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Money is not the issue.

Removing the self-aggrandizing elitist anti-working-class corrupt PPP is the issue.

And there are thousands of good and decent Guyanese who will contribute their "widow's mite" to that noble cause to remove the PPP.

I repeat: Many big-moneyed political parties suffered stunning defeats in various countries. The PPP's turn is next in beautiful Guyana.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Money is not the issue.

Removing the self-aggrandizing elitist anti-working-class corrupt PPP is the issue.

And there are thousands of good and decent Guyanese who will contribute their "widow's mite" to that noble cause to remove the PPP.

I repeat: Many big-moneyed political parties suffered stunning defeats in various countries. The PPP's turn is next in beautiful Guyana.



I respect your support for the AFC. You are too emotional regarding the AFC.




The AFC is broke. Campaigns are about deep pockets and the PPP pockets will be overflowing with donations.


AFC donators fled as a result of what was posted about a lack of accountability.


Case in point, Million dollars Curass and Baigan.


PPP will crush the AFC, The support base of the AFC has been reduced to ashes and now the AFC is resorting to race based politics by Selecting an Indo over an Afro Leader Nigel.


You see, when you have a glass house, you should not be throwing around bricks. The AFC house is smashed and their tire is flat.


Moses is like Stale Bread and Katty is untrustworthy. Wait until the AFC defectors start talking and you will end up with egg on your face.


Prepare for the AFC political funeral where they will join ROAR in the political grave yard.


God wants the PPP to win and as a result the PPP will win. God does not trust Judas and Moses is a Judas.

Last edited by Former Member

According to Ralph, a critic of the PPP, the AFC has proven to the Guyanese people that they are a party of hoodwinkers. The PPP is not perfect. They have done great things for the nation including lowering the level of corruption in our society but not low enough. The Ramotar administration recognizes this and is working hard to continue to drive blows at those who are involved in corrupt schemes. The recent investigation of the GRA scam not only involves the owner of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Glen Lall.  At least one person involved in this racket is from the PPP. The investigation will reveal that businessmen and professionals are always  with their money out there trying to get individuals to collude and defeat the system which result in depriving the coffers of the state of revenues.


Keep up the good work Mr. Ramotar. The Nation is watching you. You report card will help you in the next election. Keep Simple. Keep it Clean. Beware of the AFC and APNU Hoodwinkers.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

According to Ralph, a critic of the PPP, the AFC has proven to the Guyanese people that they are a party of hoodwinkers. The PPP is not perfect. They have done great things for the nation including lowering the level of corruption in our society but not low enough. The Ramotar administration recognizes this and is working hard to continue to drive blows at those who are involved in corrupt schemes. The recent investigation of the GRA scam not only involves the owner of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Glen Lall.  At least one person involved in this racket is from the PPP. The investigation will reveal that businessmen and professionals are always  with their money out there trying to get individuals to collude and defeat the system which result in depriving the coffers of the state of revenues.


Keep up the good work Mr. Ramotar. The Nation is watching you. You report card will help you in the next election. Keep Simple. Keep it Clean. Beware of the AFC and APNU Hoodwinkers.


BRB, you are on a Roll. Keep hacking away at the AFC.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Every time they get upset and begin post obscenities they are only isolating themselves from decent people. I just laugh at them. A bunch of good for nothing counterfeit Indos masquerading as model citizens of the Guyana. 




This is why it is important to stay focused and expose the rotten and corrupt AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Every time they get upset and begin post obscenities they are only isolating themselves from decent people. I just laugh at them. A bunch of good for nothing counterfeit Indos masquerading as model citizens of the Guyana. 




This is why it is important to stay focused and expose the rotten and corrupt AFC.



AFC leaders have gone bananas!  They are doing things to upset the nation including their own supporters. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Every time they get upset and begin post obscenities they are only isolating themselves from decent people. I just laugh at them. A bunch of good for nothing counterfeit Indos masquerading as model citizens of the Guyana. 




This is why it is important to stay focused and expose the rotten and corrupt AFC.



AFC leaders have gone bananas!  They are doing things to upset the nation including their own supporters. 

Have you adopted a Kitten like I suggested?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Every time they get upset and begin post obscenities they are only isolating themselves from decent people. I just laugh at them. A bunch of good for nothing counterfeit Indos masquerading as model citizens of the Guyana. 




This is why it is important to stay focused and expose the rotten and corrupt AFC.



AFC leaders have gone bananas!  They are doing things to upset the nation including their own supporters. 


Desperate people do desperate things.


AFC is no longer a force to be reckoned with but the PPP must use this election to crush them like dust and send these rotten and useless people into extinction.


AFC has proven that they are an arm of the PNC. 



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Every time they get upset and begin post obscenities they are only isolating themselves from decent people. I just laugh at them. A bunch of good for nothing counterfeit Indos masquerading as model citizens of the Guyana. 




This is why it is important to stay focused and expose the rotten and corrupt AFC.



AFC leaders have gone bananas!  They are doing things to upset the nation including their own supporters. 


Desperate people do desperate things.


AFC is no longer a force to be reckoned with but the PPP must use this election to crush them like dust and send these rotten and useless people into extinction.


AFC has proven that they are an arm of the PNC. 



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I have a suggestion for the AFC. I think it would be best for the party to change its symbol from a key to a Dhal Gutni since they like to go-teh things.

What things dem go-the? I have no say in the AFC. I am just a disenchanted PPP supporter now supporting the AFC. One seat, one man can make  a difference.


MKG said:

Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today.
I know you are a good person who is capable to set out from the bush and look at the trees. Corruption is rampant. Start with the police. Bribery is expected. People do it to avoid a ticket or just to avoid unnecessary or unlawful detention. We need transparency and accountability.
I can tell from your responses that you are out of touch with the realities of life in Guyana.

 The investigation will reveal that businessmen and professionals are always  with their money out there trying to get individuals to collude and defeat the system which result in depriving the coffers of the state of revenues.


The rich gets richer at the expense of the poor. The rich people are robbing the rest of the Guyanese. Rings a bell? Scams?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


 There is no jobs in Guyana.

Nonsense. Some people are too damn lazy, they don't want to work. They prefer to beat up people and take "dem" money. The politicians from all parties are not excluded from the stealing either. 

Bai Dadda,

Tell some of these people. Not sure when last some of these people visited Guyana and saw the progress there. They read garbage and spew out garbage.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

 The investigation will reveal that businessmen and professionals are always  with their money out there trying to get individuals to collude and defeat the system which result in depriving the coffers of the state of revenues.


The rich gets richer at the expense of the poor. The rich people are robbing the rest of the Guyanese. Rings a bell? Scams?

Every nation passes through the "robber baron" days.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

 The investigation will reveal that businessmen and professionals are always  with their money out there trying to get individuals to collude and defeat the system which result in depriving the coffers of the state of revenues.


The rich gets richer at the expense of the poor. The rich people are robbing the rest of the Guyanese. Rings a bell? Scams?

Every nation passes through the "robber baron" days.

Base, the PPP-style "robber baron" days have lengthened to 21+ years.

In late 1992, shortly after the PPP got into government, I wrote an article on a single-stage rice mill for the FARMWORLD magazine that was edited by Mahadeo Panchu.

To conduct my research, I consulted with the late Fazal Ally, RPA General Secretary. He suggested I meet with a Windsor Forest rice miller named Gocool. Fazal volunteered info to the effect that Gocool was a "good party comrade."

I travelled to Windsor Forest and met Gocool. He was cordial but declined an interview. Why? Here's his excuse:

"Comrade, if I tell yuh bout me rice mill wuk de income tax people go jump pon me back."

So, simplifying: the PPP was the government, the government wanted tax revenues to do its work, Gocool was a good PPP comrade, but Gocool didn't want to pay his taxes to his own government.

Base, this is only one case, 21 years ago. Can you imagine how many tax-evading PPP-fawning Gocools there have been the last two decades?

And you say the "robber baron days" ent done yet? No wonder Anil and Ashni and Bobby holding on tight to the PPP.


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