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Another successful funraising campaign robin hood style, stealing from the wicked PPP collaboraters to fund the just cause of the afc/pnc:


Worker killed, businessman injured in $8M morning robberyPDFPrintE-mail
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Monday, 08 July 2013 20:48

THE police are on the hunt for the occupants of a motorcar who carried out a daring robbery yesterday morning at the corners of Cowan and Water Street in the city, when they shot two men who were on their way to make a bank deposit of approximately $8M. The robbery resulted in the shooting to death of Victor Da Silva of Covent Garden, and the severe injury of businessman, 71-year old Albert Gajadhar, of Foulis, a petrol dealer who operates on the East Coast of Demerara. The Chronicle was told that the businessman would usually use that route to make his way to the bank whenever he travels to the city to transact business. One man who works close to the family said that the man chooses to use that route to avoid traffic lights, given the amount of cash he usually has on his person or in his vehicle. The victims were travelling in the Kingston area in their Honda Sport Utility Vehicle when they were cornered by the gunmen. Yesterday morning’s drama started just about 08.10 hrs when it was reported that the car in which the gunmen were in blocked the path of the businessman’s vehicle. The men then exited their car and started firing at the businessman’s vehicle. They grabbed the money from the car and fled. The businessman returned fire as the men escaped and then made his way further up Water Street in the vicinity of Republic Bank, then to the Georgetown Public Hospital. This publication was told that the businessman was shot in his forehead, while his employee, who is now deceased, was shot in the chest.

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