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Former Member

The Alliance For Change (AFC) executive on Saturday called for oil revenues to fund the reintroduction of free education from nursery to university, and housing.

“The party also unanimously approved a motion to unequivocally support free education from nursery to university and facilitate housing for all Guyanese with revenues to be derived from oil,” the party said in a statement. However, the statement gave no details on eligibility criteria.

The AFC noted that free education is enshrined in Guyana’s constitution. The Constitution of Guyana provides that “every citizen has the right to free education from nursery to university as well as non-informal places where opportunities are provided for education and training.” The Guyana government still provides largely free education from nursery to primary, but since the 1994-1995 academic year students were required to pay for tuition.

In recent weeks, the AFC, and the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), the APNU affiliate, had been collaborating on Distinguished Economics Professor Clive Thomas’ idea of conditional cash transfers, probably US$5,000 annually from oil revenues to some poor Guyanese households.

Also, at the end of its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting held at the Umana Yana, High Street, Kingston, the party stated that it did not want any changes to the February 2015 political agreement with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

“The NEC unanimously approved a motion for the APNU+AFC Coalition to be maintained as per the Cummingsburg Accord for the next General and Regional Elections, whenever it is held,” the AFC said.

Among the provisions of that agreement named the Cummingsburg Accord are that the AFC would be entitled to 12 seats, two vice presidential positions including the Prime Ministerial post which is itself the 1st Vice President. The AFC is responsible for domestic security, telecommunications, public infrastructure, natural resources, business, tourism, agriculture, state media, and governance including constitutional reform.

At the 2011 general elections, the AFC had seven seats, but question marks have been raised about whether its electoral strength has waned since the 2015 coalition with APNU.

The AFC has downplayed its voting strength and showing at the November 12, 2018 Local Government Elections which it contested on its own. That party has claimed that it garnered between four and 10 percent of the popular vote making it still a party to be reckoned with.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) which dominates APNU, has not won more than 40 percent in elections that are considered free and fair.

While the NEC did not decide on who would be the prime ministerial candidate, AFC Leader Raphael Trotman, in his address reaffirmed his confidence in the David Granger-Moses Nagamootoo leadership to guide the Coalition Government in the period ahead.

Like APNU and the opposition People’s Progressive Party which have in recent weeks been focussing heavily on the importance of youths, the AFC said it “recognized the need for greater and meaningful involvement and participation of young people in the next Coalition Government.” “Further the party recognized the need for greater empowerment and the provision of more opportunities for the young people of Guyana,” the AFC added.

The AFC’s executive did not dwell on its or the government’s failure to deliver constitutional reform, but “renewed the party’s commitment” to that goal.

Trotman admitted that the “AFC did make some missteps in government and that the party must work harder to deliver for the Guyanese people” but he did not identify them.


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I think both APNU and the AFC outplayed themselves at the recent LGE. I think the AFC wanted to contest it separately to re-establish its worth to the Coalition. Unfortunately its showing backfired. APNU was happy to have AFC contest separately because at best it demonstrates the expected diminished value of AFC to the Coalition thereby forcing AFC to relinquish some of its seats in the Coalition government. At worse, APNU felt it still was in the position to strongarm AFC. Where APNU got outplayed was they never saw the NCV coming.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

I think both APNU and the AFC outplayed themselves at the recent LGE. I think the AFC wanted to contest it separately to re-establish its worth to the Coalition. Unfortunately its showing backfired. APNU was happy to have AFC contest separately because at best it demonstrates the expected diminished value of AFC to the Coalition thereby forcing AFC to relinquish some of its seats in the Coalition government. At worse, APNU felt it still was in the position to strongarm AFC. Where APNU got outplayed was they never saw the NCV coming.

I do not see the value of AFC pushing themselves on the PNC. The PNC will laugh and piss on them. The PNC realized that the AFC lost their coolie following and if they do bring in any votes, it will be from the PNC disenchanted members.


It may explain why they are sending Moses back as PM candidate. Neither Trotty nor Prak wants to be the next losing PM. 😀

Moses being power hungry is perfect for the trap. 😀

ksazma posted:

It may explain why they are sending Moses back as PM candidate. Neither Trotty nor Prak wants to be the next losing PM. 😀

Moses being power hungry is perfect for the trap. 😀

Moses might be a full-fledged member of the PNC by now. You do not hear any news about him with the AFC. He needs the attention. He was starving for attention with the PPP and now he has a chance to display the jackass in him braying.


As long as the AFC have supporters like dj, lilmohan and others following them to the edge of the cliff, they stand a chance. The PPP already on the same path, making a lot of promises that they can't possible keep. Imagine Jaggy already claiming to bring back then failed inefficient sugar industry. 

Drugb posted:

As long as the AFC have supporters like dj, lilmohan and others following them to the edge of the cliff, they stand a chance. The PPP already on the same path, making a lot of promises that they can't possible keep. Imagine Jaggy already claiming to bring back then failed inefficient sugar industry. 

I still think they need some sugar estates running for molasses and local consumption of sugar. Skeldon can produce some electricity for the area. He cannot reopen all the estates.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

It may explain why they are sending Moses back as PM candidate. Neither Trotty nor Prak wants to be the next losing PM. 😀

Moses being power hungry is perfect for the trap. 😀

Moses might be a full-fledged member of the PNC by now. You do not hear any news about him with the AFC. He needs the attention. He was starving for attention with the PPP and now he has a chance to display the jackass in him braying.

Like this ....

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

As long as the AFC have supporters like dj, lilmohan and others following them to the edge of the cliff, they stand a chance. The PPP already on the same path, making a lot of promises that they can't possible keep. Imagine Jaggy already claiming to bring back then failed inefficient sugar industry. 

I still think they need some sugar estates running for molasses and local consumption of sugar. Skeldon can produce some electricity for the area. He cannot reopen all the estates.

No estate run by govt and subsidized by tax payers should operate at a net loss, regardless of molasses or other by products. This was one of the areas that I agreed with Granger to the trepidation of cribby and members of the sloppy crew.  Indos will rise up to challenges in finding alternate ways of making a living, excluding robbing and killing. 

skeldon_man posted:

AFC touts free education from oil earnings, wants 12 parliamentary seats again

 “The NEC unanimously approved a motion for the APNU+AFC Coalition to be maintained as per the Cummingsburg Accord for the next General and Regional Elections, whenever it is held,” the AFC said.

Among the provisions of that agreement named the Cummingsburg Accord are that the AFC would be entitled to 12 seats, two vice presidential positions including the Prime Ministerial post which is itself the 1st Vice President. The AFC is responsible for domestic security, telecommunications, public infrastructure, natural resources, business, tourism, agriculture, state media, and governance including constitutional reform.


Perhaps the AFC believes that; as a minimum; they will/have gained about 35 to 40% of the votes for the PNC/APNU/AFC in the last election.

Next election, AFC will be holding far less than "rotten katahar".

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

As long as the AFC have supporters like dj, lilmohan and others following them to the edge of the cliff, they stand a chance. The PPP already on the same path, making a lot of promises that they can't possible keep. Imagine Jaggy already claiming to bring back then failed inefficient sugar industry. 

I still think they need some sugar estates running for molasses and local consumption of sugar. Skeldon can produce some electricity for the area. He cannot reopen all the estates.

No estate run by govt and subsidized by tax payers should operate at a net loss, regardless of molasses or other by products. This was one of the areas that I agreed with Granger to the trepidation of cribby and members of the sloppy crew.  Indos will rise up to challenges in finding alternate ways of making a living, excluding robbing and killing. 

Skeldon Estate did a partial run for 5 weeks and it was done by a private company. I think it closed down about a couple weeks ago and will reopen soon.

Ray posted:

This aint much different than Irfaat saying he gon reopen Skeldon Sugar Estate

You dont think the PPP WILL reopen the Sugar Estates??? Then you are NOT listening. President Jagdeo laid out a pretty good case why it should be open.

Nehru posted:
Ray posted:

This aint much different than Irfaat saying he gon reopen Skeldon Sugar Estate

You dont think the PPP WILL reopen the Sugar Estates??? Then you are NOT listening. President Jagdeo laid out a pretty good case why it should be open.

wha sugar prices increase? Cost of production will be lower? or will be it heavily subsidized?


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