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AFC will not seek cuts from the ordinary workers – Ramjattan


-    Super salaries being exclusively targeted  
Government Ministers and their parliamentarians along with scores of contract workers took to the streets in uproar after the Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, in parliament recently outlined some $3B (US$15M) to be placed on the chopping block when he made his presentation in Budget Debates.

Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan


The protest was held at various sections of the streets around Public Buildings. Most of the protestors were however in the vicinity of Brickdam and Avenue of the Republic.
“It is not the objective of the AFC or Ramjattan or anyone of the parliamentarians to do something that we feel will oppress workers more. And the propaganda machinery that is NCN, Chronicle and GINA, heavily scandalizing what we are doing,” Ramjattan emphatically said yesterday at a press conference held at the Sidewalk CafÉ.
Ramjattan had recommended that cuts be made for allocations to the Ministries of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Housing and Water, and Culture, Youth and Sport. However, according to Ramjattan, 24 hours notice had to be given to the government for the proposed cuts in the budget, and government used the occasion to twist the AFC’s intentions, he said.
He explained that one of the major cuts pertained to contract employees that earn super salaries. Adding that he communicated with the Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh the need for information on the top 25 contractual workers in the government Ministries, Ramjattan said “that the information I had wanted for purposes of being more clinical in the scissors exercise…We didn’t cut the entire budget for contract employees. We made certain cuts to those that we are being informed by insider information in these Ministries as to who are getting top jobs, and who are getting special salaries and allowances.”
He further said that the AFC will not seek cuts from the ordinary workers but the favorites of the Government who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“All we are asking is that the relevant Ministers of the various Ministries, is who are the top earners, and once they give proper explanations we can then make the cut or if the explanations are perfectly in order we are going to approve,” Ramjattan explained.
Adding that politics is being played with a financial matter, Ramjattan said the AFC wants to see old age pension go up to $10,000, and social assistance to $7,500. He said the two items when calculated will be $750M.
“We want to see the rate of VAT reduced immediately by two percent in 2012 and another two percent in 2013. The cost for the reduction of VAT by two percent will be $4.2 billion and this can be less costly if Government can enforce tax collection,” Ramjattan noted.
“We want to see the rate of personal income tax reduced from 33.3 per cent to 30 per cent in 2012, and a further 3.3 per cent next year bringing it down to 25 per cent in 2014. We want the suspension of the decision to increase electricity tariff since this cost the government $2.9 billion.
“We also want the establishment of a procurement commission not later than May 31 of which will cost $100M annually which will save billions in overpayments to contractors.”
Underscoring that the AFC total cuts came up to $3.8 billion, Ramjattan noted that other than the cuts this sum can be found in static accounts in the various bank accounts. He pointed too to the GT&T shares which were recently sold for US$30M and will be placed into NICIL’s account. This money he said is government’s property and would help with the cuts but government refuses to accept.
He said that the accounts should be placed in the Consolidated Funds along with the lottery monies, NICIL, Wildlife, Forestry, GNCB debt collection unit along with other monies which can facilitate necessary cuts in the budget, “we are cutting the fat from contract employees.”
Adding that the Government is constantly bailing out GPL with billions of dollars, Ramjattan said the Chief Executive Officer receives US$12,000 along with $500,000 in allowances a month for a company that creates 40 per cent losses and constant power outages.
Government Protest
Cabinet Ministers who collectively protested the move by AFC had their supporters and contract employees waving placards that read; “Heartless AFC leave workers alone,”  “AFC no humanity,” “Vote for jobs not unemployment,” “save our jobs.”
Public Service Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford noted that there are more than 6,000 contract workers who earn between $38,000 and $400,000. “These people over the years have been contending that contracted workers are getting multi-million dollars. It’s not so.
“Contracted workers are public servants who opted to be contracted workers. If this is what they are doing now imagine if they get into government.”
Minister of Housing Irfaan Alli said that 1,000 prospective  house lot earners will be facing the squeeze if the AFC gets its way to slash $1B from the Ministry of Housing and Water. “They want to take away jobs and erode the economy.”
Minister of Transport Robeson Benn said the AFC’s action will prevent young people, who are contract employees from working, and as such the proposals seek to stymie development and prosperity.

Some of the contract workers who turned out to protest outside Parliament yesterday.


“We see provocateurs dressed in green in the midst of this demonstration trying to provoke an incident, and we want to return to peaceful, normal productive work…Those who want to stop progress and development will fall on their own swords.”
Attorney General Anil Nandlall said that the opposition is trying to cut the budget especially as it relates to the contract workers, and as such if this is done dozens of employees will be sent home.
Minister of Education Priya Manickchand said that the AFC’s position is immoral and the AFC in a wild move is really threatening the country and moving it toward an ungovernable position.
Minister of Health Bheri Ramsarran said that the AFC has bitter people who are unaware of the works of government and who are trying to make cuts that are anti-worker.
“The argument is that they are contract workers. The benefits are that the persons will be getting a gratuity and those employed in the regular service will be waiting on a ‘nest egg.’ They are using this thing as if it is not normal.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dem PPP bais ah some good lil slimeball.  Dem know di AFC nah taaalk bout lil contrata but dem PPP stooges wah PPP call contracta so dem cyan pay dem 10X di amount pon di civil service pay scale. Dem PPP slick, dem mek di lil civil servant goa protest foa proteck cupple PPP fatt-cyatts.


The AFC takes a political punch in the nose on this matter. It proves that that the AFC will now feel political heat. Welcome to the world of politics. If they cannot stand the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen.


The PPP has scored a major political knock out that has left RUMjattan with his pants down. In they eyes of public opinion, the AFC will now be seen with political mistrust and anti working class.


It is interesting to see RUMjattan trying to take off some of the heat directed at the AFC, but this is going to cost the AFC. This man is now a political liability for the AFC. Time for Gerhard to set up to the plate.


Sort of mixed message from the AFC. Are they brain dead ?


This is a big deal. I agree that the reality of the intention of the AFC might be different, but they will be seriously hurt by this. AFC is now falling on it's own sword.


Spin this whatever way you want, but this is political disaster for AFC.



Let us call a spade a spade.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC takes a political punch in the nose on this matter. It proves that that the AFC will now feel political heat. Welcome to the world of politics. If they cannot stand the heat, they should stay out of the kitchen.


The PPP has scored a major political knock out that has left RUMjattan with his pants down. In they eyes of public opinion, the AFC will now be seen with political mistrust and anti working class.


It is interesting to see RUMjattan trying to take off some of the heat directed at the AFC, but this is going to cost the AFC. This man is now a political liability for the AFC. Time for Gerhard to set up to the plate.


Sort of mixed message from the AFC. Are they brain dead ?


This is a big deal. I agree that the reality of the intention of the AFC might be different, but they will be seriously hurt by this. AFC is now falling on it's own sword.


Spin this whatever way you want, but this is political disaster for AFC.



Let us call a spade a spade.


What should the opposition do? Should they sit by twiddle their thumbs and watch the PPP continue their criminal enterprise of enriching themselves at the states expense? Since when asking for fiduciary responsibility and clarity in spending the nations money a travesty?


The AFC must take it s role seriously and seek to look under every rock for the PPP toads. Leeching from the nation's treasury should not be a default condition for these confirmed crooks.


If you take the morale high ground here than the entire PNC opposition should all go to jail for theft, corruption and their finance critic gave us a donkey cart econony.


Get real here.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

If you take the morale high ground here than the entire PNC opposition should all go to jail for theft, corruption and their finance critic gave us a donkey cart econony.


Get real here.

What the hell does that have to do with our present pillagers trying to out do Blackbeard in their looting of the treasury?


They had the authority to call the previous administration to account before the law and they did nothing.


Lets not obfuscate by introducing extraneous issues. This is about the current budget being stuffed with pork, the hiding of states assets and the pretense that they are working class when their looting has left our pensioners with barely $50 a month to survive on.




Your real colours are beginning to shine here. You support the PNC thieves and thugs.


Burnham was the biggest dictator who controlled the media and judiciary under his rule. This is a known fact. Who are you trying to fool ?


We had no television and newspapers were not given enough paper to print. Those who spoke out openly were jailed. Ask their now dogpile member Roopnarine who fled to Surinam to avoid jail.


Elections were rigged. Foreign observers were beaten up not allowed to enter Guyana during elections.


Have you forgetten ?


As for the economy, their current finance critic gave us a donkey cart, yes donkey cart economy.


We need to objective and realistic and right now the AFC is in a dogplie with RUMjattan at the helm. They tried to punch out the other party before the referee entered the ring and that is their biggest mistake.


Wrong fight has put them in a dogplie. I do not deny the role of the AFC in bringing honesty but thy lack political maturity and need to go back to the drawing board.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Your real colours are beginning to shine here. You support the PNC thieves and thugs.


Burnham was the biggest dictator who controlled the media and judiciary under his rule. This is a known fact. Who are you trying to fool ?


We had no television and newspapers were not given enough paper to print. Those who spoke out openly were jailed. Ask their now dogpile member Roopnarine who fled to Surinam to avoid jail.


Elections were rigged. Foreign observers were beaten up not allowed to enter Guyana during elections.


Have you forgetten ?


As for the economy, their current finance critic gave us a donkey cart, yes donkey cart economy.


We need to objective and realistic and right now the AFC is in a dogplie with RUMjattan at the helm. They tried to punch out the other party before the referee entered the ring and that is their biggest mistake.


Wrong fight has put them in a dogplie. I do not deny the role of the AFC in bringing honesty but thy lack political maturity and need to go back to the drawing board.

 Quit using an already well worn and rather boring if not grotesquely stupid  ruse of trying to demean me  by association with the PNC. It wont work because it is a lie.


Who the hell cared what burnham did this late in the game? It is 10 years down the road, many people lost their lives or livelihood struggling for a better day and that was supposed to come with the PPP at the helm. They are benefactors of a mass struggle of Guyanese for their freedom. Now they have become the new tyrants.


20 years have come and gone and we are still in the contending with an autocracy, secrecy with our national finances, brazen knavery on all level. Thankfully a daniel has come to judgement.


They will be asked to account and account they will. The management of our state as a criminal enterprise for their enrichment is at an end. You would not understand or grasp integrity, maturity, prudent judgement in political matters if it were an 18-wheeler and flattened you to the bitumen.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Your real colours are beginning to shine here. You support the PNC thieves and thugs.


Burnham was the biggest dictator who controlled the media and judiciary under his rule. This is a known fact. Who are you trying to fool ?


We had no television and newspapers were not given enough paper to print. Those who spoke out openly were jailed. Ask their now dogpile member Roopnarine who fled to Surinam to avoid jail.


Elections were rigged. Foreign observers were beaten up not allowed to enter Guyana during elections.


Have you forgetten ?


As for the economy, their current finance critic gave us a donkey cart, yes donkey cart economy.


We need to objective and realistic and right now the AFC is in a dogplie with RUMjattan at the helm. They tried to punch out the other party before the referee entered the ring and that is their biggest mistake.


Wrong fight has put them in a dogplie. I do not deny the role of the AFC in bringing honesty but thy lack political maturity and need to go back to the drawing board.

 Quit using an already well worn and rather boring if not grotesquely stupid  ruse of trying to demean me  by association with the PNC. It wont work because it is a lie.


Who the hell cared what burnham did this late in the game? It is 10 years down the road, many people lost their lives or livelihood struggling for a better day and that was supposed to come with the PPP at the helm. They are benefactors of a mass struggle of Guyanese for their freedom. Now they have become the new tyrants.


20 years have come and gone and we are still in the contending with an autocracy, secrecy with our national finances, brazen knavery on all level. Thankfully a daniel has come to judgement.


They will be asked to account and account they will. The management of our state as a criminal enterprise for their enrichment is at an end. You would not understand or grasp integrity, maturity, prudent judgement in political matters if it were an 18-wheeler and flattened you to the bitumen.

Spin it whatever way you want, you true colours are beginning to shine as you defend a dictatorship PNC.


I recently visited Guyana after 16 years and was impressed with the development compared to the PNC dictatorship and your buddy, Mr. Donkey Cart economist Carl Greenidge.


I can write a long list of suffering during the donkey cart days of the PNC, so please do not get me going here !


Guyana now has shown dramatic economic development compared to the donkey cart PNC days.


Guess who is the finance critic of the PNC opposition ? Donkey cart economist, Mr. Carl Greenidge, yes Carl Greenidge. Who wants to return to the days of donkey cart ecomomics ? Only you perhaps.

 Get real, have your eyes examined.


Is there room or improvement ? Yes. But for now, the oppostion is in disarray with hot head RUMjattan in charge of the AFC and Mr. Donkety cart economist Carl Greenidge, finance critic of your beloved PNC.


What a total disgrace for the PNC to recycle this donkey.



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