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AFC/APNU have turned Parliament into a laughing stockPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Tuesday, 22 January 2013 19:55

A Guyanese acquaintance living here in St Lucia recently spoke to me about the situation at home and this is what he said: "The PNC must stop this (expletive) they going on with and let the country move on.  They need to emancipate themselves from mental slavery." Those were his exact words; a terse rebuke for the opposition.   I had to correct him by saying that it was not only the PNC (now APNU), but the AFC as well. They have teamed up as a combined group to make the ruling PPP/C's life a living hell. They have turned Parliament into a laughing stock. I was shocked by his remarks because my friend is a staunch supporter of the PNC and to hear him blurt out his rebuke the way he did was a shocking revelation of the frustration and disgust that has enveloped even supporters of their own party.
This is precisely my point. People have become disgusted with this newest form of one-seat bullyism that it is boiling over into the streets. The populace is fed up with the opposition's ranting. However, I shall return to that fact later.
The foolish reality of the whole scenario is that the opposition does not like Minister Rohee. As such, there is this campaign to silence him. But for this stupefying fact, and nothing else, is their unwarranted assault on him.  
This all started with the Linden investigation which placed them on shame bench. The inquiry has made out that shameless alliance of Nigel Hughes and company to be liars, and a seditious bunch. They could not handle that horrendous fact especially on an international scale, hence their belligerent attack on the minister.
The opposition is exhausting every illegal way to beat the system into their own mould. They want things to be run their way. Well, it may seem that things are going their way, for now, and they are getting the revenge they so longed for. But have they stopped to think that the people out there are becoming overburdened and fed up with the foolishness?
Did they stop to think that people are fed up with their overkill? Even persons, who once walked with them, like my PNC friend here  in St Lucia. I urge them to stop and think. Things are not looking good for them and I mean this in an electoral sense. Were an election to be called today or this year, for that matter, I do not see them having that opportunity to squander, ever again.
According to my friend here, that's not what the people of Guyana voted for. They did not vote an opposition of strength to make Parliament a pappy show. What kind of foolishness is going on in Guyana? One might be tempted to call President Ramotar an idiot for not calling a snap election. But I would not dare to be so "clever."
The President is no idiot. I would rather call him a subtle and intelligent operator. He is giving the opposition a long noose with which to hang themselves in the public domain. Mark you, the people who elected these power-hungry fools to office have realised that their votes were made into a mockery. The people are paying keen attention to the goings on in parliament and are taking notes with strictest accuracy. They have asked themselves the question whether this is what they actually wanted in the first place. I'm afraid not.  
So the President is giving them more than enough time to play themselves out in the arena of foolishness. He is allowing the anger of the voting population to rise against the combined opposition so that when the opportune time presents itself, he will strike. He will strike with maximum effect. The President is waiting for the ideal ambience to prevail to call an election. That would be doomsday for the masqueraders.

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found this on another string and it was quoted from Moses Nagamootoo.


It is clear the PPP has reduced the Parliament to a laughing stock.




We recall that the person who just walked out in anticipation of what i am about to say (AG Nandalal), had claimed some Philian relationship to something called proportionality and had taken the Parliament to court in relation to how Committee should be formed on the basis that there was something called proportionality that has given the Government a right to a majority on the Committee.


Well the Court give short shrift on that flawed legal application and the Court wisely did NOT interfere with the sovereign right of this Parliament to decide how its Committees ought to be constituted with its own Parliamentary rules.

These rules however are not immutable and can change to reflect the will of the people  - Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

found this on another string and it was quoted from Moses Nagamootoo.


It is clear the PPP has reduced the Parliament to a laughing stock.




We recall that the person who just walked out in anticipation of what i am about to say (AG Nandalal), had claimed some Philian relationship to something called proportionality and had taken the Parliament to court in relation to how Committee should be formed on the basis that there was something called proportionality that has given the Government a right to a majority on the Committee.


Well the Court give short shrift on that flawed legal application and the Court wisely did NOT interfere with the sovereign right of this Parliament to decide how its Committees ought to be constituted with its own Parliamentary rules.

These rules however are not immutable and can change to reflect the will of the people  - Nagamootoo.

Who is the kunga pung - the PPP and who is the jackass - OH Nandalala.


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