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The leadership of the Alliance For Change has been informed that accusations have been levelled against one of its Councillors on the Regional Democratic Council for Region Six. The leadership is trying to get more detailed information of what are the exact accusations.


Our information is that our Councillor was accused of signing off as completed on work that was not completed and demanding a bribe from a contractor.


The Councillor who is on the Works Committee of the RDC has since recused himself from that Committee so as to allow a full investigation. That was the honourable thing to do.


The Alliance For Change fully supports an investigation into this allegation and we have demanded of our member that he cooperates fully with the RDC and the investigation.


The Party wishes to make clear that it will not condone corruption by any of its Councillors


It must be noted that it was at a meeting of the RDC that the allegations were raised and the demand for an investigation.


We expect that we will be provided with full details of what are the exact allegations or charges made against our Councillor, was anyone else involved in signing off on the incomplete works, the relationship between the contractor and other members of the RDC and other pertinent information.

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