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How the PPP and PNC have damaged the Guyanese psyche and morality



DEAR EDITOR: There are three grave tragedies of the Guyanese condition created or magnified by our divisive politics since 1950. One is the scourge of racism and ethnic polarization. Another is moral and psychological degradation of the nation. The third is economic impoverishment. The first and the last elements have always existed in this land since the events pre- and post-Emancipation reshaped this landscape. The moral and psychological degradation of the Guyanese people before the arrival of the bitter struggles of the PPP and the PNC was limited to the immoral domination by the bourgeoisie of the working class. The working class majority itself was peaceful, hardworking and decent-minded people grounded in justice and fairness in a sharing and crime-free working class stratum despite their sufferings. That changed with the arrival of the PPP and the PNC. They introduced full-scale ethnic division and racial apartheid politics to Guyana. They caused their constituencies who were 85% of the population to adopt morally fraudulent and catastrophic positions out of this racial division. It was no longer what was right, just or fair, but what was racially opportunistic. Negative ethnic generalizations and stereotyping became full-blown diseases under their reigns. All Africans were the PNC and all Indians were the PPP. Moral hypocrisy strutted supreme. A dictatorial PNC government was to be overthrown by a Stalinist PPP party that crushed democracy. PNC socialism injected with healthy communist action (see nationalization) was condemned by the PPP and its supporters who advocated in the same breath the replacement with a communist state. PNC supporters sinfully accepted the atrocities of the PNC government just like PPP supporters support the abominations of the PPP government today. In the grand circle of irony, these two groups of supporters have become one and the same. This moral undermining of the nation that took place in the racial-political struggles of the fifties and sixties have left an indelible stain on this nation’s psyche and morality. Even today, there are calls for the repetition of these stereotypes as evidenced during the 2011 election campaign when Bharrat Jagdeo reminded those who endured the PNC struggles to recall those experiences for the youths of today. The moral damage was not limited to the psychological operations of the PPP and PNC and their race-driven political orgy. It has to do with the economic woe the PPP and PNC left this nation. Both of these parties have been dismal economic managers. Despite its working class rhetoric, the PPP’s economic management from 1957 to 1964 was a failure that saw economic decline and hardship for the working class along with increasing corruption. The PNC was handed an economy in gradual decline in 1964 and took it over the precipice with a reckless socialist policy accompanied by corruption and mismanagement. In 1992, the PPP got a destroyed economy that was beginning to grow again and has delivered modest growth in an era of the greatest worldwide economic growth. The modest gains the PPP achieved have been largely shifted by deliberative government policy into the hands of a new upper class who benefit from the largesse and corruption of the PPP. All of this economic mismanagement has pushed the majority of this country to moral corruption in order to survive. Not only do they have to work for immoral government, they are constantly morally debasing themselves in order to obtain a basic modicum of decent living. Even worse, this is now instinctive and normal for many. By allowing illegal activity like drug trafficking to flourish, the PPP has firmly destroyed the already wavering moral core of this country. Economic destitution leads to moral equivalency and Guyana since the fifties has been a prime example of this truism. We have people who condone or execute all manner of atrocity for fear of losing that laughable paycheque in a country of rampant unemployment. In dictatorial governments, people become afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation and harm. The mind becomes Pavlovian, directed by the dictates of the regime. This is what has happened in Guyana since the fifties. Slavery was abolished some 175 years ago while Indentureship ended 96 years ago, yet this nation remains very much a plantation moved by race and economic survival. This gives us the constant moral massacre or the annihilation of the moral code of this nation. Right and wrong is relative in this nation because there is no moral line left that cannot be crossed. Wrong is very right in Guyana and right is often wrong and illusory. We are a nation in a moral quagmire from which extraction requires sacrifice, which we lack. In every country that has built itself from ruins, except Guyana, there is an unmissable connection between sacrifice and struggle and moral reclamation. In these countries, people struggle, scrimp, sacrifice and battle to improve their lot, but they also possess a powerful moral philosophy about it; that they will endorse those who will help them achieve their redemption and reject those who are morally abject. In Guyana, we have a generally hardworking nation that somehow abandons that moral requirement that is vital to their ultimate advancement. If people refuse to attach moral expectations and demands to their struggles, they will inherit societies constantly derailed by the immoral leadership and political parties they refuse to change. Convenient moral blindness produces no economic profit or advancement out of poverty. You cannot expect less choke-and-rob of your earnings when you allow more choke-and-rob of your taxes by the rulers of the state. Choke-and-robbers at the top lead to choke-and-robbers at the bottom. Moral hypocrisy allows crooks to bully a populace. Moral convenience leads to an immoral society where vagabonds thrive and in such a society only a handful of the depraved are enough to demonize and crush the rest. The PPP and PNC have destroyed the morale of this nation and wrecked its psyche. Too many are worried about how those of another race or class are voting or how their own race or class are voting and not focused on what is important to them. That self-focus, which is evident in wealthy nations, and which allowed a White-dominated society like the USA to elect a Black President, is grounded in that element of morality that is missing in Guyana.

M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Berbicians have had enough of the AFC working hand in hand with the dirty PNC to destroy Guyana.


AFC also fails to address corruption charges by one of their own.


The PPP unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice that will exterminate the AFC.


Time for for the rotten AFC to fold tent and move elsewhere.


A vote for the AFC is to bring back the dirty and rotten PNC. 

Welcome back, the PPP fight has been extremely weak since you left and I only had the PNC boys to beat up on.  Now you are back, it is back to the WAR on the PPP.



Thank you for coming back.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Berbicians have had enough of the AFC working hand in hand with the dirty PNC to destroy Guyana.


AFC also fails to address corruption charges by one of their own.


The PPP unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice that will exterminate the AFC.


Time for for the rotten AFC to fold tent and move elsewhere.


A vote for the AFC is to bring back the dirty and rotten PNC. 

i want you to answer the charged from these AFC boys.


It can be done, but please stop the lies!


In Hindu philosophy we have a Sanskrit quote from the BαΉ›hadāraαΉ‡yaka Upanishad β€œasato ma sadgamaya” which translates loosely into β€œlead me from the asat to the sat – from untruth and non-reality to truth and reality”.
What the PPP has attempted on Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan with respect to this latest GuySuCo issue, is a revelation that the PPP is very prepared to continue to live in the domain of the β€œquadrupled monster”. Only such a beast can tell such a blatant untruth with such a straight face and hope to get away with it.
For the record, Mr. Ramjattan never said, β€œif the AFC has its way, they will close the sugar industry and use the cane fields to cultivate tilapia,” as was willingly misrepresented by GINA.
If one is to reflect back to May 11, 2011 in the run-up to the 2011 General Elections, it was Mr. Ramjattan who at an AFC Press Conference categorically stated that GuySuCo must move to greater mechanization to cut cost and it is the duty of the industry to find employment for the disenchanted workers who are staying away from the slave-like conditions in the field.
At that Press Conference, Mr. Ramjattan clearly stated that his party is β€œcommitted to building a sugar industry that is based on innovation and sustainability where the infrastructural and technological needs of the industry are in place”. The operative words here are β€œbuilding a sugar industry”.
He further told reporters at that Press Conference that in the AFC’s sugar action plan, the party has plans to create many new jobs by engaging investors in ethanol production. He commended the Jagdeo Government on the Enmore Packaging Plant and demanded that more of such value added ventures could be undertaken to save the industry.
This is a clear AFC public policy, as certified in the AFC Action Plan. Nowhere in the AFC’s Action Plan is there any strategy to close down sugar production as is being misrepresented by the PPP today as they practice their trade-mark of β€œgutter politics” in their determined quest to follow their racist political playbook to regain lost political grounds in Berbice that the AFC took from them in a fair campaign on the issues.
Any rational mind reading such positions from the AFC will find not one statement to substantiate this blatant falsehood from the PPP. So why this untruth?
This public display of gross deception brings us straight to Romans 3:13 and we quote β€œTheir throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips”. This is NOT how politics ought to be practiced.
It has been more than five years now and even after two Ministers, GuySuCo is still turning on its head, all because the PPP remains clueless on how to undo the travesty called the Skeldon White Elephant. In 1990 under Hoyte, the cost of production at GuySuCo was 18.8 cents per lb as certified by the World Bank. By 1998 when the Jagans departed office, the production cost was 22.1 cents per lb as certified by the National Development Strategy. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. These facts cannot be washed away with lies and untruths.
The Skeldon Sugar Factory was presented to the Guyanese people as the primary strategy to reducing the production cost to 21.8 cents per lb by 2013, but the PPP failed miserably on this task. This continued mis-management of the industry over the last 14 years under the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, has brought nothing but perpetual poverty to the majority of the people on the sugar belt.
But as classic Stalinists, they blame the world for their under-performance. Well in 2011 the Berbicians saw through their lies and told them at the ballot boxes what they think of them as a Government. So does the PPP think more lies today will help them at the ballot boxes in 2014 or 2016?
We in the AFC firmly believe that the sugar belt can be turned around, but it has to be done using the best technical skills, both locally and internationally, especially from Brazil and India.
The Government of Guyana has to make a determined effort to increase production along with a strategy to move the process to more value added activities like more production of packaged β€œfood-grade” Demerara Gold, more sale of electricity to the national grid and of course, ethanol production to aid our fuel imports.
Yes, we in the AFC believe it can be done, but please stop the lies!
Dr. Veersammy Ramaya (MP) and Sasenarine Singh


GuySuCo is still turning on its head, all because the PPP remains clueless on how to undo the travesty called the Skeldon White Elephant. In 1990 under Hoyte, the cost of production at GuySuCo was 18.8 cents per lb as certified by the World Bank. By 1998 when the Jagans departed office, the production cost was 22.1 cents per lb as certified by the National Development Strategy. At the end of 2013, after 14 years of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, GuySuCo was producing sugar at 39.9 cents per lb, while we sell sugar to the EU market at 21.9 cents per lb as certified by the GuySuCo 2013-2017 Strategic Plan. These facts cannot be washed away with lies and untruths.
The Skeldon Sugar Factory was presented to the Guyanese people as the primary strategy to reducing the production cost to 21.8 cents per lb by 2013, but the PPP failed miserably on this task. This continued mis-management of the industry over the last 14 years under the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, has brought nothing but perpetual poverty to the majority of the people on the sugar belt.





Please do not run back into your hole.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Berbicians have had enough of the AFC working hand in hand with the dirty PNC to destroy Guyana.


AFC also fails to address corruption charges by one of their own.


The PPP unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice that will exterminate the AFC.


Time for for the rotten AFC to fold tent and move elsewhere.


A vote for the AFC is to bring back the dirty and rotten PNC. 

Welcome back, the PPP fight has been extremely weak since you left and I only had the PNC boys to beat up on.  Now you are back, it is back to the WAR on the PPP.



Thank you for coming back.



War Break


Listen, yuji does not consider KN TOILET PAPER reporting as being credible. I will only respond to facts.


How about we start by addressing massive corruption in the AFC ?


TK and others fled at the stench of corruption.


Talk is cheap. Bring me the facts.


PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. Minority or Majority. The AFC is now baigan choka in Berbice. 


Ghanda eggs were enough for the AFC recently in Rosignal.


yuji22 brays: "PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. Minority or Majority. The AFC is now baigan choka in Berbice."

The parochial and narrow-minded yuji believes Berbice is Guyana.

Fact is, the whole country is waking up to the massive corruption of PPP officials at central and local government levels.

The PPP must go.

This yuji22 wants to wipe off the AFC. In his morbid dreams.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22 brays: "PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. Minority or Majority. The AFC is now baigan choka in Berbice."

The parochial and narrow-minded yuji believes Berbice is Guyana.

Fact is, the whole country is waking up to the massive corruption of PPP officials at central and local government levels.

The PPP must go.

This yuji22 wants to wipe off the AFC. In his morbid dreams.


Gil is an old school communist propaganda type. It will not work here.


Listen, word form the ground in Berbice is that the AFC has been reduced to Baigan Choka. 


PPP for another 100 years, get used to it.


BTW, yuji is not a traitor and will remain PPP until he dies. 


A vote for AFC = A vote for the dirty and rotten PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji22 brays: "PPP will govern Guyana for another 100 years. Minority or Majority. The AFC is now baigan choka in Berbice."

The parochial and narrow-minded yuji believes Berbice is Guyana.

Fact is, the whole country is waking up to the massive corruption of PPP officials at central and local government levels.

The PPP must go.

This yuji22 wants to wipe off the AFC. In his morbid dreams.


Gil is an old school communist propaganda type. It will not work here.

Communism is no longer relevant, you ignoramus. Don't paste "communist" label on me.



BTW, yuji is not a traitor and will remain PPP until he dies. 

If you're insinuating that those of us who deserted the corrupt PPP are traitors, you're way off the mark.

The present Freedom House cabal are the real traitors. They pay lip service to Cheddi Jagan while living a high lifestyle that Jagan despised.



yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die.


I can sense the envy shown towards the loyal and faithful PPP supporters who stood with the PPP through tough times. They never abandoned their party, unlike traitors who now support the rotten PNC.


Traitors further degrade themselves by openly supporting the PNC.


Dis time na laang time. People will enhance their standards of living, unlike some who choose to live off social assistance in an apartment.


Listen, yuji has great respect and admiration of those who are loyal and faithful. This is golden rule in the corporate world.


Now since, you are trying to sling mud on PPP faithful, can you please provide specific proofs ? Until then, you have further degraded your integrity.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die.



You have rubbished your own words so many times on this forum; it's only a matter of time before you eat "yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die."

You've made yourself the biggest joker on this forum and you're really proud of it, the way you're behaving this morning. Carry on smartly.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die.



You have rubbished your own words so many times on this forum; it's only a matter of time before you eat "yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die."

You've made yourself the biggest joker on this forum and you're really proud of it, the way you're behaving this morning. Carry on smartly.




Professionally, you need to adhere to rules of engagement. You will continue to degrade yourself by your personal attacks. 


As a poster, yuji has every right to express his political opinion. You have every right the counter my political opinion. You are displaying a lack of maturity by personally attacking yuji.


Carry on.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die.



You have rubbished your own words so many times on this forum; it's only a matter of time before you eat "yuji will NEVER become a traitor. PPP until I die."

You've made yourself the biggest joker on this forum and you're really proud of it, the way you're behaving this morning. Carry on smartly.




Professionally, you need to adhere to rules of engagement. You will continue to degrade yourself by your personal attacks. 

And you're not degrading yourself. You already forget you call me traitor and back stabber and that I sold my soul and that I'm acting like a setting fowl. All that in one morning, this morning.


As a poster, yuji has every right to express his political opinion. You have every right the counter my political opinion. You are displaying a lack of maturity by personally attacking yuji.

And you're not personally attacking me, eh? You who don't have regard for your own words have maturity, eh?


Carry on.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Berbicians have had enough of the AFC working hand in hand with the dirty PNC to destroy Guyana.


AFC also fails to address corruption charges by one of their own.


The PPP unleashed a massive campaign in Berbice that will exterminate the AFC.


Time for for the rotten AFC to fold tent and move elsewhere.


A vote for the AFC is to bring back the dirty and rotten PNC. 

Yu feel nice now YUJI.


Alright, call the LOCAL Elections NOW!.  GECOM seh deh ready, the PPP seh they ready, the APNU seh deh ready, Ramjattan seh he ready.


LIKE GOAT bite Ramu and Wittaker to cause them not to be ready?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Berbicians who voted AFC was shocked beyond belief when they saw Ramjattan on television telling the nation that agents from Freedom House carried out the killing of demonstrators in Linden. The banna (KR) has been on a smear campaign. HIs party, the AFC, is becoming irrevelant.

suh is who gun down dem protestors @ the bridge?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Berbicians who voted AFC was shocked beyond belief when they saw Ramjattan on television telling the nation that agents from Freedom House carried out the killing of demonstrators in Linden. The banna (KR) has been on a smear campaign. HIs party, the AFC, is becoming irrevelant.

Berbicians have no business in what happened in Linden as they werent there.


What Berbice should worry about is the destruction of the sugar industry by the PPP, which has no reduced Guysuco to levels WORSE than how it was when Hoyte demitted office.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Berbicians who voted AFC was shocked beyond belief when they saw Ramjattan on television telling the nation that agents from Freedom House carried out the killing of demonstrators in Linden. The banna (KR) has been on a smear campaign. HIs party, the AFC, is becoming irrevelant.

Berbicians have no business in what happened in Linden as they werent there.


What Berbice should worry about is the destruction of the sugar industry by the PPP, which has no reduced Guysuco to levels WORSE than how it was when Hoyte demitted office.

I think this is very arrogant of you Sir.  Berbicians are human beings and they have the right to worry about anything, be it Linden or Sugar.


It is not your place to lecture the Berbicians.


This is worrying, is this how the PNC plan to rule if they win, by DICKTAT?



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I think this is very arrogant of you Sir.  Berbicians are human beings and they have the right to worry about anything, be it Linden or Sugar.


It is not your place to lecture the Berbicians.


This is worrying, is this how the PNC plan to rule if they win, by DICKTAT?



Ok people in Georgetown think that Guysuco should be shut down and not kept open because folks like you think that some people will starve.


Of course G/twn people will not be impacted but then according to you, they have a right to determine what happens to others.


Dont whine to me about poor sugar workers because I am not impressed.  They have no more rights than bauxite workers.


40c spent to earn 22c revenue.  SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I think this is very arrogant of you Sir.  Berbicians are human beings and they have the right to worry about anything, be it Linden or Sugar.


It is not your place to lecture the Berbicians.


This is worrying, is this how the PNC plan to rule if they win, by DICKTAT?



Ok people in Georgetown think that Guysuco should be shut down and not kept open because folks like you think that some people will starve.


Of course G/twn people will not be impacted but then according to you, they have a right to determine what happens to others.


Dont whine to me about poor sugar workers because I am not impressed.  They have no more rights than bauxite workers.


40c spent to earn 22c revenue.  SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!!!!

Alright when the PNC win, sell am, until then, bear your chafe!


That statement is red is being read by them PPP bannas and they will use it against the AFC and APNU in the general elections.


Sorry fuh the AFC since all them Berbicians will run back home.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I think this is very arrogant of you Sir.  Berbicians are human beings and they have the right to worry about anything, be it Linden or Sugar.


It is not your place to lecture the Berbicians.


This is worrying, is this how the PNC plan to rule if they win, by DICKTAT?



Ok people in Georgetown think that Guysuco should be shut down and not kept open because folks like you think that some people will starve.


Of course G/twn people will not be impacted but then according to you, they have a right to determine what happens to others.


Dont whine to me about poor sugar workers because I am not impressed.  They have no more rights than bauxite workers.


40c spent to earn 22c revenue.  SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!!!!

Alright when the PNC win, sell am, until then, bear your chafe!


That statement is red is being read by them PPP bannas and they will use it against the AFC and APNU in the general elections.


Sorry fuh the AFC since all them Berbicians will run back home.



suh a single "statement" on GNI by anonymous poster CaribNY will cause a stampede back to de PPP plantation next election . . . hmmm?


cranicle 'reasoning' by smartman PPP 'strategists' still in full effect with de ignar crew i seee


sounds to me like PPP eyepass, more like rasspass, rolled up in contempt for Indo-Berbicians

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


Dont whine to me about poor sugar workers because I am not impressed.  They have no more rights than bauxite workers.


40c spent to earn 22c revenue.  SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!!!!

Alright when the PNC win, sell am, until then, bear your chafe!


That statement is red is being read by them PPP bannas and they will use it against the AFC and APNU in the general elections.


Sorry fuh the AFC since all them Berbicians will run back home.





Bear my chafe!  I dont live in Guyana.  So dont worry about me.


Talk about what happens if a segment of the 40% who people write off as being unimportant block bridges and roads, as they have done in the past.    They dont feel as if they have anything to lose, but I do recall many others have a very different view of that.

What did you have to say when thousands of people in Linden lost their jobs?  Nothing I bet.


If starvation is OK for blacks then its OK for others as well.  I am sick and tired of policy in Guyana being determined ONLY by what Indians think or feel.


The policy was for Guymine to be sold because it was a drain.  No consideration was given to the thousands who lost their jobs.  They had to fend for themselves.


Well consistency and fairness dictates that Guysuco also be sold.  The fact that it is Indians and not blacks who will suffer ought not to be any more a factor than when it was decided that Guymine be sold.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses made a quiet trip to Queens and headed back home without meeting with the community.  You don't have to think hard why he did that. The brother is facing isolation


Moses is like a worn out tire. Zero traction.


He now has to settle for third fiddle in the AFC. Poor Old Man Moses.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses made a quiet trip to Queens and headed back home without meeting with the community.  You don't have to think hard why he did that. The brother is facing isolation


Moses is like a worn out tire. Zero traction.


He now has to settle for third fiddle in the AFC. Poor Old Man Moses.

More reason for the PPP to call the elections.  Why you all delaying?  Why you all afraid??


Why you all lie on Surujbally saying he nah ready fuh elections when the man buss you all bag up by declaring he ready like FREDDIE.


Name the blasted date and let the licks share on the PPP.


It would be in the interest of the Combined PNC/AFC party to pass the budget.


If that fails, then National Elections.


Five More years for the PPP. Five more years.


Berbicians now identify the AFC with the rotten and dirty PNC and they see the AFC as a corrupt party.


Ask TK and others who fled the AFC after the stench in the AFC became unbearable.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

It would be in the interest of the Combined PNC/AFC party to pass the budget.


If that fails, then National Elections.


Five More years for the PPP. Five more years.


Berbicians now identify the AFC with the rotten and dirty PNC and they see the AFC as a corrupt party.


Ask TK and others who fled the AFC after the stench in the AFC became unbearable.



TK fled to the APNU because he is a political opportunitist.  He does not see a seat in Parlaiment with the AFC and quite rightly so, why should the AFC give any foreigner a seat when they got Patterson, Gerhard and all them LOCAL boys wuking for the party?


The AFC is on target to win 15 seats and they got 15 people locally to fill all 15 seats.


So Sase, Tarron and all of them overseas have to rest themselves.


No place for them under the AFC flag in the next Parlaiment.


So TK the opportunitst jump ship and strike a deal with the PNC since they got a shortage of KRULLIE so he get wan seat off of the sweat of the AFRO GUYANESE and he happy.


That for me is political prostitution since he cannot win a seat with his own message, he had to kick out someone like Vanessa Kissoon who wuking like a DAAG for her people.


Now he will sell Granja snake OIL.


But that is politics for yu.


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