote race.  And now that the PPP has crowned itself as the "coolie party" the non Indians who might have thought that they could be fair now know better.


The rhetoric of racial panic, and then a political assassination isn't looking good for the PPP.  Rice farmers and cane cutters have mounted protests against how they are treated by the PPP. Seeing a dead body, a man who has been targeted for some time by the PPP, isn't going to make them feel comfortable.


In March 2015 it is the PPP which looks bloody now, indeed making APNU look quite angelic.


I don't know why you think I'm somehow a PPPite or even a defender of them.


That I am uncomfortable at the moment with the PNC's recent history of violence is my principal issue. Don't look to me for some "coolieman good...blackman bad" theory of Guyanese politics. My concerns are rather simple and not grounded in throwing guilt on any race for anything. Holding the PNC accountable for its actions is not the same as putting Black people on trial. I'm sure you can get this simple concept. Many of us long ago moved away from equating PNC and Black People. I suspect you didn't notice.


Look under the PNC, the police used to come for you and lock you backside up for political reasons.


Today the PPP gunmen come for you and tek yu life for political reason.


Is nah the same, I prefer lock up any day like Arnold Rampersaud.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I am holding on strong to my thesis: If all Indos vote PPP, Ramotar not getting majority government. If only 10% Indos vote APNU+AFC, the PPP will be defeated.


If half of that vote against them they lose. They are only getting half of the amerind vote and less than three percent of mixed and blacks. They have an up hill climb. Every way I see it they lose. They need to make inroads into mixed and blacks who together with Amerinds make up 60 percent of the population. They cannot lose any Indian and they will lose at least 10% like you say. Only low turnout will help  them to victory  so they better invent some voter suppression strategies or they are cooked.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Please Uncle GOAT, the liar, name ONE?


In case you're too stupid to notice I even took pains to use the word "alleged" in the title of this thread because Guyana Times is not the NY Times.


I posted it here not as propaganda but as a point of discussion.


I am not the author so calm your idiot self down. Learn to discourse like a human.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Please Uncle GOAT, the liar, name ONE?


In case you're too stupid to notice I even took pains to use the word "alleged" in the title of this thread because Guyana Times is not the NY Times.


I posted it here not as propaganda but as a point of discussion.


I am not the author so calm your idiot self down. Learn to discourse like a human.

Oi Shaitan, I did not know your name is Mr Rohee?  I was address Comrade Rohee.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Which is precisely why I found the idea that the PPP (anyone in the PPP) would kill Ewing almost laughable because it doesn't make sense.

What is interesting is how you always rush to deny PPP racism.  Yes there is always some other excuse.


You know what is interesting is if a PPP protester was shot you would be screaming a different tune.  Hysterical wails about PNC violence against Indians.


Guess what.  The PPP MIGHT win with minimal black votes if they get enough Amerindians and mixed people to support them.


The PNC CANNOT win unless the AFC succeeds in wooing some Indian voters.


So who will benefit more from a bloodbath? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. They need to make inroads into mixed and blacks who together with Amerinds make up 60 percent of the population.

Stormborn if the PPP won 49% of the vote, and Indians are only 40% of the votes, and the PPP only got 85% of them in 2011, then it means that the PPP has already made inroads into the non Indian vote, and will do so again.


The reality stormborn is that Indians are NOT only 40% of the voting population.  They, like the African population, are older on average than is the average Guyanese.  This means that more of them exist within the adult population, than in the population at large.  In addition the PPP has done a better job in getting its base out to the polls than has the PNC. So Indians have a greater tradition of voting than do Africans.  This means that a higher % of voting age Indians traditionally vote than is the case for Africans.


So for this reason the Indian VOTING population is more than 40%, and maybe even be as high as 48%.


This election is unique in that Ramotar is a weak candidate and many Indians are distressed with the PPP.  For that reason their turn out might drop.


African/mixed voters sense that the PPP might actually lose, so it is likely that more of them will vote, this being especially true for the younger ones who have been less interested in voting.  Indications are that the Crum Ewing murder will galvanize this group.  In addition some Indians, who right now may not have any strong attraction to either party, might risk another Nagamootoo vote if they think that the PPP is behind this incident.


No one really knows how this election will shape up.  The PPP will be defeated if the APNU AFC mobilize the anti PPP vote, and if their election day apparatus minimizes the ability of the PPP to rig.


Defeat of the PPP, or of APNU AFC is not inevitable, regardless as to what their most enthusiastic supporters might think.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Which is precisely why I found the idea that the PPP (anyone in the PPP) would kill Ewing almost laughable because it doesn't make sense.

What is interesting is how you always rush to deny PPP racism.  Yes there is always some other excuse.


You know what is interesting is if a PPP protester was shot you would be screaming a different tune.  Hysterical wails about PNC violence against Indians.


Guess what.  The PPP MIGHT win with minimal black votes if they get enough Amerindians and mixed people to support them.


The PNC CANNOT win unless the AFC succeeds in wooing some Indian voters.


So who will benefit more from a bloodbath? 


Do you even read my posts anymore old man?


I was pretty clear in just wanting some more evidence. Anything.


In that time since Tuesday, certain Facebook postings have surfaced and certain other details of extensive Police and PPP harassment of this man has surfaced.


I even took the time to read his FB page myself tonight.


I am comfortable now in saying that the PPP appears to be responsible for his death. It seems as though some PPP goons were harassing him and he already had a hatred for them so the situation resulted in murder. The only question in my mind now is if these PPP goons acted of their own accord or received instructions from someone in the hierarchy of the PPP.


I don't rush to deny racism. Racism is one of the hardest things to generally prove and I generally try to exhaust other explanations first. That's just how my mind works. I can't help that. I did the same thing with the Chapel Hill shootings. My go to place for explaining stuff is not racism. It is usually my last resort or near last resort.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I don't rush to deny racism. .

OK its a fact that you make, or imply something. When this is brought out, you retreat into something else, without acknowledging what you have said before.


At what point have you addressed PPP racism, and racist violence?  You always seem to find some way of excusing them.  They control the police, and yet aren't to be blamed when blacks are targeted. 


You cannot believe that the PPP can engage in racial violence, when you will easily expect this from the PNC. 


Even when it is obvious, that with a larger base, they have more to gain from ethnic conflict, if that breaks down votes 100% along racial lines, than it does for the PNC.  No longer having the ability to rig elections, the PNC has to woo voters from outside of its base, if it plans to win.


It is clear that your view of Guyana is that Indians have suffered racism, and that to the extent that blacks suffer, it is because of some non racist reason.  You just cannot bring yourself to admit that racism towards blacks from Indians has been as prevalent and as harmful as that directed from blacks towards Indians. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. Don't look to me for some "coolieman good...blackman bad" theory of Guyanese politics. Holding the PNC accountable for its actions is not the same as putting Black people on trial.

 Now where is your similarly condemnation of the PPP for engaging in racial violence?


OK so we can amend your statement to say "Coolie party better dan blackman party". 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. Don't look to me for some "coolieman good...blackman bad" theory of Guyanese politics. Holding the PNC accountable for its actions is not the same as putting Black people on trial.

 Now where is your similarly condemnation of the PPP for engaging in racial violence?


OK so we can amend your statement to say "Coolie party better dan blackman party". 


All I can say is that PPP is not the PNC. And that is not based on race. That is based on behavior.


Lemme be moh frank. The PNC will incite a mob to torch Georgetown and beat up some Indos.


The PPP will steal and allow the Police force to shoot suspects without due process. And now apparently employ goons to harass and shoot an Opposition activist.


You tell me of the great and noble choice available here now that these AFC mudheads have gone and erased the Third Party part of the spectrum for people like me.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. The PNC will incite a mob to torch Georgetown and beat up some Indos.


The PPP will steal and allow the Police force to shoot suspects without due process. And now apparently employ goons to harass and shoot an Opposition activist.



You forgot shooting people with live fire in Linden, and branding the entire town as being an ungrateful set of savages.


I don't really see the difference that you paint.   The fact that the PPP "outsources" its racial violence doesn't make them nicer.


Now if the AFC has succeeded in splitting the Indian vote to the extent that the APNU won, would you feel happy about an African dominated gov't with only token Indians amongst its leaders? 


What ever one might think of the coalition, at least there will be an Indian with strong clout who will be expected to protect Indian interests, to the extent that his survival in politics will suggest that he has to.  This including having the power to destroy the coalition by simply walking away.


No your hope was for the PPP to win with a plurality minority vote, thereby ensuring that Indocracy ruled supreme.

Last edited by Former Member

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