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Former Member

The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Saturday declared that it was ready to take over leadership of a broad pro-democracy coalition including A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in an effort to remove the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) from government.

Addressing his party’s delegates’ conference at St. Stanislaus College auditorium, Brickdam, AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan said  “hard decisions have to be made and indeed the AFC is ready to enter, if necessary, into negotiations and to lead a pro-democracy alliance of progressive forces that is comprised of civic groups, workers’ unions, political forces- and by political forces here we are talking about even PPP members who have been disenchanted with the performance of the PPP thus far and even APNU,” he said to loud applause.

Ramjattan had always maintained that his party would not join with APNU, whose major constituent is the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) that had governed Guyana from 1964 to 1992. 

The AFC, which has been tapping into the traditional East Indian support-base of the governing PPPC, has in the past reasoned that it wanted to preserve its identity as an alternative to both major parties.

But on Saturday, he sought to justify engaging the APNU by arguing that there was need for collective patriotic action and cooperation of all Guyanese in undertaking the “herculean task” of voting out the ruling party.

He said the time has come for a true government of national unity “one in which the politics of inclusion reigns over the politics of fear and division.”  The AFC leader, however, stressed that the AFC wants to “lead” such a movement.

 “We have the capacity to lead such a pro-democracy alliance because we feel at this stage the reform nature of the Alliance Force Change, its concepts on constitutional reform, governance issues and, of course, integrity in leaders that has emerged out of this party, it is so necessary that we lead in that process,” he said. 

Any alliance with the groups and individuals mentioned, he said, would be based on agreed programme of an agreed programme of constitutional, economic, social and governance reforms. “Nothing less.”

President Ramotar however, was fully confident that his party would once again control the 65-seat National Assembly where it emerged as a one-seat minority at the 2011 general and regional elections.

Chairman of the large opposition APNU, David Granger, has credited the combined opposition with ensuring that there is greater transparency and accountability by government in the National Assembly.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

We are talking about the illusion of a gov't of national unity that we've heard about before and the delusions of an arrogant barrister who thinks he can change the course of history to satisfy his personal grouse with his former colleagues. The voters ain't interested in settling scores for those who are belligerent over leadership rivalry. A more important task is at hand that is to prevent this country from falling into the hands of the PNC again. To accomplish this task to band together behind a party that is capapble to fighting and defending. The AFC is a sell out.

Billy Ram Balgobin



The man was speaking colloquially in a private conversation. He sounded crude but the content of his conversation, when analyzed carefully does not reflect arrogance or dishonesty. He was quite frank about Mr. Lall thinking he is above the law and his wife being a close friend of Donald. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



The man was speaking colloquially in a private conversation. He sounded crude but the content of his conversation, when analyzed carefully does not reflect arrogance of dishonesty. His was quite frank about Mr. Lall thinking he is above the law and his wife being a close friend of Donald. 

Colloquially?  Like how Basil Williams and the former Commissioner of Police FELIX were also speaking colloquially?


You all people got no shame~!  it was wrong them and it is wrong now.


OH nandalala baba MUST GO!  He is no good for Guyana.  They should deport his backside to India.

Last edited by Former Member

Felix was talking about planting drugs on woman who was leaving the country and Glen Lall paying off the PNC to save his behind from a good cut ass. You all in the AFC and PNC claimed the Felix/Williams tape was cut and spliced and fabricated. No such thing is being said about the Nandalall/Ghirdaire conversation. Nandalall said that all the Lalls have to do is pay up the duties they owe on those imported vehicles.

Billy Ram Balgobin

I have been silent on this matter but I shall speak my mind now.

I am a supporter of the AFC. The AFC is the underdog in Guyana's political milieu. I have always sided with underdogs. I sincerely want the AFC to win more seats next year.

Right now, however, we have to be realistic and not foolhardy.

The AFC has only 7 seats in the National Assembly. APNU has 26. Logically, the AFC cannot "lead" a pro-democracy coalition that includes APNU.

Mr Ramjattan's repeated use of the word "lead" is bound to arouse resentment and objections by APNU and that is exactly what the AFC must avoid right now.

If the AFC secures more votes than APNU in forthcoming elections, it would be in order to say it wants to lead a coalition.

What the AFC recently proposed amounts to a good idea but bad tactics and timing.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Felix was talking about planting drugs on woman who was leaving the country and Glen Lall paying off the PNC to save his behind from a good cut ass. You all in the AFC and PNC claimed the Felix/Williams tape was cut and spliced and fabricated. No such thing is being said about the Nandalall/Ghirdaire conversation. Nandalall said that all the Lalls have to do is pay up the duties they owe on those imported vehicles.

The drunkee OH nandalala was talking about pimping a woman in an attempt at prostitution and threatening a vile attack on Kaiteur News.  Men have been jailed for less in Guyana.


The PPP gov't. is not a dictatorship. They do not control the electoral machinery nor do they use goons to destroy their opponents.  On the contrary, they have conceded too much to the PNC at the detriment of themselves and the people of Guyana.  The attacks on the PPP congress in Berbice was an act of Burnhamite terror. It goes to show how violent the PNC is still is after all these years. One has to be naive to trust the PNC. Their objective is to get back into office and re-kindle the flames of tyranny. The AFC is facilitating them in their quest. They found a buanch of disenchanted men who they can play. 

The Guyanese must not allow the AFC to continue their reckless adventure with the PNC> 

Billy Ram Balgobin

He never threaten attack on the KN. What he told the journalist is that Glen Lall is attacking many people and some of these people would retaliate. He was cautioning the journalist about his own safety. Don't forget six people were killed at the KN headquarter some years ago. The KN suddenly change its tone and adopted an pro-PNC and anti-PPP posture. He has been safe from attacks since then. This should give you a clue as to who are the bad guys.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP gov't. is not a dictatorship. They do not control the electoral machinery nor do they use goons to destroy their opponents.  On the contrary, they have conceded too much to the PNC at the detriment of themselves and the people of Guyana.  The attacks on the PPP congress in Berbice was an act of Burnhamite terror. It goes to show how violent the PNC is still is after all these years. One has to be naive to trust the PNC. Their objective is to get back into office and re-kindle the flames of tyranny. The AFC is facilitating them in their quest. They found a buanch of disenchanted men who they can play. 

The Guyanese must not allow the AFC to continue their reckless adventure with the PNC> 

So who is Shawn Hinds and the gang of Afro-Guyanese men who live in Freedom House?  Alter bwoys?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP gov't. is not a dictatorship. They do not control the electoral machinery nor do they use goons to destroy their opponents.  On the contrary, they have conceded too much to the PNC at the detriment of themselves and the people of Guyana.  The attacks on the PPP congress in Berbice was an act of Burnhamite terror. It goes to show how violent the PNC is still is after all these years. One has to be naive to trust the PNC. Their objective is to get back into office and re-kindle the flames of tyranny. The AFC is facilitating them in their quest. They found a buanch of disenchanted men who they can play. 

The Guyanese must not allow the AFC to continue their reckless adventure with the PNC> 

So who is Shawn Hinds and the gang of Afro-Guyanese men who live in Freedom House?  Alter bwoys?

Kishan, whose hat are you wearing today? JB, Brian Teekah, Mahen, Davendra or you mamoo?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I have been silent on this matter but I shall speak my mind now.

I am a supporter of the AFC. The AFC is the underdog in Guyana's political milieu. I have always sided with underdogs. I sincerely want the AFC to win more seats next year.

Right now, however, we have to be realistic and not foolhardy.

The AFC has only 7 seats in the National Assembly. APNU has 26. Logically, the AFC cannot "lead" a pro-democracy coalition that includes APNU.

Mr Ramjattan's repeated use of the word "lead" is bound to arouse resentment and objections by APNU and that is exactly what the AFC must avoid right now.

If the AFC secures more votes than APNU in forthcoming elections, it would be in order to say it wants to lead a coalition.

What the AFC recently proposed amounts to a good idea but bad tactics and timing.




I admire your honesty.


You may disagree with me but the AFC leadership lacks organizational skills. While there PPP was quietly working on rebuilding their base, the AFC sat on their hands.


They just cannot sit behind computer screens and make press releases.


They need to build a party with foot soldiers and they failed to do so. They cannot rebuild in three months.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
You should stop admiring strong men and admire a high school education.

Too late for that, but some private tutoring not too late for our friend yuji. Shall we recommend Honorary Dr Priya Mannishchand? She will be out of work soon and may fly north.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
You should stop admiring strong men and admire a high school education.

Too late for that, but some private tutoring not too late for our friend yuji. Shall we recommend Honorary Dr Priya Mannishchand? She will be out of work soon and may fly north.

Night school in Brampton is still a valid route.............

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I have been silent on this matter but I shall speak my mind now.

I am a supporter of the AFC. The AFC is the underdog in Guyana's political milieu. I have always sided with underdogs. I sincerely want the AFC to win more seats next year.

Right now, however, we have to be realistic and not foolhardy.

The AFC has only 7 seats in the National Assembly. APNU has 26. Logically, the AFC cannot "lead" a pro-democracy coalition that includes APNU.

Mr Ramjattan's repeated use of the word "lead" is bound to arouse resentment and objections by APNU and that is exactly what the AFC must avoid right now.

If the AFC secures more votes than APNU in forthcoming elections, it would be in order to say it wants to lead a coalition.

What the AFC recently proposed amounts to a good idea but bad tactics and timing.




I admire your honesty.


You may disagree with me but the AFC leadership lacks organizational skills. While there PPP was quietly working on rebuilding their base, the AFC sat on their hands.


They just cannot sit behind computer screens and make press releases.


They need to build a party with foot soldiers and they failed to do so. They cannot rebuild in three months.

they do not need to rebuild nothing all they need to do is stop thieving the people money.but dogs like to suck egges

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
You should stop admiring strong men and admire a high school education.

Too late for that, but some private tutoring not too late for our friend yuji. Shall we recommend Honorary Dr Priya Mannishchand? She will be out of work soon and may fly north.


Priya may offer some assistance with the wheelchair.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
You should stop admiring strong men and admire a high school education.

Too late for that, but some private tutoring not too late for our friend yuji. Shall we recommend Honorary Dr Priya Mannishchand? She will be out of work soon and may fly north.


Priya may offer some assistance with the wheelchair.

this might be good she is too fat need to lose a ton

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
You should stop admiring strong men and admire a high school education.

Too late for that, but some private tutoring not too late for our friend yuji. Shall we recommend Honorary Dr Priya Mannishchand? She will be out of work soon and may fly north.


Priya may offer some assistance with the wheelchair.

this might be good she is too fat need to lose a ton

you all meking serious jokes about people waist line (or shall i say waste line)  


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