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AFC suspects cover up in NCN probe – Calls for full disclosure


Posted by Administrator in Press Releases


The AFC initiated removal of subsidy to NCN has resulted in the disclosure of gross financial irregularities at the State owned National Communications Network. The Party now feels fully vindicated for taking the bold and unprecedented step to cut the allocations for NCN that was presented in the 2012 National Budget. The people of Guyana now see it was the right thing to do.


As a result, of the decision to cut the allocation, we learnt that NCN was raking in more than $500 million from commercial activities, leading President Ramotar to order a probe into the company’s operations.


We have all since learnt that persons at NCN were collecting money on behalf of the company and putting it into their personal bank accounts. This is tantamount to fraudulent conversion. We do not know the full scope and depth of financial impropriety at NCN whether it is confined to the revelation of $3 million from GT & T or whether there is more. We suspect, based on the government’s call for the resignation of the CEO, that there is much more.


In this regard, the AFC is calling for full disclosure and that the report of the probe is made public. The AFC strongly believes that there is now a belated cover-up attempt to protect the former Chief Executive Officer and others at NCN from facing the full brunt of the law.


It is appalling that even as they were protesting and holding candle light vigils the two publically named officials who have been sanctioned, may be at the root of the financial impropriety.


Staff at NCN who criticised the AFC for cutting the subsidy and lamented the possible loss of their jobs may now want to question exactly how much money NCN raked in over the past five or six years and how much went into private purses.


It is not good enough to say that the CEO has resigned and that a senior manager was suspended. NCN as a state owned company was receiving millions of taxpayers’ dollars over the years in annual subventions. The people therefore have a right to the full details on what has been happening at NCN.


The AFC is consulting among its Members of Parliament and seeking legal opinions and advice on how best to address this matter. We believe that anyone suspected of skimming the cream off the milk jug must be thoroughly investigated.


The AFC will continue to pursue this matter in the interest of the Guyanese people.


(Cathy Hughes)

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