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local gov’t members to be more vocal

18 Jul 2016 Source

In an effort to allay fears it is losing its identity within the APNU+AFC coalition government, Alliance for Change (AFC) representatives were on Saturday urged by its executive to make themselves relevant and to be vocal on issues of national importance, particularly at the local government level.

“I think it could be an issue if we are not careful because no coalition will last forever and whenever that time comes for a separation back into the original entities, you want to at least have a party structure in place that can accommodate that,” AFC Executive Dominic Gaskin told Stabroek News yesterday.

Further, he added “That will allow the parties to continue to evolve and to grow as separate entities.”

Gaskin was speaking on the heels of the party’s statutory National Executive Committee meeting, where for the first time on Saturday, members of the party in central government and those representatives at the local government level met for discussions.

He explained that the AFC decided to bring municipal and central government members together, so as to have a wider view of what is happening around the country and plan measures as to how the party will be better able to serve its supporters.

“The discussions we had were very good, because for us this is the first time we are in central government and therefore it was an opportunity to compare the experiences, at the local and central government levels, and of course it is the first time we are doing each of those as part of a coalition government. There was a lot that needed to be aired and cleared and that was done and it was a very meaningful meeting and I think we need more of those,” Gaskin asserted.

Another executive told this newspaper yesterday that members voiced their concerns that they felt the party was not doing enough to hold its own identity and seems to be subsumed in the coalition stance on all issues.

“Persons in the membership did say that the party needs to do more as a party to separate from the government, that they need to take a stance on specific issues. While the party maintains that they have brought a lot of influence to bear on various issues, they are not separate,” one executive said.

Saturday’s meeting came 17 months after the historic February 14 Cummingsburg Accord between APNU and the AFC led to the defeat of the PPP/C at the May 11th, 2015 general elections. As part of the deal, the AFC secured 12 seats in parliament – up from 7, a pledge of 40% of Cabinet positions and the prime ministerial position.

“Questions were raised about individual leadership. Some persons spoke up about issues in the regions and the AFC not doing enough to separate itself as the AFC. But I must tell you that most of those issues were personal, between this person from AFC clashing with that person from APNU, so not necessarily about governance… you had some saying that we seem to have gotten too comfortable, just throw back accepting everything because like we afraid to talk up because we get the lil power and so on,” another member said.


However, while admitting that there were complaints at the forum on varying issues, Gaskin, also the Minister of Business in the APNU+AFC Government, said that one of the objectives of the party was to find a balance even as democracy, good governance and freedom of expression are maintained.

“We have always encouraged frank and open discussion. We believe it is the best practice. We have never sought to stymie discussions… We want the coalition government to work so there is this dichotomy. On one hand we need the coalition to work and on the other hand we also need to maintain our identity as a political party and so how we find that balance?” he questioned.

“We can’t deliberately try to separate ourselves on issues just for the sake of establishing our identities. I think things have a way of happening naturally and the public isn’t unaware of the issues all the time and there are going to be issues where there are clearly sort of differing positions on certain matters and we have to allow that to take place. I don’t think we will agree on every matter. I’m talking about the party”, he added.

As such, the leadership has encouraged representatives at the local governance level to let their objections on matters be heard.

“Certainly at the Cabinet level there is an obligation, there is a collective responsibility for decision-making at that level and therefore ...there can be no, I guess, division on that level and that is just the reality of a Cabinet. But certainly, where at the local government level, when that occurs, they do things by vote and if there is no recall legislation in effect at that level did its members feel that they cannot support a position taken by either the opposition or even another party member?

Then so be it because ultimately they are elected by their constituencies and they have to act in the best interest of their constituencies and that is something we as a party will always support,” the AFC executive said.

Executives explained that AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan argued that the party has made a big impact in securing its identity and pointed to Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan’s questioning of the Georgetown parking meter contract.

Another major example cited was the AFC’s executives in central government raising the issues of Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s appointment of BK Inc CEO Brian Tiwarie as an advisor to him and overall the myriad powers he has in the decision-making of government.

“Tiwari as an advisor to the government on business, that was something the AFC was not in favour of and at the end of the day the members of cabinet listened to the AFC ministers and the president ultimately rescinded that,” one member said.

“Look at Sherod, he did not sit quietly by and say ‘Oh I am only Deputy Mayor and my party don’t have the majority councillors’. He spoke out he started the ball rolling in getting the debate on the parking meter issue on the front burner of public talks. All those things our leader pointed to and showed how we have made gains”, the source said.

Another said that Ramjattan, Vice President and Minister of Public Security, also noted that many persons questioned the “youngness of the party to political leadership” and if they would have been ready to take on key ministerial leadership posts.

“One of the things we spoke about is that people questioned if AFC was ready for national leadership given that several have been elevated to ministers.

How they have been performing augurs well for the party because they have been performing well…. So where there were question marks that has been put to rest… there has been gains in membership too,” another added.

At the end of the 9 am to 5:45 pm conference, leaders and members felt that they had knowledge of what was concerning the membership and have now begun looking at recommendations and compiling objectives to overall better the party and coalition.

“It was very fruitful and very interactive, very, how should I put it, bloodletting. People came with a lot of issues and were able to speak without fear and they did so very respectfully. People spoke on issues that were relevant to them and their constituencies and it was timely in that context. Leadership gave good advice and also stressed not to be sore losers,” a member posited.

“Strong measures were put in place, to improve internal communication because members did complain of lack of communication, lack of in some cases consultation and so on.

Resolutions were taken to improve that and systems were put in place to improve internal party mechanisms to ensure people in the various regions are in touch with what is happening in government,” another executive informed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

HEHEHEHE  Uncle Tom still think he fooling the Guyanese People.  Bloody PARASITE and what a BLOODY SHAMELESS one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This Chap is beyond shameless and Parasitic, he is in a League of DISGRACE all by himself. No one else on the Planet comes close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:

HEHEHEHE  Uncle Tom still think he fooling the Guyanese People.  Bloody PARASITE and what a BLOODY SHAMELESS one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This Chap is beyond shameless and Parasitic, he is in a League of DISGRACE all by himself. No one else on the Planet comes close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“I think it could be an issue if we are not careful because no coalition will last forever and whenever that time comes for a separation back into the original entities, you want to at least have a party structure in place that can accommodate that,”AFC Executive Dominic Gaskin told Stabroek News yesterday.


Bhai Uncle Tom didn't say anything in the article.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wonder if Granger suspect that he son-in-law is an AFC man!!!!!

Gaskin was in the AFC Management Committee [equivalent to PPP CC] before the general election. Granger knew, of course.


Maybe the coolies of the AFC are seeing the writing on the wall that the PNC is taking the reins away from them and they are becoming redundant like dhall belly man. Their statement about their "identity" is pure hogwash and that what their party will become before the next election. Good riddance KFC.

Django posted:

“I think it could be an issue if we are not careful because no coalition will last forever and whenever that time comes for a separation back into the original entities, you want to at least have a party structure in place that can accommodate that,AFC Executive Dominic Gaskin told Stabroek News yesterday.


That portion of the whole report caught my attention. A dose of harsh reality. Interesting times ahead. APNU and AFC will most likely contest 2020 separately. That is why some time ago I suggested that the PPP keep its lines of communication with the AFC open but some of you guys knocked it down. 

Cobra posted:

This is another unwelcome train wreck will happen before Gilbakka's eyes.  

Hey, before that there was a welcome wreck involving the PPP gravy train. Lot's of your fellow travellers now miss the gravy and their stomachs are full of bitter bile.

Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

This is another unwelcome train wreck will happen before Gilbakka's eyes.  

Hey, before that there was a welcome wreck involving the PPP gravy train. Lot's of your fellow travellers now miss the gravy and their stomachs are full of bitter bile.

Them bhias padding up,looks like some action will be taken.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

I am glad that the PNC gave them permission to keep their AFC identity.

Yep.  The only have the deputy mayor slot in G/T because the PNC gave it to them.  Maybe on their own they might have won the council seats which the PPP lost, assuming of course that these weren't the seats which the independents won.  

But no way that the AFC would have gotten the deputy mayor slot on his own.  Even crazy Kari wouldn't be so bold enough to think that.

kp posted:
ksazma posted:

I am glad that the PNC gave them permission to keep their AFC identity.


What are you griping about? You all had Guyana to yourselves for a whole 23 years, shutting every one else out.

Life is a bytch, and you must learn to take that which you dished out.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The AFC is worried about their 5% as Carib warns that it is not worth the  piece of pie that they received from the coalition agreement. 

The 5% is the morsel which Nagamootoo MIGHT have brought in.

The Trotman faction brought in votes too, maybe even some of the G/T Indo votes.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Cobra posted:

This is another unwelcome train wreck will happen before Gilbakka's eyes.  

Hey, before that there was a welcome wreck involving the PPP gravy train. Lot's of your fellow travellers now miss the gravy and their stomachs are full of bitter bile.

Them bhias padding up,looks like some action will be taken.

Well, what can I say? Freedom House fatcats and their supporters here were taunting the government, saying that they had no evidence of PPP regime corruption. Now that the vice squad is closing in, having done due diligence, the Jagdeoite cabal is howling "witch hunting." More to come.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

“I think it could be an issue if we are not careful because no coalition will last forever and whenever that time comes for a separation back into the original entities, you want to at least have a party structure in place that can accommodate that,AFC Executive Dominic Gaskin told Stabroek News yesterday.


That portion of the whole report caught my attention. A dose of harsh reality. Interesting times ahead. APNU and AFC will most likely contest 2020 separately. That is why some time ago I suggested that the PPP keep its lines of communication with the AFC open but some of you guys knocked it down. 

The AFC is finished.  The PPP doesn't need them to win their Indian vote.  The AFC Indians will be severely spanked by Jagdeo, should he win power again, which is why their tails are between their legs now that they realize that blackman isn't as stupid as they thought they were, and that they haven't been allowed to run the show.

If the coalition doesn't deliver and APNU loses, they will take the AFC down with them.  At least the UF had their Amerindian and Portuguese/Chinese/ red people base.   The AFC has no base whatsoever.

I remember the screams from the Moses gang, that the AFC Indos should get every thing as it was their 5k votes which won the election. No acknowledgment of the fact that they didn't deliver the 10% Indian vote, and that had the PNC not had very heavy turn out in their strongholds the PPP would have won the election.

I note that they have been silent, except for the occasional whimper.


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