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Will pro-democracy alliance widen? …AFC courts top PPP members

February 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

“…but the likes of Ashni Singh will be refused”- Nagamootoo  

By Abena Rockcliffe
Politicians who are closely associated with the incumbent People’s Progressive Party (PPP) are said

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

to be in talks with the Alliance For Change (AFC). These talks, according to senior AFC executive Moses Nagamootoo, are being conducted as PPP members have growing intentions to abort the Party and join the proposed pro-democracy alliance.
PPP members expressing interest in leaving the Party are speaking to the AFC by way of Nagamootoo, a former PPP stalwart.
Nagamootoo, a veteran politician, spent most of his political career as a high-ranking member of the PPP, so most of the individuals who are in contact with him are his former colleagues.
Kaieteur News learnt about the early negotiations yesterday just after AFC concluded its weekly press conference.
The man behind the negotiations—Nagamootoo—let the cat out of the bag as he responded to queries as to whether or not members of the PPP have signaled intentions to leave the Party after his public call for “untainted” members to join the proposed prodemocracy alliance. This call was made almost a month ago.
In this regard, Nagamootoo told Kaieteur News, “I am getting calls all the time…I am getting calls from lots of people associated with the PPP.”
Nagamootoo also said that he is getting “good vibes” from quite a few former PPP members.
Even as he opted not to divulge any of the names of the persons to whom he referred, Nagamootoo did not dismiss possibilities that he is in talks with persons who are current members of the PPP’s executive committee.
When asked directly to say whether any of the PPP’s members who are in talks with him are part of that committee, Nagamootoo’s only response was, “I am not going to specify.”
He noted however that some of those who are corresponding with him are inquiring about “possible space.”
Nagamootoo added, “That is why I spoke before about creating space for people.”
He said that the AFC would like to set aside three spaces in the new Cabinet for members who would have left the PPP and join the pro-democracy alliance.
The attorney-at-law said that the broad idea is to form a government of national unity “and that is not with intention to isolate the PPP or carry out any vendetta.”
Nagamootoo said that in thinking politics, one must accept that, “yes, there are people who may want to support the PPP and will do so for their own reason based on their own fears, so we want to show them that their votes are important too”.
Asked if in an effort to show voting Guyanese that each vote is important, the AFC would lean towards working with some of the characters believed to have contributed to the worrying levels of corruption in the PPP administration, Nagamootoo responded in the negative.
He said, “We still think that what (Minster of Finance) Dr. Ashni (Singh) did was outrageous. He unforgivably spent $4.5B of taxpayers’ money without being authorized to do so.”
The politician said that therefore, the AFC nor any alliance it is part of, will not accept Dr. Singh as he has proven to be “out of order.”
“There are some who we believe are going to be unpalatable!” Nagamootoo stated emphatically.
The politician said that he only wants to be in talks with PPP officials who have the best interest of Guyana at heart.
Asked what is the AFC’s most important message needed to be getting across to the voting population, Nagamootoo spoke to the benefits of national unity.
“Guyanese security lies in national unity. The AFC wants Guyanese to know that the broader the coalition, the better it will be for all of us. This is because we can bring an end to the racial polarization. Our message is that we need to revive the Guyana dream that all persons will be secure. There is no reason for anyone to fear and there is nothing to lose,” Nagamootoo said in conclusion.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I like Mr. Nagamootoo personally. I respect and esteem him greatly. However, I hope he's only paying lip service to Jagan and Jaganism since many of our mudheads seem to worship Jagan as some kind of incarnation of Brahman.


To any semi-intelligent/breathing Indian, Jagan should suffer damnatio memoriae for leading Indians into disaster. He is exclusively responsible for Guyana being handed to Burnham. He is exclusively responsible for shackling Indians to a Stalinist political party in perpetuity.


I'm willing to let him get away with lying to the mudheads about Jagan's great achievement in the field of breathing.


The PPP is a divided party. Loyal Jaganite stalwarts are not happy with the Jagdeo cabal's corruption, arrogance and extravagant lifestyle.

If some of the Jaganites abandon the PPP and join the AFC they will be sending a welcome signal to grassroots members who are also fed up with the PPP.

This will be a seismic shift, a tipping point, that will see the end of the PPP in government.

Regardless of what one thinks of Moses Nagamootoo, only he has the magnetism and capability to bleed the PPP.


Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP is a divided party. Loyal Jaganite stalwarts are not happy with the Jagdeo cabal's corruption, arrogance and extravagant lifestyle.

If some of the Jaganites abandon the PPP and join the AFC they will be sending a welcome signal to grassroots members who are also fed up with the PPP.

This will be a seismic shift, a tipping point, that will see the end of the PPP in government.

Regardless of what one thinks of Moses Nagamootoo, only he has the magnetism and capability to bleed the PPP.


I agree with your analysis and conclusion Sir. Which is why I'm willing to give him a free pass on the public Jagan worship.


I understand many of you current and former PPPites knew Jagan personally and he was a nice guy. I get it. I've never heard someone who personally knew Jagan say a bad word about him as a human being. Unfortunately, that's not how we judge men of state. By all reasonable measures of statecraft Jagan was an unmitigated disaster for Guyana in general and Indians in particular.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

If you cant handle FACTS get the hell out of the kitchen.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

So the KFC is not really a Party but an Outhouse receiving SHIT and PISS???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.

Drama Queen Moses is attempting to get some attention. Ignore them.



The PPP numbers are looking excellent. A greater than 54 percent majority is expected. I have looked at the numbers myself.


I have never been this excited. Let the stray dogs bark. I am just sitting back and enjoying as a desperate bunch of immature political observers post their daily nonsense.


AFC's top finance man quit amid allegations of massive corruption and fraud. He could no longer stand the stench of corruption and cover up in the AFC.


Bhai Gerhard made the correct decision in leaving the corrupt and dirty AFC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

If you cant handle FACTS get the hell out of the kitchen.


Sigh! Facepalm! Facepalm!


This is not as you envision it to be. This behavior that you seem to think is "heat" or some kind of display of machismo is actually just the behavior of the cliche fishmonger's wife at the public market.


And as an Indian, it makes us all look bad. It shows us as being uncivilized and immature in our public discourse.


This is the state of Indian public discourse today:


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

If you cant handle FACTS get the hell out of the kitchen.


Sigh! Facepalm! Facepalm!


This is not as you envision it to be. This behavior that you seem to think is "heat" or some kind of display of machismo is actually just the behavior of the cliche fishmonger's wife at the public market.


And as an Indian, it makes us all look bad. It shows us as being uncivilized and immature in our public discourse.


This is the state of Indian public discourse today:


HAHAHA Look who is talking!!!   You more SHAMELESS than MOses.  Sorry Moses, Shaitaan took your crown.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses is attempting to get some attention.



You ought to remember the 1973 elections. It was Moses on election night battling it out with the PNC people exposing the rigging of the elections by the Army while you were too busy masturbating.


Moses thoughts are scattered and has lost all credibility. He never used the words "untainted" before in his previous releases.He talks about "public call for “untainted” members to join the proposed prodemocracy alliance."He is referring here to PPP members. Moses has tainted members in his own AFC including its Chairman, Nigel Hughes who was the lawyer for the Foreman on the Lusignan massacre case. I never thought that i would say this about Moses. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
The PPP numbers are looking excellent. A greater than 54 percent majority is expected. I have looked at the numbers myself.


98.6 degree core temperature of Yuji22's Ass - 44.6 = 54% PPP/C Majority


I have seen countless political polls in my time. I have actually commissioned several through a well known firm in Washington but I've never come across this political equation.


Can you elaborate for us the rationale which underpin your formula

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
The PPP numbers are looking excellent. A greater than 54 percent majority is expected. I have looked at the numbers myself.


98.6 degree core temperature of Yuji22's Ass - 44.6 = 54% PPP/C Majority


I have seen countless political polls in my time. I have actually commissioned several through a well known firm in Washington but I've never come across this political equation.


Can you elaborate for us the rationale which underpin your formula

You did a lot of things but you still remain a FOOL.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Moses thoughts are scattered and has lost all credibility. He never used the words "untainted" before in his previous releases.He talks about "public call for “untainted” members to join the proposed prodemocracy alliance."He is referring here to PPP members. Moses has tainted members in his own AFC including its Chairman, Nigel Hughes who was the lawyer for the Foreman on the Lusignan massacre case. I never thought that i would say this about Moses. 

The AFC should focus on recruiting both PPP and PNC members and others born in the 70's or later. Criminals are entitled to Legal representation.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

moses nagamootoo

moses nagamootoo displying the ten commandments


The purpose of this letter is to announce my resignation from the Central Committee and as a member of the PPP with immediate effect.

Further, I confirm that I would not subscribe my name to the PPP’s List of Candidates for the 2011 National Elections, nor would I feature on the party’s platform, a decision I revealed to you on October 1, 2011.


I therefore request that the PPP/Civic refrain from further using my speeches and interviews from previous campaigns, and distorting same, to fool my supporters and the Guyanese electorate that I am campaigning in 2011 for the PPP/C.


I have now brought closure to my association with the PPP, which started 50 years ago in 1961, though I did not become a member until October 3, 1964. I came through the ranks to become Vice-Chairman of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), Secretary of the National Students Committee, Member of the PPP Central/Executive Committees and Secretariat; and Member of Parliament/Minister of Government.


I have always used my vast experience and knowledge in various positions, including journalism, to benefit the party and our people. I have travelled the long, bumpy and sometimes, treacherous road. The best years were those that I spent in struggle at the side of Cheddi Jagan, for which I feel pride.

Do you know these men ?

So, today, I walk with clean hands and a clear conscience. I have been critical inside the party as I have been bold outside, in the prosecution of our struggles and efforts to make our Guyana a better place.


In more recent years, I had taken a consistent stand over erosion of internal party democracy, corrupt practices, security lapses and arrogant, autocratic leadership.


During 2004-2006, serious disagreements over corruption and national policies led to my withdrawal from the party leadership, but I returned to the 2006 elections platform to preserve party unity, and to defend the gains we have made from struggles and sacrifices of our supporters.



I stand by every single word that I had uttered in 2006 – that the PPP was my home; that we shared a vision for the future based on Cheddi Jagan’s core principles, which could be summarized in two words – “lean” and “clean”. Unfortunately, the leadership has betrayed its promises as well as these values.


As much as I loved our “home”, there was just no space for me to help make it accountable, responsible and free from corruption.


The recent, awful disclosures by WikiLeaks should at least remind the leadership that “Moses had told us so!” I was hounded from the party leadership. For protesting against wrong-doings I was deemed to have resigned from the party’s Executive Committee. Then after the 2008 Congress, I was excluded by devious methods.



I have lost all faith in the current leadership. My association with the party has been compromised, and I can no longer in good conscience remain on the Central Committee or serve as a party member. I will not condone or be a part of any bullying, corruption and authoritarianism, more especially when these decaying practices emerged inside the organization to which I had dedicated all my life and to which I have given my finest efforts as activist, journalist and government minister.



The most grievous of these practices were public attacks on me for standing up against the threat to derecognize the sugar workers’ union, GAWU; and the exclusion of party members in what was a flaw-dulent process by which the presidential candidate for the 2011 elections was selected. The elementary practice of consultation was derailed.



My fight for political democracy was not against any personality but about principles and procedures and, above all, for the preservation of the integrity of the party. But I was nevertheless publicly maligned, labeled a “loser”, and bulldozed. I had come to the conclusion that a cabal had hijacked the PPP to serve narrow agendas of personal power, privileges, perks and pensionsover dedicated duty to our people.



Since I first entered politics in 1961, I am proud that I took the stand that I did, against dictatorship, for unity, democracy, press freedom and good governance. I am grateful to my parents, who endured the sacrifice; and to my wife and children, who suffered for it.


Though our work has begun, my dream for a developed, prosperous and secured land remains unfulfilled. So I give notice that I will continue to serve my beloved Guyana.



I promise to work with all patriots to bring healing, unity and lasting peace to our nation; to make our country grow, and to provide bread with equality and justice for all our people; to meaningfully help the poor, powerless and marginalized, and give hope and security to our new generation.


Yours sincerely,

Moses V. Nagamootoo


Cc: Chairman, Guyana Elections Commission

Fmr. President, Jimmy Carter, The Carter Center

Guyana, Regional & international media



First ever AFC Meeting - Cow Dam New Amsterdam.

Big crowd attended AFC's meeting at Cow Dam, New Amsterdam this evening.

A PNC Stronghold......A few days ago.



Last Nite Best Village

AFC yard meeting at Best village,

West Demerara last evening.

Residents voted in favour of

broad alliance contesting against and

unseating Ramotar unpopular regime in May elections.




Blue Caps, a youth volunteer group in Guyana, hosted first in series of "Let's Talk" with first guest being Moses Nagamootoo, long standing journalist and politician, and vice president of the Alliance for Change. Blue cappers are seen here with their guest recently in Georgetown.


Zeelust residents demand better life!

Zeelust's Nightmare:

distraught residents of Zeelust housing scheme, West Demerara,

complained to AFC vice-chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

about banditry, no electricity or roads in their community.


AFC Family - stay firm :

I want to say tonight that we understand the anxiety of our AFC Family who don't feel that we have given enough information about talks between AFC and APNU on an alliance strategy for the May 11 elections.


Yes, we have an agreement to zip our mouth but things have been leaking out and lots of speculations have been flying all over the place.


Some of it is fueled by the PPP which sees its demise in an a broad opposition alliance. So, they play the div...ide and rule card, but some of the speculations have been generated by our own constituents who expressed genuine concerns about ethnic security.

Wow! Our own!


Look:: the hurdle here

is to put  the minority corrupt

PPP Ramotar/jagdeo clique out.

How to do this is by UNITY. 

I have travelled to the grassroots, and there are real concerns.

We cannot brush aside ethnic security,

and we must address this fear

that exists among mainly Indo- and -Afro Guyanese.


We can pick the best idealistic new Cabinet but we need to pick firstly the best probable Guyanese choice of who they trust and who can deliver actual cross-over bores.


All else is academic, emotional and speculative.

We need a STATEGIC alliance -

broad based and inclusive.

We need the votes to cross the 50% line to people's empowerment,

AFC fighters: we are holding the line!  

We will sacrifice for unity but in the end, Guyana must win.

We will win!


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

So the KFC is not really a Party

but an Outhouse

receiving SHIT and PISS???


Nehru say this is Shit & Piss

Do you know these men ?

But Kwame & Lamumba is de Real Thing


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

So the KFC is not really a Party

but an Outhouse

receiving SHIT and PISS???


Nehru say this is Shit & Piss

Do you know these men ?

But Kwame & Lamumba is de Real Thing

 AFC fighters:

we are holding the line! 


We will sacrifice for unity but in the end,


Guyana must win.

We will win!



Suh we gweing to have a Moses clique. I see Moses clique once before-Kellawan Lall, Borje and few others. Please God help Guyana. 


Some of the clique ripped off Guyanese citizens under the 1992 PPP victory. And now you gentlemen want Moses to include PPPite in the new government.


Who do you think he is going select?


Some of u fellas, should think out of a box. Jagan had corruptible ppl from day one. Doan think this present crooks are new to the PPP. 



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP is a divided party. Loyal Jaganite stalwarts are not happy with the Jagdeo cabal's corruption, arrogance and extravagant lifestyle.

If some of the Jaganites abandon the PPP and join the AFC they will be sending a welcome signal to grassroots members who are also fed up with the PPP.

This will be a seismic shift, a tipping point, that will see the end of the PPP in government.

Regardless of what one thinks of Moses Nagamootoo, only he has the magnetism and capability to bleed the PPP.

The AFC NEVER allowed itself to truly foster leadership. Ramjattan belives Moses is the best ting since sliced bread. And he personally sought him. From then on the AFC became a CLOSED party-just like the PPP. 


Magnetism-we will nevr know who else has charisma. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
The PPP numbers are looking excellent. A greater than 54 percent majority is expected. I have looked at the numbers myself.


98.6 degree core temperature of Yuji22's Ass - 44.6 = 54% PPP/C Majority


I have seen countless political polls in my time. I have actually commissioned several through a well known firm in Washington but I've never come across this political equation.


Can you elaborate for us the rationale which underpin your formula

You did a lot of things but you still remain a FOOL.


Insult me with a little more wit and charm. I actually enjoy reading a good take down. I'm sure you can do better than "fool"

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Last minute DESPERATION can burst Pipe. When someone is obsessed with gaining Power and see that the possibility of NOT gaining that desired POWER is remote( Seems like PNC kicking him like a stray Dog) one will do anything to be in Power. I feel sorry for a Chap whose quest for Power has turn him into a Loser and a Shameless person.


Is it possible that we Coolies can allow a fellow Coolie the basic decency of publicly being a non-PPPite without trying to personally shred the man?


I so admire the Blacks of Guyana for this. They're so damn civilized in many respects compared to Indians but especially in this regard. A Black who is not a member of the PNC (and not a member of the PPP) is not personally demonized and called all kinds of petty names and treated as some race traitor.


Why can't Indians grow up? One can be against the PPP without having to turn in one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

So the KFC is not really a Party but an Outhouse receiving SHIT and PISS???

I beginning to think, that is what Moses's new vision is. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, You do it to yourself daily, you do not need my help.


I hate to burst your bubble but disagreeing with Nehru and the PPP does not make one a fool.


It means we have a difference of opinion. That's all.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh we gweing to have a Moses clique. I see Moses clique once before-Kellawan Lall, Borje and few others. Please God help Guyana. 


Some of the clique ripped off Guyanese citizens under the 1992 PPP victory. And now you gentlemen want Moses to include PPPite in the new government.


Who do you think he is going select?


Some of u fellas, should think out of a box. Jagan had corruptible ppl from day one. Doan think this present crooks are new to the PPP. 



Sagie do you have a Problem

with the Genuine Sugar Workers Representatives

& The Rice Industry Representatives

from the PPP????


Do you have a Problem with

Clinton Collimore or Indira Chandrapaul

and the Real Grass Root Leaders in the PPP????


I agree with you...


there is no space for

thieves & Bandits like

Jagdeo, Ashni Singh, Prya,


there is no space for

Dhar Poke & Chat-3 like

Anil, Manniram, Eddie Boyer,

Ramroop, Jerry and Ramesh ....


there is no space for

 thugs & Criminals like

Kwame, Lamumba,

Nascimento, McClean,

Hamilton, Bynoe and Edgehill.  

Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh we gweing to have a Moses clique. I see Moses clique once before-Kellawan Lall, Borje and few others. Please God help Guyana. 


Some of the clique ripped off Guyanese citizens under the 1992 PPP victory. And now you gentlemen want Moses to include PPPite in the new government.


Who do you think he is going select?


Some of u fellas, should think out of a box. Jagan had corruptible ppl from day one. Doan think this present crooks are new to the PPP. 



 AFC fighters:

we are holding the line! 


We will sacrifice for unity but in the end,


Guyana must win.

We will win!

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh we gweing to have a Moses clique. I see Moses clique once before-Kellawan Lall, Borje and few others. Please God help Guyana. 


Some of the clique ripped off Guyanese citizens under the 1992 PPP victory. And now you gentlemen want Moses to include PPPite in the new government.


Who do you think he is going select?


Some of u fellas, should think out of a box. Jagan had corruptible ppl from day one. Doan think this present crooks are new to the PPP. 



Sagie do you have a Problem

with the Genuine Sugar Workers Representatives

& The Rice Industry Representatives

from the PPP????


Do you have a Problem with

Clinton Collimore or Indira Chandrapaul

and the Real Grass Root Leaders in the PPP????


I agree with you...


there is no space for

thieves & Bandits like

Jagdeo, Ashni Singh, Prya,


there is no space for

Dhar Poke & Chat-3 like

Anil, Manniram, Eddie Boyer,

Ramroop, Jerry and Ramesh ....


there is no space for

 thugs & Criminals like

Kwame, Lamumba,

Nascimento, McClean,

Hamilton, Bynoe and Edgehill.  

Chandrapal? Shite bro. That was a player in Moses Clique. Some of Moses clique ripped off the water project hundreds of thousands of US$. U ever wonder y the hundreds of million US$ spent Guyanese still doan have potable water.


Moses Nagamootoo should cut his shite out and doan talk about getting his PPP crooks with a new government. He better stop his shite about praising the Jagans. Other wise I will have to brief Granger. No point telling the AFC shyte, Ramjattan knows all the shyte taht went on. The AFC is like the PPP and Moses got them there.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Shaitaan, You do it to yourself daily, you do not need my help.


I hate to burst your bubble but disagreeing with Nehru and the PPP does not make one a fool.


It means we have a difference of opinion. That's all.

So have your opinion, I have no problem with that. You better respect my opinion too!!!!



Indra has powerful Grass Root Connections....

But....if she is or was a Thief....

and we got the Proof....

I agree you do not want to tie bundle with her.

Let her face the Law


But besides Indra

Why yuh want distance yuh self

from those representing

the Rice & Sugar workers in Guyana...


wha yuh got against these people...

what yuh got against collimore...

I hope is not just Race


AFC fighters:

we are holding the line! 


We will sacrifice for unity

but in the end,


Guyana must win.

We will win!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

His quest for POWER has reduced him to the likes of Ranji Chandisingh and others. There were a few Pandits also who kissed Bunham ass.

One man's "quest for power" is another man's desire for transparency and clean government. Nehru, you are religious in your view of Moses. You have gone past demagoguery and absolutism in thinking about Moses.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

His quest for POWER has reduced him to the likes of Ranji Chandisingh and others. There were a few Pandits also who kissed Bunham ass.

One man's "quest for power" is another man's desire for transparency and clean government. Nehru, you are religious in your view of Moses. You have gone past demagoguery and absolutism in thinking about Moses.

Kari, In the history of the World has there been a Political Figure that changed Party a few weeks before a National Election??  Has there been one who two months before a Major Election running around looking for anyone to join him/her in their quest for power???

Originally Posted by Jalil:


Indra has powerful Grass Root Connections....

But....if she is or was a Thief....

and we got the Proof....

I agree you do not want to tie bundle with her.

Let her face the Law


But besides Indra

Why yuh want distance yuh self

from those representing

the Rice & Sugar workers in Guyana...


wha yuh got against these people...

what yuh got against collimore...

I hope is not just Race


AFC fighters:

we are holding the line! 


We will sacrifice for unity

but in the end,


Guyana must win.

We will win!

If u are close to Moses, ask him about the square pegs in round holes, that many have complained about for ages. In 1992, there were alot of lobbyists with the PPP. They gave contracts to people who had no idea about the projects they awarded contracts. This thing with Alexies Ramotar is nothing new. Back in 1992, water and housing was greatest urgency. Before Irfaan Ali, who is tainted for getting rich from bribery. That Housing Ministry has given wealth to every minister that held the portfolio. Water Agency was a family ran enterprise full of crookish deals. The PPP been ripping off the Guyanese people for the last 65 years.


The men and women who plant and grow has NEVER recieved their fair dues, Just examine the Sugar and Rice Boards. Are these the people who will speak for the famers? Cheddie replaced PNC appointed boards who did nothing for rice and sugar. See the results today.


Collymore too old now. Even thogh I might have his age. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

His quest for POWER has reduced him to the likes of Ranji Chandisingh and others. There were a few Pandits also who kissed Bunham ass.

One man's "quest for power" is another man's desire for transparency and clean government. Nehru, you are religious in your view of Moses. You have gone past demagoguery and absolutism in thinking about Moses.

Kari, In the history of the World has there been a Political Figure that changed Party a few weeks before a National Election?? 

Nehru na look all over de World.

Leh abee concentrate pun Guyana...

and leh abee narrow it down to PPP...



Has there been one who two months before a Major Election running around looking for anyone to join him/her in their quest for power???

Now...yuh want know History....

So leh abee teach you...wha yuh na know...

Lesson #1 - One of the Founders and

First Member of the PPP

was Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham....

forbes burnham | President Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham

Nehru History Lesson...


Nehru do you know PPP been

begging Burnham (Non-Stop) fuh come back

in the PPP from the second he left

up until the minute he dead in 1985????

Forbes Burnham

Nehru Do You Know????

this is long before aya Dream of

making Buggerman Kwame

a Leader & Executive of the PPP

and Give him an office with the President.

Portrait of Forbes Burnham 


Nehru Do You Know????

this is long before aya Dream of

making De Black House of Israel Thug

a Leader & MP for the PPP

and Give him an office with the President.



Nehru Do You Know????

this is long before aya Dream of

making Kit Nascimento

de PNC Spokesman and Racist

a Political Consultant to the PPP

and an advisor to the President.

Forbes Burnham 

Nehru Do You Know????

this is long before aya Dream of

making Norman McClean

(1) who was head of the GDF when Rodney was Killed

(2) Head of the GDF when the Army was Stealing Ballot Boxes

(3)Head of the National Service when Indian Girls were being Raped.

Now Nehru tell abee....WHO

mek Norman McClean

a Political Consultant to the PPP 

and an advisor to the President.

Forbes Burnham Photo 

Nehru History Lesson...

Who was the First Chairman of the PPP???



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

Mitwah its obvious that your mental insanity is rendering you useless.  If the AFC is trying to woo the PNC into some sort of alliance they cannot simultaneously call them bloodthirsty and racist and try to woo their members.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
one's Indian Jahaji Membership Card.
CaribJ are you Quoting Mitwah here
or are you making up Racist Lies like yuh Buddy Kwame.
J yuh gon need nuff Vaseline fuh pass this Lie

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.

Mitwah its obvious that your mental insanity is rendering you useless.  If the AFC is trying to woo the PNC into some sort of alliance they cannot simultaneously call them bloodthirsty and racist and try to woo their members.



Look at Mitwah Post and please tell me why CrabibJ cannot be Honest...
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC should actively recruit disenchanted disgruntled PPP and PNC members.


CaribJ get caught again a Bareface Thiefman....


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