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Former Member

The death is announced of PROGRESS IN GUYANA age 20 years (1992-2012).
He was chopped to death on Wednesday April 25 by APNUAFC.

He was the son of successive PPP/C governments since 1992, Brother of national development, Father of the poor, Uncle of international recognition, Grandson of prudent management and stringent fiscal policies, relative of improved infrastructure, house lots, increased wages, better health care, improved water supply, women and children rights, employment, foreign investments, economic growth, democracy, better living standards, improved investment climate and improved quality of life.
Funeral service for PROGRESS IN GUYANA will take place on Thursday April 26.

The body will be at the parliament buildings from 13:00 hours, for a funeral service inside the chambers where Ramjattan and Granger will read the final rights, thence to the APNUAFC headquarters.
Burial will take place at Congress Place.

The APNU/AFC’s argument that the poor will benefit from a reduction of VAT is a blatant misrepresentation to the people of this country. VAT is non- discriminating it is applied to hair cuts as well as scissors; it is a tax on consumption that falls most heavily on those with the highest cost.

There is no way in which we can establish what are the correct rates, but the aim of encouraging optimum use of the national resources must be remembered and if it can be shown that a change in the tax system would lead to an increase in national income without reducing Government Revenue then it is, prima facie, a desirable change.

Furthermore as with many taxes a reduction in the rate is called for if only to eliminate the effects of inflation which results in the real burden of taxation growing as inflation proceeds, and which also brings into the tax net previously exempted.

The wage earners receiving $49, 500 per month benefits from Government expenditure on police, defense, subvention to agriculture, heath care, OLPF, communication, and subvention to GPL etc, even if he/ she pays no taxes.

Will money be better used to increase family allowances or to give greater subsidies to farmers, reducing the price of food and the need for family allowances? Is a reduction in taxation preferable to an increase in old age pensions or increased income tax threshold?
The Government is faced by these and hundreds of similar choices and must be answered with the certain knowledge that whatever the Government does it will be wrong, in the eyes of atleast half the population.

The AFC and APNU are clearly out of their league and are out of touch on issues pertaining to the economy and have miscalculated the ramification it would it incur on the unsuspecting thousands of working class families and corporations in which they so falsely claim to represent, should this irrationality and political posturing were allowed to prevail.

It is absolutely pellucid the opposition parties intent on killing this year budget in an attempt to appeal to their base voters to gain petty political points by demonizing government policies and initiatives.

What they fail to acknowledge is that by doing this it would result in the political suicide of these two flaccid non entities (APNU/ AFC) since it is the government of the day that is responsible for propelling our economy out of fiscal despair, and providing a rather predictable economic policy which is more pragmatic since it possess the rudiments that offers macroeconomic stability.

It therefore boggles the mind to conceive why the AFC/APNU who claims to represent the working class would propose the retrenching of hundreds of public servants that are employed at these ministries, are they acting in the best interest of these people or themselves.

If the AFC/APNU’s agenda is to target the government then AFC/APNU’s agenda is to hurt the people of Guyana. I believe that they are being too unrealistic and are on a course to deceive the people. Since reducing government spending would mean fewer money being pumped into the economy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Did it die when Repu son was made a car dealer or given wifi rights with loans up his ass facilitated by the government? Did it die with give aways to buddy or with Geeta Knight sitting on the Berbice River Bridge board or GUYSUCO's when she mismanaged CLICO? Did it fail with Fip or the double payment on two stellings or the renting of Poert plant the fees to which per year is almost equivalent to the cost of purchasing new ones? And then there are these useless functionaries making as much as 15K a month! If nepotism and corruption did not kill it then it can live with a trimming of the fat.


Trimming of the fat? People will lose jobs. Stormborn lives somewhere abroad enjoying the fat while people here will suffer. The government wants to Guyanese to have a decent future and we should all support them.   

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPPigs are squealing!!! LHM!!!

I agree. Lil heat catch them and they squealing like likkle piggies. And the bad thing is the fun now start. 5 mths of a 5 year jail term for them Propaganda Policy Party'ers. 

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPPigs are squealing!!! LHM!!!

I agree. Lil heat catch them and they squealing like likkle piggies. And the bad thing is the fun now start. 5 mths of a 5 year jail term for them Propaganda Policy Party'ers. 

Alyuh bettah wach alyuh nah lose carn and husk.  Nah taalk too fatt too qik before yuh end up wid wite mout.  Alyuh muss knoo wenn fuh lose di bone or alyuh gon lose everyting in early eleckshun.  Abie coolies donk ah wach alyuh nah mekk PNC tek powah.  Soa mi seh, alyuh waan lil progress, stap talk useless sh1t.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPPigs are squealing!!! LHM!!!

I agree. Lil heat catch them and they squealing like likkle piggies. And the bad thing is the fun now start. 5 mths of a 5 year jail term for them Propaganda Policy Party'ers. 

Alyuh bettah wach alyuh nah lose carn and husk.  Nah taalk too fatt too qik before yuh end up wid wite mout.  Alyuh muss knoo wenn fuh lose di bone or alyuh gon lose everyting in early eleckshun.  Abie coolies donk ah wach alyuh nah mekk PNC tek powah.  Soa mi seh, alyuh waan lil progress, stap talk useless sh1t.

Please do not pretend to speak for "coolies" generically referring to  Indians. You speak to a parochial, pedestrian and pernicious racist aspect of that population not ever to be factored as a political goal. Fortunately for us, the Past elections has shown the nasty character in the Indian you represent has degraded a lot by sensible defections.


The banality of  the racist desire to  capture  the state as a racial hegemony over. The necessity  to see power in terms of its ability to move social actors to communitarian ends is beginning to be the case. This  does not mean assimilation of cultural genocide. I means creating communal spaces where we can all meet as equals and be happy in their skin.


I for one do not give a damn if you are racist in your private thoughts and machinations. Public expression of racism must be sanctioned. 


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The PPPigs are squealing!!! LHM!!!

I agree. Lil heat catch them and they squealing like likkle piggies. And the bad thing is the fun now start. 5 mths of a 5 year jail term for them Propaganda Policy Party'ers. 

Alyuh bettah wach alyuh nah lose carn and husk.  Nah taalk too fatt too qik before yuh end up wid wite mout.  Alyuh muss knoo wenn fuh lose di bone or alyuh gon lose everyting in early eleckshun.  Abie coolies donk ah wach alyuh nah mekk PNC tek powah.  Soa mi seh, alyuh waan lil progress, stap talk useless sh1t.

Please do not pretend to speak for "coolies" generically referring to  Indians. You speak to a parochial, pedestrian and pernicious racist aspect of that population not ever to be factored as a political goal. Fortunately for us, the Past elections has shown the nasty character in the Indian you represent has degraded a lot by sensible defections.


The banality of  the racist desire to  capture  the state as a racial hegemony over. The necessity  to see power in terms of its ability to move social actors to communitarian ends is beginning to be the case. This  does not mean assimilation of cultural genocide. I means creating communal spaces where we can all meet as equals and be happy in their skin.


I for one do not give a damn if you are racist in your private thoughts and machinations. Public expression of racism must be sanctioned. 


Mi know, abie coolies racists datts why dem PNC bais bin chantin' dem goa feed abie to daggs lass elekshun.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Trimming of the fat? People will lose jobs. Stormborn lives somewhere abroad enjoying the fat while people here will suffer. The government wants to Guyanese to have a decent future and we should all support them.   

the guyanese hero whose name you choose to ill use here, must be turning in his grave.


Furthermore, it would be highly reprehensible to cut the budget on the backs of these hard working and honest citizen, we donot reduce the deficit (of which it was inherited from APNU/PNC) by increasing unemployment. Okay so this year its 21Billion next year its gonna 42Billion such vindictive strategy is not based on applied economics but rather economic phantasm aimed at shutting Government down by slowing the growth of the economy with intent of dragging us back to the dark ages of political turmoil and economic collapse. Yes i agree that better oversight is needed to curb the leakage of monies in isolated cases but with such drastic cuts we wont be able to stimulate growth in our economy, we wont have no money. Hell no 1980 cannot be compare to 2012 since it was through the prudent macroeconomic policy execution by the previous regime that we are in a way better place than we were under the APNU in 1980, oops i meant PNC, lets be objective and not allow our emotions to hijack our intelligence because you, me and the entire country knows that it is because of PPP government that we even have a budget to debate,( its just a matter of conscience and the ability to be objective) in and out of parliament of which Burnham Bohemians have been most unconventional in abusing parliamentary committees (in with holding of deputy speakership from PPP, even though this was not the case when PPP held absolute control of parliament) It is lucidly pathological the APNU/AFC descent in to political obscurity, that if allowed to prevail will result in the DEATH OF OUR DEAR LAND...

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ashnisinghOne day before Guyanese workers celebrate Labour Day Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh has said that some government employees will have to be let go as a result of the $20.9B cut in the national budget which has affected salaries for some entities.

He made the comment Monday at a news conference on the opposition’s adjustment of the $192.8B budget the government proposed a month ago.

“I can say with certainty that the funds that were intended to finance these people’s salaries are no longer available. I can say with certainty that some jobs will go,” the minister said when pressed about reports of impending job cuts.

Dr. Singh did not specify which entities will be downsized or how soon. Both the $130.4M subsidy and $15M capital works allocation for the Government Information Agency (GINA) were cut while the National Communications Network (NCN) will be without an $81M subsidy and $65M in capital expenditure. The latter, however, is a registered and pulled in some $508M in revenues last year.

Subsidies for the State Planning Secretariat ($105M), Ethnic Relations Commission ($99.4) and the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit ($20M) were also cut out of the budget.

“I can tell you that we are in the process right now literally as you and I speak, several agencies and offices of government are considering the next step, what is to be done now.

You have some instances where budgets have ben cut to zero, we need o consider how that is dealt with, we have some instances where budgets were cut by a certain amount, we need to reconsider how those entities will continue operating with the loss of this fund source,” Dr. Singh said.

The minister added that they are considering the matter from all angles including the industrial relations one.

On the specific case of GINA the minister said they still need to disseminate government information and are committed to doing so and will be looking to find a way of fulfilling that in the absence of a budget allocation.

An allocation for contract employees under the Office of the President was also slashed by more than half from $297M to $147M.

The opposition parties in justifying cuts to the agencies to the two state media entities have pointed to what they say is the bias in favour of the government and have called for the agencies to be reformed. The APNU and AFC have also pointed to the government’s sloth in complying with the Auditor General’s recommendations that CANU be placed under the Home Affairs Ministry instead of Finance and that State Planning be merged with the latter ministry instead of being a separate entity.

The government has argued that both processes are underway.


Most of these cuts are reasonable except for Canu. The laptop bribery scheme for votes was ill thought out. Those laptops should have been given out to schools and other learning centers instead of to individuals.  The NCN and Gina jobs were justified as govt owned media is contrary to democratic values. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Most of these cuts are reasonable except for Canu. The laptop bribery scheme for votes was ill thought out. Those laptops should have been given out to schools and other learning centers instead of to individuals.  The NCN and Gina jobs were justified as govt owned media is contrary to democratic values. 

True deh bai.  Poor nah geh no laptap anyway, dem nah knoo how fuh full out di forms.  Mi went an pik up mi free laptap wid mi SUV and mi waan gi am to mi maid but BJ seh e' gon jail mi.


Dem gafa keep di ICT and adda projeks going but prablim, diss is BJ slush fund so fuh geh lil accountability some good projeks geh nak.  Di PPP mekkin' tings tuff, dem mek it soa if yuh attak dem corruption, dem put innocent wukkas in front fut tek di lashes.  PPP wutliss no ass.


Trimming of what fat? People will suffer when they lose jobs. And all you all living abroad who love to come here and spout you big words don't give a damn about your brothers and sisters back home. 

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Trimming of what fat? People will suffer when they lose jobs. And all you all living abroad who love to come here and spout you big words don't give a damn about your brothers and sisters back home. 

  • They suffer when there is a deficit of democracy because one party decides they are benefactors of immaculate conception.
  • They suffer when poor management and corruption loses a third of its productive capacity. They suffer when back room deals with foreign nationals ( furniture factory owner from India) and foreign multinationals are given deals with no accounting as to the nature or structuring of these deals.
  • They suffer when sons and daughters of PPP ministers with little experience of qualification are placed in charged or given the helm of entire companies.
  • They suffer from lies that we have a vibrant economy when it has little native productive capacity for locally produced goods and rely on hand outs to balance the budgets.
  • It suffers when a fictive scheme like LCDS is supposed to be the backbone of any future economy.
  • It suffers when propaganda and lies ie Amerindians losing titling money ( mandated but grudgingly utilized by the PPP land squatters) because of LCDS. 20 years in office and these thieves has not finished doing what is their duty to native peoples while they all have  become rich and stolen with the nations money while  in office. What the hell are any of these larcenous pigs good at except stealing from the people? None showed a talent for industry prior to being in office.
  • Amerindians have to opt in into the con job! They suffer when GINA and NCN are co opted to propagandist duty and our young people are harnessed by party bosses and trolls like Kwame and Misir  to carry water for the PPP.
  • They suffer when idiots like you can suck up the bilge and mindlessly and impute malicious motives to other because you are bloody lazy to seek after the truth.
Last edited by Former Member

the governemnt will not run out of money,they will sell some houses in prodaville 1 ND 2 then we have ali house plus lot of secert bank account to draw funds from its about time some of them thiefing money come out


Storborn spouting bilge that we dont care for. All those big words of his dont mean crap when people punishing. And its caused by the opposition. Burnham used to use big words and screwed up the nation. Forget Stormborn he aint any thing much.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Storborn spouting bilge that we dont care for. All those big words of his dont mean crap when people punishing. And its caused by the opposition. Burnham used to use big words and screwed up the nation. Forget Stormborn he aint any thing much.

It is clearly not the words that prohibits comprehension but a more debilitating affliction. tolerance for cronyism and corruption by like  kind.


Burnham is not here. New predators assail the nations assets. Clearly  you suffer the awee pon top syndrome so are blind to it.


Well, I represent that new breed of sentinels on the wall. That kind of cronyism is not passing us by as easy as before. Not on our watch.


It is quote reasonable to accept that all  you hear are grunts. Most sentences to a   brain with onset dementia would be incomprehensible  whole  and so are reduced to grunts as  your brain haphazardly truncates random words. My sympathies.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With all of your grunting, it is no wonder that you continue to post nothing of essence on the forum. should be the last one talking about posting essence...all you do is cut and paste

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is quote reasonable to accept that all  you hear are grunts. Most sentences to a   brain with onset dementia would be incomprehensible  whole  and so are reduced to grunts as  your brain haphazardly truncates random words. My sympathies.

Whattack taranted!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nuff nuff abie believe diss man, bu da man gatt it tuff wid all dem Jagdeo tief bais surround he an Jagdeo deh pull strings from behind.  Diss man wan good man.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It is quote reasonable to accept that all you hear are grunts.


Most sentences to a brain with onset dementia would be incomprehensible  whole and so are reduced to grunts as your brain haphazardly truncates random words.


My sympathies.

Your case of dementia is known for a very long time.


Enjoy yourself, though, on the forum.


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