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April 18, 2014


The Alliance For Change (AFC) justifies its action in Parliament in indicating non-approval of certain expenditures, and re-emphasises that it would not sell or surrender its mandate to protect the public purse.
The minority PPP/C administration cut its own 2014 Budget by $37.4 billion after the combined Opposition signaled non-approval of allocations for several vexed projects, including a hydro scheme, specialty hospital, new international airport, a questionable scheme for Amerindian communities and subsidies for state-run news outlets.
The Alliance For Change (AFC), with seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, proposed reconsideration of the controversial allocations in tri-partite talks with government and the opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
These were scuttled after the first round was hosted by Speaker Raphael Trotman but not before the combined opposition signaled to Government support for a further $6 billion subsidy for the sugar industry in the interest of the welfare of the depressed workers.
After the “Yes” vote on the sugar bailout, Government shamelessly refused to engage the Opposition in further talks but hired protests outside Parliament Buildings, initially by a handful of sugar workers who were promised two days’ pay and later, by Amerindians some 100 of whom were flown in from interior locations.
The AFC is calmly re-assured that the minority government has seen the full measure of the combined Opposition, that it would no longer be allowed to get away with arbitrary spending of the people’s monies, and lack of accountability therefor.
On Wednesday the PPP/C government was blocked from grabbing over $16 billion  for the aborted $200 billion Amaila Hydro Project. AFC repeated that any further funding would be conditional to the release by government of a technical “due diligence” evaluation of the project.
The hydro project was touted as a Low Carbon Development project for which Guyana has already put in equity to fund a road, but there has been no inflow from the so-called “Norway LCDS Fund” for the hydro project.
Though the AFC had and continues to, demand the due diligence disclosure, it nevertheless gave government partial support to raise the debt ceiling to allow the Government  to cover loans as payment for purchase of power from the hydro scheme, upon its completion. But investors were not impressed and wanted all three parliamentary parties to under-write the project.
The investors  have since walked from the hydro project which took a huge credibility hit when photos revealed that the falls that would channel water for hydro generation had dried up.
The AFC feels that the PPP/C government is to be wholly and solely blamed for irresponsibility and recklessness in not de-linking the controversial projects from other worthwhile allocations such as rehabilitation of interior airstrips, student loans, presidential guards, land titling, basic needs projects, etc., which the AFC support, and would approve when the government returns them to the National Assembly for supplementary vote, as it has done on previous occasions.
The PPP/C has exploited the welfare of our people for petty propaganda purposes and cheap electioneering stunts. The AFC will not be intimidated by these antics, and even by the veiled bluff that the PPP/C would call fresh elections.
Before the “Chang Ruling”, the AFC could have proposed, where it suspected abuse of funds, a lower amount for a specific line item in a financial programme that contained several projects. But no such proposal to reduce an item could be made this year, and it was open to the Government to reduce or withdraw the allocation, as it could with the Amaila $16 billion, and proceed with others projects which were not opposed. But it bluntly refused to budge and gleefully set the projects up for chopping, as these could fuel the PPP’s vulgar and hostile propaganda blurps against the combined opposition.

In spite of the on-going propaganda blitz and mis-use of taxpayers’ money by the PPP/C to fund mobilization, the AFC will continue to safeguard the welfare of the Guyanese people, and AFC trusts in the better judgment of our people.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The minority PPP/C administration cut its own 2014 Budget by $37.4 billion after the combined Opposition signaled non-approval of allocations for several vexed projects, including a hydro scheme, specialty hospital, new international airport, a questionable scheme for Amerindian communities and subsidies for state-run news outlets.




The people will be the judge of the actions of the AFC. 


The AFC has been in a tailspin recently and lacks a cohesive leadership. 


Guyana needs a third party but I am not sure that the AFC fits that role. It may appear that the PNC is setting the agenda for the AFC.


The AFC needs to be more transparent and effective when handling allegations of internal fraud and corruption. Audited financial statements by an independent firm needs to be implemented, after all, donations of people's hard earned money must be properly accounted for.


Accountability and Transparency is the Key.


The PPP has many faults, but the AFC is no angel.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
The AFC needs to be more transparent and effective when handling allegations of internal fraud and corruption. Audited financial statements by an independent firm needs to be implemented, after all, donations of people's hard earned money must be properly accounted for.


Accountability and Transparency is the Key . . .

from a PPP batty licker in our time . . . THIS takes goadie-size balls!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



How about mis-use of taxpayers’ money by the PPP/C to fund mobilization of the cane cutters and the Amerindians?


Mits this is just a claim. There is no proof that the PPP used taxpayers monies to fund the mobilization. Please provide proof, Invoices etc.


I agree that the PPP needs to reform and be more transparent but the AFC made a political blunder and it will cost them.


Politics is a dirty game.


That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

among other things, this is why Ralph Ramkarran is being dishonest

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



How about mis-use of taxpayers’ money by the PPP/C to fund mobilization of the cane cutters and the Amerindians?


Mits this is just a claim. There is no proof that the PPP used taxpayers monies to fund the mobilization. Please provide proof, Invoices etc.


I agree that the PPP needs to reform and be more transparent but the AFC made a political blunder and it will cost them.


Politics is a dirty game.

Why does the PPP/C need two treasuries to spend the taxpayers monies? Do you think the Amerinindians spend money which they don't have to fly in to protest? Do you think the unemployed canecutters would spend money which they don't have to travel and come to protest. The Amerinidians are saying that they were given $1000.00 each and the canecutters are saying they were given 2 days pay plus a piece of fried chicken and water for their appearance.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

HEHEHE So the FOOLS know fully well that they are WASTING time and money???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

HEHEHE So the FOOLS know fully well that they are WASTING time and money???

imbecile, that is the PPP's burnhamite choice


u find that something to celebrate?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

HEHEHE So the FOOLS know fully well that they are WASTING time and money???

imbecile, that is the PPP's burnhamite choice


u find that something to celebrate?

No but I find it to be very stupid of all the Opposition!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

HEHEHE So the FOOLS know fully well that they are WASTING time and money???

imbecile, that is the PPP's burnhamite choice


u find that something to celebrate?

No but I find it to be very stupid of all the Opposition!!

really? what do you recommend?


read the 1st sentence of my previous post again (slowly) before you answer

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

HEHEHE So the FOOLS know fully well that they are WASTING time and money???

like every government one day these ppp ministers will have to answer for these money that is when you will see camp st jail fulling up.time is longer than twine

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The people will be the judge of the actions of the AFC. 


The AFC has been in a tailspin recently and lacks a cohesive leadership. 


Guyana needs a third party but I am not sure that the AFC fits that role. It may appear that the PNC is setting the agenda for the AFC.


The AFC needs to be more transparent and effective when handling allegations of internal fraud and corruption. Audited financial statements by an independent firm needs to be implemented, after all, donations of people's hard earned money must be properly accounted for.


Accountability and Transparency is the Key.


The PPP has many faults, but the AFC is no angel.

the people already judge the AFC why you think they is in parlament,fighting the people fight  


The PPP/C has exploited the welfare of our people for petty propaganda purposes and cheap electioneering stunts. The AFC will not be intimidated by these antics, and even by the veiled bluff that the PPP/C would call fresh elections.
Before the “Chang Ruling”, the AFC could have proposed, where it suspected abuse of funds, a lower amount for a specific line item in a financial programme that contained several projects. But no such proposal to reduce an item could be made this year, and it was open to the Government to reduce or withdraw the allocation, as it could with the Amaila $16 billion, and proceed with others projects which were not opposed. But it bluntly refused to budge and gleefully set the projects up for chopping, as these could fuel the PPP’s vulgar and hostile propaganda blurps against the combined opposition.


At the last election, the AFC present itself as a party independent of both the PNC and PPP/C.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC showed its true colour by being firmly joined behind with and is abiding with the directions of the PNC.


The AFC's intentions as an independent party has totally vanished and it is no different than the PNC.


However, it appears that Nigel Hughes and Cathy Hughes has made it quite clear that the AFC's MPs must never do anything to hinder the Amaila hydroelectric project.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

The issues are quite simple, based on the recent decision of the Chief Justice (Ag.) ...


1. The opposition parties can agree with the budget; or,

2. The opposition can vote against the entire budget; but,

3. The opposition cannot selectively delete or alter the budget.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

At the last election, the AFC present itself as a party independent of both the PNC and PPP/C.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC showed its true colour by being firmly joined behind with and is abiding with the directions of the PNC.


The AFC's intentions as an independent party has totally vanished and it is no different than the PNC.


However, it appears that Nigel Hughes and Cathy Hughes has made it quite clear that the AFC's MPs must never do anything to hinder the Amaila hydroelectric project.

the dry up river do that for them

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

The issues are quite simple, based on the recent decision of the Chief Justice (Ag.) ...


1. The opposition parties can agree with the budget; or,

2. The opposition can vote against the entire budget; but,

3. The opposition cannot selectively delete or alter the budget.

so how come the minister accepted the budget,the ppp fear a snap election

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

The issues are quite simple, based on the recent decision of the Chief Justice (Ag.) ...


1. The opposition parties can agree with the budget; or,

2. The opposition can vote against the entire budget; but,

3. The opposition cannot selectively delete or alter the budget.

so how come the minister accepted the budget,the ppp fear a snap election

Understand the rules carefully ...


Only the Minister of Finance has the authority to make any changes to the budget ... not the opposition members or parties.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

The AFC is going no where, they are like empty barrels, they make the loudest sound. They seek to take all the praise, what about the APNU party aren't they in parliament?

AFC power!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

The issues are quite simple, based on the recent decision of the Chief Justice (Ag.) ...


1. The opposition parties can agree with the budget; or,

2. The opposition can vote against the entire budget; but,

3. The opposition cannot selectively delete or alter the budget.

so how come the minister accepted the budget,the ppp fear a snap election

Understand the rules carefully ...


Only the Minister of Finance has the authority to make any changes to the budget ... not the opposition members or parties.

you understand the rule very carefully the opposition can shut down anything in the budget ops they already did that

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

At the last election, the AFC present itself as a party independent of both the PNC and PPP/C.


However, immediately after the elections, the AFC showed its true colour by being firmly joined behind with and is abiding with the directions of the PNC.


The AFC's intentions as an independent party has totally vanished and it is no different than the PNC.



Strategic alliance, D_G.

It's a tried-and-tested measure since the times of tribal societies.

Certain situations necessitate the combined actions of two or more normally disparate forces to achieve a common objective.

It's not inconceivable that one day you and Mitwah might team up in a strategic alliance to cuss down Gilbakka.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

among other things, this is why Ralph Ramkarran is being dishonest

You ought to be ashame to say that to Ramkaram. All Ramkarran's writings are mutual and based on his belief as former speaker of the National Assemble. Most pro AFC/APNU posters bring Ramkarran's articles on GNI when is it convenient to them. Why Ramkarran is being dishonest now?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

among other things, this is why Ralph Ramkarran is being dishonest

You ought to be ashame to say that to Ramkaram. All Ramkarran's writings are mutual and based on his belief as former speaker of the National Assemble. Most pro AFC/APNU posters bring Ramkarran's articles on GNI when is it convenient to them. Why Ramkarran is being dishonest now?

Bhai, Yuh talkin to the King of Snakeoil.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

The issues are quite simple, based on the recent decision of the Chief Justice (Ag.) ...


1. The opposition parties can agree with the budget; or,

2. The opposition can vote against the entire budget; but,

3. The opposition cannot selectively delete or alter the budget.

so how come the minister accepted the budget,the ppp fear a snap election

Understand the rules carefully ...


Only the Minister of Finance has the authority to make any changes to the budget ... not the opposition members or parties.




Some of them boys head are so hard that they find it difficult to comprehend the court ruling.


No insult to warrior but he needs to think before he writes.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

That $37.4 billion cut by the parliamentary opposition is a cut only on paper, for the record, and for propaganda uses.

In reality, the PPP will go ahead and spend the $37.4 billion according to budgetary plan. The PPP did so last year as was revealed recently in the NCN-GINA spending.

Where will the PPP find the $37.4 billion? As the AFC itself pointed out, the PPP has a parallel moneybag besides the official Consolidated Fund.

Guyana's budget politics is now a big shell trick.

among other things, this is why Ralph Ramkarran is being dishonest

You ought to be ashame to say that to Ramkaram. All Ramkarran's writings are mutual and based on his belief as former speaker of the National Assemble. Most pro AFC/APNU posters bring Ramkarran's articles on GNI when is it convenient to them. Why Ramkarran is being dishonest now?

 Why should anyone be ashamed to speak the truth?  He is not responsible for Ralph' inconstancy of speaking truth to power on one day and grovelling prevarication on another. Truth or dishonesty follows his inconstancy in thinking.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

April 18, 2014


The Alliance For Change (AFC) justifies its action in Parliament in indicating non-approval of certain expenditures, and re-emphasises that it would not sell or surrender its mandate to protect the public purse.
The minority PPP/C administration cut its own 2014 Budget by $37.4 billion after the combined Opposition signaled non-approval of allocations for several vexed projects, including a hydro scheme, specialty hospital, new international airport, a questionable scheme for Amerindian communities and subsidies for state-run news outlets.
The Alliance For Change (AFC), with seven of the 65 seats in the National Assembly, proposed reconsideration of the controversial allocations in tri-partite talks with government and the opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
These were scuttled after the first round was hosted by Speaker Raphael Trotman but not before the combined opposition signaled to Government support for a further $6 billion subsidy for the sugar industry in the interest of the welfare of the depressed workers.
After the “Yes” vote on the sugar bailout, Government shamelessly refused to engage the Opposition in further talks but hired protests outside Parliament Buildings, initially by a handful of sugar workers who were promised two days’ pay and later, by Amerindians some 100 of whom were flown in from interior locations.
The AFC is calmly re-assured that the minority government has seen the full measure of the combined Opposition, that it would no longer be allowed to get away with arbitrary spending of the people’s monies, and lack of accountability therefor.
On Wednesday the PPP/C government was blocked from grabbing over $16 billion  for the aborted $200 billion Amaila Hydro Project. AFC repeated that any further funding would be conditional to the release by government of a technical “due diligence” evaluation of the project.
The hydro project was touted as a Low Carbon Development project for which Guyana has already put in equity to fund a road, but there has been no inflow from the so-called “Norway LCDS Fund” for the hydro project.
Though the AFC had and continues to, demand the due diligence disclosure, it nevertheless gave government partial support to raise the debt ceiling to allow the Government  to cover loans as payment for purchase of power from the hydro scheme, upon its completion. But investors were not impressed and wanted all three parliamentary parties to under-write the project.
The investors  have since walked from the hydro project which took a huge credibility hit when photos revealed that the falls that would channel water for hydro generation had dried up.
The AFC feels that the PPP/C government is to be wholly and solely blamed for irresponsibility and recklessness in not de-linking the controversial projects from other worthwhile allocations such as rehabilitation of interior airstrips, student loans, presidential guards, land titling, basic needs projects, etc., which the AFC support, and would approve when the government returns them to the National Assembly for supplementary vote, as it has done on previous occasions.
The PPP/C has exploited the welfare of our people for petty propaganda purposes and cheap electioneering stunts. The AFC will not be intimidated by these antics, and even by the veiled bluff that the PPP/C would call fresh elections.
Before the “Chang Ruling”, the AFC could have proposed, where it suspected abuse of funds, a lower amount for a specific line item in a financial programme that contained several projects. But no such proposal to reduce an item could be made this year, and it was open to the Government to reduce or withdraw the allocation, as it could with the Amaila $16 billion, and proceed with others projects which were not opposed. But it bluntly refused to budge and gleefully set the projects up for chopping, as these could fuel the PPP’s vulgar and hostile propaganda blurps against the combined opposition.

In spite of the on-going propaganda blitz and mis-use of taxpayers’ money by the PPP/C to fund mobilization, the AFC will continue to safeguard the welfare of the Guyanese people, and AFC trusts in the better judgment of our people.

Well said Mits


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