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Former Member

OK folks


Moses and the AFC had to run away from angry sugar workers.


AFC being an arm of the PNC had no problems supporting billions and billions for FREE ELECTRICITY for Linden.


But the AFC was willing to sell out the Sugar workers of Guyana by blocking subsidy for Sugar workers until angry sugar workers showed up and teach the AFC a lesson.


Time to put the AFC in the political graveyard with ROAR.


Stop supporting and donating to the rotten AFC.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Moses and the AFC had to run away from angry sugar workers.


AFC being an arm of the PNC had no problems supporting billions and billions for FREE ELECTRICITY for Linden.


But the AFC was willing to sell out the Sugar workers of Guyana by blocking subsidy for Sugar workers until angry sugar workers showed up and teach the AFC a lesson.


Time to put the AFC in the political graveyard with ROAR.


Stop supporting and donating to the rotten AFC.

RIP AFC.  Will APNU now become PNC again?  

--Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Moses and the AFC had to run away from angry sugar workers.


AFC being an arm of the PNC had no problems supporting billions and billions for FREE ELECTRICITY for Linden.


But the AFC was willing to sell out the Sugar workers of Guyana by blocking subsidy for Sugar workers until angry sugar workers showed up and teach the AFC a lesson.


Time to put the AFC in the political graveyard with ROAR.


Stop supporting and donating to the rotten AFC.

For one who complain about spamming, why don't you take your own advice? How any threads on sugar workers protest do we need with the same stupid slogans? Add being an ignorant troll to the spammer label. You do not present any facts for discussing.


As for the sugar subsidy being blocked...was that a fact or a manufactured news item put out by the PPP propaganda dark arts section? Get off your silly ass and present one iota of fact where the AFC or any opposition party said they will cut benefits to workers? More present one direct link of this subsidy to the poor sugar worker. They are not getting a dime.


You are simply a careless jackass regurgitating nonsense like the poor ignorant sugar worker who is being gulled to protest what would benefit him...knowledge ow where the money is going. He was never in the equation for wage increase or benefits.


The money went to once again plaster over a sore created and still being created by the corrupt PPP. This is simply one of many failed plan to bootstrap the industry. The industry is presently a disaster because of mismanagement, corruption and negligence. That is what hurts sugar workers and ignorant racists like you massaging the race line facilitates the treachery.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, This is of National IMPORTANCE. Let Yuji Bhai alone!!!

It is civic responsibility to ask where the money is going and have checks to ensure it went there.

I AGREE BUT you cant CUT before you get to see where it is going.

As stated one spoke of cute. That is PPP bilge. One asked for what was the plan ie justification for the spending. After all this is at least the sixth or seventh reorganization plan touted as necessary to bootstrap the industry and all failed to date. The industry is at 1964 production levels and losing money like a sieve. The repeated failures for well known reasons need explanation to see where the changes will be to make the money input effective.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Moses and the AFC had to run away from angry sugar workers.


AFC being an arm of the PNC had no problems supporting billions and billions for FREE ELECTRICITY for Linden.


But the AFC was willing to sell out the Sugar workers of Guyana by blocking subsidy for Sugar workers until angry sugar workers showed up and teach the AFC a lesson.


Time to put the AFC in the political graveyard with ROAR.


Stop supporting and donating to the rotten AFC.



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