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AFC wants answers on GuySuCo lands given to private developers

October 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


After a two-month break, the National Assembly is set to reconvene in a matter of days.

AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

According to Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, among some of the issues that his party wants some clarity on, is the current housing policy of Government.
“We have been receiving a number of complaints about Government’s housing programme and they are worrying.”
Among some of the questions to be tabled would involve Government’s arrangements with lands on East Bank Demerara. The area has been one of the most concentrated across the country in terms of housing.
However, large tracts of lands have been placed in the hands of private developers under what Government has described as public/private partnerships. There have been criticisms that these are prime lands while ordinary Guyanese are being pushed further into the back areas.
“Our party is fully aware of the critical importance of housing to Guyana. But we are not aware how the lands on the East Bank of Demerara were given.
“It seems as if large plots went to some close friends and cohorts of the ruling party under unclear circumstances. Was the process advertised so that other interested persons could have had a chance to also have access to these prime lands?”
The lands Ramjattan is referring to are located in Eccles, behind Republic Park and Nandy Park, in Providence. It has also been reported that lands behind Herstelling, Covent Garden, Prospect and Diamond have also been given out for private development.
Government had purchased the former cane lands from the Guyana Sugar Corporation and several housing schemes are currently under construction in the areas.
A number of gated communities including Green Acres, Republic Gardens and Windsor Estates are now being developed by private parties between Eccles and Providence.

Some of the lands under private development on the East Bank of Demerara that AFC wants answers on.

Some of the lands under private development on the East Bank of Demerara that AFC wants answers on.

“We also want to know what arrangements the Ministry of Housing and its arm, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), have with these private developments? Were monies paid over? How much? Was a market value used? Who are the parties involved in these so-called public/private partnerships? We want full details.”
According to the MP, the answers are important as it will spell out whether Government unfairly distributed lands that should have gone to Guyanese who are badly in need of housing.
“We hearing now that lands for house lots on the East Bank are running out and there is a need to go up the Soesdyke/Linden highway. As representatives of the people, we have been receiving these concerns from people who feel that all is not right with the house lot distribution process.”
AFC will also be asking Government to reveal in the National Assembly its housing program, including details of areas in the hands of private developers.
“AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”
The MP, in signaling his party’s intention to ask for a review of the CH&PA’s operations, said that the questions are part of the AFC’s mandate to ensure transparency and accountability in the administration.
The combined Opposition, AFC and APNU, have a one-seat voting majority in the National Assembly, the highest law-making forum in the country.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Tell DEm Fuh wait dem gun get answers since they BIG and POWERFUL.

Hey, it's about time the PPP show some respect to the opposition and provide some answers.  


“AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

“AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”

Mitwah, AFC know to make bold statements but they never live up to what they say.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

“AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”

Mitwah, AFC know to make bold statements but they never live up to what they say.  

You would like the AFC to ask Government to reveal in the National Assembly its housing program, including details of areas in the hands of so called private developers.


AFC will also be asking Government to reveal in the National Assembly its housing program, including details of areas in the hands of private developers.
“AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”


Guyana has abundance of waste land to give away, lease, rent or to disposed otherwise. What's the big deal with Ramjattan and the AFC? It seems like the one seat majority is not doing enough to bring the PPP to justice for all the wrong things they're doing in government. They're just as bad as the PPP. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana has abundance of waste land to give away, lease, rent or to disposed otherwise. What's the big deal with Ramjattan and the AFC? It seems like the one seat majority is not doing enough to bring the PPP to justice for all the wrong things they're doing in government. They're just as bad as the PPP. 

the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.”
The MP, in signaling his party’s intention to ask for a review of the CH&PA’s operations, said that the questions are part of the AFC’s mandate to ensure transparency and accountability in the administration.


Corruptions in another blatant way, there are thousands who need house lots and who when give will build a house for about 10M Guyana Dollars,

With PPP/C almost giving away the house lots to their friends and cronies, it means that every house they (developers) build that cost them less than 10M Guyana dollars will be selling to the Public for 25 Million Guyana would look at this and say that maybe the Minister of Housing even will get a cut back or a bribe of at least 5 Million Guyana Dollars per house.

And so poor people are deprived of house lots by the PPP/C Governments.


Poor people who has applications for over three years, are being told that they cannot have house lots yet. But on the same token, the PPP dishes out prime property to their cronies and friends without any waiting time.




Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

All the deals they made were legitimate...


That's how capitalism and democracy work. 


I guess that is what Markos and Suharto and Theodoro Obang  said also! Crony capitalism!

Originally Posted by alex:

I have a plot of land for sale in Republic Gardens, it's the gated community pictured above in the KN article.....really nice investment for peaceful retirement in Guyana.

Sugrim Bhai, why don't you keep it for your own retirement? Meanwhile you could use it to perform Yajnas and sponsor Pt. Chunelall.

Originally Posted by JB:

Good call by the AFC. Jagdeo/Ramotar/Irfan/Luncheon have stolen the people's land. 

They have deprived poor Guyanese of have house lots despite applying years before.

These scumbags should be jailed for corruptions.

Originally Posted by God:

Didn't the PPP give land to Roger Khan to build a housing scheme?

Alex, has a piece of land there too. Perhaps for his support in the last election? Alex, how big is your plot?

Originally Posted by alex:

I have a plot of land for sale in Republic Gardens, it's the gated community pictured above in the KN article.....really nice investment for peaceful retirement in Guyana.

Rev, did you get a piece of land too like Dr. Ronnie?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana has abundance of waste land to give away, lease, rent or to disposed otherwise. What's the big deal with Ramjattan and the AFC? It seems like the one seat majority is not doing enough to bring the PPP to justice for all the wrong things they're doing in government. They're just as bad as the PPP. 

so how come they charging for each houselot the best way to get answers from the ppp is to take minister ali for a drive 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alex:

I have a plot of land for sale in Republic Gardens, it's the gated community pictured above in the KN article.....really nice investment for peaceful retirement in Guyana.

Rev, did you get a piece of land too like Dr. Ronnie?


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alex:

I have a plot of land for sale in Republic Gardens, it's the gated community pictured above in the KN article.....really nice investment for peaceful retirement in Guyana.

Rev, did you get a piece of land too like Dr. Ronnie?

Rev where is your side kick Sugrim?



AFC wants answers on GuySuCo lands given to private developers

October 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


After a two-month break, the National Assembly is set to reconvene in a matter of days.

AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

According to Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, among some of the issues that his party wants some clarity on, is the current housing policy of Government. “We have been receiving a number of complaints about Government’s housing programme and they are worrying.” Among some of the questions to be tabled would involve Government’s arrangements with lands on East Bank Demerara. The area has been one of the most concentrated across the country in terms of housing. However, large tracts of lands have been placed in the hands of private developers under what Government has described as public/private partnerships. There have been criticisms that these are prime lands while ordinary Guyanese are being pushed further into the back areas. “Our party is fully aware of the critical importance of housing to Guyana. But we are not aware how the lands on the East Bank of Demerara were given. “It seems as if large plots went to some close friends and cohorts of the ruling party under unclear circumstances. Was the process advertised so that other interested persons could have had a chance to also have access to these prime lands?” The lands Ramjattan is referring to are located in Eccles, behind Republic Park and Nandy Park, in Providence. It has also been reported that lands behind Herstelling, Covent Garden, Prospect and Diamond have also been given out for private development. Government had purchased the former cane lands from the Guyana Sugar Corporation and several housing schemes are currently under construction in the areas. A number of gated communities including Green Acres, Republic Gardens and Windsor Estates are now being developed by private parties between Eccles and Providence.

Some of the lands under private development on the East Bank of Demerara that AFC wants answers on.

Some of the lands under private development on the East Bank of Demerara that AFC wants answers on.

“We also want to know what arrangements the Ministry of Housing and its arm, the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), have with these private developments? Were monies paid over? How much? Was a market value used? Who are the parties involved in these so-called public/private partnerships? We want full details.” According to the MP, the answers are important as it will spell out whether Government unfairly distributed lands that should have gone to Guyanese who are badly in need of housing. “We hearing now that lands for house lots on the East Bank are running out and there is a need to go up the Soesdyke/Linden highway. As representatives of the people, we have been receiving these concerns from people who feel that all is not right with the house lot distribution process.” AFC will also be asking Government to reveal in the National Assembly its housing program, including details of areas in the hands of private developers. “AFC wants to make it very clear that we are not against development. However, the process in which the resources of this country is being utilized and spent is important. The process must be fair to all Guyanese and transparency and accountability should be there.” The MP, in signaling his party’s intention to ask for a review of the CH&PA’s operations, said that the questions are part of the AFC’s mandate to ensure transparency and accountability in the administration. The combined Opposition, AFC and APNU, have a one-seat voting majority in the National Assembly, the highest law-making forum in the country.


Please publish that Sanata photo again

November 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Dear Editor, A few days ago, while at work, there was a group of my co-workers huddled in a group gasping and murmuring over something that had clearly troubled them and curiosity got the better of me, so I went over. When I looked at what had grabbed their attention my first reaction was, ‘oh my God!’ It was the centre page of the Kaieteur News, and lo and behold, the image was one that for the first time really and truly told this nation just how large the Sanata Complex is. The photograph was published during the week but it is known that on Sundays more people would have the time to sit and really digest what is in a newspaper. Mr Editor, please republish that photograph this Sunday so that those who would have missed it during the week would have an opportunity to really and truly see the sizeable chunk of Guyana that Bharrat Jagdeo gave to his best friend Bobby Ramroop.  A. Daniels 


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