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Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Dem AFC bais gon always gi da Govt lil prablims. But mi tink coolie, chinee, putagee, buck gon vote PPP, Afro and most dugla gon vote PNC. Nuff coolie nah trust dem Afro bais no moo, dem a split coolie vote and leh PNC win. Datt's a big prablim foa AFC come 2014. PNC win = PNC + GDF rule Guyana foa nex 50 years.


The PPP knows that they cannot win the Presidency with the Indian votes alone.

In recent years, they have done an excellent job courting the Amerindian votes.

Check out the results in regions 1 and 2 in the recently concluded election.

In Region 1 the PPP received 66.7% of the votes(3472) and in Region 2 they received 71.9% of the votes(12450)---both regions are predominantly Amerindians I believe.

Listen Sledgy, blacks and mixed Guyanese who consider themselves black will never support the PPP---NEVER!

The PPP wasted time and money campaigning in places like Linden and Buxton---they should have placed more effort in Region 8---they lost that region by only 224 votes---they could have picked up 1 seat there.

Anyway sledge, like you pointed out---East Indians in Regions 5 and 6 who voted for Nagamootoo and the AFC---they now realize they could have caused a calamity in Guyana----their votes for Nagas and the AFC could have handed the presidency to the PNC---what an utter diaster that would have been for Guyana.


Regarding the AFC---like I said in the lead post---they will forever be the 10% party.

And put this in your Pipe and smoke it: "AFC WILL NEVER AGAIN ATTTAIN 10%"
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Maths question:

If in 2006 the AFC garnered 8% of the votes and then in 2011 gained 10%, how does that make the AFC the perpetual 10% party? Taking into further consideration that the latest gain by the AFC put the PPP Gov't in a minority position, for the first time since 1964.
Originally posted by Nehru:
And put this in your Pipe and smoke it: "AFC WILL NEVER AGAIN ATTTAIN 10%"
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Maths question:

If in 2006 the AFC garnered 8% of the votes and then in 2011 gained 10%, how does that make the AFC the perpetual 10% party? Taking into further consideration that the latest gain by the AFC put the PPP Gov't in a minority position, for the first time since 1964.

bai..yuh not qualified to be making such pronouncements
Well put a BET on it.
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Nehru:
And put this in your Pipe and smoke it: "AFC WILL NEVER AGAIN ATTTAIN 10%"
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Maths question:

If in 2006 the AFC garnered 8% of the votes and then in 2011 gained 10%, how does that make the AFC the perpetual 10% party? Taking into further consideration that the latest gain by the AFC put the PPP Gov't in a minority position, for the first time since 1964.

bai..yuh not qualified to be making such pronouncements

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